भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक ________________ RESERVE BANK OF INDIA ________________ RBI/2014-15/516 DGBA.GAD.No.4285/42.01.029/2014-15 March 25, 2015 The Chairman/Chief Executive Officer All Agency Banks Dear Sir / Madam, Scheme for Collection of Dues of (i) Central Board of Direct Taxes (ii) Central Board of Excise and Customs (iii) Departmentalised Ministries Account Reporting and Accounting of March Transactions - Special Arrangements Financial Year 2014-15 Please refer to Circular DGBA.GAD.No.H - 5495/42.01.029/2013-14 dated March 27, 2014 advising the procedure to be followed for reporting and accounting of collection of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and Indirect Taxes (CBEC) and transactions of Departmentalized Ministries at the Receiving/Nodal/Focal Point branches of your bank for the Financial Year 2013-14. 2. The Government of India has decided that the date of closure of Residual Transactions for the month of March 2015 be fixed as April 15, 2015 for the Financial Year 2014-15. 3. In view of the ensuing closing of government accounts for the financial year 2014-15, please reiterate the instructions to your branches regarding introduction of special messenger arrangements at your receiving branches. Receiving branches not situated locally should also adopt special arrangements such as courier service etc. for passing on challans/scrolls etc. to the Nodal/Focal Point branches so that all payments and collections made on behalf of government towards the end of March are accounted for in the same financial year. 4. As regards reporting of March 2015 transactions by Nodal/Focal Point branches in April, the branches may be advised to follow the procedure as outlined in the ….2 सरकारी एवं बैंक लेखा ववभाग, केन्द्रीय कायाालय, मंबई सेंट्रल रे ल्वे स्टे शन के सामने, भायखला, मंबई - 400 008 Department of Government & Bank Accounts, Central Office, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai - 400 008 Telephone: (022) 2308 4121, Fax No. (022) 2300 0370/2301 6072/2301 0095, e-mail : [email protected] हिन्दी आसान िै , इसका प्रयोग बढाइए । चेतावनी: भारतीय ररज़वव बैंक द्वारा ई-मेल, डाक, एसएमएस या फोन-कॉल के जररये ककसी की भी व्यक्ततगत जानकारी जैसे बैंक के खाते का ब्यौरा, पासवडव, आहद निीीं माींगी जाती िै । यि धन रखने या दे ने का प्रस्ताव भी नहीं करता िै । ऐसे प्रस्तावों का ककसी भी तररके से जवाब मत दीक्जये । Caution: RBI never sends mails, SMSs or makes calls asking for personal information like bank account details, passwords, etc. It never keeps or offers funds to anyone. Please do not respond in any manner to such offers. ~2~ Annex. To sum up, the Nodal/Focal Point branches will be required to prepare separate sets of scrolls, one pertaining to March Residual Transactions and another for April Transactions during the first 15 days of April 2015. The Nodal/Focal Point branches should also ensure that the accounts for all transactions (revenues/tax collections/payments) are effected at the receiving branches upto March 31, 2015 in the accounts for the current financial year itself and are not mixed up with the transactions of April 2015. Also, while reporting transactions pertaining to March 2015 upto April 15, 2015, the transactions of April 2015 should not be mixed up with “March Residual Transactions." 5. The procedure now followed for reporting and accounting of transactions of NonCivil Ministries viz. Defence, Posts, Railways and Telecommunications (which was revised with effect from October 1, 1993), is similar to the procedure for reporting and accounting of transactions of Departmentalised Ministries. The special arrangements for reporting March transactions by receiving branches to Nodal/Focal Point branches and the procedure for reporting March 2015 transactions in April 2015 by Nodal/Focal Point branches as indicated in paragraphs 3 and 4 above are also applicable to the reporting of transactions of Non-Civil Ministries. The branches of your bank handling the Non-Civil Ministries transactions, if any, may, therefore, be advised to follow the above procedure. 6. Kindly issue necessary instructions in the matter to your branches concerned immediately. Yours faithfully (K. Ganesha) Deputy General Manager Encl: As above ANNEX Reporting of March Transactions Beginning from April 1, 2015, the Nodal/Focal Point branches will segregate on a daily basis all scrolls/challans pertaining to March 2015 received from the receiving branches concerned and prepare separate main scrolls for: (a) scrolls for transactions of March 2015 or earlier period (i.e. effected during the previous financial year 2014-15) and (b) scrolls pertaining to current transactions (i.e. those effected from April 1, 2015 onwards). 