PELICAN BAY SERVICES DtvtstoN Municipal Services Taxing & Benefit Unit MAY 27.2015 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING THE LANDSCAPE & SAFETY COMMITTEE OF THE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION WILL MEET AT 3 PM ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 AT THE GOMMUNITY CENTER AT PELIGAN BAY, LOCATED AT 8960 HAMMOCK OAK DRIVE, NAPLES, FLORIDA. AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Agenda approval 3. Audience Comments 4. Administrator's Reoort a. b. Extra ordinary police protection update FY 2016 landscape needs update Manpower ii. Vehicles iii. lrrigation iv. Misc. c. Oakmont Lake path update 5. Presentation and discussion of landscape architect's CIP Phase 3 plans a. Staff evaluation of Phase 1 and 2 CIP re-landscaping projects as it relates to the criteria and goals of the CIP b. Staff recommendations as to how to oroceed with Phase 3 6. Discussion and update of the PBSD's role in the community as it pertains to PB Foundation property 7. Chairman's reoort a. e-mails and ohone calls from residents b. 2015-16 Bicycle Safety Program c. Update on bicycle legislation New Business Discussion on connecting Crayton Rd. to Pelican Bay * Cap Antibes changes to Pelican Bay Blvd. and medians * Discussion on 3-way Stop signs at North Pointe Dr. & Pelican Bay Blvd. 9. Adjournment * indicates possib/e motions and votes 8. i. a. b. c. ANY PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK ON AN AGENDA ITEM WILL RECEIVE UP TO THREE (3) MINUTES PER ITEM TO ADDRESS THE BOARD. THE BOARD WILL SOLICIT PUBLIC COMIiIENTS ON SUBJECTS NOT ON THIS AGENDA AND ANY PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK WILL RECEIVE UP TO THREE (3) MINUTES. THE BOARD ENCOURAGES YOU TO SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS IN WRITING IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD IS MADE, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A DISABILIry WHO NEEDS AN ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE PROVISION OF CERTAIN ASSISTANCE. PLEASE CONTACT THE PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION AT (239) 5971 749 OR VISIT PELICANBAYSERVICESDIVISION-NET. 512112015 10:02:55 AM From: loseph Chicurel Imailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:33 AM Toi Resnicklisa Subject: item 4.b. Plantings and trees already intruding into pedestrian and vehicular Right of Ways (Pelican Bay pathways and roads). : ..::i :,.ri-r;.].i.:;:r: _, ' .,{:.:::i. i' From: Joseph Chicurel Imailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 20,2015 11:21 AM To: ResnickLisa Subject: Old PBSD Truck needing to be replaced. item 4.b.ii PBSD truck needing to be replaced. -_l CIP Landscape Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reduce