90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs When you look in the mirror do you ask yourself: *How do I get a flat stomach? *How do I get a Six Pack? *How do I define aka “SCULPT” my stomach? *If these are questions you ask yourself then the Guru of Abs “90-Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge” is what you need!! To get those defined abs and Six Pack, it's going to take hard work, dedication, consistency and most importantly dieting. Without watching your diet, it's going to be a long, slow road to getting a six-pack. For your abdominal muscles to show, you have to shed the fat that lies on top. *Cardiovascular conditioning, whether it's running or walking will help you burn calories. Combined with a balanced diet, the Guru of Abs “90-Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge” will help you lose the fat built up above the muscle. Whether it’s your Upper, Lower, Oblique’s or Torso that you want target, participants will be tested on all areas of the core with a variety of exercises that they may know and may exercises they may not. *Abdominal muscles are no different than any other muscle group. They should and will respond the same way. Many people can do a lot and many can only do a little. In each workout participants will work smarter by focusing and isolating the muscle areas that they are working. Most importantly, the Guru of Abs “90-Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge” will also focus on various but effective and innovative abdominal exercises to improve alignment, posture, muscle tone and proper techniques. *If you are ready to see a difference in your core, follow my lead and NO FAT FORMED AGAINST YOUR STOMACH WILL PROSPER! Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs 90-‐Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge I would like to thank you for your interest in my 90-‐Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge. My 90-‐Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge is an online abdominal program designed to not only push you but to get your friends involved so you can motivate each to complete the challenge. Now as far as gyms; there is no gym required or needed. The 90-‐Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge can be done in your very own home! Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge Dates: January 1st-‐ March 30th Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge: 25, 200 Abs in 90 Days Workout: 3 x Week. 7 Exercises per workout day for 700 total reps totaling 2100 reps of abs per week, 8,400 per month x’s 3 months will give you 25,200 reps of abs in 90-‐Days! Workout Example: Pick your 3 desired Workout Day(s) with 1 day of rest in between. If your workouts days are Monday, Wednesday & Friday, your rest days will be Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge Layout: You will use the same Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge workout each month. On the first of each month you will revert back to “Week 1” and continue until you finish the entire month’s workout. 90-‐Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge offers: • A program customized to your personal goals and helps you surpass your current fitness level. I have designed a Pushup program for you that require no major equipment at all. • Efficient workouts that don’t include hours of your time. I love fast, intense and fun workouts. • A 90-‐Day program designed to keep you progressing towards your goals and prevents boredom. 90-‐ Days is long enough to see progress (increase in reps) but not so long that your body adapts, change slows, and you get bored with the same old thing. • Progress measured through progress pictures. I encourage you to take progress pictures to keep track of the hard work that you are putting in. • I would EVERYONE involved to use the 2 following hash tags : #StomachSculptAbsChallenge Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs #25200Abs in 90-‐Days so that WE as a team and fitness family can build following on social media for this challenge and keep track of ALL parties involved. Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Top 5 Ab-Training Mistakes & How To Correct Them 1. Ab Neglect Many people tend to neglect abs because they assume they can chisel them in the next time they diet down. For them, the three C’s: carb restriction, cardio and crunches go together like bacon, lettuce and tomato, and when their middles are not being defined, they figure, why bother? Another reason for neglect: even when people do train abs, they tend to tack lowintensity sessions onto random workouts, and because those workouts accomplish little, they can be skipped with little guilt. Just as there are two main reasons many people neglect abs, there are two main reasons not to. First, core strength is necessary for key mass makers, such as dead lifts and squats. Second, you cannot maximize ab muscularity with a crash course. Instead, you need to grow–or at least maintain–these muscles year-round. Solutions: • • • • • As with other muscles, set goals–from how you want your abs to look to specific rep and resistance targets. Twice per week, give your abs the same focus as other body parts. If you do cardio separately from your weight workouts, an excellent time to hit abs is before cardio, or you may want to ab up in a separate workout at home. Do eight to 12 sets for your rectus abdominis and three to five sets for your obliques. If you’re in a rush, superset abs with other body parts or do all your ab exercises as a giant set with no rest between exercises. To avoid the “Why bother?” blahs of endless crunches, infuse your ab workouts with intensity which brings us to our next mistake. 2. Insufficient Intensity What were your best sets last time you trained your favorite muscle group? Now, answer the same question for abs. If you have a ready response about it, but none for crunches and leg raises, give yourself an ab F. Rest assured, many people will fail this question. Not only do most train abs with insufficient intensity, but it seldom even occurs to us that we’re shortchanging our midsection workouts. Instead, we plod through sets of high reps, the sort we would never do for chest or any other body part. Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Solutions Train to grow your abs, not tone them. The risk of overgrowing your rectus abdominis is akin to the risk of growing too rich–you should be so lucky. As with the woman who fears free weights will make her “look like a man,” alas, it’s never easy to alter ourselves. Train for growth. Toning will follow. • Typically, do sets of 10-15 reps. When you can do more than 15, increase the resistance. • Ab machines are often the most efficient way to add resistance. • As opposed to increasing reps or the weight, you can boost intensity via techniques such as supersets and giant sets. • 3. Missing the target Many people will spend more ab time working their hip flexors, straining their spinal erectors and rapidly flopping about than actually contracting their abs. Solutions • Do primarily crunching movements for the rectus abdominis, either free form or with a machine. • Train at a slow, steady pace, and focusing only on your abs. • All ab exercises have short ranges of motion, and thus, contractions are paramount. Hold each contraction for one or two seconds and flex. 4. Upper ab exclusivity Many people focus primarily, if not exclusively, on the upper rectus abdominis–the six-pack. In fact, that is only one of four ab areas to train. The other three are the lower rectus abdominis (from below your six-pack to your groin), the external oblique’s (on either side of your midsection) and the transverse abdominis (located underneath your rectus abdominis and oblique’s). The lower abs are often neglected, because–when you have at least some clothes on–they’re less visible than the upper abs. Oblique’s are typically skipped, because many are afraid of widening their waists. Transverse abs are out of sight and, therefore, usually out of mind. Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Solutions • Lower abs are important for core strength and a powerful look that ties your upper and lower body together. Reverse crunches and leg or knee raises work this area. • Oblique’s are also crucial for core strength, because they stabilize your upper body and, when fully developed and defined–picture the piano key rows on your sides–they’ll grab attention. Side crunches and machine trunk twists work this area. Waist width is primarily the result of a broad hip/waist structure. Nevertheless, if you’re concerned about oblique overgrowth, do sets of 20-30 reps. • Your transverse abs aren’t visible, but they play a crucial role in your posture and keeping your belly in. You can work this area anytime and anywhere by pulling your bellybutton in toward your spine as far as possible and holding that position for a count of 10. Repeat for up to 10 times. 5. Trying to train away fat Many people think enough crunching will bring their abs into sharp relief. Although recent research proves spot reduction is possible, your best strategy for shedding adipose tissue and excavating your abs is a combination of dieting and cardio. Solutions • Alter your diet to lose fat. Eliminate trans fat and minimize saturated fat and simple carbs. Focus instead on lean protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. • Do 45-60 minutes of cardio post workout or early in the morning. • Focus your ab workouts on growth, and the new muscle will become increasingly more visible as you shed unwanted weight. Lessons Learned • Make time to train abs thoroughly twice per week. • Train abs slowly, focusing on contractions. • Work all four areas: upper abs, lower abs, obliques and inner abs. • Diet and do cardio to lose fat; train abs to gain muscle. Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs 90-‐Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge The 90-‐Day Stomach Sculpt Abs challenge is a basic abs routine designed to help sculpt your abs! The following abs workout is designed to help you not hurt you! You will be completing 25,200 abs in 90 Days. We will be focusing on reps with challenge which is what I call “SCULPTING”. So that you won’t get confused on your workout days, I have attached for you on a excel workout calendar. While progressing through this abs workout, you will endure some of the same exercises weekly with different variations as the week’s progress. The abs training program should be completed 3x/week. Sets and reps are indicated as sets x reps (for example, 2 sets of 5 reps is indicated as 2 x 5). Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Week 1(2100 Reps) Monday Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Reverse Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Exchange-‐ 4 x 25 Bench/Chair Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Scissors-‐ 4 x 25 Alternating Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Ab Vacums-‐ 100 Wednesday Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Rotations-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Side Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Rotations-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Crossover Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Rotations-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacums-‐ 100 Friday Ab Bicycles-‐ 4 x 25 Lying Leg Thrust-‐ 4 x 25 Stability Ball Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Knee Walk Ins-‐ 4 x 25 Stability Hip Flexion-‐ 4 x 25 Double Knee Jump Ins-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacums -‐ 100 Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Week 2 (2100 Reps) Monday Ball Rotations-‐4 x 25 Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Crossover Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Side Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacums-‐ 100 Wednesday Ab Bicycles-‐ 4 x 25 Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Reverse Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Stability Hip Flexion-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Exchange-‐ 4 x 25 Knee Walks-‐ 4 x 25 Bench/Chair Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacums-‐ 100 Friday Standing