THEWHITB .I ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read and Enjoyed Every Two Weeks By 18,000 Subscribers and Friends Throughout the World The Church of God Over Which A. J. Tomlinson ls General Overseer • • • • • • Business Headquarters and Office, 303 Bible Place, Cleveland, Tennessee Revi.als Reported From Parts of the World ln Every Issue ~ ", ~ ~Y.I~~v.r~~~~~~~~~Y.I~~~~~v.r~_ . VOL. XIII.-NO. 3 6 Cents the Copy. $1.50 a Year. CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE, FEBRUARY 1, 1936 Every Country InA Flame --------w'-------- Revival Fire To Break Out And Burn To The Extreme End Of The Earth .-------------------------------------------------. General Overseer Smiles In Moment of T ense Interest .---------------------------------------------------. It was Evan Rob erts, who \Vas one of the lead ing lights in the great W elch revival of n ear half a centu ry ago, that kept l'epeati ng "get t he flame." It \Vas said at that time that he was not such a great prcacher, but eve rywhere he went he carried the fi re. And the people -- weil th ey blazed and flamed, a nd s inn ers screamed and wept t heir \Vay through to Cod. Th e hou ses we re pack ed \Vith eage r, a n xio us sou ls. The "flame" spread ail over Wa les, so wc \Vere told by th e pape l's. 1 thi n k wc n eed an awakening in every country of the world no,!, in a, similar manner. Let us go in for il; b9 praye r, by supplication, intercession and adual \York. Come men! Come on 'l'om n! Come men, women and chi ldren, let us go in for th is world wide J·eviva!. The nations a r e preparing for war. Wars a nd fi ght ings are gett ing to be quite common since the cry of peace and safety has subsided . Ali of this is fulfilling prophecy. Bu t we mu st hasten on with our pr eparatio n fo r an e very co untry l'eviva!. W e u sually mention this as a world wide rev iva!. Bu t l a m mentioning it as an every co untry r ev iva !. On e l' viva l to weep e vel'y cou ntry. The season for t hi s is n ear at han d an d we mu st ma ke definite preparations for it The world is busy making prepa rations for what it wants to do . Some of th e co un tries are no w hastening p re pa ratio ns for \Var. Other s a re lt,n:\.;n· pre pa r ations for b u s iness ~~----------------------------- Alabama- May 7-10 Ari7-Ona- Ma rch 26-29 Arkansas May 14-17 Daha mas -February 20-23 Barbados March 26-29 Culifornia.- April 2-5 C1\nal Zon e- Ap r il 9-12 MlI.Y 28-31 Colorado---May 2 -:JI ConnccticuL Au~u s t 13- 16 Costa Rica Fe brunry 20-23 CubA June 25-28 CYJlrus AJ)ri l 16-19 Delawar July 16-19 Eas t Texas March 12-15 Egypt-- May 2 -31 Florida- l"e bruury 13-1G Geo rg ia- May 28-31 Creee Mar ch 12-15 Haiti- June 11- 14 Idaho- J li ne 25-2 Illinois J une 18-21 r ndia- Mny 28-31 Indiana June '1-7 Iowa July 2 -5 .Jumaica -April 23-26 Kan sas July 9-1 2 Kentucky- J une 11-14 L oui s inna - i\llu-c h 5-8 Maine July 23-26 Man itoba- Fcbl'uary 27-March 1 Maryland- July 23-26 Mass ac hu setts- July 30-August 2 Michigan- Jun e 25-28 Minnesota uly 9-12 l\'li ss issi ppi- .J uly 30-August 2 Missouri- Jul y 23-26 Montana- J uly 2-5 Montserra t.--April 23-26 Nebraska - J uly 9 - 12 Nevada July 16-19 N ew Hampshi re-July 9-12 New Jersey- Junc 11-14 New Mexico .July 9-12 New York- May 28-31 North Carol ina- May 21 -24 N o rth Dakot.a- June 25-2 Ohio- J une 11-14 O klaho ma- J uly 16- 19 Ontario- J u ne 25-28 I)regr. n- April n-2fl Panama- April 9-12 Penn s ylvania- July 30-August 2 Poland- Mny 2 -31 Rhode l s land- Auj{ust 6-9 S'askatchewan- F'ebruary 20-2 3 Sierr a L eon April 9-12 South Carolina May 21-2·1 Sou t h Dak ota- July 9 - 12 Tenn essee- Jun c 4-7 Tur ks [s lands- Apl' il 16-19 Utah )\.'Iay 2 1-21 Verm ont June 25 -28 Virginia June 4-7 Virgin Is land s- April 23-26 Was hing ton- April 30-May 3 Wes t T ex as June 25-28 W est Virsdnia May 2 -31 Wi scon s in - J une 25-28 W yoming July 16-19 projects. But where are the people that a re actually making preparations for the "on earth p eace, good will toward men" experi ence ? This is the kind of a flam e that we want to spread over the nation s--a ll nations. We mu st mak e preparations in ail Here's a picture of General Overseer A. J. Tomlinson in s milin g action durcountries similar to tho se we are making a moment of tense inte r est at the 30th Annual A sse mbly h e ld last ing in this country. And, 0, how my September. h eart yearn s for ail of our t ens of thousands of memb ers a nd co-labo l'erS to catch the vi sion and "get the flam e", and fly over a il kinds of difficultie s and opo sition s just as many a r e doing already. 1 declare this flame is burning lik e the zeal, zea l, zeal wc sing about. In our co untry we have an overseer for eyery state but one. 1 want a voluntc l'for that one--who will go for me? (Isa. 6 :8) One of the duti es of eac h state overseer is to "conduct or Saints Faithful ln Revival B y the G ene ral Ov e r seer ord er a general e vangeli stic cam- - - -w - - - l am pleased with the respon se to my lette r of J a nuary 14th, to t he minpai g n over his state during the year." 'vV e have closed a wonderful revivIn states where they are divided up al at Gunton Park, Virginia. isters ask ing for a $2 .00 donation on the indebted ness of our New A sseminto di stricts with an ovel'see r over Thel'e were nin e saved, two sanc- bly Tabernacl e. e very di strict the preparation s are tified and two reccived the H oly In order that our tho usands of r eadel'S may know of the Iiberality of our fa irly weil begun. And we want to Ghost. Brother J . P. Sullivan was get 0 weil prepared that wh en we with us two nights during the revival mini st ers, and share with t hem the blessings in contributing to the ex pense get everything set and r cady the cur- ,md he certainly did f eed our so ul s on of our New Assemb ly Tabernacle, l have decided to form this MINIS 'l'ERS r c nt can be turned on and the power the good W ord of Cod . HONOR ROLL. The names of th e mini sters who have sent in the $2.00 ignited and the flame bur t forth aU donation are given below. In the n ext iss ue of the White Wing Messenger Si ster Will ard Boyl es \Vas with u s ove r thi s country at the sa me t ime. 1 will add to th is Ii st of nam es, addi t ional names of mini sters se nding the ir That will come very near filling the one night during the revival and was $2 .00 donations. nly a boost to our V . L. B. W e certai air with the revival flame . As soon Sister Ethel Russelburg writes, " Yo u can always count on me doing my as l can see the flame burning in enjoyed th e good message that she e \'ery state in thi s country, then 1 gave the young people. best fot· the Ch urch of Cod. H er e is my $2.00 ." Brother Cl eve McCroskey rendered want to plan fo r th e other one hunBrother Elisha Hold en writes, "Received yOUI' letter today. Here is my dred and six or more nations in the som e good mu sic and preached