water usage and use drip style heads. Eliminate old plantings that look "tired" and unattractive. Reduce sod areas as much as possible. Use more native plants and add color. Reduce manpower needs and therefore reduce labor costs. Eliminate line of sight issues at intersections. Unintended Gonsequences and the Reality of lmplementing the GIP Goals 1. The old irrigation system designed for sod remained. The sod was removed and plants replaced large areas of sod. Drip style heads were not effective (nozzles clogged; couldn't be combined with spray heads). The old system could not accommodate all of the new plantings and sod. 2. Water demands actually increased as new plants required more water. There was NO WATER SAVINGS. 3. LABOR COSTS and MANPOWER NEEDS actually increased: a. Weeding and mulching planted areas increased. b. Trimming and pruning plants increased maintenance costs. Areas of grass didn't require the added manpower requirements that the new beds of plants necessitated. pq,qdoldobrudqq / uorrdD*6o!-6a pur NV'Id CNIINV]d NVIC]W ')Nl sl)lLlH)8v ldvfscNVl sl€l-tNV,C dV) OI stdours+zlloc cAlS IVS llXl lfVId )dvWUlMv\ HInOs Nvfl]ld - sNvlclw tld .l :l 6 : t E b .r- It T | ;l , 1 il ;l al ie t di ! I! I !l ! I @ffi !!i ---l ! 3 -q ! E ! .! t ; I I d .: I !I e i I 6 i, !i I r *.1 : 3!l ! !;I t!'gr*,/ ==--_>z_1.6 JNrr4i#; sJgrrN, ).a- r ."q "'vj o n () ttx HINO I '^l)l,LV ;f 4 v Bof do66oh ldqq / uolrdossoa&or our NVtd ')Nt slJlrH)8v rdv)soNYl cN[N\.ld NYtC]W stvlv)/ocvNodo) or sr€[NY,c dY) €d sldodls+zr30c 'c^t€ lv€ Nvft]3d :sNvtclw @ffi : .E I I { . I € t-t s, d J hE 3 :' i 9! 3:; & 9 e ,5 I c v E I i ri t -o I ; e ii 3 T 9t E i* + 6 : tiP: IE t R ) :fYl: I1Vd\ v f'l > __/ rts!.,ErrjL :NIH)-t -vf:- El!l!f J--ovro:ol G o o1 >l o l\ o z >.) O z 6( z 0- o ElsllNJv'o \ lNIHftwv Ir ooa.|dqF6@b|!oqq / uo! NVtd cNl.lNVld dDu6@n@& FU-l ')Nt sl)tJ.tHfdv ldvfsoNVl stdouls+ztloc 'cAt€ lcctdvt) o-t ocvNoxo) lvs Nv)llld :sNvlclw gd j t t I ! d E : Nvlclw .i : i 3 t I ! 5i - € 9 'il s 5: t: 5iE ei il t h : ! : o I 5i :i I .t I z {i o tz f; I! ai 9 2 !! 6 E E I 5 E ? ai a MARAEELLA ,// tNtlHttvw v. I r ;90ttvt, o L o s z : 9e o n o z 0- ,yrrg:{o[ oloc Jo+] _ _ lr /1tl€v>vn I I 3! !! Ei -------ioT I ,l 6 : * ! : Eg i5 I ll rl - r ro--l il; .: | ,i:.lia | isgi l;: I I I la5qddG6@ra|@oqq / uoaldDq6@4-6. NVtd 9N|.LNVrd Fa r f-r=l NVTCSW . ')Nt sr)3lrHflv ldv)soNVl stdodrs+zLtoc 'c^'r€ odlN31NOW 5 I ! it 9 ! 9 F I in .n E l L,i q I I I ;: 5;; ! ts { ai I .: i G s o z ! r O ; 6.- I; s L i, 3, 6i at I 0I t E, 3 3! I \ll"ot --Atb.t ll /' /-x vll lI ti o:lNllNot{ lffil 1l o 'uilW- 11 WF o z o- 11 ffi, )w lNIHflVW ;9Ct:Vt? r!: i6+ i E: 1 I B NO1tl:VC o ! l N: l r o '-" ^ ; E &; | -l c l"'ll:!ill31l lvs Nv)t'lld :sNvtclw €d .. I Ol lCClX\.ll I x !o!4dw*@cpdqq / !oerdoud@4{6, bur ')Nt slfSLtH)uv ldv)scNvl DNVUINI €n]) 01 IV^^ lN3CtSr stdodrs+zHoc l^tuc )uvd l'lnc :sNvtclw gd 3 ! .l =l E r: ! !I :l !Ir !l \-? \57 {l :l -,1 t 'lcl ! 