Parish Link May 2015 Issue No. 327 Voice of the villages for 32 years Serving the communities of Kensworth, Studham and Whipsnade Page 3 Revd. Nicola Lenthall The Vicarage Clayhall Road Kensworth Tel: (01582) 872223 Dear friends and parishioners, One of the strongest images imprinted on my mind is that of the first free democratic elections in South Africa in 1994. Watching the immense queues, the elderly and infirm being taken to vote in wheelbarrows, the crowds standing for hours in the heat, but more importantly the joy on the faces of those able to vote for the first time, is something I have never forgotten. It is said that we often take for granted things from which we have always benefitted, and don’t realise how precious things are until they are no longer there - people we love, our health, stability of life. With this in mind, I will be off to the Village Hall in Kensworth on 7th May to vote in the national and local elections. We may think that we have a flawed system, that we don’t like or trust various parties, that we have enough to do already, but as the world changes I am more aware than ever of the privilege of being able to vote (especially given that women in this country made great sacrifices to enable me to do so). As I vote, I will reflect on what builds up community, on the people of these villages whom I am called to love and to serve, and on God’s love for all his people. For those who think that faith should be kept firmly out of politics, the difficulty is that faith encompasses the whole of life, so it does have a habit of entering the voting booth with me! Whatever your decision, whatever the decision of the country, I pray that you will know that the love of God is unceasing and constant, and that whatever happens, God holds us gently in the hollow of his hand; as the blessing says… May the road rise up to meet you May the wind be ever at your back May the sun shine forth upon your face Rains fall soft upon your fields And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. With God’s love and his blessing, now and always, Nicola WHIPSNADE INCLUDING OLDHILL WOOD Page 7 ST MARY MAGDALENE Church extension: thank you to all the people who are helping the Church to raise the £30,000 shortfall reported last month. As a result of new grants and kind donations from friends, we are now well on the way, with about £20,000 still to be raised by the end of October. Look out for and please support further events! If you would like to make a donation, please contact Les Randall (872552). The Annual Church Meetings were held at The Old Hunters Lodge and the following people are now on the Parochial Church Council: Ex officio - Revd. Nicola Lenthall (Rector), Isobel Randall (Churchwarden) and John Ward (Deanery Synod Representative); Elected members - Sarah Ayres, Chris Hazell, Sylvia Kendick, Les Randall and Lorraine Wright. The Village Lunch is on Thursday 14th May in the Village Hall at 12.30pm. Come along to enjoy a good 2-course meal with tea or coffee for £6, raffle and book sale. The menu this month is roast beef, venison casserole, salmon en croute and a chicken dish. Offers of help or puddings please to Pam Ward (872406) or Isobel Randall (872552). There are tickets still available for the Friends of Whipsnade Church quiz on Friday 8th May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Teams of 8 with questions by Chrys and Andrea and a two-course supper. Ask if you would like to join a team - we have some part teams at present. Tickets £8 from Isobel Randall (872552). Martin and Tessa Rees are kindly hosting a Garden Party at Kensworth Gorse, Clayhall Road, for the church extension fund on Sunday 24th May at 2.30pm. Tickets £5, family ticket only £10; this includes cream teas, glass of Pimms or soft drinks, teas and coffees, music, raffle and activities for children. Tickets from Tessa Rees (873117) or Isobel Randall (872552). Whipsnade Summer Fete 4th July: starting at 1.30pm this year. Please start saving contributions to the various stalls, cakes, quality white elephant, old crockery for plate smashing, tombola, bottle stall, books, plants, children’s toys etc. Offers of help beforehand, or on the day are needed and will be very welcome. Don’t forget the Dog Exemption Show; we need entries on the day so bring your dogs and tell your friends. We are also looking for someone to run the Plant Stall, so please let us know if you are interested. Any enquiries or offers of help for the fete, please contact David Romans (07943 532342). Page 8 KENSWORTH NEWSROUND KENSWORTH CHURCH PRAYERS In May we shall say prayers for everyone who lives in The Ridgeway, Russell Close and Plewes Close. If