Side Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Crossover Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Rotation-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Crossover Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Crossover Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacums-‐ 100 Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Week 3 (2100 Reps) Monday Double Knee Jump Ins-‐ 4 x 25 Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Lying Leg Thrusts-‐ 4 x 25 Alternation Crunches-‐ 4 x25 Stability Hip Flexion-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Scissors-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacums-‐100 Wednesday Ball Rotation-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Side Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Crossover Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Side Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Standing Side Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacuums-‐ 100 Friday Ab Bicycles-‐ 4 x 25 Stability Ball Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Reverse Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Bench/Chair Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Knee Walk Ins-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Exchange-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacuums-‐ 100 Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Week 4 (2100 Reps) Monday Standing Crossover Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Rotation-‐ 4 x 25 Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Rotation-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Side Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Rotation-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacuums-‐ 100 Wednesday Crunches-‐ 4 x25 Knee Walk Ins-‐ 4 x 25 Reverse Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Exchange-‐ 4 x 25 Alternating Crunches-‐ 4 x 25 Double Knee Jump Ins-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacuums-‐ 100 Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Friday Standing Side Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Ball Rotation-‐ 4 x 25 Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Standing Crossover Crunch-‐ 4 x 25 Side Bends-‐ 4 x 25 Ab Vacuums-‐ 100 Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs 90-‐Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge Exercises Ab Bicycles Lay flat on your back as if doing a crunch. Lift your legs up with the upper leg being parallel to the floor but not resting on it. Start the exercise just like a normal crunch whereby you lift your upper shoulders off the floor but in a twisting motion. Performa a "one shoulder at a time" crunch and in a bicycle fashion, bring the left knee and your right shoulder off the floor towards the center of your body. 4. Next repetition, switch your crunch so that your left shoulder and your right knee come closer together. Tip: Remember to slowly but deliberately lift your shoulder off the floor and focus on the abdominal muscle doing the work. Don't aim to get your shoulder off the ground as much as possible but to feel the abdominal contraction. You should not focus on bringing the shoulder up with any other muscle group such as the neck and shoulder 1. 2. 3. Ab Scissors 1. Begin by lying on an exercise mat. 2. Place your hands under your buttocks. This will help with leverage by reducing the load on the lumbar spine. 3. Raise both legs approximately 15 to 20 inches off the ground. 4. Contract your abs, exhale, and then kick both legs outward as if you were opening a pair of scissors. 5. Bring your legs back to the center and cross them over each other (closing scissors). 6. Perform the scissor kick in alternating fashion. Be sure to keep your abs flexed at all times. Abdominal Vacuums 1. 2. 3. Kneel on the floor and place your buttocks down onto your heels. Place your hands on the sides of your legs to help you sit up tall. Pull your shoulders back and look forward. Then, pull your abs in as if trying to touch your belly button to your spine. The abdominal vacuum can be done three different ways. 4. One, hold the vacuum for 20 or more seconds. You can also hold the contraction for a second or two and release to do a series of repetitions. Another alternative is to do quick pulses whereby you pull your abs in and relax them quickly. 5. Alternating Crunches 1. 2. 3. 4. Lie on back, knees bent, and one leg crossed over the opposite knee at the ankle. Place the opposite arm behind the head and rest the head on the hand. Alternate right elbow towards left knee keeping the lower back stable against the floor. Do not pull on your neck, exhale when you are crunching in and keep abs slightly flexed as you return. Repeat for reps or at your own pace then switch sides. Ball Exchange Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Begin by lying on your back with the legs straight up. Hold the ball in both hands with the arms extended above you. Put the ball between the feet, squeezing them to keep the ball in place, and lower both the arms and legs down towards the floor. Only lower down as far as you can without arching or straining the back. Bring them back up and take the ball in your hands. Lower the arms and legs down towards the floor again and continue, exchanging the ball between the hands and feet. Avoid arching the back at the bottom of the movement. If you have trouble with that, place a rolled up towel under the hips, bend the knees and/or or only lower the arms and legs a few inches instead of all the way down. Ball Rotations 1. 2. 3. 