9 o I 6 \: 5 /l -:i{)g,v I iw ill \ a\ b_. -13:. 3 i , : t, !.! 3t: .:i E lt $ r 3.. li J. .. ca E 3; ig ! i R t! t I l v l* l 1Q t.LJ a o ; A { v 0_ { .rNfot).1 \ \\ \l rNtlH)rvw x-al @ffi qorrdo66oblloqq 'f,Nt / uarrdos6oeqe NVrd 9NrlNVtd NVIOIW |Fu.l sl)tl t)uv ldv)scNvl llJL NSluc ol3)NVU-tN3 €nl) srdodls+zI]oc !. t _i I '6 H il i$l -l : ? l6 t t! rt : 3 EJ: lll ti :l i6 a 3 l,l1 t! t! 1-l { l^tdc )uvd l'lnc :sNVlcSw 8d tu tf ; ! T 3 i B t T {l 5' I I i :lr E ! &t t h t J a : o 0_ l (_, ! r-", a*!9!9-i'i ^J - -' @ffi Bicycle Safety Legislation Update Bicycle and "vulnerable user" legislation introduced by Naples State Reoresentative Kathleen Passidomo fell victim to the adiournment of this past legislature session. It will be re-introduced either in the special session or next session. SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES: 1. The term "Vulnerable User" was introduced to designate not only cyclists, but also pedestrians, people in wheelchairs, and motorcyclists. These classifications recognize those who maybe at risk of injury due to a collision with a motor vehicle. 2. lf the bill passes, a motorist must pass a vulnerable user by 3 feet and will be allowed to cross a double yellow-line in the road to do so. The 3 feet distance would be measured from the farthest projecting point of the vulnerable user (i.e. bicycle mirror) to the body of the passing vehicle. 3. A turning vehicle must allow a cyclist, pedestrian or other vulnerable user to pass before making turn. 4. The bill toughens penalties. lf a vulnerable user is injured, the driver of the motor vehicle must go to court and could be fined up to $2,000. From: Joseph chicurel Imailto:[email protected]] sent: Wednesday, May 20,2015 11:38 To: Resnicklisa Subject: item 8.a. AM Aerial View of Pelican Bay Crayton Rd. cul-de-sac at The Naples Grande and Seagate Dr. Tennis Courts From: Joseph Chicurel Imailto:[email protected]] S€nt: Wednesday, May 20,2015 11:42AM To: Resnickusa Subject: Item 8.c. Intersection of Nofth Pointe and Pelican Bay Blvd From: ResnickLisa <[email protected]> Subject: Intersection of North Pointe and Pelican Bay Blvd Date: May 14,2015 at9:41:29 AM EDT To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "Joe Chicurel GXlSq1Cl@Sl1ejI_99nl)" <icbigUle!