several $2 .0 0." s. H e helped me in the good sermon world. But l do not mean to wait for the revival about two weeks. We were inS ister Buna L owma n writes, "1 surely will pay my $2.00 as you r equ estflame to burn in every state before deed glad to have ail this good h elp. ed the mini sters to pay on our New Assembly Tabernacle. You will find W e expect several to be baptized in the $2 .00 enclosed." tarting into the other co un t ri es. Nay, but w e have already start ed in water al so several to join the church. Brother B. B. Evan s \vrites, "Thank God for the Tabern acle, we n eed it. a few of the other co untri es, and The sa ints here are to be commended watching for opportuniti es to start in for t hei r fa ithfulness in the reviva!. I am enclosmg $2.00 and 1 am glad t o do sO." othe rs. ln fact, my nen'es at'e k eyed Pray for us. Brother Charlie Staton \VTites, " 1 will do everything l can to help pay John L. Su llivan, Pastor. up to high tension ail the time. 1 can fo r our A ssembly Tab ernacl e. H ere are the $2.00 you asked me to se nd. hardly tand it to see any of my army l didn't have the $2 .00 but l got busy and borrowed it. l know the Church of Cod is going over the top ." offi cers "taking it eas y." l'd rather see th em keyed up and on tip toe as The grcat Assembly Tabernacl e we have h ere at Cl eveland, T enn essee they whirl about O\'er their respecti,-e stand s as one of the largest a udi tori ums for church worship in the world baUle fi eld s. --it is a monum ent and strength t hat will be a tremendous hel p to our l wrote a lettel' to a il of my state mini sters and members wh erever they are. As Ceneral Oversee r of the ovcrsee r. t'ccently and ga\'c t hem Church of God, l have faith in every mini t er and 1 am co unting on very ---w---one of them responding to this cali. W atch for their nalll es to appear beoutlin es of the n ecds in their r especlo\\'. As our mini sters lead the \Vay with their $2.00 donation it will be tive states. When l had mad e it look AlI Things Straightened Out easier for the entire membeJ"Ship of the Church of Cod to fall in line \Vith At Last like l wa' cxp ect ing a lmo st t oo mu ch ____ w ____ their liberal contributions. Be sure to watch the next issue for additional of them l inj ected th e followin g apolonam es of ministers. l prai se Cod for good old W e t gy: T om linson-Tenn. Mrs. Mary H. T ho mpso n- Fla. w. J. Vande'g ,iff Tcxas " 1 hope you will not think 1 am ex- T exas. I praise Him for an old tim e AA.. J. D. Evan s- Tenn. w. )1. B. Rothwell Texas B. D. E vans T exas Ha "y Mu",hy Idaho peeting too much of you, a nd l don't r eyival meeting. The power of Cod Claude W. W oodard-Tenn. Charlie Staton Ala. W. J. W elch-Tenn. Mn. L eJar J. Whi teW. Va. ~ . A. Nicholson Mo. beli eve you will because you are sup- \Va in the mid st and the Word of Cod Sarah E. Gonia Tenn. M r~. Ha ttie l\l c ~tichÎel Texas \\. C. Hudm Wyo. Mrs. Do ra Maye Hardin · Wyo. Roy M. Pdnce-S. C. posed to be just a s intere ted in get- went forth with power. Mrs. Eunice West T e.xas Osca r E. W itt- Va. Pleonud C. Sh,oye, Wyo. Our State Overseer of W est T exas, Elisha Holde n S. C. ting evel'ything in working ord er in :M rs . James M. Clegg ~li ss . Chas. R . Mashburn Va. Roy Jeffrey w. Va. Daniel O. Baggctt Va. Cuy Bohannan, conducted the meetMary F. Ba,LleLL Fla. .1. A. Dean Va. your state as 1 am." ..... Ethel Russe~bu,g- Ky. J. R. Aust in Va. F, It. Willis- V.. '1'0 this seve ral of them r espond ed ing which lasted about two weeks. M Leshe R en f ro\\' Ky . N oah Bell Gla ~!\ O kla. A. C. Mc Keown V.. G. M . C,ecn Tenn. i,)yas uring me th at they did not think H e preached the Word and Cod 1 M .... Made. G.een- Kans. Chas. L. Tnylvr · N . C. Rufus Dunna\"an · K)'. G. H. Davos Ga. M.... S... h K )l eOanicl Ohio l was exp ecting too much of them. l worked. J. N. Hudey- Tex . Mrs . Ruby Brown Mo. Ru b<>n Whltloek Tenn. O. R. MeAlis'c, Tcnn. prai se them for thi s. l am sure they 1\1rs. C . C . W e t , o f S u d an, T exas, Mn. Maggie Hurl ey T ex. A. W . Poole- :\10. M rs . Belle Poole. :'11 0. D.vid Holeomb Tenn. ... Bun~ Ulwman-Va. will have th eir ne rves keyed up almost heard the !I1acedonian cali and cam e M Albert Lm vdl Va.. Ro)' E . Schwandt :'Ilin n . M l"1I. Mam ie Holeoml>- ,Tenn_ Willic D. Phillips TE'nn. to the breaking point. But our n e n'es to Post to preach the Word of Cod. c. R. Payn Tenn. Philil) L. W hit~ M d. J,. L. Ki nd .. Tenn. got mad, soul s got glad, but ail M ". S"Rh F,. Po..ue. Ca. M rs. B~sie Thompson La. are non-breakabl e, so l am not uneasy People . . Mrs . Le\·a Di sh man- Ten n. Arch i(' A. Tripp Ky. Bi ll p .. ke, Tcnn. c. C. Lindner Tenn. fOl' fear they will ov rdo themselves. thmgs stralg-htened out at la t. Thank Miss Nell Thoma. Tenn. D. M. Gri m ~ Ky. G. P . mith Ky. W. r. Dc.. e N. C. F. F. Johnson Tenn. 1 am rather fearful that they won't God. Ada M cGh Ky . A. J. Law80n 'renn. M .... Johnie H,own Texas Rem emb er Post, Texas, in prayer. M. A. T omlinson ~Tenn. do enough. l have had my nerves W. T. H ende~on Teno. strained up to full capacity for about G. Stonelake, Pastor, Se" Page Four 1 Post, Texas . 1 Nine Saved In Revival, Gunton Park, Virginia Old Time Revival Meeting In Post, Texas ~ _ ® What The Home Department Is And How To Start It. (A. J. Tomlin on) It is a department of the Sunday school for the benefit of those who cannot a ttend the main school. It is Altar Services Always 1 the Sunday school extension plan, proW onderful \' iding home lesson work for those who ----w---cannot attend tts sessio ns. To ail the White Wing Readel"S--1 Lik e other departm ents of the Greetings. in tJ;te Name of Jesus : schoo l it has its own superintendent, We have Ju st c10 sed on e of the best who is appointed, and who catTies on revivais that has ev el' been held at the work with the co-operation of the Co un ctl Bluffs. Prai se our soon com- I Ceneral uperinte ndent. Like other ing Kmg! departme nts, its upplies should be W e had our pastor selected for the proyid ed for from the Sunday chool coming year but thi ngs happened and trea sury, while its members r egularly we sudd enly found ourselves without 1 contribute to that fund. Lik e other a pastor. 