New Mexico Procedures for Closing PARCC Test Sessions Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Stop Online Test Sessions in PearsonAccessNext ........................................................................................ 2 Not Tested Reasons .................................................................................................................................. 3 New Mexico State-Specific Not Tested Reason Codes ............................................................................. 4 Void PBA/EOY Score Reasons ................................................................................................................... 4 New Mexico State-Specific Void Codes .................................................................................................... 5 Updating Not Tested and Void Codes via File Import ............................................................................... 5 Withdrew before Test Completion ........................................................................................................... 7 Post-testing Procedures for Paper-based Testing .................................................................................... 8 Coding Changes for 2015 .......................................................................................................................... 9 Homeschooled Students ........................................................................................................................... 9 Test Administrator Survey ...................................................................................................................... 10 Introduction This document augments two Pearson documents that describe post-testing procedures. The document PARCC Closing Test Sessions Guide describes how to close test sessions in PearsonAccessNext (PAN) under several scenarios, including when students registered for testing don’t participate and when testing irregularities occur. The Spring 2015 PARCC Test Coordinator's Manual (TCM) describes post-testing procedures for paperbased testing (see pages 42–57, sections 6.11–6.27). The following information focuses on New Mexico-specific directions for marking students as not tested and voiding tests that should not be scored. Other common procedures are only briefly described here so please reference the Pearson documents for more details. PAN users must have the STUDENT TEST UPDATE ROLE to mark Not Tested and Void reason codes. All PED-approved test coordinators have been granted that role and may confer it on other users (e.g., site test coordinators) at their discretion. See the Pearson online user guide for information about editing user accounts. Schools should keep only the Test Coordinator Manuals and Test Administrator Manuals between administrations, to be recycled after the EOY. For computer-based tests (CBT), please complete the processes in this manual before April 13, which is the start of the EOY window. As explained later in this guide, PAN processes for paper-based tests (PBT) will occur at a later time. Mark Student Tests Complete in PearsonAccessNext If students clicked “Submit Final Answers” at the end of their test sessions, their tests will already be in completed status. Students may not have submitted tests for a variety of reasons. If, at the completion of testing, student tests are not in completed status, the Test Coordinator must mark student tests complete. Guidance for this process is on pages 10–11 (Part D) of Pearson’s Guide to Closing Test Sessions ( Student tests must be in completed status before test sessions can be stopped. Stop Online Test Sessions in PearsonAccessNext Following completion of testing, all sessions must be stopped in PAN. (a) In the Students in Sessions screen, review the Student Test Status column in the list of students at the bottom of the screen. All students must be in Completed or Marked Complete status. (b) If all students are in a Completed status, click the Stop button under the session name. If students are not in a Completed status, click on the student test status button to review the Student Test & Item Progress screen. Depending on the student’s progress, mark the test complete or remove the student from the session following procedures in the Pearson document. (b) (a) Not Tested Reasons The test coordinator must identify reasons that students do not test in PAN. Note: Not tested reason codes are ONLY for students who do not take any part of the test. If students begin testing but have a non-traditional test administration, this will be indicated in the Void PBA/EOY Score section. (a) (b) (c) (d) Click the Setup button and choose Students in the drop down. On the Students screen, search for the student in the Find Students search bar. Check the box for the student in the list at the bottom of the screen. At the top of the screen, click the Select Tasks drop down and check the box for Manage Student Tests. (e) Click Start to the right of Select Tasks. (f) On the Manage Student Tests screen, click the completed test beneath the student’s name. Under Test Details, check the box next to Not Tested Code; and select a Reason from the drop down. Refer to the New Mexico State-Specific Not Tested Reason Codes table on the following page. (g) Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save. New Mexico State-Specific Not Tested Reason Codes Not Tested Reason Absent Language Exempt for ELA (1st year EL in US Schools)1 Parental Refusal Other Non-Tested Reason 9th Grade EL Eligible for SLA SBA – not testing ELA 20151 Student completed less than 50% of class by test window Reserved for PED use Reserved for PED use Reserved for PED use Not Tested Code Absent Not Tested Reason 1 Not Tested Reason 2 Not Tested Reason 3 Not Tested Reason 4 Not Tested Reason 5 Not Tested Reason 6 Not Tested Reason 7 Not Tested Reason 8 Void PBA/EOY Score Reasons (a) Follow steps a-e on the previous page to select students whose tests should not be scored because the test attempt was aborted. On the Manage Student Tests screen, check the box next to Void Code (beneath Not Tested Reason) and select a Reason from the drop down. Refer to the New Mexico State-Specific Void Codes table on the following page. (b) Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save. Note: PAN automatically creates a duplicate, voided test record when tests are reset (i.e., PED unsubmits a test for which students prematurely submitted answers or Test Administrators marked tests complete. These test records can be identified in the Manage Student Tests screen because “unsubmitted” is listed as the void score reason (see image). 