A multi-robot cooperative task achievement system S.C. Botelho , R. Alami LAAS-CNRS 7, Avenue du Colonel Roche, 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4 - France Abstract This paper discusses a general architecture where dierent schemes for multi robot task achievement can be integrated called \M+ Cooperative task achievement". The main originality comes from its ability to allow the robots to detect - in distributed and cooperative manner - resource conict situation as well as sub-optimalities. Dierent actions are performed by the robots such as actions re-ordering, suppression of redundancies and opportunistic enhancement of the global plan. Finally, we illustrate its use through a simulated system, which allows a number of robots to plan and perform cooperatively a set of tasks in a hospital environment. 1 Introduction Our long-term target is the development of a comprehensive set of schemes, mechanisms and tools for multi-robot cooperation. The rst step towards this target was the development of the Plan-Merging Paradigm [1]. A second main step was the development of a distributed cooperative task allocation scheme called M+ Protocol [3, 2]. However one set of cooperation issues has not been treated yet. This paper presents M+ task achievement, which is a decentralized multi-robot scheme based on an on-line combination of local individual planning and multi plan validation for coordinated and cooperative behaviour. We claim that the robots must be able to plan/rene their respective missions, taking into account the other robots' plans and social rules as planning/renement constraints, and thus producing validated multi-robot plans containing coordinated and cooperative actions. In the last decade, various studies have been made concerning the eld of multi-robot systems [5]. We restrict our analysis here to contributions proposing cooperative schemes at the decision level. Indeed, several generic approaches have been proposed concerning goal decomposition and task allocation (Con On leave from FURG, Brazil tract Nets [15], Partial Global Planning [7]), negotiation [9, 13], motivational behaviors [11, 8]. Cooperation for achieving independent goals has been mostly addressed in the framework of applicationspecic techniques such as multi-robot cooperative navigation [16, 4]. In the multi-robot context, we identify three main roles: decomposition of task into sub-tasks, allocation of the tasks among the agents and achievement. Figure 1 illustrates our view of the problem. Each role can be executed in a centralized and/or decentralized way. Once a mission is given, decomposition, allocation and achievement are executed sequentially. Each unit is associated with its own planning module. In special situations (e.g. failure), tasks can be reallocated (bi-directional ux), even after the beginning of their execution. Centralized Our Approach planning decomposition planning allocation High Level Decomposition (IxTet) Communication with others planning execution opportunism problems? M+ Cooperative Task Achievement avoid conflicts Decentralized redundancy M+ Allocation Protocol Planning Merging Figure 1: Multi-robot systems: our approach Decomposition can be executed by a very high level central planner, in our case IxTeT [10], or the missions can be sent directly by one or several users. We have developed an incremental cooperative mechanism to allocate tasks (goals), to nd individual plans and to react to contingencies, called M+ protocol [3]. It uses a negotiation mechanism that consists of a combination of task planning and cost estimation activity. The achievement is the eective execution of the task. During this stage the robot interacts directly with the environment and perceives modications caused by the other agents. Since each robot nds its own plan, during the task achievement we identify a set of issues related to the distributed nature of the system. These issues are: avoid conict: although decomposition mission process guarantees a conict-free list of goals, it may occur that an individual plan causes negative interference in the plans of the other robots. In this case, their actions can lead to conict situations that prevent goal achievement. We have already developed a cooperative scheme for multi-robot coordination of conicts, called Plan-Merging Paradigm [1]. It is based on an incremental and distributed plan-merging process for exclusive resource conicts. In this paper, we propose a generalization of this mechanism for more complex world description, using social rules constraints; redundancy: it can occur that some plans present redundant actions, whose eects can be accomplished by some of the robots. There are two kinds of redundancy: exclusive and cumulative actions. The former occurs when only one agent can accomplish the task, and the robots must cooperate and decide which robot will be charged with. Concerning the latter, the task can be accomplished simultaneously by a set of robots. They can decide to achieve the task together, thus increasing the performance of the system; opportunism: during task execution, one robot can execute an action that was not originally planned and this action can be taken advantage of by another one; These issues are treated by M+ cooperative task achievement. We have developed social rules which help to detect them and enrich the system. Thanks to these rules, cooperation algorithms are applied, focusing the the multi-robot plan validation. We introduce a more formal presentation of the method used to describe the world state and social rules in section 2. The mechanisms responsible for plan validation and for negotiation processes are presented in sections 3 and 4, respectively. Section 5 presents the multi-robot application on which we have tested and validated our approach. 