@gnaj!.cgIU>, BolickMarion <[email protected]>, McCaughtryMary <[email protected]>, Frank Laney <[email protected]> Cc: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> County Traffic Operations Dept. is recommending that a four-way stop be installed at the intersection ofNorth Pointe Dr. and Pelican Bay Blvd. The warrants analysis can be downloaded at 1-400c-91 17-2cbe9630597e From: MessamMarlene Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 8:30 AM To: Resnickusa Cc: KhawajaAnthony Subject: FW: Recall: TO 5334 FW: Intersection of Nofth Pointe and PBBlvd Hi Liso, Pursuqnt to our telephone conversotion, the study is ottoched ond the occomponying emoils below identify whot octions need to be token regarding this motter. Pleoselet me know the decision of theHOA. Thonks. On Mav L3, 2015, at L:10 PM, ChesneyBarbara <BarbaraChesnev@colliersov net> wrote: Ms. Stevenson: Marlene Messam, GMD Traffic Operations, has provided the completed study attached and advised of the following: The traffic volumes indicate thatthe intersection ofNorth Pointe Drive and Pelican Bay Boulevard met the warrants for a multi'way stop. It is the recommendation of Traffic Operation that this intersection can be signed with multi-way stop signs. Traffic Operations will share its findings with the Pelican Bay Services Division and HOA to determine if theywould like the signs installed. It has been the practice ofthe Pelican Bay HOA to installs signs within the subdivision on decorative posts. This is not a Collier County practice and signs mounted on decorative posts are also not maintained by the County. Finally, the Board ofCounty Commissioner will have to approve the installation ofthese signs before any action can be taken. A recommendation will be brought to the Board if, the HoA would like to have the signs installed, Should you have any questions please contact Ms. Messam at 239-252-5773 MarleneMessam( On behalf of Marlene Messam GMD Traflic Operations Barbara Chesney GMD Administration or Cnuuty North Polnte rt Pelicrn Bey Bonlcvrrd Multi-\ilay Stop Analyrls Prqercd by: Mrrlene lftxram, P.E. Princlpal ProJect Manrger Authorlzed by: Collicr Colnty Gronth Menagenent Department Trafllc Operadons Scctlon P.E. Regisfration No: 5G091) Slgnatur,e: Dete r May 11,2015 North Polnte Drlve At Pclican Bav Boulcvard rVa}t11.2015,1()#5331 BACKGROUND Duc to a pribllc rcqucst, thc Trallic Clpcrxicns Scctiql of tlrc Collicr CcEay Gtowth MarEliqrne Depfltmc]t h8s condudcd s MuLi-Way Sto'p hltclscrri(tr Study x thc intcrsccticrn olPclicrr Bay Boulcrrnd srd Norlh Poimc Ddve. The prIpo8e of tbls [udy b to determine if the inte€€ctiq meets wuraro re qr&emerns fc'r & multi-r'sy stop iflst lletiofl as sct fdth in the i{anual on Unifarrn Tr"fEc L'ottrol Devic.s {}{UTCD}. Ftsure l, Studt lfiterser{lon lcD. pubtished bt the U.S Dep{hugrt of l ru|aportstron !s tlre rshond standaid fc{ traffic cctrtrol llond! l)elErtrDellt of 'l rolrsF}Itdi,)lr h!! adoped the tltu l'LlD os tJre Stat€ st5lrdord and it Eove[Ils tllr plocelrlell and desrBn oftraflc srgrrab, srglxr &nd prwerrrent mar]dres on pBblic o'lrd private R'ads witlun alle 'Ure MU devires. 