2. The main scrolls for March 2015 transactions prepared from April 1 to April 15, 2015 are to be distinctly marked as March Residual - 1, March Residual - 2 and so on upto April 15, 2015. In other words, serial number should be allotted in consecutive order for each main scroll of March 2015 transactions sent from April 1 to April 15, 2015. These scrolls alongwith the copies of daily summary of Receipts and Payments prepared separately for March 2015 transactions will be forwarded to the Departmental Officials concerned (i.e. Zonal Accounts Officers/Pay and Accounts Officers and Designated Officers) in the usual way. The Nodal/Focal Point branches will also be required to report the above transactions to the Link Cell through separate Daily Memos. These advices must be sent to enable the Link Cell of each bank at Nagpur, to make daily settlement with Reserve Bank of India, Central Accounts Section (CAS) Nagpur. On receipt of advices from the Nodal/Focal Point branches, the Link Cell should segregate the advices for the March Residual transactions and forward them separately to Reserve Bank of India, CAS, Nagpur. This procedure should continue upto and inclusive of April 15, 2015 only. All transactions reported thereafter by the receiving branches will be reported and accounted for in the usual manner in the accounts of the month of report irrespective of the date of transaction. Following the special arrangements for March 2015 transactions, it is necessary for the Nodal/Focal Point branches to prepare two sets of DMS to be submitted to Zonal Accounts Officers/Pay and Accounts Officers for March 2015 transactions - one for transactions upto March 31, 2015 and another for March Residual Transactions adjusted by Nodal/Focal Point branches with Reserve Bank of India, Central Accounts Section, Nagpur, during April 1 to April 15, 2015. …….2 ~2~ Since the Nodal/Focal Point branch will also be reporting the April 2015 transactions pertaining to year 2015-16 in addition to March Residual transactions, monthly statement for April transactions should be compiled and furnished to Zonal Accounts Officers/Pay and Accounts Officers in the usual way. In order to distinguish the April 2015 (year 2015-16) and March Residual Transactions, the statement pertaining to March Residual Transactions should be clearly marked as "March Residual Account". Note: As advised in our circular GA.NB.No.376/42.01.001/1995-96 dated May 22, 1996 all the cheques/amounts realized on or before March 31, 2015 should be treated as transactions relating to the current financial year as "March 2015 or March Residual Transactions", the reporting of which may take place during the month of April (upto April 15, 2015). But if any cheque is tendered on or before March 31, 2015 and realized on or after April 1, 2015, it will be treated as transaction for the next financial year as "April Transactions". Accordingly, the banks will prepare separate scrolls for March 2015 and April 2015 (year 2015-16) transactions. भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक ________________ RESERVE BANK OF INDIA ________________ RBI/2014-15/515 DGBA.GAD.No. 4318/42.01.029/2014-15 March 25, 2015 The Chairman/Chief Executive Officer All agency banks Dear Sir/Madam, Annual Closing of Government Accounts – Transactions of Central/State Governments – Special Measures for the Current Financial Year (2014-15) The Government of India has desired that all government transactions with banks must be accounted for within the same financial year and has requested that certain special arrangements be made for the purpose, as in previous years. Accordingly, it has been decided that all agency banks shall keep the counters of their designated branches conducting government business open for full day on March 30, 2015, and till 8.00 p.m. on March 31, 2015. All electronic transactions would, however, continue till midnight of March 31, 2015. Banks may give adequate publicity to the special arrangements made. 2. As regards conduct of extended clearing sessions / operations on these two dates, separate guidelines are being issued by our Department of Payment and Settlement Systems, Central Office, Mumbai. Yours faithfully (Monisha Chakraborty) General Manager सरकारी एवं बैंक लेखा ववभाग, केन्द्रीय कायाालय, मंबई सेंट्रल रे ल्वे स्टे शन के