2 The World State Description In this section, we present the world model we use, it has been specially devised to allow reasoning on the cooperative issues mentioned above while maintaining a STRIPS-like representation in order to allow the robots to use ecient practical planners (we use PROPICE-PLAN [6]). 2.1 A state description A world state is described through a set of predicates Attribute(Entity; Value). Each predicate describes a particular feature of the world. For a given robot, there are predicates that can only be changed by the robot itself. We call them exclusive predicates. For instance, the grip state of the robot is an exclusive predicate. Conversely, predicates that can be changed by some other robot are called non-exclusive predicates. Modications to the non-exclusive predicates can happen to the robot as a contingent eect. For instance, we can say that if there are several robots able to open a door, STATE-DOOR(D1 OPEN) is a nonexclusive predicate. Exclusive and non-exclusive predicates are obtained o-line from the possible actions of each entity. Some predicates have a satisfaction level associated. In according with this level, the predicate changes or not of the value. This kind of attribute is called incremental. For example, STATE CLEAN(LANE1,OK) is an incremental predicate with a satisfaction level equal to 0.8. These predicates are important once we can have several agents incrementally changing a specic world feature (cumulative redundant actions). 2.2 Social Rules The cooperative activity is based on the common satisfaction of a set of constraints that we express in terms of what we have called social rules. Social rules have two main aims: to help the plan coordination, allowing coherence among the plans; and to enrich the features' description of the environment. They impose constraints on the plans that must be taken into account during the planning and also during the validation process. 1 We dene three classes of rules: time: (TIME ?RULE pred; u; s), where pred predicate can hold true (without any change) only during a specic time u. The s eld is the proposed state to avoid violation of the rule. For instance the rule: X1 x-ray machine must be on at most 10 minutes can be represented as (TIME ? RULE (STATE RAY (X 1;ON ));10;(STATE RAY (X 1;OFF ))), where it is proposed to turn o X1 to avoid violation of the rule. Note that this notion is somewhat dierent from the idea of social behaviours proposed by [14]. While the social behaviours are directly used by the robot, because they are explicitly coded in its reactive task execution, the social rules will be used at the robot decision level as constraints in the planning and validation activity. 1 amount: (AMOUNT ?RULE (a : v); u; (sa : sv )) where a attribute can assume v value only for u entities. As in the previous class, s eld (attribute and value) is the proposed state to avoid violation of the rule. Note that with this kind of rule, it is possible to describe the resource constraints of the system. For instance we can have only 2 robots on the L1 lift can be represented as (AMOUNT ?RULE (POS ?ROBOT : L1);2;(POS ?ROBOT :OPEN ?AREA), where it is proposed that the robot go to a OPEN-AREA, to respect the rule. end: (END?RULE pred), where pred predicate must be achieved at the end of a plan execution. This class guarantees conict-free plans and it also allows the planner to know the end state of the attribute (initial state of the next planning). For example, the social rule: DT1 drinks trolley must be in the refectory after use can be represented as (END ?RULE (POS (DT 1;REFECTORY ))). Obligation Level. During planning, a robot must always respect the rules, setting the proposed state as a component of its list of goals. However, depending on the obligation level, the proposed state can be posted as a goal added to its list of current goals; or posted as a supplementary goal, resulting in a main plan plus a set of additional-plans to achieve each social rule. During the execution of a plan, the robot may or may not remove these additional-plans, thus neglecting the proposed state and violating a social rule. Note that if another agent requests the robot for the rule proposed state achievement, it needs to consider and to achieve this state. 