'l he rl.itl"e. MUTCI' Wer|ntslbr Multi-Wry titop Slms: Tle MI IT(-.D rtd4F f he follos"iflg Nrltnort FtaJemBntF f.r Lhe rrq€ of rmrlti-rrey Sh'rps: "Mt ri -wr!, F op c(rrfi.if'l cr| be useil as a sltety rneasu1e ot intersections if cert8in trsffc conditions exist. lidtely cotlcelns ossocisted with rrrrrlfi-wrry rdr4rs irclrrL lrcdestriars, Licyi;li**, *rrd nll rrr*l rr,scrF cnp€slirg ollter nrcrl r$en Lo xlr4. Mtrlli-wtry itof colrf.rt iri rrced wtcre tJl€ voilre oftmffic otr tlre irdersecting rrxd.r is appnrxinrnlcly crlunl" Tlrr: MUTC.I) pRrvidcr thc followirg guirtrf(c Elnlcrtrcrltr: Thc following c.rireria shonld b€ con3idercd in lh€ cl4rnceril€ !tudy lor I multi-s,!y $top sign inslalldliotr: A. \lhGro traffic oonhol signals arc justitrcd, thc mulli-way stop is an intcrim nEa$u(c lhat can bc insfallcd $rietly to c.orrtrt lraUic whilc arrryrgomc;rls lrr bcing madc lirr lhc installadon ol thc lrdllia c.mml l!. C, signid. A crash problen\ .s indicatcd by 5 or mqrc rGpq(tcd cralhcs in a lz-month pctiod lhat lia tuscqptiblc to corection by a multi-s|y Btop i8tallNtion. Such orashcs includ€ right-tnd left-n|rn collbions :$ well as righl-angle collisions. Minimurn volumr,:: l. 2. The vehicrrh volune$ enterirB lcast 30O vehiclcs pcr hour {wh) tlE major streel apfffaches (totd of hoth rppmachas) tr/erlge$ rt fs any E hours ofan avcragc day, and l1re comhined vchicdar, pedcasia4 and bicycle volurne enrering th€ irre$ection tom rhe mimr rtr€ct approa6h63 (total of bolh a1}{rroach63) e'crago rt [c|il 200 unit.t pcr hout for lho 3anrc 8 hours, with an avcragc dday to minor€lrcct vchioulsr traffio of.t loast 30 6scords g;r rthiclc during dro highert hour, but 3. If fto 8s?$ccdilc apprce]ch rpcod of tho major-ctrr,ct bnmc cxcacrls 40 mpb tlw minimum volurnc warant is 7196 of the abo'*e valnes. l+hen thc 8s-percentile epeed exooeds 40 mph, the tralic rwlunes on llre fiqtor ,lreat nhould be dl lcdst 2!0 vehitl$ prr lrew /er sw 6 hqu'r etncl the trcdlic rolamst qt lhe ninar nlrset $eulcl be s( Ictut 140 vohiclas per D. hau for lho sama I hqtrs. Wlrcrc no singlc i,riterion is satisfiod, but rl-Ircrc Crilcria B, C.l, and C.2 arc all tarislitxl to 80o,t' of lhc minimwn vslueB, (riaerio (:,3 is sxcludsd fiom this condition- STUI'Y DETAII,S l:rl3tl or lloed (:hrrrcl{rlsllcr This inaellcclion lics wilhin lhc Pclicqr Bay sub-division Thc Pchcan Day rubdvision is localed h thc nordr*'cst quNdranr ofUS 4l(Tamiami and Scagatc Drivc (C-R. 896) and trordcrcd oo drc wcat by thc Gulf of Mexico. Pelican 8ry Boulevard i$ the m.jor strB€1 and is a divid€d 4lf,le s\rFwban road*'ay, and is finclionalb' classifed as a locll collootor. Ther€ ff€ dedicaled weslbound and eirtbound lofl lum lanoi at tlp inteGoction 1o North Pointc l)rivc. 