June Visitor - New Hope Lutheran Church

APRIL 2014
JUNE 2015
Blanchardville & Hollandale Lutheran Churches of the ELCA
Our Mission:
“We are and we continue to become, the people of God in this place and at this time.”
ELCA “God’s Hands” Sunday
Paul Saether called to order the special congregational meeting following joint worship services on Sunday, May 10.
The only business was a new name for the church. Stephen
Stansfield moved that congregation vote on a new name for
the church. Ronald Hermanson seconded the motion. Motion
Save the date and celebrate! On Sunday, Sept. 13,
2015, congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America will again have the opportunity to gather together for "God's work. Our hands." Sunday and celebrate who we are as the ELCA – one church, freed in
Christ to serve and love our neighbor. "God's work. Our
hands." Sunday celebrates the work you do every day,
serving communities in ways that share the love of God
with all of God's people.
We look forward to doing this work together Sept. 13,
2015. If your congregation cannot participate on that day,
please consider another time. Visit www.ELCA.org/
dayofservice for more information.
A discussion was held. The vote was cast by ballot.
After counting the ballots:
Pecatonica Lutheran 26
Hope Lutheran 16
New Hope Lutheran 39
The name for the church will be New Hope Lutheran.
Blanchardville and Hollandale will be used as campus or in
another form.
Robin Gilbertson moved to adjourn the meeting and Dawn
Doran seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Following the meeting, a celebration of the merger was held
with beverages, cake, cheese, sausage and crackers.
WHAT: “Let’s Start at the Very
Beginning: What’s the Bible all
WHEN: Wednesdays, June 3, 10,
24 at Hollandale 1t Noon
WHO MIGHT COME: Anyone with questions
about the Bible: how it came to be, what are good/
helpful translations, how do we use it, is it true,
etc., etc…
Bring a brown-bag-lunch, beverages provided, and
your BIBLE with all of your questions, insights
and wonderings.
The Visitor
Lay Communion Committee Sought
As you prepare to call your new pastor, one of the
greatest gifts that you will offer to him/her is the gift of a
Lay Distribution of Communion team.
What is a Lay Distribution of Communion team? Simply put, it is what it says it is: members of a congregation who are trained to take the bread and wine to our
Do you want to know more about this ministry option?
Are you willing to commit your time
and your heart to this ministry?
If you answer ‘yes’ to either question, please call me
(608 843 3245) so we can talk about setting a training
session. Your people who are not able to worship with
you will be so delighted that you are willing to visit with
them, bring them a recent worship bulletin and celebrate communion with them. I am waiting to hear from
In the solitude of their rooms and their homes, our shutins cherish the news you bring to them.
Page 1
Notes from Pastor Margo . . . . .
7. People really need help, but may attack you if you
do help them. Help them anyway.
Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
8. What you spend years building may be destroyed
overnight. Build anyway.
Give the world your best and you may get kicked in
the teeth. Give the world your best anyway.
We have a new name and, with God’s grace and guid- 10. All that you do, do to the glory of God.
ance, we will live into our new identity. Much will be
the same and very familiar. Many new ways have yet Peace and prayers, Sisters and Brothers in Christ.
to be determined. We will keep our ears and eyes open Pastor Margo
for all the NEWNESS that God will make happen
among us !
As we, the members of New Hope Lutheran, move forward, we have new opportunities to shape new ways
of being sisters and brothers in Christ. In 1968, Kent
Keith, a 19 year-old student at Harvard, wrote “The
Paradoxical Commandments . Years later, Mother
Teresa deemed them important enough to adapt them
for use in her work with orphans in Calcutta. She
posted them on the wall in her home for orphans in
Calcutta, India. By now, there are many versions of
Keith’s original commandments and many people
even attribute the original version to Mother Teresa.
What does Keith say when people think that Mother
Teresa originated them, thus depriving him of the
credit? He simply and graciously says: “If they were
good enough for a person like Mother Teresa to put
them on her wall, that’s all the credit I need.”
Call Committee Update
The Call Committee wishes to thank those of you who
filled out the Congregational Surveys last month. The
information you shared will be helpful as we prepare
our document to submit to the Synod.