सामने, भायखला, मंबई - 440 044 Department of Government & Bank Accounts, Central Office, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai - 400 008 Telephone: (022) 2308 4121, Fax No. (022) 2300 0370/2301 6072/2301 0095, e-mail : [email protected] हिन्द्दी आसान िै , इसका प्रयोग बढाइए । चेतावनी: भारतीय ररज़वा बैंक द्वारा ई-मेल, डाक, एसएमएस या फोन-कॉल के जररये हकसी की भी व्यविगत जानकारी जैसे बैंक के खाते का ब्यौरा, पासवडा , आहद निीं मांगी जाती िै । यि धन रखने या दे ने का प्रस्ताव भी निीं करता िै । ऐसे प्रस्तावों का हकसी भी तररके से जवाब मत दीजजये । Caution: RBI never sends mails, SMSs or makes calls asking for personal information like bank account details, passwords, etc. It never keeps or offers funds to anyone. Please do not respond in any manner to such offers. भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक RESERVE BANK OF INDIA RBI/2014-15/517 DPSS.CO.CHD.No./1776/03.01.02/2014-2015 March 26, 2015 The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer All Scheduled Commercial Banks including Regional Rural Banks/ Urban Co-operative Banks / State Co-operative Banks / District Central Co-operative Banks/Local Area Banks Madam / Dear Sir, Special Clearing operations on March 30 and 31, 2015 A reference is invited to the circular issued by our Department of Government and Bank Accounts (DGBA.GAD.No.4318/42.01.029/2014-15 dated March 25, 2015) on ‘Annual Closing of Government Accounts - Transactions of Central / State Governments - Special Measures for the Current Financial Year (2014-15)’. 2. With a view to facilitate accounting of all the Government transactions for the current financial year (2014-2015) by March 31, 2015, it has been decided to conduct special clearing at all clearing houses across the country on March 30 and 31, 2015 as detailed below: Date Type of clearing Presentation Return clearing clearing March 30, Normal Clearing as followed on any working Monday 2015 In addition, a Special Clearing exclusively for Government transactions (receipts (Monday) and payments) with return clearing on the same day as per the schedule indicated below. March 31, Normal Clearing as followed on any working Tuesday 2015 In addition, a Special Clearing exclusively for Government transactions (receipts (Tuesday) and payments) with return clearing on the same day as per the schedule indicated below. Schedule for various types of clearing a. CTS grid locations (Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi) Special Presentation clearing on March 30 & 31, 2015*** Between 20.00 and 20.30 hours P2F session timings for the instruments presented through the Special Clearing Between 21.00 and 21.30 hours Return clearing for the instruments presented through the special clearing Between 22.00 and 22.15 *** Under the special clearing, single session will be run for both CTS-2010 and non-CTS-2010 standard instruments together. No segregation is required. Tel: (91-22) 2266 5336; Fax: (91-22) 22691557; e-mail : [email protected] Department of Payment & Settlement Systems, Central Office, 14th Floor, Central Office Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400001 2 b. Special clearing in non-MICR/ECCS clearing houses Presentation clearing Return clearing One hour after the extended business hours Half an hour/One hour after the keeping in view the operational convenience at presentation clearing keeping in view the the local center operational convenience at the local center. 3. Participation in the outward clearing is the choice left to banks depends upon the instruments received by them towards credit-to/payment-from Government accounts. However, all member banks of the Clearing House are required to keep their inward clearing processing infrastructure open during the Special Clearing hours and maintain sufficient balance in their clearing settlement account to meet settlement obligations arising out of the Special Clearing. 4. Member banks of Clearing Houses are advised to adhere to the instructions contained in this circular as well as the instructions received from the Regional offices of Reserve Bank of India and Presidents of respective Clearing Houses. 5. Member banks are also advised to be in readiness to participate in the Centralised Payment Systems (RTGS and NEFT) on these days (March 30-31, 2015). A separate broadcast message in this regard will be issued through the respective system indicating the extended time window. Yours faithfully (Charulatha S Kar) General Manager (OIC)
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