'llrc mcddns (m the wcot and oarl logr of thc intcr**clion havc skcct l'igl*ing and, o:c hcavily lantlscapcd and wcll maintained. Sightlinei wh€n mcalrurrd fnrm a safe $k4ping txrsitkm, bcforc on&rirtg lhs inr"rscction ware claar for all mol'€ment3 of ramc (Photo #land #2). North Pointe Drivc is thc minor srect and is a four-lan€ dividcd ruburban roadFay which trrn3itionr lo a t$'o.lan€ undividcil roodway bclond tftc intoscctirrn a1rfxnach. Ir is functiolally clas,qificd ar a local mad, Ir is stop c(xlll l€d &I Pelicor Bay Boulevard. Thcrc is a dEdisatr.l sqrlhltound leli tun lane, and a dediqalsd $oulhh)und right Ium 'llrc mcdian ias lightiqg and is hcavily larxlsoapcd and wcll maintaincd. 'lhc line ofsighl from 0rc stopline on the north leg looking east and flest is cl€ar for all movemenls oflrtfnc (Photo #3). Pelican Bay Boulcvard rnd North Poinle Drivc both havc portod spced limhs of 30 mph. Phqto #J - \1ls$'of llortlr lrointe Dt'it'c fi'om sidf$llk on s)uthrirtc: and lmkingnonll. llrllrJllcae.Eurill trafrc 24-lrour w{u[e counts wrrc c+llccted leiJnlrilrt o|r FctruaIy f a 20f 5 tlu(ntJr Febnrar]' 13, 2015. Th. drta criler-ted inc'lrrlet trsffic al{rorhing fron all dirErtiorlr rf fte i rf,rri6.-.lion. Tie datrr witlr the hi3hest lrorlly lrullk vdurftcc tru sulurloizerl il Fi;tur-r 2 urd 3Ttc trsffic drte rtr|$'cal fhd Pelicso Rsy Bordcvsrd (Msjor Sl}rcd] he8 F rjFficd thc MItTcD minimrD vohfncF wtlmrrd, (]ilrd[ (]l t]r 8-}|(n!T. ]'(r N(tr r ]r{iri e l}rive (Min(r ltc lnrtlic tLrl$ l.h€ niril|urm v(}ltrn}err w,fn|at is rljL rlrla l'rJ{ Crilldu C2 I'(n Orc ernc 8 hor,[ts. Ilop€ycr: sirrcc OJ6 E5' pErjcr{jb qrcld ur Pclic! Buy Rorlcrranl excccdr ,10 mFh, Crilcria C3 harr trcn safi*lic.ll V.Jdcrrlanl*Emc srarranl has bce.nJlt.t thlr lItcr!cc6g!, Figurc 2 Interpcdcr Approacfi tr'nlumes, Pclfuan Bay Boulevard Nd?t|l PolntG VchlcLr = Mlmr frn.Gt I'lgrrc 3 luacrs.rlon ApFroech Volurcr, North Pohte Drlve Flfl.l Obrrrr&nr On May 11, 201t, frdd dectvations werc tale.n durirg tha hotrls $rqcct fut f,section Phdo6ropb Pboto# +i ofth of 10:00 AM to I l:30 AM at tl|c shxly ir*erscction are povidcd bclow. liorllr*"st rorner ot P*lisan Ba] Blyd, and l! orlh Poitrl Dri\". ..Lll lhe lralli{ siEls deeomtlYo norts Thest s'iqns are not {:ountT pralntainf,d, The se$arallor bcnyefn the stop |lar and the cros$ralk does nol me€l lh€ ,l-toot nIllTCD requlretrrsnf. $lthln fhls intcrsecflon are on Pholo lI5: -\rr.\'trh lt sid{,rr,trlk is trrolided +n all legsJ!tlp ir4ersrI]ijg!