May 3, 2015 Risen Christ Lutheran Church (LCMS) GoodNewsletter The Mission of Risen Christ Lutheran Church and School is to worship God, study, teach, and spread the Gospel, united by Christ’s Word in Spirit-filled ministry and love. (Deadline to submit articles for publication in the weekly newsletter is noon Wednesday.) OUR PRAYER MINISTRY: “Pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances” 1 Thess. 5:17-18a Note: If you are going to be hospitalized or are ill at home and would like our staff’s participation and/or your name included in the Sunday prayers, please contact the church office and make us aware. Unless you notify us, we cannot participate in your care. Please do not assume that by telling one person that the message will get to the Church Secretary. Please use the Prayer Request cards and update us every 2 weeks that we might continue to lift you up in prayer. * Indicates Member “For I am the Lord who heals you” (Ex. 15:26) Cancer: *Bill Huber 3/22, Lymphoma; chemo & radiation Charlie 4/26 (D.Creel’s friend) Hospice Claudette Taylor 4/26 (Buffkins’friend) Rebecca Kelly 4/26, Stage 4 cervical cancer Taffy Greenway 4/12, radiation treatments Rev. Robert Meyer 4/12 (Snowbird) lung Kaaren Rawlings 3/29 (S.Heitmuller’s sister) liver, bone, breast Michael Campbell 3/29 (M.Morgan’s friend) brain & lung (had surgery to remove brain tumor, chemo) Ken Perrucci 3/22, (J.Thorn’s friend) lung Mark Kedrowski 3/22 (Snowbirds Shirley & Chet’s son from WI) colon Dylan Tooker 4/12, (Christians’s brother) 4-story fall from scaffolding. Fractured hip, arm, ribs, jaw Rev. Paul Dietz 3/29 (Ruisis’ friend) kidney transplant, Surgery scheduled for April 30 Bereavement: Family & friends of *Barbara Kresken, who died April 29th Anticipated Births & Adoptions: Wayne & Colleen Alton, adoption of 8 yr. old girl; Jason & Bailey Thrasher & Family Shut-Ins: *Leslie & Cookie Fondren; *Ray Starr; *Audrey Haseley, *Rev. Al Kresken. Diseases & Injuries: *Bonnie Cook 5/3, To Charleston on 5/5 to have a temporary neuro stimulator implanted for pain relief. Garrison Murph 5/3 (L.Edwards’ 5 yr. neighbor) SMA (no cure) Becky Bane 5/3 (RCLS Teacher) Recovery from surgery Kathy Sicuranza 4/26, (Shepherds’ friend) Needs a transplant Anna Vinzanni Inverso 4/26, (C. Ruisi’s friend) recovery from colon surgery, kidney failure, sepsis Don Griffin 4/26 (M. Hatley’s brother-in-law) heart attack, surgery, complications. Craig Smith 4/19 (C.Stull’s & C. Ruisi’s cousin’s son) awaiting a heart transplant donor Roberta Shafer 4/19, (Joe Ruisi’s daughter) Diffuse Scleritis (eye inflamation) Other Concerns: Rebecca King 5/3 (M.Barden’s friend) New Call as Deaconess, Deaf Savior Lutheran Church, Madison, WI Midge & Chuck Valuet 4/26, personal issues Brunswick Co. Mission Church; Our School Ministry; The Persecuted Church Roberta Shafer & family 3/22, unspoken concerns Robbie Daniels, 3/29, personal concerns Ryan Speigle 3/29, (C. Ruisi’s son) employment, personal concerns Bill & Nicole Lohmeyer, Missionaries to Dominican Republic (receive monetary support from Soc. Min. & LWML), Our President; The Iraqis Our Military: Risen Christ Taste of the Coast Charity Golf Tournament Date: Monday, May 4, 2015 Where: Grande Dunes Members Club Time: Registration – 11:00 a.m. Tee Time – 1:00 p.m. Cost: Various Sponsorships (See Brochure for details) Single Registration - $125 Team Registration - $400 Brochures are located on the Welcome Center in the narthex, or call the School Office at (843) 272-8163 for information. 