'vV e went on to church and departm ents, it is di\'ided into classe, a dear siste r fill ed the pastor's plac e. eac h in charge of, not a t eache r, but l know we are li vi ng in a day when a yi sitor. Th e members study at home Cod will always provide and we know the regul a r unday sc hool lessons at th ere is not hing impossibl e with Him. least one ha lf hour eac h week. Our Overseer cam e a nd wanted to Why Each Sunday School Should kn o\\- if we wanted a wom a n evangclHav e a Home Department ist . Th ere wer e many that did not beli eve in a woman preaching, but we The Sunday sc hool exists today bedecided for her to com e and conduct ca use Ch ri stian s be li eve in the importa l'e\·ival. ance of training the young and enOur revi val started December l st couraging those who arc older to read and study the Bible. But there are at 7 :30 p. m. sharp. W c had two many in every community who cangood piano players, some special mus- not attend the weekly sessions of the ic and many good songs sung by good . singers. This \Vas the beginning of Sunday schoo!. . ' The Hom e Departm ent bnngs the our g lo no us revlval that we shall n ev- Sunday schoo l to the multitudes who el' forget. Sister !I1altha Mtll erson t il t t't and daughter were in charge. Our canno, 01: \VI no go 0 t . · These mclud e man y of the memftrst week thered were ·, . . d . seven . . saved, d tl 1 bers 0 f th e Ch ure h an d cong rega t 'IOn, SIX sanctlfte an se,en l eCetVe le b'd th t' t 1 "th H oly Cho st and on e of them was my eS t es .ose no Itl ouc 1 \Vt any · Id d i t r ehgtou s Itlflu ences. Dt stance, espenme yea r' 0d . aht ug th 1 er. . Il . 1 k t f cla y m t le country, 'ee ps many Th e th Ir mg e grea power 0 , , ·h.·t Id Cod fe ll and it rain ed on the out sid e a\\ay e\ en \\ e~e. 1 wou seem un" d Th h h n ecessary. In cltt es and towns there as we Il as on tlle 1nSI e. e c urc t l h r\ t l h t building leaked and therefore many are e .egrap . an ,2 ep O>1e ope..,.'d t b ecau se tlley we re ors, se rvants, hotel a nd restaurant .. d 1 no come afraid of getting wet. On e was slain peop le, flr cmen, s treet-car men, poby the power of God and it rained a il ilcemen , a nd soldl ers, a lso those who · M k ' f . work at nlght. The n there are those aroun d h tm . 1 any spo -e 111 oretgn 1 Oh 't b tï II who ca nnot go to Sunday sc hoo , even 1 l anoguages. l , 1 was heauh dU 'b whe n it is n ea r. Th ese includ e cripne gooe WOlnan w 0 a een . . d h h · 1 t' f b t f' pi cs, aged and mfll'm, an t 1ose f w 0 f Ig l Ing u s or a ou IVe years caIne . h r g f r h l' mu st take care of them. A so arm t o t h e Ta Ital' t 0 r ecfelvlle eahm 0d lee and dom estic help , and moth er s with arm . h e power e on el' an s 1 . . h b d Sh e sa i'd httl e chtldren. Many of t ese ca n . e \Vas sa ve(1 an d sanc t 1'f'le. that she co uld stay ail night. She \Vas added to the Sunday school by ltS t ' ht b t th f 1 hom e department, a nd thus become t tl al bse n f,e nde x mg dU f e on e 0 f- engagcd in syst ema t ic study of the oWl ng oun h el' rea y or more 0 1 B'bl Cod. In a short time she was speaking 1AC. . t S d 1 1 k in a cl ear language. H el' husband r e. promtnen un ay sc 100 wor -~r . . e d an d was h ap py. . t el' 1\1'11' sa ld. 'A gooel Hom e Departmentd wtll Jotc IS 1 elf . g eastly doubl e the enrollment an eson as"k ed h ·lm 1'f h e h a d th e bleSSIn .. . and he said that he thou ht h e did but ftct e ncy of any Sunday sc hool. It IS . t onguesg l'k h d'd ne\'er spo k'e 111 t -e se t . as mu ch a nece. St ty as any other deA little lat er we hea rd someone pray- partment, a nd .In som e r e pec ts more . d 't 't 1ong un t'l 1 so, and there IS no place or locahty Ing an 1 wasn 1 le \Va s b k' . t t wher e Hom e Departm ent m em crs spea mg 111 ongues, 00. cannot be found." One dear woman cam e on e hundred Notes Ab ou t Home Class mil es and received the bl essing. It more than pays for itself, finanOne dcar soul who was visiting her cially , morally , socially and spirituals istcr here wa s il!. A sister of the Iy. chu rch told h er about the h ealing that It insu l'CS large r respect for the had been done. Th ey went over to see S und a y school in the comm unity. Sister lIl ili er son, she was prayed for It in cr eascs the atte ndance at the and r ece i\'cd the bl essing also. ma in school sessi on s Don't think for a mom ent t hat the It has a tendency to win back many devil wasn't h er e also . But when wC who have wand cr ed a way. ail got lin ed up, h e kn ew he was deIt leads pa rents to take a deeper infeated. In three \V eeks, the re \Vere te rest in the sc hool a nd see that their fort y exp erie nc es. W e had a chain chil dren attend more r egularly. pra ye r band go ing day and night. Tt in ure home inter est and assistSome prayed two and three hours. a nce for the childrcn in preparing the W e ha ve lea rn ed many things during S und a y school lesso n. this meeting. It counteracts the impr ss ion of Ther e was only a small crowd every . · ht d t ' 1 t . st the ma ny that the S unday school IS only mg an mos cvery mg 1 JU for ch ildren ones lhat desl red to pra y, th ls ma de 1 It h b' 1 1 d t he altar services a lways wonderfu!. as . een c ear y prove that We had a wond erful Ch ri ,tmas pro- through JOllltng It thou sands arc led l'am. Th e V. L. B. is more e nco ur-I to attend S~nday school. ~ged than cve r to press on. Cod is . It a dd s d.tgnlty a nd Importance to bles,ing the m wond erfully. Even BI~l e study m the eyes of the boys and t hough the night was co Id and the glt· s. . sno\\' \Vas f a lling outside our Overseer . There t~ not ~ slchoo l ~ s;~al~ that dro'-e a long way to be with u s. It cannot Je mac e arger y e ome Many liveel in the country but came Depa rt mc nt; 50 poor that It ca nnot b ma de rlcher by lt; so good that It anyway. do can not be mad e beller. Pra y for u s h ere that we will It fits in the country or city. The God's will in everything. writer has tried it in both. It ean be Your brother in Christ, made helpful and successful a nyBurton Lov ele~s, I owa. whe re. ----w---- Slate of Conventions and Dates for 1936 China ________________________________ F orty Glorious Experiences In Revival STOP YOUR IOLE T ALK AND WORK AND FlGHT FOR SOULS ----w--- Sunday Scbool Home Class Department ----w---- MINISTERS Honor Roll Our New Assembly Tabernacle ----------w'---------·IdChurch BUl lng A t Mt. Green, G · Burne d eorgla H ow To Start a Home Department Let the Superintendent pre 'ent the sub ject to the school and explain the work. L et the school th en dec ide to have a Hom e D partment. The n ap1 point a S uperintcnd nt, or the Super1 . d cn t 0 f t h e m<-un . se h 00 1 may ----w- Inten On S unday morning J a nuary 12th, sen'e if it is conveni ent for him , how2 :30 o'clock our church house her e C\'e r , a good energellc woman make at lIit. Creen, Ceorgia, was burned to a fine H ome Department :upcrindO l en d'tdpiano ' t h groun. ur sp an d ten d ent. $100.00 worth of string instrumen ts, A comm ittee sho uld be appointcd our l'Igh t s an d ot h er f'Ixtures wer e w h ose d ut Y . tt 'tS to ca nvass f or II orn e burned \Vith th e building. Th ere was Department m mbers. A list of mem. Pl case pray h ar d f or b cr htl\Flng . b een 0b ' ed , t h c numno Insurancc. taln us as wc are left in a bad condition ber "ho uld be elh'ided into elas' as far a ~ our e h urch services are con- Jrro ups, cac h c 1ass b el. ng p 1ace d 'ln cerned. i charge of an a ppointcd "isitor, who 'V ex pect to keep our Sunday makes a quarterly yi oit at the hom e, School an d servic e going. rccei\"c,; the l' port of the m ember's Joe C. Cre\Vs, Pa sto r. Ma nor, Ca. See Page Four 1 • PAG E TWO The THE WHIT E W I N G MESSE NGE R , C L EV ELA NO , TENNESSEE , FEBRUARY 1, 1936 lh,' A,,,,·mhly next time. Brother Fonl ha, had char!!e of thi,; for ;('l'cr, I I1J """'''''''NF"I R's 'oIlIlM'' TIoIIIV:'''ERR I I S''E'UE OORltl s""C oIiIlFI I IS~' TiA'~'T"I"E"'S"O AIiI INII O'N ""slllllllllli can·1 Praise the Loand rd. As we feel ,anctified, filled with HolyIleGho,t determined say long thataswc God and l'ccci\"ed his the sight. \Vas doubtful, we will not be able ta ~tand and later found lhe Bible church, the Puhli!lht-"I (·\'.'T) t.... \\( o k. n, \- I,.'