3 M+ Plan Mechanisms Let P k the plan which was the result of the validation process of robot Ro, and we consider preox /effxo as precondition/eect x of the action Ai 2 P k . This plan will be modied whenever Ro wants to add new actions (obtained after a call to its own planner) or whenever Ro receives cooperation requests (see section 4) from other robots Rp . We have dened the following mechanisms for plan modication: insert wait: this mechanism adds a synchronism message from Rp to preox of Ro , establishing a new temporal constraintp related to Ro , P k+1 = INSERT WAIT (preox ; Aoi ; Aj ; Rp; P k ). move: it moves the action Al along the plan P to a new position, after the time point Tm, P k+1 = MOV E (Al ; Tm; P k). insert: it inserts a new action As into the plan after Ti time point, P k+1 =INSERT (As; Ti; P k ). It is used when a robot decides to add a unplanned action to the current plan (an opportunistic action or a new goal). delete: itkdeletes Ad 2 Ak of the plan, P k+1 = DELETE (Ad ; P ). We use this mechanism when an action is taken in charge by another agent; thus this action is deleted from the current plan. It is also used when an action execution is neglected, due to a low obligation level of a rule. synch exec: it makes a synchronised communication channel to transmit lp between actions Aoi and Apj , P k+1 =SY NCH EXEC (Aoi ; Apj ; lp; P k). This mechanism is applied in cooperative incremental actions. replan: from state W and a goal G, it calls its planner and nds a new plan, P k+1 =REPLAN (W; G). Moreover, we introduce new notions that are used by the robots in their cooperative activities. We dene: 1. interference predicates as being all the predicates whose modications can interfere in other robots' plan. Interference predicates are composed of non-exclusive predicates and of all predicates that belong to social rules. 2. Contingent block as a sub-plan which begins with an action that changes an interference predicate and which nishes with an action that changes again the value of the same predicate. By considering these mechanisms, the robots are able to change their plans, taking into account cooperative issues, and validating their actions in a multi-robot context. 4 Deliberation Process In order to accomplish the deliberation process, let us assume that each robot processes the goals that it receives sequentially, taking as its initial state the nal state of its current plan. By doing so, it incrementally appends new sequences of actions to its current plan. During task achievement, the robot tries to validate its next action. From the proposed semantics, the robot extracts relevant multi-context information from its plan. It negotiates the validation of the blocks of its action, aiming to respect previously validated plans, social rules and its task goal. This operation is \protected" by a mutual exclusion mechanism 2 . The result of validation is a new multi-context validated plan. The deliberation process comprises two steps: 1. the annoncement and the validation. Step 1: The annoncement This step is when a robot (e.g Ro ) announces an action Aoi , which has non-announced blocks blockx. It negotiates these blocks and interacts with the other 2 Let us assume that we have a set of autonomous robots equipped with a reliable inter-robot communication device. robots. We divide the announce in the following stages: 1.1 Ro composes its announcement to Aoi and the other robots compose their oers The robot veries whether Aoi has the blocks that need to be announced and it composes its request. From the social rules and the received announcement, the other robots (Rp ) search for possible coordination and cooperation scenarios in their announced/validated plans: Coordination Scenario. Rp has a coordination scenario when it performs blocks with incompatibilities in relation to blockx of Ro . Two blocks are incompatible in two cases: 1. when they concern the same attribute and the same entity; or 2. when they may violate a social rule. Cooperation Scenario. This search is in parallel with the previous one. There are two issues: cooperation: It is a particular case of a relation between two actions (Aoi ; Apj ), when both actions have the same non-exclusive eects, which each eect composes a cooperative block; and the Apj does not have exclusive eects. At this moment we have a cooperation possibility between Rp and Ro , since the blocks can be executed for some robot (redundant actions) or both (cumulative actions with incremental effects). opportunism: when Rp does not have the same non-exclusive eects. However it can easily insert an Apj action into a step of its current plan. This action must have: 1. the same non-exclusive eects as Aoi ; 2. only non-exclusive eects ; and 3. all its preconditions true in this step of the plan. We emphasize that depending on the delay level, a robot may or may not decide to help with an opportunistic action. According to the scenarios previously detected, Rp composes its oers. It brings together for each action all scenarios associated with the same attribute and object. 1.2 Ro analyzes the oers.Ro brings together all received coordination and cooperation oers, treating each one alone. Coordinated scenarios. During the analysis process, R0 respects the following issues: 1. the rst robot that nishes the conict situation is the rst one to achieve the scenario; 2. Ro can not change a part of a plan already validated. Cooperative scenarios. In a cooperative scenario, Ro veries which candidates are able to execute the cooperative blocks (composed of Abc begin, Aec end and Acl causal link actions). The robot builds a cooperative nal block, choosing the agent(s) that will achieve Abc and Aec, and which Acl causal link ac- tions will participate in the cooperation. Due to the need of respecting these social rules, it may occur that some robots can not participate in the cooperative nal block. The nal choice is based on the couple Ac, Aec with the best ratio between the number of participates of the cooperation. 