This document will help the Synod leaders match up
several candidates for us to consider who have the
skills and attributes we desire in our next Pastor. Thank
you for your input as we move to this important step in
calling a Pastor.
It will be an historic event: the very first Pastor of our
newly merged New Hope Lutheran Church!
Parsonage Update:
The Parsonage Committee (Dave Gerber, Judy Hendrickson, Roger Kittleson, Jean Christen, Robin
These May and June days are days when adults are
Gilbertson) met at the Parsonage on Tuesday May
19th at 6:00 pm. They looked at and marked several
offering confirmands and graduates ‘wise rules for
living’. I recently heard a version of ‘The Paradoxical trees that they plan to have removed. They also
Commandments’ (also known as “Do It Anyway”) at looked at remodeling the kitchen and the main bathroom. In addition, some work will need to be done in
a graduation ceremony and now offer them to you:
the basement where there had been some water
1. People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered. damage.
Love them anyway.
2. If you are kind people may accuse you of selfish,
ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
3. If you are successful, you win false friends and sincere enemies. Succeed anyway.
4. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive
you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
5. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
6. Thinking big often gets shot down as impractical or
impossible. Think big anyway.
The Visitor
The committee is looking for two kinds of donations: MONEY and LABOR, to help complete these
projects before our new Pastor moves in. Financial
donations can be made to New Hope Lutheran
Church and put in the offering plate or mailed to the
church office at 305 Madison Street, Blanchardville,
WI 53516. (Please indicate 'Parsonage').
If you are able to help in any way with the actual remodeling, please contact Roger Kittleson (608) 4387249 or Robin Gilbertson (608) 206-2263. Thank you in
advance for your generosity, as we prepare the parsonage for our new Pastor!
Page 2
Worship Highlights for June
Holy Communion is celebrated at Blanchardville every Sunday. Hollandale has the Lord’s Supper on the 1st and
3rd Sundays of the month.
Sunday, June 7—Time after Pentecost—A house divided against itself
cannot stand. Jesus makes this observation in light of charges that he
is possessed. He is possessed, not by
a demon, but by the Holy Spirit. We
who have received the Holy Spirit
through baptism have been joined
to Christ’s death and resurrection
and knit together in the body of Christ. Those with
whom we sing and pray this day are sisters and brothers of the Lord. With them we go forth in peach to the
will of God.
Readings: Genesis 3:8-15; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 4:13
-5:1; Mark 3:20-35
a corpse also became unclean. In Mark’s gospel Jesus breaks down barriers, from his first meal at a tax
collector’s house to his last breath on the cross as the
temple curtain is torn in two. We dare to touch Jesus
in our “uncleanness” and to live as a community that
defines no one as an outsider.
Readings: Lamentations 3:22-33; Psalm 30; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-42
GOOD READS . . . . . .
“Sociologists reveal why people are done with
church but not their faith”
If you copy the title of this webinar into Google, you
can read the article. A very good article about reaSunday, June 14—Time after Pentecost—The mustard sons people leave churches and what they are really
seed becomes a shrub that shelters the birds, recalling looking for. A worthwhile read!
ancient images of the tree of life. We’d expect a ceAlso, on the ELCA South Central Synod Facebook
dar or a sequoia, but Jesus finds the power of God
page, there's a great article about bringing children
better imaged in a tiny, no-account seed. It’s not the
to church that a church put in their bulletins. It's by the
way we expect divine activity to look. Yet the tree of
photo of the little kid with the caption that reads,
life is here, in the cross around which we gather, the
"Silence in church??? Let me sing you the song of my
tree into which we are grafted through baptism, the
people." Coincidentally, it was written by Dan
true vine that nourishes us with its fruit in the cup we
Bollerud, who grew up in Hollandale Lutheran, and is
share. It may not appear all that impressive, but while
now a pastor in Anchorage, Alaska.
nobody’s looking it grows with a power beyond our
On that same Facebook page, there's a photo of
Readings: Ezekiel 17:22-24; Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15; 2 Corin- some of the workers who helped at last Sunday's
Chicken BBQ. Cool! Such a great group and a time
thians 5:6-10 (11-13) 14-17; Mark 4:26-34
of fellowship, too.