> th! ,u,',',· ,. \le will he mi,:,ed in hi, home cl'ery test, but if we will be faithful Church of Gad. ](1' became a membcr Wh itt' Wlnl{ Pubh hinv. HnU . ao:\ Biblt· l'Iarl' and st1'on~, determined ta mastcr and centen'd hi~ mind on the Bihle CI('q'lnnd, 'rt'nl\! l'l', :"Inll\lllinl"d }I)" , ami in and by hi, man y fricne!:; and r"latÎl'''';, th,· inlt'n-.. t ni ùw C'hurt'h of {;od IlH'r Whl('h but he- will doublh.. s,; b(· mb",·d Ily th~ T ERRITO RIES e"ery problem, wc are just as ,ure ta way, nd hi,; face set like a flint for A J, Tumlill:'OCln IR <:l'lIt'rfll O\'l·r~l·l·r. T.k~ h~ed lherdote unto ,.(lurseh~. and to nll the (Iock. o\tr the which the Holy win as David of old when he killed hC<l\"en . One time he said, II_but. this Ali n'ft'rt'n,'1 in th" ("ulumn ... (Jf thl!1 l'al,i-Y lar!(bt numl",r of people at the A,to th(> Church o( G,}(I r\'f('r 10 th .. ('lUI) rhurch ",·mbly in S,·plember. Brother Ford, (;hOAt halh made YOU OHr~Hr ... t.o feed the church of God. which he hath purchased Goliath, l one thing 1 do. forgctting tho:-.c thin!t.s: ... fl'vf'sll'd in tht· St'r1l'tur(' lo th" orJ(1tnl7.amy throat ,«('ms ta fill up a, 1 think of = ... ith lIos own blood. Ac" 20 ,28. After Paul >aid, "1 can," he also which are h<:hind, and reaching fonh tioll known Il thl' Church rd G<">(I I/H"r whiC'h A J Teom!insun i: Gt'no:ral O\~'r'1I·t·r makin!( thc p:ogl'Hm 11(:xt time with- !:tr1l1l1l1l1l11l1l1l1l1'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111141111 11 1111111111111 11111 111111111111111111 : : wcnt on to :58y, "do ~dJ thing:-: through un~~ tl:o~e thing-s \\·hich. arc before .. H out your name, North Dakota 1 us for about ten days and the y were Chri,t that stren~theneth me." You Phll,ppllln,; 3:13, show1l1g that hl> A. J. TO:'ILI~~O~ i,tE'r Ford and the childrcn haye . surely a great help 1Il the meetlllg. will notice lhat he did not say a few course was a right on . In ver:,e fourEdilor Rnd Puhlu,h,-r our ,ympathy ln, th~se hour~ of beJust thlllk how grcat and wonderful They are both members of the Church things alone or just "ome of the thing" teen he said, "1 press. toward th,' mark A. D. F.:\'A:-;S n,al'pmcnl. But God ,; grac!! '" "nong God IS. In the thllty-sevcnth chapter of Gad but aril attending Glad Tiding or most ail the thing, but ALL for the pnze of the hlgh callmg of Gad enough la corn fort and hold them up of Job and lhe tcnth l'er,e, "By the B'I l "h 1 They 'e b th d TlIINGS. Beloved, 1 am beginning to in Christ Jl'sus," still showin!( that his i,.; "iven' and the 1 1 C ,C 00. . al . . o. goo 1 ht 1 t th c b r ca th 0 f G 0 d fro't in lhis sll·ain . SU B SC RIP T IO N PRICE " ': .. " pn.achcr,. One IS a Phll'PP1l10 boy sec deeper into Gad',; Ward lhan el'er course waS 111 t le n~ wayane a l ~an1l',tly hope ,orne one who wa, hreadth of the waters 1S straltened. and a, soon. as he gets out of 'chool before. The more 1 pray about doing end of the cour"e that there was a O ne Year, $1.50 6 Month., 75c n~ar durin!( Brotlwr Ford', la,;t illness A, wc walk out on a cool irosty morn- hl aims to go back home and preach the things that are marked out accord- gr at prize ta . he won ~nd he wa, de, 3 Month., 50c and departur" will write more about mg, how wc should pralSe Gad for the for lhe Church of Gad in his native ing ta the Bibl e throu~h prophecics termmed ta wm th pnze for he sald. Ae .... '·[Illln("(· fur mnllinJoC Ml 8P~illl rnl(' vi him for publication. I n lhe dealh of frost. Then as we look o~ the abund- homeland . He speak three dialects of old and new, 1 am feeling more like "1 hal'e finbhed my cour;e." Of poet..av.e llrO\idf'rI (ur in SI'clion 1103 Act of OC'toht'T :~, 1917, Ru t hori'tt'd SeptRmbf'r 27, 19~3, our dear fricnd we have lost a ,ll'ong ance of 1('(' that we ha l'e Just had and . . . 1.el.y goo d 'E ng l'IS h . Th e 0 th ' s"'I'I'ng that wc as the ChUl'ch of God 1 course I.I'C know that the cour,e o. f . . 1 r Î dll<1 uses ,u~ , J-;ntRr<'tl R !lt'cnnd·clR"'~ mRLl('r Octulwr 27, Church of God adl'ocate and Pl'cacher. thlnk that Ile blew hls )reath a ILL e cr boy brought seve ral good messages people can do ail thing~ through Paul's hfe wa. one of lhe ~r atest III Hl23 Bt th~' pH~lo ffi C't· al CleHlnnd. Tenn,. Ile preached, prayed, san~ and used harder. how. our falth should be m- which were enjoyed by ail. W c hated Christ. 1 almo.t fe 1 hke one of the hlstory or one of the ~reatest that we und('r lhf' BCt. uf ~1Rrc:h 3. lRi9, Pt· l.ILISllEJl AT 303 HlIlLE PLACE his mu,ic box for the Church of Gad. crea,;~d ln IIlm. SUl'ely wc 'hould love lo ,;et' them go but they had ta go back old prophets when he said, "For by 1 haye in the good old Bible. W c n<·~d CLEV~; LAl'm, TESSESSEE He was alway~ ready ta help in any Hlm more. . to >choo l. thee l haye l'un through a troop; and to ~et our ll1mds together as Iley ·r I MPORTANT way that he cou Id. He is ~one but wC !saiah 40 :11, 12, "lie >hall feed hlS by my God have 1 leaped oyer a wall." before for the goal that is ju,t ahead Brother Teague, the O"erseer hof Psalm 1 :2n. W c may not as yet have 1 an,<1 l'un 11'1' ll1 ccl' t am . t y as P au 1 d'd If Y"U chnn~(' your addn:'~" )o'ou ~houtd will look for him in the fil·;t re,.urrcc, fJock like a sheph rd: he shall galher ,. Ilrc,mJltly natif)" u~. giving ynur ole! Sind ncw 1 1 d t h d 0 r,l'.~, O. n, was ere, a.n.. pe C111. the lamb ' 1"I'th hi<o ,arm, and carry tion. addrl !-II. l O .,e f 1 f .e_ gotten ta the place that David was TIH e mus t b ei cet ermme d as h e was, am1 AlwRY. writt· your n».mf' and addr~8 them in His b050m, and shall l'ently 1 n;cetmg. T le , el ~eel.o a 1 01 when he said the~e words, but ho\\'-I hal'e the ,;pmt of fmlsh111g .our course PJ..AINLY. If fail t,u "l't, your nnm(' and lead lhem that arc with young. Who n"". II' nt ta Mounta111 Vlew and or- ever we can and we mu st and will do as he had fa,. wc are work111g for the addrh" corn'ct 111(·».,<" natif y us Rnd wc will tak(' JlI(>a.~ur(' in mKkinK tht· correction, hath measured the wat 'rs in the hol- ganlzed a Church of Gad the so for God is able ta help u, to l'un oame church that he was only wc are W(· invitt> Ill] thl' wurkt>r:; t.