you would like a particular prayer to be said, please contact Dorothy Blackburn (872670). KENSWORTH PARISH CHURCH The May Queen will be crowned after the service on Sunday 3rd May, with music, refreshments and fun things to do! Everybody is very welcome. On Sunday 10th May there is the annual Rogation Service, when all are welcome to Dove House Farm, by kind invitation of Mr and Mrs Wise, for an open-air service (under cover if wet), followed by delicious refreshments. ‘Rogation’ means ‘asking’ and was originally a Roman festival when they used to sacrifice a dog to ask the god of agriculture to protect the crops from wheat rust! The Christian tradition is rather more pleasant and optimistic, when the priest blesses the crops and animals, asking God for a good growing season. A big thank you to the 25 adults, 6 children & 5 dogs - and also several pieces of exotic machinery that turned up for the recent Churchyard cleaning party. A great job was done and fun had by all. The Choir has a small number of vacancies for singers and we also welcome instrumentalists (for accompanying). Please contact Julia Holder (873465) or Mike Palmer (524183) if you would like to take part. Ability to read music and sing is helpful, but absolutely not necessary! You just need to enjoy singing and/or playing. We’ll do the rest. Why not give us a try? It really is a lot of fun. Sunday School: May has two ‘fun’ events: our May Queen will be crowned on the 3rd (see above) and we celebrate Rogation Sunday at Dove House Farm on the 10th (also above). Then on 24th May our theme is Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. If you would like your child to join Sunday School, or if you want to be a helper, contact Katherine Huggins (607841). We welcome all children from 3+. There are senior and junior sections. Messy Church: all children and their carers are welcome to Kensworth Church Hall at 3.30pm on Friday 8th May for fun, crafts and songs on the theme of ‘Down through the roof!’, followed by a light meal for everyone. KENSWORTH METHODIST CHURCH For all services, see page 14. Please join us at our services and at the Coffee Morning, which will be held on Saturday 2nd May in the Methodist Church Hall, 10.30am -12 noon. AROUND ABOUT STUDHAM Page 9 ST MARY’S CHURCH Church prayers: in May we shall be praying particularly for all the people who live in Byslips Road and Kensworth Road. If you would like a special prayer to be said, please contact Churchwarden, Meg Bender (872967/[email protected]). Everyone is very welcome to Children’s Church on Sunday 17th May at 10.30am. Following the Gospel reading for the day from St John, the children and young people will be thinking about the importance of knowing Jesus personally, not as a figure of past history, but as the Living Lord. After the service there will be refreshments including a birthday cake to celebrate all the May birthdays. There will be a Church Working Party on Saturday 23rd May from 10am until 1pm. We need to get done some extra jobs in the churchyard and the church itself. Please support so that our beautiful church and churchyard look at their very best for the busy summer period which includes weddings, Open Church Sunday and a visit from the Bishop. Please bring your own tools and cleaning materials. FRIENDS OF STUDHAM CHURCH Don’t forget this year’s May Fair is 16th May with the Crowning of the May Queen, Maypole dancing, Elsa from Frozen and numerous stalls and attractions. Please see page 11 for more details and contact Des Salmon (872082) if you would like to donate a bottle for the tombola or the wine wheelbarrow. 100 Club. April’s lucky winners were Hans Mulder (£50) and Mary Coulson (£10). To join contact Emma (873089) or download a form from the website. The Friends of Studham Church are a friendly, non-religious group and all money raised goes to help the upkeep of the oldest building in the village. Find out more about the Friends on our website ( Finally, we do need a Chairman and also a Secretary. They are not unduly time consuming roles and give you a chance to make a difference to your village. Please contact John McDougal (873257) or Emma Mulder (873089) to find out more STUDHAM METHODIST CHURCH We are a small, welcoming church with a friendly congregation. Our services are family-friendly, always inclusive, and we are happy to welcome visitors to join us. For details of services see page 13. Page 10 WHIPSNADE EXTRA WHIPSNADE VILLAGE HALL The Annual General Meeting is on Tuesday 5th May at the hall at 7.30pm. The Trustees invite the residents of Whipsnade to come and see the work which has been done and hear of the ongoing work which is proposed to make