Sunday, June 21—Time after Pentecost—Now is the
acceptable time; now is the day of salvation! Now we
are in the storm, the boat almost swamped; but Jesus
is here now, and when we call him he will calm the
storm. Even the wind and waves listen to him as they
would to their creator. We also listen to him and are
Volunteers are the HEART and soul of the LEEPS procalled to believe in the power of God’s word in him, a
power greater than all that we fear.
The Regional Aging and Disability Resource Center is
Readings: Job 38:1-11; Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32; 2 Corinlooking for volunteers who want to make a difference
thians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41
in someone’s life with mild memory loss by giving 2-3
hours a week to exercise and socialize. Training is
Sunday, June 28—Time after Pentecost—A woman
provided, must be 18 or older with reliable transporfinds healing by touching Jesus’ cloak, and a girl is
restored to life when he takes her by the hand. In both tation.
cases a boundary is crossed: in Jesus’ time the hemorContact the agency by calling 608-328-9610
rhaging woman was considered ritually unclean, polluting others by her touch, and anyone who touched
The Visitor
Page 3
Movie Night:
When: Wednesday, June 24, 6 pm
Where: Country Side Lanes, Cty Hwy. F
ANY- one!
What movie: "Amish Grace"
This is the story of the forgiveness offered by the Amish families after the
school shooting (2010) of their children.
Jason has offered us the meeting room,
free of charge. We can meet at 6 pm, order off the
menu and then watch the movie together. Please
sign up on the sheet at the back of the church or talk
with Pastor Margo 608-843-3245, so she can give Jason an approximate number of attendees.
for all YOU do:
Here’s a CLEAN story:
Are you soft-soaping GOD? DUZ you DRIFT along with TIDE?
VEL, now is the time for ALL to CHEER up. If you want real
JOY, the TREND is to BREEZE to the church regularly on Sunday mornings. But too many WOODBURY their heads in the
pillow or work in their yards like HANDY ANDY, forgetting
that the Lord’s day was made for LESTOIL. Where our Lord
reigns, the DOVE of peace will never need to send out an S.O.S.
Don’t trust LUX chances by neglecting to worship on SUNDAY. Shall we DIAL you to remind you of those IVORY
places yonder? This is not just idle BABO; worship will AD to
your LIFEBUOY. So why not be faithful and WHISK yourself
out of bed Sunday mornings, dress up SPIC and SPAN and
DASH like COMET to God’s house of prayer, singing PRAISE
in your soul. PLEDGE yourself, and PRIDE of conscience will
be yours. Make your CHOICE, and GOD and life will be full of
Suspected author—MR. KLEEN
Missional Discovery Journey
Three questions to think about this week.
1)Where have you seen God at work this week?
2) Where or with whom, have you felt you have been
God's servant this week?
3) Where or from whom, did you feel you were touched
by God this week?
Blanchardville Youth 2015
Treats for Fellowship:
Blanchardville Lutheran Church
Youth and their families will be responsible
for bringing treats for fellowship after Sunday services. Please choose about 4-5 Sundays throughout
the year to provide treats.
The youth program appreciates this help and everyone loves the fellowship after services!
Go to www.signupgenius.com/
go/10c0f4dada723a3fa7-treats to sign up.
The Visitor
everyone for your kindnesses to one another
everyone for continuing faithful worship participation
your constancy in prayer for the work of our call
all who celebrated with us as we officially MERGED
into one NEW congregation of NEW HOPE LU-
everyone who worked at the Hollandale Opening
Day Chicken BBQ
your support of our newly confirmed members at
New Hope Lutheran
the choir for leading us regularly at worship and for
their concert at the New Glarus Home
the work of the parsonage committee and the beautiful tending of the parsonage grounds
to Becky Kesler for attending the synod assembly as
our voting member and delivering the GHM kits
the Garthwates for cleaning the candelabra
to Marilyn Jaeger for providing music and leading
the Seniors in singing at Baccalaureate
Refugee Bathroom Box Needs Continue
These needs continue, now in a more precise form: they
♦new pillows,
♦single sheets,
♦mattress pads and
♦towels…always towels!