3 1.3 Rp updates result. Ro informs the others of the result of the announcement process. Rp uses its mechanisms to adapt its current plan to this result. In the case of conict detection, the robot uses an insert-wait mechanism to synchronize its current plan with the other plans. 4 . Concerning the cooperative interaction, the robot has two possibilities: 1. Rp has an accepted oer, then it uses the insert-wait,delete and insert mechanisms to adapt its plan to the cooperation, otherwise, 2. the robot has a rejected oer, so it must use insert-wait to coordinate its oer with the cooperative nal block (conict avoid situation). Step 2: The validation A block is \negotiable" until its validation. From this step, block modications are forbidden and the robot is ready to execute the action. Only insertions after a validated plan are allowed. Note that such a deliberation process involves only communication and computation and concerns future (short term) robot actions. It can run in parallel with execution of the current coordination plan. 5 Example A rst version of the scheme has been implemented. We describe an illustrative example of its use. The robots are in a hospital area composed of open areas connected by doors, beds and unloading points. r0, r1 and r3 are simulated mobile robots with manipulators 5 . They must move objects and clean beds. Figure 2 shows the goals and the initial world state description. The example shows M+ cooperative task achievement where, from individual plans, each agent analyzes its action searching for conicts, redundancies and opportunistic situations that can be negotiated with the others. The robots must respect the following social rules : 1. amount type rule: maximum one robot beside a bed, staying in an OPEN-AREA as a proposed state to 3 In the case of incremental actions, the participation of each agent is a function of the delay level of the partners. 4 We use the mechanisms for detecting and treating in a distributed way the deadlocks that may be happened, see [12] for a complete description. 5 Each robot control system runs on an independent Sun workstation which communicates with the other workstations through TCP/IP. Goals: ✪ POS-OBJEC(OB1,BED4) ✪ POS-OBJECT(OB2,BED3) ✪ STATE-CLEAN(BED2,OK:1) pick-up OB1 goto-door P1 open P1 gothrough P1 open P1 gothrough P1 R0 R1 goto-door P1 Current world state: ✪ POS-OBJECT(OB1,BED0) ✪ POS-OBJECT(OB2,BED2) ✪ STATE-DOOR(P1,CLOSE) ★ POS-ROBOT(r0,BED0) ★ POS-ROBOT(r1,BED1) ★ POS-ROBOT(r3,BED4) ✪ STATE-CLEAN(BED2,NO:1) ✪ non-exclusive ★ exclusive Social rules: (1 AMOUNT-RULE (POS-ROBOT:BED2),1,(POS-ROBOT:OPEN-AREA)) (2 END-RULE STATE-DOOR(P1,CLOSE))) Figure 2: Example 1: Move objects and clean beds respect the rule (low obligation level ); 2. end type rule: door must be closed (high obligation level ). After a rst phase not described here, robots plan and allocate each goal using M+ protocol [3]. The nal result of this phase is: r0 allocates (POS-OBJECT OB1 BED4) as its main goal, r1 allocates (POS-OBJECT OB2 BED3) and r3 is in charge of (STATE-CLEAN BED2 OK:1). Figure 3 shows each individual plan. Note that the plans present planned actions to achieve each goal and also planned actions to achieve social rules, which can be neglected during the action execution. For instance, r3 has two actions (goto and clean) to achieve STATE-CLEAN(BED2,OK,1) and a additional-plan (goto OPEN-AREA) to achieve rule 1. On the other hand, as rule 2 (door close) has a high obligation level, it is posted as a goal to be achieved together with the main goals. In this example we have the following coordination and cooperation issues: 1. to execute pick-place, clean actions a robot needs to goto a bed and to park beside it, but only one robot can dock each time (rule 1) 2. open/close door is a cooperative redundant action (only non-exclusive eects: STATE-DOOR(<door>, OPEN)) and 3. clean bed is a cooperative incremental action (only non-exclusive/incremental eects: STATE-CLEAN(<bed>,OK,1)) that allows cooperative execution by several robots. During task achievement, each robot tries to validate its next action. r0 begins the deliberation process of its rst action pick-up OB1. We assume that this action has an interference predicate related to the position of OB1, which it needs to announce. It broadcasts its announcement, but as no robot has the concerned actions, r0 does not receive any oer, so it can R3 goto BED2 clean goto BED2 OPEN-AREA 111 000 000 111 000 111 11 00 00 11 00 11 close P1 P1 111 000 000 111 000 111 goto close BED2 goto BED4 goto place OB1 OPEN-AREA pick-up OB2 goto BED3 11 00 00 11 00 11 goto place OB2 OPEN-AREA 11 00 00 11 planned action to achieve goal 11 00 00 11 planned action to achieve low obligation level rule 11planned action to achieve high obligation