_&gd!.q{ lirrrrul itru concrftf L:llluli{ljtgibLitlltllqr I)lrolo+ li - liicrcllslr :rr{' fr,('LlllcnlLr -.41t! !b4g !1!!ra{1,!ij) @$gqrl&Egss cti on crarl hi*ory was reviewed from 2005 to prasent (Appen<fix B). During thie ten year pcriod.licrc wcrc lcrs than fivc rccordcd crethcs for any givcn ycar. To mcct drc qanh warrant for a multi -way stop, tbc IdUTCD rcquires J sr morc ctashss in e 12 aonth pcriod thrt arc s-usccptible to corrcction by a multi-way;top application. The clach hi*ory of this interstion rlos:notmeetlhg rgarrent far a muhi-way stop rign in:tdaticn- The interse hterrrrtirn Siltt DiEt nce The Traffic Xtgineeriag l{adbook identifies that motorists pprqaching iatersections should hava a sufliLient. unobsaucEd ricll' of the itrters ccd. on and approaches. The Amaican Assodation of State I{ighway ard Transponatior ffficial r (A-A,SIITO) provide stmdards ard guidclincr rcgtrdflg inters ccli on sight distancc. The AASHTO modtl for sight distrnce (Figwe 4) provides am"thodto determrnc the sight distancc ayailable for agiven intersection. forttis locdion, lettcrs'e'aod"b' rrould be appr oximately a: i4. 5" rr d b: 345', rcqrcctircly. T *o t € I f ! d Clcar Sisht TrirnEb for frrffk vLutlm epprorchhg {mm tlrr Lett FigrrG 4, AASEIO Modal for I i lf,dct Ro.d Ces r Sight l|l.r|gil! for Yiew'ng ltsffi€ Approa*hg Ircm th. Rbfit Intcrsiion Siglt Xlirtence An angilccring ficld rcvicw has shorul thet thc shrdy intcrscciioq appcars to havc adcquatc lina of sight &stancc. Wtrrontraqufuemeot for intssc.tion sight distance (Option) ir not !nct. CONCLINION & RECOMMENDATION it ir iltirranind thet the nbj ect intars€stion does med &IUTCD rsquirtrrrEqtr fr multi-way *op Gstrol 8rd; it ir lh*'efote recornmending that nultiway dop contol beincdlerl a: dris intersection. Based on thc traffic volumes, crash history rcviaw, and iniersactiotr sight distanec, t lli$ buity lffispofttion Depaftncnt Tntrr 0pcnths ledMkisnr tlcAlto|l | fiXn 9d{lE 0R (x06sI : Luis lruiilb s: $rtt0K{oarrxaAYsl-o 211190!fi2 ?/qn0$ : f,ittt5 fisirt 2a l,trfr.l 9da S8l,T SSff fiulr v*m (&tum tedof LtaYllsbd Cfftirld t2{r$ t----t o o ll}gr| ffi Sttt 0 , 0 D:t$Iir&$itn6aEttxTsBfco*tiid t2i$hr 3l llrt __i_ .1 !{tl 2 i6^x I:SAX 0 rrrs 0 0 i o o__i___T c 0.500) sarT { ffi td*iri! yohrrofli 3, 13 o 16ir2rmrx-lrmF{ f1 ..__ll (8t.lil ll2ni l{5n1 3r ! ,^. l:$f,! 0 0 0 lsh $ t; ;afg e::;.---: r$g liJ$o 0 | t$ntl ? r (s2.r1) {rD*) t:Ir,t00otsnt591Xffu" _ ___i_T _,8_F---TrK__i____r_ii___ffi 176t !:0 Hg___-L_L___r_rrrBb$r.__. ,imrt . o ,:ltu 0 (8t.6*J (ts.s) 0 i r|l'er E li;I'rqg00t,$1fi$!.i 0 0 0 0 0 0 ffi 7i5 l€4 lr{tlX 0 o I .iltrioot*r5F(t6E-;"^Patl*! ljoutclllgnlg{! attu 0 n ffiffi,:l!*oo[5]rrrr!erlmnrs}l(d rr 0 rllu &!! 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Pe.kVdume frctor 2:45 670 O.95 Ptrl 253 146 Col:ler Counw Tr.nsportatlon D€partmsnt Trafilc ODerations Technlclan : LlJis TruJlllo ! : : LCATT('|I cRo55 ST CITY Slta:ztllnn2l}|Xx pElJCAl| BAY SIVD u72l2SL5 WB APPRONCII TO IIORTfl PoT{TE DR ntltslly I"APLES 24 Hour Volurne. per Ciannol (Vdumc fdcto. 