In the narthex of each church is a large plastic garbage
tub. As you bring any of the above items, place them in
the tub and Pastor Margo will deliver the items to Trinity
Lutheran as the garbage cans fill.
Thanks again!
“Dear Pastor Margo and members of Blanchardville/
Hollandale Lutheran Church,
Thank you so much for gathering, packing and delivering twelve bathroom boxes to the Refugee Resettlement
A special thank you to Renny Anderson and Mary Baal
for delivering the boxes to our storage area at Trinity Lutheran.
We are anticipating the arrival of numerous families in
the months to come. LSS believes there will be up to 75
people coming our way, seeking a new life in the Madison
area. Your kindness and action are greatly appreciated.
Grateful, the SCSW Refugee Resettlement Team”
Page 4
Perry Lutheran Church is going
to the Brewers. On Saturday,
June 27, 2015, a bus will leave
the Hwy 18/151 park & ride at 9:30 a.m.
Game time is 2:00 p.m. The cost for the
bus and the game is $50. For more information, please contact Jeff Volden at
437-6846 or [email protected]
1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month
10:00-11:00 a.m.
Blanchardville Lutheran Church
Wish List
laundry soap
dish soap
Cooking oil
paper towels
cake/brownie mix
spaghetti sauce
(like Ragu or
pancake mix
pancake syrup
Please feel free to contact one of the
Food Pantry Committee members if
you have any questions or are in
need of food.
The Pecatonica Area Food Pantry
Marcia Bredeson -- 574-5224
Jean Christen -- 967-2349
Bev Lien -- 832-6344
Alice Yaeger -- 523-4960
The Visitor
If we missed your birthday, please call
the church office to let us know!!
“Visitor” information by:
Friday, June 19, 2015
Newsletter assembly:
Thursday, June 25, by Blanchardville
June Worship Committees
Kathryn Kammerude
Ron & Ellen Syse
The families of Jim Rufenacht
and Stacey Olson Strempke;
Nedra Torkelson, Wayne
Garthwaite, Bruce Rear, JoAnne Kainz,
Lolly Johnson, David Winden, Dick &
Lois Gifford, Gordy & Grace Larson,
Orville Ayen, Richard Gilbertson, Margaret Hanson, and Ruth Hanson; Jeremy Knutowski and all military personnel, those in nursing homes or homebound, and all others with special
Hollandale Lutheran would like to
thank everyone who helped at the
chicken BBQ in Hollandale on May
Thanks to all the people who donated food and everyone who purchased meals. It was greatly appreciated.
Again thanks.
the church women (both
Blanchardville and Hollandale)
who brought baked goods to
the May 9th bake sale in
Blanchardville. The sale was a
huge success!
Thanks also to Audrey Klosterman and Margaret Barnes
for the assistance in selling
the goodies. All was appreciated.
The ladies made about $600,
now to find a good use for
the dollars.
Jun 01
David Hermanson
Jun 06
Cleo Kundert
Jun 07
Rosalie Larson
Jun 09
Gaylord Hanson
Jun 19
Ron Hermanson
Jun 19
Harland Watrud
Jun 22
Dennis Severson
Jun 23
Ruth Kolb
Please call the church when:
a member of your family is admitted to the hospital so that visits can
be made.
your committee or group plans to
have a meeting, or cancel a meeting
so that it can be published in the
bulletin or newsletter
either your personal or business
telephone number has changed, so
that the church records can be updated
you are planning to move out of
town or locally
a new baby arrives in the family
a death occurs in the family
a member of your family leaves
home for college or to establish a
new residence
you have special requests for the
prayers of the church
a new family moves into the
you think the church can help in any
you have ideas, articles, pictures, or
corrections for the newsletter
Page 5
April 27, 2015
Beth Kundert
Old Business:
•Larry and Teri Green and family and Rodney and Jayne Kurschner
family were approved to membership at Blanchardville
Paul Saether called the meeting to order and led the group in deby
at the March 23, 2015 council meeting.
votions and prayer. Present were Paul Saether, Pastor Steve Kot•
on April 1st. There may be some final fortke, Becky Johnson, Kathleen Hermanson, Roger Kittleson, Chelmalities that the attorney needs to do.
sea Burkeland, Dawn Doran, Vicki Chrostowski, Eric Straehl,
•Parsonage committee will consist of Robin Gilbertson, Roger
Stephen Stansfield, Robin Gilbertson, and Beth Kundert.