our hall available for the whole community. Contact Chairman Eddie Menzel (872317). Another full programme of events is being organised by the Events Committee including Artie Shaw and Benny Goodman Tribute night on Saturday 21st May at 7.30pm. This jazz group are returning with a new programme. Tickets £8 each or 5 for £32 from Carolyn Booth (871092) or [email protected]. Also see the website WHIPSNADE PARISH COUNCIL Whipsnade is looking very spruce - two new oak noticeboards have just been installed - one in the bus shelter on The Green and the second at the entrance to Oldhill Wood. We can now avoid the problem of important information getting blown away in the wind! The X31 bus timetable being a case in point. Did you know you can use the bus service to travel directly from Whipsnade to both Luton and Hemel Hempstead railway stations? Services to Hemel at 9.30, 11.30 and 13.30 take 30 minutes (or see Parish Link website www. under “information” and “transport” for all local tranport). Our next meeting, which will also be the AGM and first meeting of the newly elected Council, will be at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 12th May in the Village Hall. All welcome. ++++++++ CARITAS HARMONY presents “Midsummer Melodies” at the Grove Theatre, on Sunday 21st June at 6pm. Tickets £15 (u16’s £7.50) from the Grove Box Office. THE THREE VILLAGES CHOIR had great fun with a com- munity singalong at the recent Abba “Mamma Mia” afternoon. Look out for more singalongs in the future. Page 12 MORE KENSWORTH KENSWORTH VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE The Committee were very pleased to receive a donation from the Parish Council of £400, to go towards repairing damage by vandals, as costs for maintenance are outstripping revenue. Ad hoc bookings for private parties are doing well and a new weekly Street Dancing Group commenced on 21st April. It is hoped that this will prove an exciting opportunity for the children/youth of the village to get involved. The main item for discussion was the Car Boot Sale on 10th May at 12 noon until 3 pm. An advertising board has been erected under the Village Hall sign to encourage more people to book pitches and turn up on the day. It was agreed that a maximum number of pitches would be 50. There will be an ice cream/do-nut van as well as bacon and sausage baps on sale in the Village Hall with tea, coffee and squash for children. ‘No Livestock for Sale’ signs will be erected on the day to ensure that people know that this is not allowed. Police will be made aware of the event. The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee is the AGM on Friday 8th May at 7.30 pm and all residents are invited to come along and enjoy a glass of wine and some nibbles. FRIENDS of ST MARY’S, KENSWORTH Advance notice: we are organising concerts at the Church on the following dates: Saturday 4th July - with members of the Royal Philharmonic Choir and London Symphony, commencing 7pm Saturday 26th September- return visit of Caritas Ladies Choir commencing 5.30pm. KENSWORTH CRICKET CLUB May fixtures: 3rd: Road Runners A Lg 1.30pm 17th: Brooklands H Fr 2pm 31st: Steppingley A Fr 2pm 10th: Chalgrave A Lg 1.30pm 24th: Studham A Fr 2pm Please call Duncan Wingfield (872743) or Jon Holt (872896) for more information. FLOWER GROUP There will be a meeting on Wednesday 27th May at 7.30pm in Kensworth Church Hall. Contact Shirley Hull (872351) for details. New members always very welcome. SMILE LINES ++++++++ How come it takes so little time for a child who is afraid of the dark, to become a teenager who wants to stay out all night? CHURCH NEWS Page 13 CHURCH HOLIDAY CLUB For 5 - 15 year olds in Kensworth School on Wednesday 22nd July, Thursday 23rd July and Friday 24th July, 10am until midday. For more information, please contact Revd. Nicola Lenthall (872223). METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES Kensworth Sunday Services are usually at 10.30am. 10th May: United Service at Dagnall (no service at Kensworth). 17th May: ‘Sankey’ Service led by Rev. Wallace Edwards. Refreshments will follow. 24th May: Holy Communion Service led by Rev. Neil Drayton. 