Call for Expressions of Interest to join the Board of Directors of the Paralympic Foundation of Canada The Paralympic Foundation of Canada is recruiting volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors. The initial commitment is four years beginning upon election at a Special Meeting of the Members in July 2015. The Paralympic Foundation of Canada is dedicated to raising funds to support community level, next generation and high performance initiatives of the Canadian Paralympic Committee in its quest to be the world’s leading Paralympic nation. Through collaborative efforts with its sport partners, the Canadian Paralympic Committee leads the development of a sustainable Paralympic sport system in Canada to facilitate opportunities for people living with a disability to be physically active through sport, and for some, spark the dream of competing for Canada at the Paralympic Games. Its members include the 25 National Sports Organizations who provide opportunities for people with a disability to participate in sport. The Board of Directors will be comprised of a team of leaders with combined experience in fundraising, finance, sports, public relations, law, corporate governance, strategic planning, and senior management in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Applicants will be assessed by a Nomination Committee according to the qualifications outlined in the position description and taking into account the need for regional representation and board diversity. The deadline for the receipt of applications, which comprises a letter of interest and current CV, is Friday, July 10, 2015 at 5:00PM EDT. Please submit applications to [email protected]. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dean Brokop at [email protected]. 1|P a g e Paralympic Foundation of Canada Board of Directors Roles & Responsibilities As a member of the Board of Directors, the Director is responsible for the Paralympic Foundation of Canada’s consistent achievement of its mission and strategic objectives. Core responsibilities include: fundraising, strategic planning and governance. The Director demonstrates strong leadership skills, resourcefulness, creativity and commitment. S/he seeks out solutions to new challenges, and identifies and capitalizes on new opportunities. The Board works closely with its Member, committees and various community groups and individuals to raise funds to support the community, next generation and high performance activities of the Canadian Paralympic Committee. As a Director you will be responsible for the Paralympic Foundation of Canada’s consistent achievement of its mission and organizational objectives, including: Playing a direct leadership role in fundraising Strategic planning Financial Management and oversight Preparing for meetings by reading all materials and circulating concerns in advance Dissenting at times that you do not agree with a decision Sharing your expertise and experiences Qualifications Directors must possess the following qualities: Ability to devote sufficient time and energy to the performance of duties as a Director (2-4 hours per month) Willingness to fundraise via o Personal ability to give, and/or o Ability to influence others to give Willingness to assume the responsibilities associated with being a director Demonstrated integrity, high ethical standards and respect of privacy and confidentiality Ability to recognize and assess business risks and strategic opportunities Ability to distinguish between Board and Management roles 2|P a g e Paralympic Foundation of Canada Ability to think, act and speak independently and with conviction and confidence Strong oral and written communication skills Ability to conceptualize and think strategically Good problem-solving and interpersonal skills Ability to participate in group decision-making In addition to the general eligibility qualifications and requirements set out above, collectively the board should provide a range of expertise in the areas of: Sport community / Paralympic movement Governance Strategic planning Financial/accounting Fundraising Relationship building Communication/Marketing Corporate Operations Foundation/Non-Profit/Charitable sector Political acumen/Government relations Knowledge A Director shall be knowledgeable about the following: The activities of Paralympic Foundation of Canada and the Canadian Paralympic Committee The duties and expectations of a Director The Board’s governance role, structure and processes The Board’s by-laws and governance policies How legal and accounting advice is provided to the Board 3|P a g e Paralympic Foundation of Canada Eligibility Criteria and Conditions of Appointment Directors must be at least 18 years old Directors must not be Declared Incapable Those who have the status of bankrupt are ineligible to serve as directors “Ineligible individual” as defined by the Income Tax Act may not serve as a director Directors are expected to commit the time required to perform board and committee duties Directors must fulfill the requirements and responsibilities of their position, for example, preparing for and attending board and committee meetings, upholding their fiduciary obligations and working cooperatively and respectfully with other board members Directors must comply with legislation governing the corporation, the corporation’s by laws and policies, and all other applicable rules 4|P a g e Paralympic Foundation of Canada
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