Kittleson, Jean Christen, Dave Gerber, and Judy Hendrickson
Minutes from the April 8 special meeting and March 23rd counat this time. They will meet to prioritize the projects that need
cil meeting were approved by motion from Roger and a second
doing, gather information and costs. There are several projects
from Robin. Motion passed.
that are needed, both inside and outside at the parsonage.
Becky reviewed and discussed the treasurer's report. This month
•Hollandale Chicken BBQ is May 3rd. Anyone wishing to help
we are behind the budget by approximately $ 3,137.09.
is more than welcome. Jean brought T-shirts from Thrivent for
volunteers to wear.
Pastor Steve Kottke spoke about the call process. Dawn Doran
and Chelsea reported the call committee's plans and the process
•Still looking for a gentleman to attend Synod Assembly with
the Synod has in place that will lead the congregation and the
Becky Kesler on May 30 &31st in Madison.
committee to finding a new pastor. The communicator at HollanNew Business:
dale is Jean Christen and Ron Syse at Blanchardville or anyone
•There will be no donation to the Synod Assembly from the
on the call committee. A congregational survey consisting of 5
During worship an offering is taken.
questions will be sent out through first class mail. Responses will
summer worship times will be 8:15 at Hollandale
help determine what our congregation wants our church to be like
and our mission now and in the future. Also discussed were a
time frame and other items. Financial support for the call process
•Stephen moved and Vicki seconded to approve an unpaid
will be there. A budget was not formally set up.
leave for Pastor Margo on May 31st to attend her granddaughter's graduation She will pay the supply pastor. Motion passed.
•A motion by Robin and a second by Chelsea to approve the
Thank you note from ELCA for our sponsorship of Missionary
following young people: Kiersten Cassidy (to be confirmed at
Kevin Jacobson and from the Boy Scout troop for again sponsorYork), Ryan Kleppe, Carter Ruegsegger, Jeff Saether, Justin
Swearingen, Hunter Vogel, and Lexi Krause for the rite of afTransfers:
firmation of baptism/ confirmation on May 17th. Motion carNone at this time.
•Robin and Vicki were previously appointed to the council.
Upon a motion by Roger and a second by Kathleen, Stephen
Stansfield as a deacon and Lisa Toay as a member of the board
of education were approved and appointed to the council. Motion passed.
•Eric Straehl discussed insurance coverage for both churches,
the parsonage and liability for traveling. He will gather information regarding costs and coverage. Hollandale's insurance is
in effect until May 22, 2015.
Mar 02 Doug & Susie Farmer
42 Years
Jun 09 Lee & Susan Retzlaff
31 Years
Jun 10
Marty & Angie Hendrickson
Jun 14
George & Marilyn Torkelson
Jun 15
Paul & Julie Saether
24 Years
Jun 17
Richard & Peggy Gilbertson
54 Years
Jun 17
Steve & Charity Norton
Jun 21
Darrel & Stephanie Moore
Jun 24 Dan & Audrey Parkinson
64 Years
Jun 26 Galyord & Margaret Hanson
Jun 26 Duane & Beth Kundert
Jun 29 Robin & Kaye Gilbertson
22 Years
44 Years
30 Years
The Visitor
Informational Dates:
•May 3rd. Reception of new members of Rodney and Jayne,
LeeAnn and Christina Kurschner family and Larry, Teri. Tiffani, Logan and Tessa Green family.
•May 10th Merger Celebration with one worship at 10:00 am.
Recognition of high school graduates, Sunday School staff, and
installation of the call committee. A congregational meeting to
vote only on the item of choosing a new church name.