() tiend in n'porlA of January. Th ere were 7 mCll1' t f' . h th 1 t t f th 1 10 1" of h,'s hand, anel mntccl out heaven fi,.,l of int('n·~t from thf' hatllefield, Help u~ mnke b (·r~. . \\' e now 1'lave t wo ac t'Ive c h ure h - throu.,.h troops and leap ol'er " "dis 0 1111S e at cr par a e lou,e. . h 1 1 1 1 d tl t - . ",.he Whill..· Wing MI'1Iflcngf'r" a m('dium of Wlt t le span, ane cOll1pre lell( e le es in this .tate. ju>t the same as he gal'e Dal'id power There arc three speCIal thmgs ta re, informalion a<J \HI! a n. spiritual bh!-\"ing du,t of the earth in a measure, and . and a determination. Praise IIi s namC. member: fll'st, flght the good flght, Addre!l8 a1l communication" relalin~ to the pap~r And make nll draft!\. checks. cxpr(>1o~ and weigh d the mountains in scale" and ~r~'ll1bers of the Church of Gad 111 Oh how wonderful ta know we hal'e second, k cp the fa ith , third, fini,h postoftice order", payable LQ The Whiu;> \'v'ing the hills in a balance?" As l hal'e read CaldornJa, please re me mber the $LOO su;h a wonderful Gad and that wc had our cour,e, this will win for God in the M E'ft8(·ngCr. CleH'lnnd, Tf.>nn, Since 1\0 m Bny of our frit'nds d('~ir(' to donnLc these Scriptures, it has increased my you pledged at the State ConventIOn \ sa man y l'cal so ldi e rs who were d eter- last days . \Ve ca n, wc must and we ta The White Wing M~'1t'nK(>r and t.hcrehy hclp - - w -faith. last year for Conv ntlon expenses. min ed to win fOl' Gad and that we can will mastcr el'cry problem. UA !!<"nd it. to lhou"Rnd~ of othl'r~ who n{'cd to rend il10l pagC':l. WI' w<luld likf' t.o nd\'i"c Lhnt. you G o d 15 Wond e rful 1 feel that we as the hurch of Gad ThIS wdl be for the Com'enllon thl S ' f . t tl f' .1. , . Ta ail of our pastors and leaders 1 ,hall 8t>nd your dnnationH direct. to Thc White Win!! --w-soon take the world for our year which will be held April 2-6. 1e CI 0 lem 01 OUI eal nl11g. M C'Rtl4:=n!lE> r . Clevf.'land, Tenn, in Loui siana. A s it has been a~reed Ta Ail of thc Prayer Band' and to Christ. 1 truly hope ail the saints of Send the mon ey to Sister Millel', GenDaI'id also said in verse 37, "1 ha,'e God', Chu l' che s EI'erywhere- 1 ~orth Dakota that read this, as weil end Delivery, Tul ar ,California. The pursued min e enemies, and ol'ertaken upon time aiter time in our great FE BRUAR Y 1, 1936 as ail the others, will take on Ilew COl1\' ntion will be held in Tulare thi s them: neither did l turn aga in till Assembly and adopted and fixed al,o Grceting. : cO Ul'ag , a new zea 1 ta wor k- a ne1 IlOt yl·ar. AI sa remem b cr lh E me rgency they were consumed." H e was d eter- upon which lhe Holy Ghost has set Hi:; \Y e arc on th(' dawn of a new year, 1 min ed to win for his God an d did. \Vith so much ta be done we nH·d become tired or forgetful. Let's IlOt $1.00. e n d t h'IS t a S·IS t c r M'II 1 cr asea l, we must put in prarti cc the rula great year at that. l believe that OUI' l'I'c'I'on of God and Hi s great, sO. L t us make it 100 percent for his day also. ta hurry, hUlTy. l hal'e becn trying kPaul won for Gad . f in Gd' d l to encourage the workers ta make ail marc prophecy will be f ulfilled in ness and hall' H e 101' dus. California. Rcmember ll'e keep haH 'now wc can wIn or 0 111 our ay, ings outlined by the Assembly. The t t can't we? W e know that Paul did fi l'st thing to do is to organize our · th'lS sac the speed pos,ible fOI' year" and many 1936, than has been fulfilled in any As l "Tite this, l feel like getting on of t 1le Em ergency F• un d 111 the J'ob more than el'er. l ay Gad fOI' whatever we need il. win for just before h e was beheaded church es into bands composed of six have taken my advic and hurried, but ten year Il riod up to this time. l for the cause which h e was deter- or eight members in the band and IVe feel we will yet hal'e to go faster beliel'e the great Church of Gad is help ail of us ta work until the \l'ork " 'c are her e ta work for the Church mined to win , whi ch \l'as the Church place an active leader Ol'el' each band. ta get the work done before the trum- \ . . . . . _ is don '. of God in California and \l'e wi sh your prob' lI e shou lct be a tithe payer and one 1 1 t 0 rlse an d sh 111e d unng th " pet ounds. But it does have to be (esunee M . G. Barfi ele1, 0 I·crseer. in flue nce and co-operation in this of Gad work , ta maôter every . who gives offerings j'l'cely a nd one . AIl n','[l'on o comin" "l'al' as nel'er before, that --w-work. So 1 t us pull together and lem that was placed upon hlm to do don c, and t111'" 1'..,< cel't,·'l·n .. .. . , ,.. 0 • • • • he sal d "For l a m no\\' ready to be of- that can encourage ail the membero and every creature mu~t be told and more will be accomplished for the up' East Texas work whde It IS day for l11ght cometh 1 f c re d , a n(1 th C t'lin o 0 f t ure to do likewise. They shou ld hal'e lnyi (epar pointed to the Lamb of Gad that tak- building- of Jesus Christ and Hi s l am praising God fOI' Ylctory in wh n no man can \l'ork. is at hand ." 2 Timothy 4 :6. Ju st be- meeting one night in each week, and eth away the sins of the world. Je,us Kingdom this year than el'en the great T exas. Gad ha s wonderfully blessed \\' e mu st win so ul s for God and Hi ' fore he gal'e hi s life in this world after at the end of the month a union band must triumph over ail His foc:,. Hur- ycar of Pentecost when the pO\l'er of ushere si nce the Assembly. \\" e have Chul'ch. vil e can do ail things through many hard batlles, much suffering in meeting. The leaders are ta sec each l'ah for the Christ of the Bible whom . ' . ga111ed three new churches along wlth Chl'1st who und e rstand eth us: nakedness a nd in hunger, in reproach- member and get them ta give 15c al' wc serve, heal'en dld fall and m en fI l'st be~an man y othe r advanccments. W e are Your broth e r 111 Chrlst, es, man y necessiti s, many different more each month, collect this amount ta speak with other tongues as the 1 d,oin~ .our best to ri se in ran~ a~d Leonard Pollard, Overseer, . per,ccutions and among false breth- from each member and tUl'11 it o"er lo Sa many people are 100king for Spirit gal'e them utterance. l know value 111 the great Church of God 111 439 South D Street, Tulare, Cailf. l'e n and many other things, but the treasurer to be put in with the mighty things ta transpire in 1936. that the prayers and pleadings of East T exas. It scems that almost --w-through themall he won for the cause fOUl·th Sunday collection for the State Alld why not when we are rushing up 1 d'd everyon e ha' a mind to work. Prai se Louisiana for which he \l'as working. H e said, Ol'er,eer. The treasurer sends it ta at . uch a great speed toward th time God's people for he p an gUI ance G l' f I ' . f Il th' ? A d b d b f \V oc . As l begin with thts m essage after " 1 have fought a good fi~ht, l have the State Ol'erseer just after the g or t le reSl1tutlOn o al 111 'h" ni will e an:;were as ne"er e ore. 