Camp Discovery-VBS 2015

Camp Discovery-VBS 2015
Wednesday-Friday, June 17-19, 2015
9:00am-2pm (bring a sack lunch!)
children age 4 – those going into 6th grade
@ Peace Lutheran Church, North Mankato
Cost: $5 per participant (includes T-shirt)
(Make checks payable to Peace Lutheran Church, scholarships are available)
Registration Form – Due June 1, 2015
(one form per family)
Names of Participants
School Grade
This Fall
Circle T-shirt size
Child’s XS S M L Adult S M L XL
Child’s XS S M L Adult S M L XL
Child’s XS S M L Adult S M L XL
Child’s XS S M L Adult S M L XL
Child’s XS S M L Adult S M L XL
Please list any allergies the above children have or any other concerns we should know about:
Parent Name(s)
Mailing address
Email address (will only use for VBS reminders)
Emergency contact name and phone number
 Please circle:
Permission is given to take pictures of my child(ren) to use in various
forms of publicity, including bulletin boards, newspapers, and the church website. (No names will be
published on the internet.)
 I give permission to the directors of VBS to act for me according to their best judgment in any
emergency requiring medical attention in the event that I cannot be reached.
 Please attach cash or check (made out to Peace Lutheran Church) to completed registration form
and return to Karen in the church office or Kristen Lukasek or Denice Woller by Monday, June 1, 2015.
Please check this box if you are requesting a scholarship.
 Please contact me about helping out with….(circle all that apply)
Supervising Kids as they
move from station to station
Helping with Craft Time
Providing Snacks
Serving Snacks