•May 11th Council 7 pm. at Blanchardville.
•June 21st Worship at 10:00 am at McKellar Park as part of
the community's Father's Day Celebration.
By consensus the meeting adjourned.
The group closed with the Lord’s prayer.
Page 6
New Hope Lutheran Church Council
May 11, 2015
Beth Kundert, Secretary
Notes taken by Stephen Stansfield
Paul Saether called to order the meeting and led devotions
followed by prayer. Present were: Paul Saether, Pastor Margo,
Vicki Chrostowski, Kathleen Hermanson, Roger Kittleson,
Becky Johnson, Robin Gilbertson, Sarah Saether, Chelsea
Burkeland, Chuck Meyer, and Stephen Stansfield.
The minutes from the April 27th meeting were read and approved upon motion by Roger and second by Chuck. Motion
Becky Johnson presented treasurer's report. Following discussion Robin moved and Kathleen seconded to accept the report.
Motion passed.
Pastor Margo presented her report of the regular meetings,
worship services, visits and up coming special services for
May. She commented that Rev. Al Wahl will be conducting
services on May 31st. Pastor Margo is paying for this supply
pastor since she has used her vacation time.
moved and Kathleen seconded to get bigger and brighter
signs to be placed above the existing signs at the churches
to New Hope Lutheran. Motion passed.
•A class for lay people to distribute to communion for shutins is needed.
•We should revise the constitution under New Hope Lutheran Church identify and formulate current by-laws.
•Suggested a new directory is a good idea. Today many people use cell phones only, e-mail is another way many people
communicate. This information would be useful to a new
pastor and all of our congregation.
•A short discussion about Pastor Margo's contract that ends
June 30, 2015 was held. She will send an E-mail to all council members to express her feelings for us to think about
before the June 8th council meeting.
Informational Date:
•June 8th Council Meeting at the parsonage.
Meeting adjourned by consensus followed by prayer.
None at this time.
Old Business:
•Pastor Margo noted there is still $500 remaining from the
Lenten offerings. One well in Africa has been purchased.
Following a discussion, Robin moved and Kathleen seconded that the remaining $500 be sent to the well project.
Motion passed. The Lenten offerings had been designated to
the well project.
Heal grief and education group offers sessions open to anyone
18 years and older who has experienced the death of someone
special. Learn about the grieving process and ideas for coping
and healing in a safe and supportive setting.
•The chicken Barbecue in Hollandale had net proceeds of
$3,800. Hollandale Grocery was paid $800.00.
•Robin and Roger reported on the condition of the parsonage.
1.Roof is okay for another year or two.
2.41 trees on property need attention (schedule a work
3.Basement needs 8 sheets of dry wall replaced
4.Main floor needs lots of attention, ie. kitchen, bath-and
5.Rough estimate $25,000
6.Council for June will be at the parsonage.
New Business:
•Robin moved and Chuck seconded that proceeds of
$3,800 from the Chicken Barbeque at Hollandale be put
towards the repair at the parsonage. Motion passed.
WHAT: The Monroe Clinic Grief Group Series Session-June
WHEN: The six-week series will begin on Wednesday evenings, starting June 3rd and continues to meet every week
(6/3, 6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/8) until July 3th. Meetings will be
from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the St. Camillus Center, 2101 6th
Street, Monroe.
HOW: To register or obtain more information, please call
Monroe Clinic Hospice Office at 608-324-1230. Also, registration can be done online at www.monroeclinic.org. There is
no charge for HEAL Grief Group and it is open to the public.
Sunday, June 7
Worship Times
8:15 a.m. at Hollandale
9:45 a.m. at Blanchardville
•.Changing the church signs on the edge of town. Stephen
The Visitor
Page 7
2015 Confirmation Class
Youth Birthdays
These young people are the first Confirmation Class at New Hope Lutheran Church. Services were held on Sunday, May
17, 2015, in both locations, Hollandale and Blanchardville. Pictured are: front row, Hunter Vogel and Justin Swearingen;
Back row (l-r) Jeff Saether, Carter Ruegsegger, Lexi Krause and Ryan Kleppe. Interim Pastor, Margo Martens, is standing
behind the altar.