'e W e are getting ready for our State mu ch study of God's ward and spen d- finished my course, l hal'e kept the fourth Sunday. t h IS means SO m. u.c h t a t 10se II' a l'ca - will receive greater power than ever Convention which we expect ta be the fal·th." 2 TI'mothy 4 '.7. Li sten, Louisiana folks, l love :l'ou 1y h ave tl '~ vlslo.n a f th e 1as t d ays before and miracu lou s thing. will be "'reatest convention wc have ever had . ing many hours in preva iling prayel's, and wioh you weil, and l want you ta '1 1 t d l " 1 fin d sorne important things to reYou will notice th e three thing m e>sage. 1 lel.·e IS a. as a.ys mes- accom]Jlished in our midst through Let us work right on. ,y mt'mber. 1 hope this mes age will be which he did . H e fought a good fight. have the l'ictory so we can ail shout an. e1 now I,S t. h e t Im.e f or. 1t s d e.1 - our p.rayers ..Glory, Hall el uj ah 1 l feel .It sec. ms that mo st a.1I the m e n have helpful to ail who read it as w e ail are In other words h e always came out together, what a t im e we can have. CI y ta a Il tl.'." al Il(. l t lS om e1t~ l y ,l n d lhe f"'e bUrll1ng now, a zeal that Il ev- faded 111 the hog bus111es' here , but It is easy for Gad ta help u . do these blessed pl'1l'dege ta pubhsh th,:; mes- el' before has taken hold of me in this our missionary isters are doing fine. la ho l'er s togehthefr IG"ith OUl' Lord in the victorious in ail things. Never \l'HS thing~. . l'k t d 't f . li e . . , grcat Churc 0 ocl an d we are ta there a time in his life after he began A d sage. . n "e 1 e 0 a 1 01 1 manner. 0 glO l'y pralse the name of Th ev are go ing ta prol'e thi- at o u r . . W e must remember OUI' W . :\1 . B. lIIaster. 'h f Ab h '. . • budd up 111stead of tear down. It working for his master that he fell --w-Jesus and the Fat el' 0 ra am, cOl1\'e,nl1on w~en they b.e g 1l1 ta c~me ,..,eem, at times that a lmost el' erything down and gave up an d said that h e work. Don't forget it, sisters, somebaac and Jacob! 111 "Ith then hea\ y \\ elghts. No" goes against us and it almost look s co uld not. In the face of el' ery foe h e bocty i. going ta be responsible. PaoThe W. ~I. B. Secrelary, 1Ilrs. Claral 1 \Y e ca nnot begin to en um erate ail slster., lf"You belong to the ChuI'ch of l'mlJO SI' bic ta (la tl,e th,'llgS that Gad had his face se t towar d 11eal'en l'k 1 e a tors, l am depending upon you ta ,ce T • 1AI a b e, JS no. w. spre" d Ing tlle go oc the blessin"'s H e ha s bestowed upon G d E t T 1 t W 1 f th k l i " a 111 • as exas ane arc .no a ' . requir s us ta do . Our mind l'un to flint and sa id, "1 can, 1 mu st and l that these things are organized at wore e mlsslona~'y 1e the prayer bands in the la t year. 111. . B. Member, pl ease .ge.t 111 a band a IJecl'a l SC1'1'IJtUI'C l'ecol'ded 1',1 Ro- will do ail thing .. Il e \Va s d eterm111ee . 1 once and calTi ed out even if we only t t af K h i 11'01' II - \ ?V Ll' B s a e a an,as, :,. 1 e le . . .' ~Ial'\'elous, wonderful. Our latest r e- qUlck and start a m~ IOnary hog. man s 8 :28, "And \l'e know that ail ta go through with Gad and thus he hal'e a few to start with. \V e can, we ecr.etary, MISs" dlard H. Bayles, 15 joicing Cames from Sister K eister of Your W. M.. B . leader wdl tell you ho. \1' thl·ng." "'ol'k togelhel' fOI' good to tl,em 1 d 1 k he y 0 e the broad ex , di d, his fight wa ' gooe an 1e com, must and \l'e will. Do not disappoint ma 111g r \l'a l' l' , . - Lusk, Wyoming, that Brother Keister to feed thls hog and what to do \l'Ith that 101'e God, ta them who are the me. W e have been dragging along panse of Kentucky. l say hm'ah for has been :,a\'ed and on hi s way ta glo, It wh n you get lt fat. 1 hope el'ery cali cd according ta hi pm'pose." plc6~,~ ii' have a greater zeal latel y tao much in Louisiana. Th e r e ha" lhese ml~hty warnors as they carry l'y. Pray that he will be sanctified member of. our ml sS lonar.y ba.nds \l'dl I n th,'s IJal.t,·culal' l'el'se \l'e ml'ght h been too much neglige nce. W e are the red-hot messages of the W. 111. B. and filled with the blessed Comforler f h d b g t t th than 1 el'er did haye. W e have ta al'e not stirred enough a b 0 u t bein~ I K ' atten a nlce og an ' , ' 1 11 remember that ail things work togeththe d et e rmination to win in the battles 1 0 e ane1 V . L . B . \1'01' k . K ansas ane en- the true Christian's l'est. Continu e ta t If a t e you t k h d' t i l t 1 f conven Ion.. you C n. :0111, el' for our good. It is true that ail which we will have in these la t days oL ed ient to those who arc over us in uc ~ a JUS as we ge l'cac y or pray for the healing of Sister Wiebl es' can send a mce heav y ml sSlonary hog things are for Hi s good also, that is between right and wrong, but the Gad the Lord. Other states have their auxa mlghty forward mOI'e-and mOl'e body and for the sah'ation of her hus- by sorn e slster or YOu. l' pa.stor. . Il' l' tll the Olles Il,110 love FI,·m. I f \ve d 1 h 1 l iliaries working. L et's have them. forward and up\\'ard along ail front band al,o her niece living in South T th 1 b th h that helpe Pau can e p us. am sure lines. lIallelujah! Ali say, Ame n! Dako'la. - Sbter K eister and Sister o. e one IV la l'lng 111 e eaVI' will always look into God's ways with that He will if w e will only be a' Paul W e have lots of good people in Loui si- -w- est m»slonary hog wdl be prese nted a a spidtual eye a nd not look into the was, d et ermin ed. Nothing can sto p u s ana that will work if we lead ers will 5ee Page Three l am till encou raging and in isting \Yi eble bO;h hal'e very special unspok, l1lc e blu~ nbbon and an honor ban - th ing that are contrary ta His Word . of this boastin~. Prai se the Lord. l .. t kee J'ng before the n reques s. n er. ThI S wdl be for you~' o\\'n m1 5- Tf "" e al ways put our trust in Gad feel it ail Ol'er and through me no\\' . on our m1111" ers.' J I . . 1 Oth e r requests: From Long Island, slonary hog and not puttlng two or Il'I'th Il,l,om Il'e I,al'e ta cio anel l' S able 1 l' '1 1 b p.eople the. ex penence . of ,;anc:tlflca- X. Y., ilfrs. Rose No e has been sud, h E 1 1 l hope the ones that reae t 11 WI e llOn-that It IS a defll11te and Ulstan- denly stricken blind . H el' hu sband's more toget el'. ac 1 penny equa s ta he lp us to 00 ail things that fall s helped for our God for wc mu st do so Now Is The tancous work of grace \\'rou~ht 111 the health has been wonderfully benefited one pound of park. Wc wdl hav e l ou r dut y, we \l'ill be 1110re than con- to help our Gen eral Ol' er seer ma st e r h~art by the apphcal10n of the blood tl h Bl'other Tomhnson to be~ead the qu e rors through our Christ. l have de- every probl e m. Th e enemy is so of Jesus in sorne miraculous ma nner. "~Ug p;tyer. R th f L ' hogs, . sa come on W. M. B. s and let cid ed that it is best fOI' u s ta always strong w e have to become strong This is 'a work of c1eansing-a death l Ist~l' 1: mma ~u k a onmor, us bl'lllg 111 25,000 