1 The Week at Risen Christ Office hours - Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Church (843) 272-5845 Fax 272-4039 School 272-8163 Pastor John’s Cell Phone - (843) 655-2474 - Home Phone (843) 903-3939 Church Mailing Address: 10595 N. Kings Hwy., Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 Email: [email protected] May 3 Acolyte A/V Tech Greeters Ushers Reader Comm. Asst. Altar Guild 8:30 a.m. Jillian Bumgarner B. Shives, F. Kassouf, H. Roeschke Joe & Wendy Bumgarner Bill Godbey & Jack Gohsler David Hatley Gale Buffkin & Steve Kuznik Linda Stock & Barbara Shives Wed. May 6 Comm. Asst. 7:00 p.m. Joe Ruisi May 10 Acolyte A/V Tech Greeters Ushers Reader Comm. Asst. Altar Guild 8:30 a.m. Fred Abromaitis F. Kassouf, L. Pascoe, M. Barden Ron & Linda Stock Rodney Braham & Gordon Much Barbara Shives Jack Gohsler & Sean O’Connor Linda Stock & Barbara Shives 10:30 a.m. Kayla Burdick D. Davidson, B. Gallagher, T. Lesko Claudia Stull & Mary Ann Barrall Howard Barrall & Dennis Stull Joe Ruisi Bob Mattison & Gary Halvorson Rosemarie Shepherd, Carol Brickley, Betty Gilbert 10:30 a.m. Savannah Halvorson D. Davidson, W. Alton, C. Alton Rosemarie Shepherd & Carol Brickley Art & Anne Tonjes Dorothy Undly Roger Brickley & Ken Brockhaus TBD Birthdays 5/3 Sandra Conner & John Diener 5/5 Jamison Thrasher & Chris Smith 5/10 Judy Cluett Office Volunteers Needed th th Cindy Ruisi will be on vacation beginning Thursday, May 7 through May 12, then 2 more days on May 14 & 15 . Volunteers are needed to answer phones and greet visitors while she is gone. A sign-up sheet is on her office door. You may sign up there, or call the office (843) 272-5845 on Monday to let her know you can help. Thank you! Acolytes Needed th We are in need of acolytes for both services. Children in 5 grade or older are encouraged to help with this ministry. Please mark Box “A” in the Record of Fellowship. A training class will take place in a few weeks. Driessnack Library & Conference Center In consideration of one another and our various ministries, users of the Driessnack Library and Conference Center, regardless of day/time, are asked to reserve the space through the church office. Because it's empty at the moment doesn't mean it isn't reserved. Please check in with the church office. Attention Knitters, Quilters, & Crocheters The Re-Sell-It Shoppe has a large selection of new and old instruction books. Also, is anyone interested in making cloth bags for an orphanage in Haiti? For more info call Joyce Holt at (843) 347-1392. Boxtops for Education….. A Boxtop here and a Boxtop there--10 cents here and 10 cents there = $672.30. Thanks for saving and bringing in those Boxtops . Our next shipment of Boxtops will be August 2015. Keep saving and bringing them to church or school. Our goal is to increase our savings to $1,000. 2 Our Christian Stewardship For the week of April 26, 2015 Weekly Attendance: 2015: 258 2014: 230 Aug 1 - July 31 General Fund: (Actual Giving) Worship Offering Other Total General Fund Income 4/6/2014 $ 5,997.00 0.00 $ 5,997.00 39 Week Avg. $ 7,968.77 $ 7,789.94 $ 8,283.80 2014-15 Budgeted Expense* ($414,376) 2014-15 Actual Expenses* 2014-15 Actual Received * Unaudited Mortgage balance as of 4/24/15: $1,130,444.06 Fiscal YTD $ 315,261.44 7,806.68 $ 323,068.12 Fiscal YTD $ 310,782.00 $ 303,807.49 $ 323,068.12 The Week at Risen Christ Sunday, May 3 Bags of Blessings Liturgical Worship & Kids’ Church Bible Class (PH) Praise Worship & Kids’ Church Bible Class (PH) Confirmation Class Newsboys Concert @ Beach Church 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Monday Walking Club @ Myrtle Beach Mall Registration Begins for Golf Tournament Taste of the Coast Golf Tournament @ Grande Dunes Members Club 7:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Wednesday Walking Club @ Myrtle Beach Mall Re-Sell-It Shoppe Open LifeLight (PH) Assimilation Board Meeting (PH) Midweek Worship Thursday March for Jesus @ McLean Park Shelter #1 Praise Team Rehearsal (S) Traditional Choir Rehearsal (PH) Friday Walking Club @ Myrtle Beach Mall Elders Meeting Barbara Kresken Memorial Service Moser/Rowell Wedding Rehearsal 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Saturday Moser/Rowell Wedding 4:00 p.m. Sunday, May 10 Columbarium Dedication Liturgical Worship & Kids’ Church Bible Class (PH) Praise Worship & Kids’ Church Bible Class (PH) 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - Noon 10:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. March for Jesus In coordination with the National Day of Prayer 2015 Grace Place Church is sponsoring a Walk for Jesus on Thursday, May 7 from 10:30 – Noon. Meet at McLean Park, Shelter #1. 2-Mile March, prayer, scripture, refreshments. Contact Liz Reighard (843) 458-7523 or Verne Critz (843) 421-3813. Follow us on Facebook @ NMB. 3 The Lutheran Hour–April 26–"Open-Minded and Accepting" Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken Klaus. Tolerance and open-mindedness are values much touted, but truth is even better. (Acts 4:12) The Lutheran Hour can be heard on WRNN 99.5 FM Sunday mornings at 5:00 & 7:00 a.m. Group Life (Sept.-May) Risen Christ Lutheran Church & School ---CHRIST CARE GROUPS (SEPT.-MAY) God said “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Mathew 18:20. This is happening every day in our small groups. Won't you prayerfully consider participating in one of these wonderful opportunities? -- Please phone me with any questions, or feel free to contact the leader of the Christ Care Group you sense God is leading you toward. In His service, Rodney Plath - (cell) 843-504-9386, [email protected] Men’s Group - Pastor John Kassouf st rd 1 and 3 Saturday Church Parish Hall. Breakfast at 8:00 am Material –Lutheran Hour Study –Mormons--Mission Project –Lutheran Hour Broadcast Couples Group –Pastor John Kassouf st rd 1 and 3 Friday 6pm Members Homes Dinner Theme. Material –“Quenched” by Donna Powell Mission Project –Lutheran Ministering in Lebanon and Syria through Lutheran Hour Ladies Daytime –Linda Stock st rd nd th 1 and 3 Thursday Sept.-Dec./ 2 and 4 Thursday Jan.-May 1:30pm Members Homes Material –Lutheran Hour Study –Mormons--Mission Project –Coastline Women’s Center Ladies Evening –Sharon Slater nd th 2 and 4 Tuesday 7pm in Members Homes with Refreshments Material –Serendipity Bible. Mission Project –Assist members of Group Mixed Group –Betty Campbell nd th 2 and 4 Thursday 1:30pm Members Homes. Material –Extraordinary Faith Study Guide by Shelia Walsh Mission Project –Card Ministry for Sick, Shut-ins, Birthdays, and other events/situations Easy Fund Raising for Risen Christ Lutheran School Join Shoparoo. Install the App on your Smartphones and tablets, Start earning money for our school by snapping pictures of your receipts from most retail stores or liquor stores. (Not gas only) You earn points that convert to dollars. If you don’t have a “smart phone” or iPad, bring your receipts to either the church or school office and Theresa or Cindy can copy them. The receipts must be sent within 2 weeks of the date on the slip. Clip Box Tops. You can register online for coupons, games etc. at Or just remember to clip the Box Tops. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents for our school. GoodSearch When you use “GoodSearch” for your search engine on the internet and name Risen Christ Lutheran School as the charity you search for, RCLS receive one cent for every search. When that is multiplied over and over, it adds up to a considerable amount of money over time. Simply go to and sign up. 4
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