Jun 05 Ava Kolb
Jun 06 Addyson Kolb
Jun 13 Ben Thronson
June 21, 2015
Jun 18 Kennedi Morris
Jun 22 Caden Pisczor
Jun 23 Alex Emberson
Jun 24 Kelsey Chrostowski
Jun 27 Kayden Kurschner
Jun 28 Connor Pisczor
Jun 30 Piper Mayhew
The Visitor
Rain location: Trinity Church
Serving starts at 11:00 a.m.
Page 8
Church Total
News & Notes
OUR SYMPATHY to the family and friends of Stacey Olson Strempke (class of ‘67) who died Sunday, May 17, in
Texas. A memorial services will be held Saturday, June 6, 2015, 2:00 p.m., at the Blanchardville Lutheran
Church. One of Stacey’s wishes was to have a Memorial service at Blanchardville Lutheran which she still
thought of as her church.
GARDEN TENDING—Pastor Margo will be planting potatoes, tomatoes, onions, etc. in the parsonage garden
in the coming days. When the vegetables start growing, help will be needed for weeding and caring for the
plot. All produce will be given to the local food pantry.
LAFAYETE COUNTY DAIRY BREAKFAST—Saturday, June 13, Serving 6:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. (rain or shine). Hosted
by Village View Farm, Kevin and Rae Ann Makos, Cole and Kory, 1296 County Road C, Argyle WI. Menu:
Scrambled Eggs with Ham and Cheese, Sausage Links, Cheese, Donuts, Pudding, Milk, Juice, Coffee and
featuring “Badgerland Barnyard Blast” Ice Cream. Adults, $4; Children under 10, $2; Preschool, free. Free
Parking, Activities, Music, Door Prizes, etc.
OFFERING CHECKS—We are not quite there to begin writing checks to New Hope Lutheran Church. Please
continue to make your checks out to your home church. As soon as the new name and bank federal ID
numbers match members can begin writing “New Hope” on their checks. Watch the bulletin/newsletter for
that information.
Sanctuary Ministers
June 7, 2015
Melissa Jenson
Travis Keast
Tiffany Bethke
Jean Christen
Nicholas Puckett
Evan Stansfield
June 14, 2015
Andi Kelly
Ron & Ellen Syse
Vicki Chrostowski
Ellen Syse
Owen Thronson
Ryan Kleppe
June 21, 2015
Tony & Rhonda Kirch
McKellar Park
Wayne Garthwaite
Skylar Garthwaite
June 28, 2015
Melvin & Diane Kleppe
Dawn Doran
Jaci Gilbertson
Dawn Doran
Lexi Krause
Carter Ruegsegger
July 5, 2015
Ron & Lisa Krause
Becky Johnson
Kaye Gilbertson
Becky Johnson
Hunter Vogel
Jeff Saether
The Visitor
Page 9
7:00 Council
8:15 H Worship/Communion
9:45 B Worship/Communion
8:15 H Worship
9:45 B Worship/Communion
8:15 H Worship
10:00 Father’s Day Worship in
the Park
8:15 H Worship
9:45 B Worship/Communion
6:00 York 4-H@B
12:00 Table Talk Bible
6:00 Movie Night@
Countryside Lanes
12:00 Table Talk Bible
12:00 Table Talk Bible
12:30 Visitor Assembly
by Blanchardville
Visitor Articles Due
6:30 AA Mtg@B
10-11 Food Pantry@B
6:30 AA Mtg@B
10-11 Food Pantry@B
2:00 Memorial Service
@B for Stacey Olson
Pastor Margo’s Office Hours: Pastor Margo regular days in the office will be Wednesday, with other times as needed. She usually spends one night a week at the
parsonage and welcomes you to stop by. Judy (in the office) keeps Margo’s schedule. Questions? Call Judy at 523-4239 or Margo at 843-3245
Church Office: Ph. 608-523-4239, e-mail: [email protected] Interim Pastor, Margo Martens Ph. 608-843-3245
Blanchardville & Hollandale Lutheran Churches of the ELCA
June 2015