1- : H- l.l: ,. Fi fii'fiii,i iiil;r,.r .,,1 l"i i:i 'rt jl , ','t',1 l 1 FAX/SPEEDPOST top pRroRITy/ Bxai{tNl.tloN MAtreR i+f,l' rtl li 'ili j,; OF'FICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OFACCOUNTS (FyS) 110-4, S.K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA _ 700001 li:. i ,,,, ,) No.27oIAN-IV/SAS Part I /May/2015 To i) ii) iii) All CF Dated 17 /03/2015 &A (Fys) A O, OF Nalanda Project All sections in MO, including Railway Section & RTC (ER) subject: SAS Part-I Examination (New Syllabus) scheduled to be held in May,2015 Reference: IGDA's Most Impo(ant Circular no. AN/SAS/I6101/SAS -ttWaytZOtS/pROG dated 10/03/2015 (uploaded from website). ,F ,k ,k >f * * * {< * * * ,* * x x * * * * * * * *( * 'l' t lr * 'r + {. * * * * * * * * + * * ,( * :* ,( * ,t * * * ,k x + ,F ,F * * * * {. + ,F * 'l. ,1. ,1. ,t< 'tr Head Quarters office vide cifcular under reference has decided Examination as per the following final schedule / programme. DAY/DATE PAPER TUESDAY 100 AM Organization & Fundamentals of Autlil & Accounts (Theory - With Books) 100 Accountancy 150 - II 10.00 - III 10,00 Paper - IV 10.00 Paper 07.0s.2015 MARKS Paper 06.05.2015 THURSDAY SUBJECT Organization & Fundamentals of Audit & Accounts (Theory - Without Boolts) - 05.05.2015 WEDNESDAY TIME t0.00 AM To 1.00 PM Paper I to conduct the SAS pART-l To 1.00 PM AM To 1.00 PM FRIDAY 2' The case AM Seryice Regulations ( To 1.00 PM 08.05,2015 9f each intending Practical- With r00 Bool<s) candidate (including those who are on deputation) may please be recommended on the basis of the following criteria:- (A) NORNIAL CHANCES a) Those who_qualified-Prelim.inary Examination(Test) held in June 2014 and appeared in all papers in immediate SAS Part-l Examination, September 2014.lncase of scoring exempti'on marts in one or more papers (Paper-I or II or III or IV) they shall not be required to appear in such pape(s). b) Those candidates who qualified Preliminary Examination(Test) held in August 20lZ and failed in subsequent SAS Part-l Exam. held in April, 2013 , December 2013 and Septeiber 2014 provided the ' candidate has appeared in all Papers in SeS Part-l Examination April 2013 which was immediate SAS 'Part-l examination. In case of scoring exemption marks in one or more pup.r, 1ruf.r-I or ll or III or IV) they shall not be required to appear in such paper(s). c) Those candidates who were grahted permission of withdrawal from appearing in SAS part-l examination N"ovember 2007 2004/april 2013 I December 2013 and'deptem"ber20l4 provided .l.Aprii their number of chances is within the stipulated four chances. d) SAS Apprentlce who has not yet arlailed normal two chances. Candidates scoring exemption marks in one or more Papers (Paper-I or II or III or IV) in past SAS Examinations shall notle required to appear in such paper(s). E ffi $E fiii ir'r', ..).. (B) sP (a) Those caJ$iHates rlho qualified Preliminary- E-x-aminarion (Test) held dii :::ffj;.it;:1"1j:i: ;qi;, in i.i.,u., provided the'candidate had,appeai.ed ,iy:*11;n_up,l'zoor, in au papers in SAS purt-r immediak sAS Part-I Examination. In case or slo.airg sepr., 200g and f-ailed in 20r3 and September 2014 eru,,inu#ili; ff|;"ffiJr'l:] .*"-ption ,uit, ln or. or II or III or IV) they shall not be riequirea to app.a. in such paper(s). or more paper.s (paper-i .'t (b) Those carididates who passed Preliminary Examination(Test) in June 2oo7 andfailed in subsequent SAS Part-l Exanlinations held in Novernber iooi, dprrt 2obl, aprit iori, n....ber 2013 and September 2014. proVided the candidate had appeared in all papers ir'sai purt-l examination November 2007 which was immediate sAS Part-I examination. Furthlr candidates scoring exemption rnore Papers (paper-r or t', lr or III , ,. "; IVr;;;x"not u. required to appear in such papers(s). marks in one or (c) SAS.fqnientlqe who has appeared in SAS Part-l Examination, December 2013 and Septembe r 2014 examination was held within ten months ari" of his appointmenr and they did ll:']t9-tht.fipt not appear at that examination, Further candidates scoring"rtlrl ma.ks-in one or more papcrs (Paper-l or II or III or IV) shall not be required,o upp.u.in Note: (i) "*.-p,ion ,-u;';il.;A) The SAS Apprentice who have availed normal two chances and one special chance are not eligible for appearing in the examination, (ii) No application for withdrawar wourd be considered for candidates avairing special chance. 