1 Previous guidance indicated the need to unassign these students from an ELA test in PAN. In order to assign Not Tested Reasons 1 and 4, you must reassign the student’s ELA test. Because the void score reason code “Unsubmitted” is automatically populated by PAN in cases where tests are reset, it cannot be indicated by a test coordinator. Instead, the following void codes should be selected: New Mexico State-Specific Void Codes Void Reason Invalid initial test attempt replaced by a test reassignment due to missing accommodations, incorrect test assignment, or technical issues. Parent or student refusal to continue testing. Reserved for PED use Reserved for PED use Reserved for PED use Reserved for PED use Reserved for PED use Reserved for PED use Void Code Void Reason 1 Void Reason 2 Void Reason 3 Void Reason 4 Void Reason 5 Void Reason 6 Void Reason 7 Void Reason 8 Updating Not Tested and Void Codes via File Import As an alternative to entering on the Manage Student Tests screen, Not Tested and Void Score reason codes may be populated in the Student Test Update file, which is a .csv file that is available for import/export by PAN users with the STUDENT TEST UPDATE ROLE. When the Student Test Update file is exported, it will contain all the data fields from the Student Registration File and Personal Needs Profile (PNP), as well as not tested and void information already in the system. The following steps describe how to enter additional not tested and void information in a spreadsheet and batch upload into PAN. Step 1: Navigate to SetupImport / Export DataSelect Tasks Import / Export DataStart Step 2: Under Type, select Student Test Update Export from the pulldown. Beneath the Type pulldown, check which test records to include in the report. If you wish to void completed tests, then select “Include Attempts.” If you wish to enter not tested reasons, select “Include Test Assignments” to include assigned tests that were not attempted by students. Click Process. Step 3: Refresh the View File Details screen until the Download File button appears. Click the Download File button. Step 4: Save the .csv file to a local directory and open it in Excel. Populate column CT with “Y” if a student did not test. Populate column CV with “Y” the test needs to be voided. Populate columns CW with CU with the appropriate reason code (number only) from the tables on the previous pages. Step 5: Fix columns B, C, L, and O to match the format required by PAN. See instructions on pages 56 of the Step-by-step Guide for Creating Test Sessions document, as these columns are identical between the Student Registration File and Student Test Update file. Step 6: Repeat Step 1 to import the revised .csv file. Step 7: Resolve errors in Excel, if necessary, and re-import until all records are successful. Withdrew before Test Completion For students who withdrew during the test window after partially completing a test, enter “UNENROLLED” in the Optional State Data 4 the Register Students screen. Only users with the SENSITIVE DATA ADD-ON ROLE will be able to enter this data in PAN as follows: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Go to SetupStudents and use filters to find the student(s) who withdrew before completion. Check the box(es) next to the ID number(s). Go Select TasksRegister StudentsStart. On the Register Students screen, enter “UNENROLLED” in the Optional State Data 4 field. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save. (Race and Programs data fields are omitted from this screen shot.) For PAN users with the STUDENT TEST UPDATE role, the Optional State Data 4 field can alternatively be populated in column AE of the Student Test Update File at the same time as not tested and void information is entered: Post-testing Procedures for Paper-based Testing Scorable and nonscorable materials must be collected and returned within ten (10) days after completing each PARCC administration. Test Coordinators will have the opportunity to apply not tested and void score codes after Pearson scans the books and indicates the completed status for these tests in PAN. Guidance will be provided once Pearson’s scanning and scoring schedule is finalized. Test Coordinators may void a test that should not be scored by writing “Do Not Score” or drawing an “X” in large font on the Student ID page of the test booklet. Do not to write over the barcode. Return these Test Booklets with nonscorable materials for the following circumstances: The Test Booklet is damaged (and has been transcribed). Unused Test Booklets have Student ID Labels applied. Large Print or Braille Test Booklets for which student responses have been transcribed into a corresponding form-level Test Booklet for processing/scoring (refer to transcription instructions in Section 7.4 of the PARCC Test Coordinator Manual) Coding Changes for 2015 Test Coordinators previously marked the following test codes for SBA. You will NOT mark the following codes for PARCC. Medical Exemptions. PED will track and record medical exemptions based on approved forms. These non-tested forms will not be included in participation rates. Testing Irregularities. PED will also track and record invalidations due to testing irregularities and will suppress reporting and aggregating for these tests. Non-allowed Modification. Like testing irregularities, PED will track and record non-allowed modifications, suppressing their reporting and aggregation. You do not have to indicate students who will take the following tests instead of PARCC assessments: Alternate Assessments (NCSC/NMAPA) Spanish Language Arts SBA The PED will gather and report student data from PARCC, NCSC, NMAPA, and SBA. Note: Students taking alternate assessments will not test PARCC but were uploaded into PAN registrations from STARS. For these students, you may do any of the following: Remove PAN test registrations Delete the students out of PAN Leave their online test registrations assigned in PAN (but do not put the students in a session) Note: Eligible EL students taking the SLA assessment from Measured Progress were also uploaded to PAN from the STARS file. For these students, you may do any of the following: Remove ELA test registrations in PAN Leave their online ELA test registrations assigned in PAN (but do not put the students in a session) You will not be charged for online test registrations for assessments students do not take. Homeschooled Students Homeschooled students are not marked in PAN prior to testing. They will be indicated during review of the summative record file, at which time a Report Suppression Code will be applied. This code will allow for generation of student reports but will suppress student data for aggregation. Test Administrator Survey After all online test sessions are complete, instruct Test Administrators to complete the survey at For schools doing paper-based testing, instruct Test Administrators to complete the survey at If a Test Administrator is administering both the PBA and the EOY, he or she should complete the survey once after each administration. Although not required, participation is strongly encouraged. Information from this survey will be summarized and used to inform future PARCC testing policies, procedures, and practices. TAs should complete the PBA survey no later than Friday, April 10, and the EOY survey no later than Friday, May 22.
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