4. Begin by standing in a squatted position. Hold a medicine ball with the arms straight out (more advanced) or close to the chest (easier). Keeping the lower body static, rotate from the torso to bring the arms across the body to the right. Come back to center and now rotate the torso, bringing the weight to the left. Continue rotating from one side to the other slowly for 1-‐3 sets of 8-‐16 reps on both sides. Bench/Chair Crunches 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lie on the floor with your feet on a bench/chair and your legs bent at an approximately 90-‐degree angle. Place your hands at your temples or cross your arms over your chest. Raise your head and shoulders toward your knees with a situp motion and simultaneously lift the pelvis. Feel the lower and upper abs contract together. Flex the abs hard at the top of the movement to get maximum contraction. Avoid pulling on your head with your hands. TIP: It may help to exhale just before crunching upwards. Crunches 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your knees, placing your hands behind your head or across your chest. Pull your belly button towards your spine, and flatten your lower back against the floor. Slowly contract your abdominals, bringing your shoulder blades about one or two inches off the floor. Exhale as you come up and keep your neck straight, chin up. Hold at the top of the movement for a few seconds, breathing continuously. Slowly lower back down, but don't relax all the way. Repeat for 15 to 20 repetitions with perfect form for each rep. To add variation, bring your knees in at the same time you lift your upper body off the floor (full body crunch) TIP: To make it more difficult, balance on an exercise ball. Decline Board Leg Thrusts 1. This is essentially the same movement as the axes lying leg, however, by slightly changing the angle a little closer to the vertical movement is a little harder. Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs 2. 3. Again, as with the major axes lying leg, lower your legs about halfway down, before reversing the legs at an angle of 90 ° at the hips, and ending with the thrust of the hip upwards. Remember to keep your back arched during this exercise as well. If you do not have access to a board down, simply substitute additional sets of lying leg axes. Double Knee Jump Ins (from push up position) 1. 2. 3. 4. Begin in the push up position with the hands wider than shoulders and the body in a straight line from head to heels. Jump the feet in, bending the knees and landing in a squat while keeping the hands on the ground. Jump the feet back out to the starting position. Repeat, jumping the feet in and out as fast as you can for 30-‐60 seconds. Knee Walk Ins (from push up position) 1. 2. 3. Begin in the push up position with the hands wider than shoulders and the body in a straight line from head to heels. Step one single foot in, aiming the knee toward the middle of your chest, return your foot back out to the starting position and repeat the same with the opposite foot. Simultaneously, repeat the in and out as fast as you can for 30-‐60 seconds. Lying Leg Thrust 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lie flat on your back with your hands palms-‐down underneath your glutes to cradle your pelvis during the movement. Keeping your legs stiff and straight, raise them up off the floor until vertical Thrust your legs upward as though trying to put footprints on the ceiling. Keep your legs stiff and straight throughout the movement. Lower your legs until your lower back is back on the floor then lower your feet down almost to the floor (Don’t touch the floor to maintain tension in the abs.) 6. These are much more effective than simple lying leg raises as the thrust up further works the lower abs. Reverse Crunches 1. 2. 3. Lie on the floor or a mat on your back, with knees bent and hands behind head. Lift legs and bend knees to 90 degrees. Repeat for reps Keep a space between your chin and chest (looking diagonal towards the ceiling). Tip: Don't use your momentum to swing your legs up. Try to keep the motion controlled by your abs. Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs Side Bends with Ball 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stand with feet hip-‐width apart, knees slightly bent and hold a ball (exercise or medicine) with the arms straight up. Keep the shoulders down and brace the abs as you lean to the right, keeping the hips and legs in a stationary position. Rotate as far as you can, keeping the chest open and slowly move back to center. Repeat the move on the other side, keeping the movement slow and controlled to really engaged the abs. Repeat for 1-‐3 sets of 8-‐16 reps. TIP: You can also do this exercise with a dumbbell, an exercise ball or a resistance band. Stability Ball Crunches 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lie on the ball, positioning it under the lower back. Cross your arms over the chest or place them behind your head. Contract your abs to lift your torso off the ball, pulling the bottom of your ribcage down toward your hips. As you curl up, keep the ball stable (i.e., the ball shouldn't roll). Lower back down, getting a stretch in the abs, and repeat for Stability Ball Hip Flexion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Walk out to your prone bridge, hands on the ground, lower legs or feet on top of the ball (depending on your fitness/ability level). Make sure that your arms are completely perpendicular to the ground, not angling back toward the ball. Simultaneously flex your hips and knees, pulling your knees forward toward your chest. As your knees travel forward slightly lift your hips and flex your spine. Do not allow your torso to drift back toward the ball. Return to the starting point by fully extending your knees and hips. Standing Side Crunch 1. 2. 3. 4. Begin in a standing position, taking the right arm straight up in the air. Shift your weight to your left leg and slowly bring the knee up and out to the side. At the same time, bring the right elbow down towards right knee, squeezing the obliques. Take the arm up and the foot down and repeat. Standing Crossover Crunch • • Begin with the feet hip-‐width apart, hands behind the head with the elbows bent and out to the sides. Bring the right knee up and across the body as you rotate through the torso, bringing the left shoulder towards the right hip. Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected] 90 Day Stomach Sculpt Abs Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru Of Abs • • Squeeze through the obliques and keep the move slow and controlled. Return to start and repeat on each side. Tip: Avoid swinging the elbow to the knee but, instead, focus on the rotation of the torso and the movement of the shoulder to the hip. Follow Me On Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
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