31st May: Morning Circuit Celebration at three venues with activities for children and young people - see the church notice board for details. Studham Our Services are on: Sunday 10th 10.30am Methodist Church Sunday 24th 9.30am Methodist Church Stuart Watkin Rev. Gill Hulme Prayer & Praise United Service MESSY CHURCH Studham: don’t forget we will not be having our usual Messy Church on 11th May at the Methodist Church - instead please do come and join us at the May Fair on Saturday 16th May on Studham Common. EASTER CELEBRATIONS The photos show the children making Easter gardens and an Easter daffodil cross which was then taken to all three Churches over the Easter weekend. The front cover shows it in situ in Studham Church. Page 16 KENSWORTH EXTRA I KENSWORTH PARISH COUNCIL Police: following the two robberies that took place at the Kensworth Mini Market, PCSO Brian Hutton informed the Parish Council at the April meeting that suspects have been arrested and charged. PCSO Hutton also advised there has been an increase in vehicle offences, with new style Corsas and work vehicles targeted in particular. Police advise that these vehicles should be alarmed, and parked securely in a garage or close against walls to prevent access. Airport: Cllr. Blackburn reported the following airport complaint statistics from Oct, Nov & Dec 2014. Westerly Arrivals over Kensworth: October 86% 3410 day, 459 night, total 3869 November 55% 1876 day, 156 night, total 3700 December 85% 2977 day, 258 night, total 3255 Kensworth 15 complaints by 2 individuals Caddington 0 complaints WW1 Garden: the lockable/droppable post at the entrance to the site has been installed and clearing work will commence shortly. Housing: Chairman Pat Mitchell met with Richard Farrow, CBC Housing Manager, to discuss outstanding issues. It is hoped to take actions shortly, including repairs to the fence at the rear of The Chilterns by the allotments and the boundary fence in service road rear of Russell Close. The Annual Parish Meeting followed: Pat Mitchell reported that her goals for the year remain to help achieve a Neighbourhood Plan for the village and to reduce Anti-Social Behaviour, but with the added goal of providing a new playground for the children of the village. She thanked all Members for their support in the last year which has been a very busy year for the Council. Ward Councillor Richard Stay also made a report on behalf of Central Bedfordshire Council. The next meeting of the Parish Council is the Annual General Meeting and will be held on Thursday 14th May in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Residents are welcome. KENSWORTH TIDY-UP TEAM - see page 19. KENSWORTH LADIES’ CLUB: our next meeting will be on 11th May. There will be a short Walk followed by a Chinese takeaway. Please meet at the Church Hall, Clayhall Road, at 7pm. All ladies welcome - we do not have ‘members’! KENSWORTH EXTRA II Page 17 KENSWORTH COMMUNITY SCHEME: Can you help? Kensworth Community Scheme is a voluntary organisation that provides help to village residents. The main need is for transport to health appointments, collecting prescriptions etc. The scheme has been running since 2002 and since then we have met thousands of requests for assistance. A few months ago we were invited by Beds Rural Communities Charity to attend a celebration event. John and Barbara Maryan represented the scheme at that event and were presented with the pictured certificate. The scheme needs two elements to continue to be a success: volunteers and funding. Petrol and any parking costs are paid to the driver by the client, but there are other running costs of the scheme, such as public liability insurance and mobile phone costs. We are therefore very thankful to Beds & Luton Community Foundation and to Kensworth Parish Council for their recent funding awards to the scheme. So we have the funding - we are now looking for more volunteers. Would you be able to join us as a volunteer? Could you be a driver or a duty officer? A duty officer receives calls or messages from our clients on the mobile phone supplied and then arranges for an available volunteer to carry out the task. Or can you help in any other way? Please consider joining us even if your availability is limited. There is no obligation to accept a task and your help will be much appreciated. If you are interested in knowing more please ring 07919 081473 and we will arrange for someone to talk to you about what is involved. MARGO’S QUIZ for KENSWORTH FLOWER & VEGETABLE SHOW Margo’s Quiz is being held in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Saturday 13th June to raise funds for the Kensworth Flower & Vegetable Show. As usual, tickets cost £7.50 for a fun evening and to include supper but BYOD. Please book early to avoid disappointment - either tables of 8 or individual places. Enquiries to David Manton (872760). The Kensworth Flower & Vegetable Show will be held on Saturday 5th September – further information will appear in a later edition of this magazine. KENSWORTH OVER-SIXTIES CLUB Our AGM is on Tuesday 12th May at 2pm in the Methodist Hall, and on Tuesday 19th May there will be a Ploughman’s Lunch at Dagnall. Page 18 