pound s of pork or put our t ru st in God through J esus with our Gad to k eep ahead of him. more. Our V. L. . B.' s arc 100k111g out Chri st our Lord for our Brothe r Paul L et's work J'u st like kill ing snake;;. · O\l'a , ea 111g a f a ra -en a1'm. J a Id man. A ne1 h e d oes n o t d le t o ,-'e A new Sunday School and work at f 1 F L D t t by l11ch es as sorne try ta teach, but II C kW' or t le : ree Iterature epal·.men. said that he could do ail things WOlk hard, pray more for a greater "olel l''' n" i ' crucifi d or,e l'ce', yomlllg. OUl' 1111sslonary workers are g0111g ta through hi s Chri·t that stre ngthencd zeal, a greater d etermination, a gl' atTa let 1I ~ mail P au 1 sa y' th c a , Si <ter Blackstone was at the l'ery 1 1 mi ssionaries. you fi new Biand put to dealh. The blood of Jesus door of death a few day aga \Vith a le pour J. HUl'ley, Ol'el'seer. him . Philippians 4 :13. Notice how cr energy for this great cau se . ble. ')11e time rcally clealh'e, from ail S111. Then ruptul'ed side. ister Hook er minis--w-impl'ess ive hi s words are wh en he said , Paul sa id, "1 have kept the faith," i~ h('re ""hen \l'hen. ?ne 1'; cle31~s d from .all S111: tered to her \l'hile the ;;a ints prayed. " 1 can do ail things through Christ which was anoth er of the three things. you will have sancllfled \l'hall y, IS a ~ood tlme fOI Doctor Jesus was called in a nd under 1 CalI ornla which stre ngtheneth me." He fi l'st lI e did not lose out in his expel'ience mnny oPllorluthe Holy Ghost lo co me m. the admin i ~ tering of Hi s ail and wine W e have just cio cd a soul stil'ring said that l can, not l just think 1 can, but al ways had in mind that he was niti"'K to UHC ft -.-w-- . 1 the pO\l'el' of God came down and she revival here at Tu lare, Calif., with 26 1 1 hope l can, or l will if l can, or it weil able ta win for God. Il mattered good Bible in Th conl'enllOn scason IS fa,t ap' h 1 d Sh bl t Ik t ex peri nces, the mo st we have ever mi ght be possible, with me or 1 will not how gloomy or how impossib le or »cnwnal und . 1 wa~ ea , e was a e 0 wa . 0 d b proach111g. l ho pc lh e peop e of every t t d l 't G d d f I? had in any one revival at thi s place . t ry , l will do the best l can, but h e hall' hard that thin~s seem e ta e other churc h state and provinc e or colony will , oIB"n nie" ay. n 0 won el' u. Gad \l'a s with us from the very fi l'st sa id, " 1 can." Praise the Lord for ag'ainst the right, he had faith in Gad work, Thc fol. . l'et ll'en pray f or u s. lowing Bibles mak e preparatIOn to attend th Ir re,",'. 1 1 f CI . t night of the meeting. Though the ou r Broth er Pau l and how he felt whom he SCl'Ved, ta beliel'e that 'l'ery" ~ ours ln t le oye 0 1)'1" d will spectll'e conventions. W e wall t ta C. D. Hook: r. devil worked Gad was th re ta bless. about doing things for the Church of thing would be done that he un e rtook you: make these slale conl'entlons the best w Brother Willie Gruggett was \Vith Gad. H e really knew that he could according ta God' s Ward. H e n e"er and most powerful of any we hal'e us from the beginning and God sUl'ely do ail things and not just a part of did fall short of faith, but ail times No . 33X-Scofield Refel'ever had. The missions l'y money is to did bless him in bringing the m es, them . If he cou ld ay, " 1 can ," why was ready to defend the l'ca l gospel ence Bible, the lowest mise, and it is yet ta sec whether or sages. He is a wonderful m an of Gad ca n't we say that we can? W e are with great bo ldness. H e al ways u sed price ever offered. Siw IlOt ~[i ssi"ipp i will be able to keep 0 0 IV and stands foursquare for the dear old se rving the same Christ that he waS great faith in hi s Gad and always won 6 Y.. x4 "4 inches. Only the banner and hold the hi~hest place Church of God . We sUl'ely hated ta a nd we have the same opportu nity the victory and wa s an Ol'ercomer at 11/16 inch t hick. Good in the amount of mi ssionary offerings, see him leave here, but he had other today as he had or even better, be- ail times. Thi s makes me think of ' size type. Leather bind The V. L. B. \l'ork ers al50 will hal'e - -w-fields in which he had ta labor in thi cau e one of the prophets said that John when he sa id, "this is the victory ing. Genuine Oxford I ndia pa p e r . Worth ,orne competin~ races in bringing in A, >uccc:;sfui redl'al ha' jU't come state and wh er el'er Gad calls. t he glory of this latte r house shall be that overcometh t h e \Vorld :-". $8.00, to y 0 u only their cans of money for the free liter- ta a close at the Church of Gad at We have had a wonderful time \Vith g r eater than that of the former. W e Prai se God for failh ta overcome, so $5.00. ature dcpartment. 0, \\'hat exciting Ocoee. The gospel wa s preached ta 1 the. Lord. The first experience in the have a great work ta do and just as let's have faith. limes ther will be from now until us in ib fullness. There were 17 ex- meeting \Vas a man filled with th e long as we go around doubting, as l Third, Paul kept the determination No. I708C Teacher's after the close of the A.sembly in perience,; and 7 added ta the church. Holy Gho st. A fter that the souls be- feel that many of us have, we w Ji I ta finish his course, so he said, "1 reference and concordeptember. 1 feel the thrill no\\' as l Gad i. still blessing in a wonderful gan to come ta the altar for Salvatioll, ne,'er be able to do sorne things that have finished my cour e." The \VOl'd ance Bible, Size 5'hx8 pen this note. l hope el'erybody will way. \Y e have a good Y. L. B., a liI'e- Sanctification and the blessed Holy just mu st be done. The same Lord "course" mean s much. \Ve will not inches. Large r eadahl e type. Morocco grain, feel the'e mi~hty thrills as they chase Iy W. ~L B. and a good unday school. Ghost. W e had as many as t\Velve in that ga"e that great e nergy and deter- be able ta explain it ail, only a part. ove,-]apping c a ver. one another through their emire be- The S. O. P. A. and the A. B. ~L are the altar seeking the Holy Ghost in mination ta Paul i~ our Lord, and 1 One thing about this is in the ~vay Worth $3 .50, to you in~. l am countin~ on el'ery ol'ers er, workin fine. W e desire your pray- one m eeting. surely we can get 111tO these thmgs which he started soon after a hg-ht only $2.00, both state and district, cyery leader ers, Th ere were two preachers from the and be as Paul \Vas, for he \Vas de, shane from heaven about him a nd he of el'ery department, and ail the :11. S. Curry, Pastor, Fla . Bibl e School in San Franci sco with termined and sa id he could, so let's be was struck blind . H e mad e peace with No. 4308 - , ize 6'Ysx6'h inches, medium print, members. Plea.e do IlOt di.appoint _________.:..:_ _ _~_____ w i t h references ancl _ _w _ _ me! • • concordance. W 0 l' t h $4 .50, to you only S. P. FORD PASSED OYER $2.20. THE TIDE books in which they &PPcared-that is the songs this We suggest that