3' Names of intending candidates whether borne on your effective strength or proforma strength who prescribed criteriiand ur"...orr.nded by a concerned artt.,ority may please by sent (both li'Il' lnt hard copy as well as cD/floppy in MS Excel) in the enclosld proformat" v.l, office within the scheduled date as mentioned at para 8 below' Since no Preliminary Examination rreg["r been conducted during this rou.d of SAS Examination the candidates woulfl not be attempting first chance. 4' The following instructions may please be observed while completing the above proforma. a) Candidates shall have to,choose any one as optional Sub-section from (A) Army, (B) [!]-i"' ili%$Jf'"orv b) as pe, Rule ti(vi) Paper-tv'sub-'rr.^i.l subiect'to Air Force, ".."Jrre Requests for change of centre shall not be entertained afler notification of approved list ir..r. *r.,.,..;r;;;';;..o,ionar cir.cumslanccs,of a candidate desires to takg the examination at a centre other than the one near.est to the sandidate's duty point, an application by the candid.,..orrairirg,p.un. recommendations of the Controller shall be seni io Main oifice lbr onward transmisiion. Under no circumstances, candidates as menrioned in Rure 24. However, the candidate shall be permitted to sit in the approval of Flers. Offlce. (d) examinati";;r;;ff;'7her choice without prior Simf:XjflrLi',*:,".::11.,::j: A,uahabad, Bangarore, chennai, chandigarh, cochin, t'ilxlr'"il::'T:,TIoT:r:,'l:T,1l,y:r:i.r:*;?;-,i;;;;'ilT,ffi:H:ffi,ir.'J,ll;, t$IiJJ;.'r"#'"',iiJ,ll Hlfl?,1?"0,il*:,"-l:::i'" ,li,il"?- "::i',j:" ilq(q:-"I;{i;i' ;;*;;; g::: ,'il.'31"'iil',.illlo'iJll? i;-;;id;s ffil:T:3:i;,,li",ll,o'1.,',y.11:l:::.:3:o on ience. The candidates,to@ il*i1fl::]l,:",|fl:@,'il.o".'n.i,ji'';,,;#'";;TIji::j:i,J.,+,# ;;;,j,,arl'r';i,u':,i"il"J',;l'J;i'f',".';.,,1 iH:Xi:t;T ,llll?::'1,':"1,:^I-:"':P^lo::.y:;i of transrer or candidates arter notincal,", iXXf possible, "r ["rr N,i,#;r;i::: J"iil;lj i::'j?;: ?::: r;;tl :: 3 :: 5' The candidates shall be allowed option in all the papers to answer the questions either in English or in Hindi. AII the question papers will be piintea bilingualiy. The option is however, tbr the conrplete paper only and not part thereof. Therefore, a candidate can opt to answer all questions ofa lull paper or all papers either in Hindi or English, In other r]vords, optional use of Hindi oi English question-wise will not be perm.itted and such.answer books will not be evaluated. This aspect n',ay b. brought to the notice o1. the candidates. If a particular candidate has opted to dnswer only one or all the four papJr.s completely in Hindi, the fact may be shown in the proforma in the column provided for the purpose. A .NIL,ieport may also please be sent in case no candidate has opted for Hindi. In of guidelines no[ifi.d vide Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, 1. , .,. .p:t:uunce Disabifity Affairs, New Delhi OM No. 16-110/2003-DD.lil Deptt ot' dated 26.02.2013 details of the physicalJy handicapped category of.the candidates may be intimated. In case a physically handicapped candidate js desirous of f'acility of scrib,e/compensation time.etc., application duly iecommended by pCDA/CDA along with requisite medical certificate may be folwarded for ionsideration tf request by the Competent Authority. In this regard reference is also invited to I{Q'rs oftlce circular no. AN/SAS/I6100/pH/buidelines dated r 7. 2.08.20 r 3. In pursuance of the instructions contained in Govt. of India, Cabinet Secretariat, Dept. of personnel and Administrative Refornts OM No. F36021/10176-Estt. (SCT) dated 21.01.77 regarding relaxation of standards in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates in qualifying examination, it has been decided by CGDA to lower/relax the qualifying standards for SC/ST candidates appearing in this Examination upto a maximum extent of 5% in individual paper/aggregate. This may be'brought to the notice of all the SC/ST candidates. Names of candidates whouetong;; riserved community may please be furnished to this ofllce while sponsoring their names itself, u, pE, inrtru.tions contained in this offlce Circular no. 0611/AN/K/(orders) dated 12.9.77. The lit of SC/-Sr candidates may please be prepared independently after verifying the service-books of all the candidates and not on the basis of intbrmation furnished by the candidates concerned. It may also be certified as, "The list furnished to Hers ofllce has been prepared with ref-erence to the information recorded in the service-book of the candidates concerneci,,. Candidates may also be asked to declare whether they belong to the reserved or the unreserved communjtv and such declaration may be kept on record. A specimen ofthe declaration is enclosed. 