STUDHAM EXTRA STUDHAM C OF E VILLAGE SCHOOL The school is now looking resplendent with its new roof and doors and windows. We are now ready for everything the British Summer can throw at us! The children have been busy with our Easter service and Easter Concert. The Easter service was held at St Mary’s, Studham and featured a wonderful recreation of the Easter story by our older children as well as songs, poems and a tour of Easter traditions around the world. Our Easter Concert was very well attended, not only by parents but also by some of our Central Beds and Studham Parish councillors who always support us so well. The amount of talent on show was amazing and it was topped off by our 11-piece band “Studham Jazz”. The Summer term has a lot of exciting things to look forward to including the May Fair, Sports Day and the annual school trip. We will also be taking part in a football tournament, singing at the Methodist Church in Dunstable and our Jazz Band will be performing at the Grove Theatre. STUDHAM PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting: it was disappointing that so few turned out for our APM; only three members of the public attending. A more detailed report will follow next month. Election of Parish Councillors: there will be no election for the membership of the Parish Council this year; all current Councillors wish to continue to serve, and no new candidates put forward. Defibrillator Training: as some of you will be aware, a defibrillator has been installed on the outside wall of the Red Lion, as being the most central point in the village. Watch this space and our website for details of training dates, etc. Neighbourhood Plan: details of our Neighbourhood Plan are now also available on our website. Much progress has been made in the Plan to date, but a great deal still remains to be done. Any volunteers to help in the cause would be appreciated. Next meeting; Due to the Spring Bank Holiday and other considerations, our next meeting will be on Tuesday 12th May in the Village Hall, starting at 7pm Our June meeting will be held on Monday as usual; this will be on Monday 1st June in the Village Hall, also starting at 7pm. WHIST CLUB Every Tuesday evening at Studham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. people get together to play Whist. Would you like to join them? All level of players are most welcome. Contact Lynne Smith (873371) for more details. KENSWORTH EXTRA II Page 19 KENSWORTH TIDY-UP TEAM did a wonderful job on Saturday 28th March, cleaning road signs, picking up litter, cutting back branches and ivy on the side of the footpaths through the village. We should like to thank the following for helping out: Howard Clark Helen Bandey Adrian Lenthall Jeanette Findlay Emma Kerby Revd. Nicola Lenthall Thomas Kerby Sarah Todd Susanna Lenthall Rebecca Todd Isobel Todd John Warboys We should also like to thank Yogesh for providing us with chocolate bars and offering drinks; that was very kind and the children loved it! Thank you all for your good work: there was a pile of rubbish bags ready for collection by CBC on the following Monday. KENSWORTH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN STEERING GROUP are looking for a Graphic Designer with a local knowledge of Kensworth and its surrounding area, to assist with material for a Road Show, to be held in the autumn. If anyone is interested in helping the Steering Group, please contact: [email protected] or Pat Mitchell (871178) or John Worboys (871119). KENSWORTH C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL & PRE-SCHOOL After a recharge of our batteries and plenty of chocolate eggs, the Summer term is under way with new topics throughout the school. Everyone enjoyed taking part in the Easter activities before we broke up including egg rolling, bonnet making and egg decorating. The children all took part in a wonderful Easter assembly with help from Nicola Lenthall. So far this term we have held a senior tea party in the hall on Friday 17th and year 3 and 4 have started their swimming lessons at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre on Thursday mornings. We have much more to come, so watch this space for details. For more information, please contact Mrs A Kentish (Headteacher) (872336). Kensworth School Parent Teachers’ Association If you would like to get in touch with us, please e-mail us at [email protected]. THE TREASURER acknowledges with grateful thanks donations of £100 from Kensworth Parish Council, £10 from Dagnall Methodist Church and £10 from a reader. If you would like to make a donation to help keep the Parish Link free of charge, please contact Les Randall (872552 or [email