RBI/2014-15/499 FIDD.CO.Plan.BC.51/04.09.01/2014

भारतीय ररज़र्व बैंक
----------------------RESERVE BANK OF INDIA----------------www.rbi.org.in
March 13, 2015
The Chairman / Managing Director/
Chief Executive Officer
[All Scheduled Commercial Banks,
(excluding Regional Rural Banks)]
Dear Sir/Madam,
Priority Sector Lending - Persons with
Disabilities (PwD) – Inclusion under Weaker Sections
Please refer to Paragraph IV of our Master Circular RPCD.CO.Plan.BC
10/04.09.01/2014-15 dated July 1, 2014 on Priority Sector Lending-Targets and
2. It has been decided that priority sector loans to Persons with Disabilities will be
eligible for classification under Weaker Sections category.
3. These guidelines are effective from the date of this circular.
Yours faithfully,
(P Manoj)
Deputy General Manager
वित्तीय समािेशनऔर विकास विभाग,केंद्रीय कायाालय, 10िीीं मींज़िल,केंद्रीय कायाालय बिज्डींग,शहीद भगत ससींह मागा,पो.िा.सीं.10014,मींिई 400 001
टे लीफोन:Tel No.: +912222601000/ फैक्स: +91-22-22621011/22610948/22610943 ईमेल: [email protected]
Financial Inclusion and Development Department, Central Office,10th Floor, Central Office Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, P.Box No.10014, Mumbai 400 001
हहींदी आसान है , इसका प्रयोग िढाइए
चेतार्नी :
ाेाररज़र्व बैंक िर्ारा-डाक, एसएाएस या फोन कॉा के जररए ककसी की भी व्यक्तिततत जानकार जससे बैंक के ााते का ्‍यौरा, पासर्डव आदि नह ीं ााींती जाती है । यह धन
रखने या दे ने का प्रस्ताि भी नहीीं करता है । ेसे प्रस्तािक का सकसी भी तरीके से ािाि मत दीजाए।
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