7,1 Further, in terms of HQrs office circular no. AN/II 12151/pc-logg(N) dated 11.01.20i3 regarding verification of caste certificate of SC/ST & oBC candidates at the time oiinitiul appointment/promotion, it is requested that necessary undertaking as stipulated therein, in consonance with Dop&T oM No. 3601113.12005.-Estl(Res), dated 09.09.2005 may also be invariably obtained from SC/ST candidates besides aloresaid declaration and kept on record. 8. The. list the eligible candidates may be prepared Centre-Wise strictly according to the PROFORMA .of enclosed and clespatcherl by name to Smt. Vidhu Assarwal^ IDAS ACAr.Ewc\ rorac rd ui@ 201S..(Mqnday) nositivelv -(4AX.No. 03.3-2248099r). rir" riit r-nuy ur.o o, ncpafys(0redi1'flnail.conr. It has been observed that some oftlces are not adhering to tn" aut.T*.a f ,,,. submission.of the list of candidates, It is therefore enjoined upon that keeping in vieii of the time constraint all elrurLr 4rr efforts Jruuru, should, be uc IIlau€ made to aonere adhere ro to tnlS this oale date to enable Head Quarter Office to hold frofJifr. the examinati examination as euarter'Office schedule' The names of the candidates who are finally selected by He'rs office to appear appr tn 1., T:^tiT: tlt s49 PT-I Examination and the Roll Numbers assigned to them, will be intiriateo to rhe concerned Controllers, alter receing fi.om He,rs Olfice. g' Since SAS Part-l Exanrination in new syllabus is being held shortly, all prospective candidates should be advised that it is in their own interest to start preparation for the examinaiion without waiting ibr the intimation about acceptance of their.candidatule. Ii is likely that candidates are not making lull use ol training classes where these are held under the scheme contained in our No. ANi06lV,lNur, oateo 17/7158(as amended). Thc Controllers are requested to take steps to see that the candidates take adequate interest in the training classes and attend rhe same regularly. ::4:i 10. Absentism not only results in all roirnd increase in work, but also wasteful expenditure of making administrative arrangemgnts for holding the examination. As per SAS Rule 14(b), each permission to appear in SAS Part-l or Part II examination will could as one chance against the respective par1, whether a candidate actually sits tbr the examination or not unless he / she is specifically allowed to withdraw his/her name by the CGDA. In accordance with the ibid proviso read with SAS Rule 14(d) withdrawal of the candidate not submitted with in laid down time period would count as a chance. It may be clarified that as per decision of MoD(Fin), withdra*l of a candidate on medical ground after commencement of examination would also count as a chance. As such failure to appear in this examination by way of absenteeism or medical ground after commencement of examination will entail tbrfeitule of one of the four valuable chances allowed to candidates as per revised SAS Rules. It may further be clarifled that under no circumstances request for withdrawal in respect of candidates availing special chance will be accepted. The candidates may accordingly be informed. 11, Detailed rules governing SAS Examinations together with detailed new syllabus, recommended books etc. have already been notilled and circulated to all concerned vide HQrs office Most Importnt Circular No. AN/SAS/I6200/Order/Vol.X dated 12.03.2007 and subsequent orders on the subject issued from time to tirne. Rules referred to in the preceding paras are the Rules governing the examination for adn.rission to the Subordinate Accounts Service (SAS) in Defence Accounts Department which have been circulated as Annexure 'A' to HQrs office ibid Most lmportant Circular. In case of revision of nranuals/etc. the candidates may be suggested that it is in their own interest to update/revise the rules and regulations accordingly. The detailed syllabus etc. is also mentioned in Annexure AA of this circular tbr guidance of the candidates. t2. As the dispatch /receipt of this circular may take some time, it is impressed upon all concerned that for adherence to the time frame of examination, necessary action may be taken immediately based on uploading of circular on this office website without waiting for copy by post. 13. Receipt of this conrmunication may please be acknowledged. ( VIDHU e \GGARWAL ) Asstt. Controller of Accounts(AN) h'^' n1e
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