protected]). Page 20 STUDHAM EXTRA II FRIENDS OF STUDHAM COMMON: the normal date for the workparty falls on the same day as the May Fair. Instead, we will have a session shortly beforehand to clear and tidy around West Common in preparation for the event. The date is to be confirmed, but we will circulate the membership, or you can contact Charles Baker (872718/[email protected]) or Pam Rumfitt (872608 pamrumfitt@ On Sunday June 21st, we warmly invite everyone to join us for a picnic and family fun day on the Common, with games and nature activities for all ages. 12 noon to 4pm. More details in the next Link. STUDHAM VILLAGE HALL Red Lion Quiz Nights: proceeds from the monthly Quiz Nights at the Red Lion from January to May are being donated to the Village Hall. Our great thanks to Chrys Smith, Andrea Maxted, and their families for running the quizzes, and to Garry Ellis at the Red Lion. Village Hall Annual Quiz Night: the Quiz Night is on Saturday 30th May. Tickets £10, fish and chip supper, BYOD. Contacts Des Salmon (872082) or Chrys Smith (872989). Rates: we have been getting 100% relief so this year there is nothing to pay. From 1st April 2016 we will receive only 95% relief. This will mean there will be £104.76 to pay. The reduction of relief is part of cost-cutting due to reduction in central government support. Please support your Village Hall. STUDHAM SCRABBLE CLUB: every Tuesday at 2pm in Studham Village Hall. New Members, all levels, will be made very welcome. More information from Jean Pigden (872294/[email protected]). BINGO: new members always welcome to come and join in the fun; 6 Bingo books, 5 Raffle tickets and Tea & Biscuits all for just a Fiver! Unbeatable entertainment. 6th & 20th May in Studham Village Hall at 8pm. W.I. ([email protected]/ Thursday 7th May; yes, it is Voting Day; but we are in the Hall and that is in the Committee Room! May is our Annual Resolution Meeting when we will be discussing the “Care” resolution to be put forward at the AGM at the Royal Albert Hall in June, and as that will not take all evening, we are going to have a Beetle Drive! All are asked to bring a wrapped prize of value £1 to make this even greater fun! Visitors £3.50. Catch up with us on our facebook page! Very 21st Century! QUIZZES: quiz Night in the Red Lion on 5th May, 8pm start. This is the last Lion Quiz until September. If you want a curry, phone Gary Ellis (872530). Come and make it a great night - what better way to raise money for the Village Hall! FUN AND GAMES Page 21 YOUNGSTERS’ CORNER Try this quiz! Answers at bottom of page. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. On a farm a kid is a baby what? Who created the children’s book character Tracy Beaker? How many colours are in a rainbow? Which river flows through London? What is the name of the bear in The Jungle Book? Which English king had six wives? What does Fred Flintstone wear around his neck? Which is the largest city in Wales? What is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl? Who is the patron saint of Ireland? STUDHAM TENNIS CLUB: Congratulations to Joe Thorne for winning the 2014-15 Winter League; Sarah Cornell finished as the leading lady. The President’s Cup will take place on Sunday 17th May with a BBQ afterwards - contact Andrew Jones for more details. Junior coaching is held at the club every Saturday 2-3pm (members, new faces and non-members welcome) followed by Adult ‘Rusty Rackets’ from 3-4pm (members, new faces and non-members welcome) and is £4 per session for members and £5 per session for non-members. For more information on coaching or joining the club please contact Andrew Jones ([email protected]/ 07833 111 682/ SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB: On Friday 15th May a special Bingo Evening is being held to provide funds for Kensworth Cricket Team to help provide transport for their ‘away’ matches. All are welcome to come and support this worthwhile cause. DUNSTABLE & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY On Tuesday 12th May at 7.45pm in the Methodist Church Hall, Dunstable - “The Home of James Bond” Mike Payne talks about Pinewood Studios, which as well as producing the Bond movies, also made Doctor in the House with Dirk Bogarde, a host of Carry On films with Sid James and many more. SOUTH BEDS LOCAL WILDLIFE TRUST GROUP Wednesday 10th May from 11am to 1pm, a Butterfly Walk at Totternhoe Quarry with Greg Herbert. Contact Sue Turner (07706 131942/[email protected]). Answers to quiz above: 1. Goat 2; Jacqueline Wilson; 3. 7; 4. The Thames; 5. Baloo; 6.Henry 8th; 7. A tie; 8. Cardiff; 9. Hedwig;10. St. Patrick
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