0.500) WB ffi lntsrval Start 12:15 Interval Start t:soPt,t AM 12:15 12:30 4 L2r3O AM z 1:15 AM 1i 30 AN 1:45 AM 0 Pl4 P 138 - sto 1?1 124 1 1:15 Pt'l - I 2:0O AH 1;30 PU 1:45 9l'l 2:00 Pt{ tl6 t5 t35 t24 2:15 Anl 1 2: 2:3O AM 2:45 Al4 2 2130 Pfi 2145 PN 3:OO AM 1 3:OO Pm 3;15 AM o 3iL5 Pl1 3;30 ?M I 3;30 Al',1 3:45 At'l 4;O0 Al'1 4:15 A 4:30 At'1 4i45 AH 469 4:m Pil r5a 524 4;15 PM 4:30 Pll 133 121 5r0O PH 5i3O Altl 3 29 5:30 PH 5:45 Pll 6;00 Pl4 145 6: 15 PM 6:30 PH 6t45 pM 7:0O PH 5r15 6:15 A 6:3O AH 10 6:4s A}1 13 7:OO Ata 7:15 AM f2 1E 7;3O AH 7:45 AM 4L 54 8;OO AM 6.1 8:15 AH 8:30 AM 219 ll7 1t6 FNI 93 75 52 64 84 s7 206 7r15 PM 60 7:3O 7:,15 0:0O 8115 PM P!4 41 zl8 Pfi 50 zt3 Pi,l 8:30 Pil 52 50{ 1la 1t4 0 0 5;45 Al. 124 P 5:00 AH 5:15 AH 6r0O Al'l 126 52 8145 AM al'l az 9:15 AH 90 100 9:0O 9;3O Afi 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 AM AM 376 9:30 PM 22 134 lO:15 Pl| 33 22 104 10:30 Pt4 10:45 P!.,1 tl 11tOO PM 1/t 1l:15 Ptl a 1l:30 9 AH AX 113 All| 114 11:45 456 124 1l:30 AH AH 503 134 Ho{fYgtrl Coijnt 1782 Pe.k Hour 1l;00 PeakVolurE Factor 5o3 O.94 l2rOO Ft{ - t2!OO A Count Hour Pe.k Vohme Fador !2 AM PM 5558 Al| - t 2rOO FIrt 12 Hour 6 11:45 P.4 Z,l 12:OO 139 5A i0s lt:15 37 Hour Peak 3876 3:45 S32 O,84 PM 35 Colller County Transportauon Dcpartm€nt Traffic Ooerations Tedtnldan : Luls Truttllo LOCAII(X cRoss ctw P'PIR bLVD It st APTRO^CIi lO PALII See: a201500r0003 ivzryz01s RMR sLvD MruS WtTIEe('|Y 24 Hour Votume, per Channel {Volume tbctor 0,500) Interval Start l0:3O AH 1O:4S Ali ! l:00 At4 Alil 12rm Pil l2t15 4 6 E 6 l1:15 P}l 1l:30 Ptl 1 I 0 1:t5 rrl,l All 1:30 0 5 2:00 Ail I 2:t5 Afi 0 2i3O Aln 0 q o I Pst 4:00 Pfi 4:15 Pfi 4:30 Ptrl ,l:45 Ptl 4 !5 AX 4: 6 i 5:0O Pt'l 5:15 Pt{ 5:30 PH 6 5:45 8 P!4 6 7 5::t0 }frl 6 0 4:30 At'l 20 5:00 Af'l 5:15 Atl 5:30 Atl 3 Pl| 6:00 Pll AH AM A AH 6:m 6:15 6:30 6:if5 2 1 4 6 7:tn Alt PM Pf,l ? 7:45 Pl,l 8:OO Pfl € 8:15 PM 8:4, FM 7i t4 4 l2 4 2 o 25 9:15 Ptla 9:30 PM 9:45 PM 10:00 Pt{ loi15 Plt 9:15 Ail 9:30 ,|l| r|. 4 I = I 0 04 r0;15 2a Hour Totrl t2!pO I 15 Al'l 7:3t) AU 1 8:45 Ptit 9:fl1 PM 153 ttat How 7130 AM volumc 38 Fartor o.6E AM 343 - l rroo p l2 HourCol'lnt P€ak Pf'l 0 P 1;45 F$l 2;00 Pnr 2 i15 Pnt 2:30 Pfi 2:45 Prrr 3:O0 Pn 3:15 Pl't 3:30 Pi! 7:15 7:30 l:45 0 0 12:15 Afi 12:30 rrf.l 12:45 At4 I 1:15 PH 6:tJ I 1 4/3O/2015 t2:O0 Ari 9 3 5 l:00 Pll 3:{5 10;45 PH ll:00 Plt I Pta 12:30 t l.l 12r45 Pli l:30 Pr c t3 t1r15 AH 11:3) At'l tl:/t5 lnterval Start 10:t0 3 12 l2rI8 P}| - I tlOO I HoorCount 190 Pc.k Peak Hour 5:45 Volume 27 Factor 0.84 PM f6 Collier Gounty Collision Diaqran pEUCAr,l BAY B|VD @ NoRI}| Po|NTE 0R Dale: 01,01120tF - 0228120t5 Total Diagramm€d: 2 Total Fatalities 0 Totallnjuries: 0 Total Molorcyde gashes: 0
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