level rule 00 00 11 Figure 3: M+ protocol three mono plans. validate this action directly. Similarly, r1 tries to validate its rst action. goto-door is an action without interference predicates. Thus, r1 can validate it directly. It is now r3's turn to validate its rst action. It veries that its rst action goto BED2 belongs to an interference block, due to the social rule associated to the bed dock limit. Thus, it builds up an announcement. r1 presents a block in conict (fth action of its plan) but this block has not yet announced, so r1 does not oer. Without any oer, r3 gets its goto BED2 announced. Following the incremental deliberation process r1 validates directly its goto P1 action (it does not have interference predicates ), and it takes its next action: open-door deliberation. Due to the absence of negotiated/validated plans, r1 does not receive any oer. r0 begins soon afterwards its open-door deliberation. Concerning social rule 2, we can see that open action imposes an end type rule, where the door must be closed at the end of a plan. Thus, open P1 and close P1 compose a block that must be validated. Moreover, the open/close door actions have only non-exclusive eects, being cooperative actions. r0 announces it, and the other robots analyze their current plans. r1 has this block in its current negotiable plan, with a cooperative block too. r1 formulates a cooperative block oer. From its block and the r1 oer, r0 nds the best combination between begin/end causal link actions (see section 4). The gure 4 shows the result of this deliberation process: goto-door P1 pick-up OB1 open P1 gothrough P1 close P1 goto BED4 R0 DELETE(open P1) (POS-ROBOT R1 P1-OUT)) (STATE-DOOR P1 OPEN)) goto-door P1 open P1 11 00 00 11 00 11 WAIT((POSITION-ROBOT R1 P1-OUT), WAIT((STATE-DOOR P1 OPEN), R1 place goto OB1 OPEN-AREA DELETE(close P1) gothrough P1 close P1 (STATE-DOOR P1 OPEN) goto BED2 pick-up OB2 11 00 00 11 goto place goto BED3 OB2 OPEN-AREA Social rule Figure 4: Redundant and cooperative actions. Continuing the incremental deliberation, it is time for r3 to validate its clean-bed action. Like open, clean is a cooperative action. Moreover it is an incremental action, since STATE-CLEAN is an incremental predicate. r3 announces this action, but none of the other robots has this eect in their current actions. However, they try to cooperate, inserting this action into their plans. Since r1 will be next to BED2 in a future plan execution, it uses the insert mechanism, and it adds a clean-bed action after its arrival in the BED2. From this, r1 sends an opportunistic oer to r3. r3 analyzes the oer, taking into account that it is an incremental action, each robot executes a part of the action according to this delay level. The robots validate their actions successively. It is now of r1 turn to announced its goto BED2 action. As the goto OPEN-AREA action of r3 nishes before the end contingent block action of r1 (goto BED3), and nobody has yet validated its actions, r3 will therefore execute this block before r1. Incrementally, robots validate these actions. Figure 5 shows the nal result of the M+ task achievement. Plans are conict-free, presenting cooperative behaviours: r1 opens the door to r0 and it also helps r3 to clean the bed. r0 closes the door for both of them. r1 presents another coordinate behavior: once it waits until r3 leaves BED2. Note that r0 and r1 have neglected the execution of their goto OPEN-AREA end contingent block action, since no robot has reminded them to respecting it. pick-up OB1 R0 R1 R3 goto-door P1 goto BED2 goto-door gothrough P1 P1 open P1 gothrough P1 clean gothrough BED2 OPEN-AREA 111 000 000 111 000 111 11 00 00 11 00 11 goto close P1 goto BED4 place OB1 pick-up OB2 clean BED2 111 BED2 000 111 000 000 111 000 111 000 111 goto BED3 place OB2 planned action to achieve goal 11 00 00 11 action to achieve low obligation level rule 00 planned 11 planned action to achieve high obligation level rule 1 0 11 00 00 inserted action 11 00 11 00 11 deleted action Figure 5: Coordinated and cooperative nal plans 6 Conclusion We have proposed a cooperative multi-robot task achievement. From individual plans, the robots detect originality coordination, redundancy and opportunistic cooperative issues. We have developed semantics for action and plan description; and mechanisms to add, delete and synchronize action among individual plans, validating them in a multi-robot context. The validation is carried out through a negotiation process and it is limited by the social rules. These rules help to achieve a coherent collective behavior, and also enrich the world features. However, robots can reason and decide about their achievement. A rst version of the system has already been implemented and tested in simulation. Our future work will be to improve its implementation, to increase its reasoning capabilities which take into account other classes of agents; and to incorporate it on real robots. Acknowledgments: This work was partially supported by CNPq (Brazil) under grants to the rst author. References [1] R. Alami, S. Fleury, M. Herrb, F. Ingrand, and F. Robert. Multi-robot cooperation in the martha project. 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