you get a ne\\' song book. A message by wire reached me contains. Price 25c n copy. $2.75 p e r d ou n , $22 .00 You kllOw hall' it is--a sOllg book will become No. 5200 - Size 7 % x7 ~1l p rr 100 drli\'ued . terday announcin~ the departure of inches. Only 1 % inches old to the people and el'en the songs will seem W a \'fo8 of GI()ry-A boclk thnt is t r uly w h at its nnm e our precious and highly esteemed thick. Leather binding. old. Thi has a tendency to take the Spirit out implies, 170 songs. Pri ee $2.75 a dou n , pos tpaid . Brother S. P. Ford. It is with deep reConcorda nce and refof your song service, By getting a new book Ec hoes of Glorylf you aTe looking fo r ft book o f Tea l gret that l pas this news on ta our erences. L a r g e readthe people will take new interest and ne\\' life choice 8Ongs, here it i8. The songs in thls book will able type. W orth $6 .00, and piritually will take hold of your song sel" people. If it could haye been the ,;urely please you. Tbe book has Tound corners, Priee $2 .75 a doun. to you o nly $3,50. vice. We do IlOt recommend a book of ail new Lord's will it wou Id haye been our songs, but here are books that contain new SGn....s of Vict.ory-Contains the cream o f all our forme r pleasure for him to haye remained No. 3499 -Size 4'hx6% boo~. One of OUT beat sellers. Priee $2.75 • doun , and old songs : with us. Brother Ford ha been a p ostpa id . inches, COlltai ns r e ffaithful member and Bishop in the Vocal Ge m s--Our New 1936 Song Book-Selli ng Fasteren ces, co n cordance, C hri st Ed alt t<t in Son l"- A book oC 170 songa t ha t never :-.'" othing Like Il · Every Song a Special. fIn Shaped g~t old. Still selling l ast. Priee $2.7 5 • doun, poetChurch of Gad for man y years. But leath er j in di ng. Good Notes Only 1. Look for your favorite 80ngs in t.his pa id. ize type. Worth $5.50, book. For montN we have gleaned the song book w()rld for sorne cause he has not been enjoyChurc h of Cod Rev iy.' No. l-O ne among our m 08t fo r the best 9piritual and I>Opular sacred sangs obto you only $3.00 ing very good health for two or three ~ J>Opular books. lt wae published in 1932, and has had tainable for this muter book-what a book it i a large sale smong all oC ou r cust<l m ert'J. Price $2 . 75 nOlhing like it. no book in competition wilh it-many years, alld at last he ha pas ed over 1 WHITE WING a dou n. have declared that il will he the best book ever pubthe tide. IIshed on earth-just thînk of a WHOLE BOOK OF PUBLI5HING HOU5E WHITE WING P UBLISRING HO USE SPEClALS--e'i'ery BOng a winnt'r in the di(ferent l do not know what we will do for 1 303 Bible Place, Clev~land, Tenn.. Cle ve land . Tenn . 303 Bible Plau the annual SatUl'day night program at . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . White W in g M essenger w(' r:"==========_==_ al yt·CU':" and it wa:-, alway=, a gloriou:, III III l'%l == ---------w--------- Great Things Will Be Accomplished Through Prayer C G .. • , 0 TIME 'f' Blessings f G d G. en . 1 0 FI·d n coee, orl a l -=-==-_____________-=======================-__. . :.==-====-=:. . MAKE TOUR SONG SERVICES SPIRITUAL THE WHITE WING MESSENGER, CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE, FEBRUARY 1, 1936 §, " 'lllllllt l n ltl llltlllll l ll llll lllll ll l l tl llll ll lt l lll l lll 11 1111 111111 ':; ~ Ithe measur introduced by our Qu es- SPECIALS ~ tions and ubjects Committee, it was E E passed that every m ember of the E E Church of God, in Vit'ginia, was to pay i F or Your Attention ~ twenty-fh'e cents each before the conU.IIIIUIIN l lllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllltl11111UlII..:! vention in 1936 Thi s amount \\Oa to I help defra y the expenses of our next ATTENTION MIS SIS SIP P I convention. Since the responsibility CHURCHES : My address is now B. O. has fall en to the pastors (clerk and ···· F un d er b urk , '" r.uropa, '.. 1 ISSISSIPPI. treasurer if the church ha no pa tor) P AGE TH REE "..------------,..---------~=--:::::--------, IThey will show forth prai~e' of the Lord. ;"lultitudes are getting ready . The harve-t i g tting ripe, the nation:; are coming together but they do not under tand why for they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they Hi s coun el ; for He !m&iIii~J J shall gather them a the sheave into working, reading and praying with the !lOOt·, and. it:;; time to w~rk. people and giving out tracts. Last I alah ,11.:10, Behold,. I Will make night he healed me of cancer and I thee a n:" sharp thre,hmg m.trulold Him if he would heal me I would ment havmg teeth:. thou shalt thresh do my be -to I just looked to the Lord the mountain, and be~t them smal~: nnd believed and wa healed. and shalt make the hills a chaff. Please pray that we will have work I saiah 43 :9, "Let all the nations be cO I can hel p more on the tabernacle. gathered toget~~r, and let the people Belle F ox . be assembled- . The LOI'd IS not satisfied with part of the nations, but He wants them all. Wh ile all the naOHIO tions are getting together. we want We have started a W. M. B. here to be ready for the threshing at any at Mecha nicsburg, Ohio. The people time. Let's do our best. do not und erstand it as yet but I beTh e church at Han'iman, Tennessee lieve if we keep work ing, we will make is on fire and working. We have a a success. good W. M. B. , Y. L. B. and S. O. P . I am pi ecing a mi ssionary quilt and A. P ra y for us. Yours for lost .ouls, if you would like to have a part in L. E. Sih'ers, Tenn . this quilt, please send enough quilt ---w scraps for one sq uare in a n ine diamond quilt and 10c and your name with the a mount you send will be idered on the quilt block. All the money goes to the missionary work. Please pray for us here t hat we will I MISSISSIPP I-We till ha"e the - -w-victory at Pearley Gates, Mis issippi. NEW ADDRESS- I have moved of the churche" let each pa tor col- We still haye our band meeting and of V. L. B. meetings. The V. L. B. h a away from Martinsville, W . Va., and lect the amount from each membet· 'd my new address is, Route 5, Manning- pis church and sen d to Chas. T. Davl - taken n ew com·age. son , 51-24th St., Newport News, ton, W. Va. Virginia, at once. I was appointed Bonn ie Thorn, :\fiss. G. W. Helmick, w District Overseer. treasurer for the Convention expense KENTUCKY-The V. L. B. meet_ _w _ _ by the State Overseer dUring the con- . .. . · PI ease r espon d t 0 th e nee d 0 f I lOgs are dOlOg flOe . i I r eceIved t Ion. '1 t t S the t dten AT YOUR SERVICE-Evangelist ven I t ' I penci you en me as a ur ay h' k b' Ezra Elwood and wife are now wait- t IS WOt· elOg C o?e a once, smce and I have had good succe s selling . ing a call to conduct an old time Holy our State Overseer IS unable to know just where he will have the 19 36 con- them. I ~m. send 109 $1.00 to pay for Ghost revival meeting. If there is .. . d them. ThIS IS the second bunch I have '1 Id 'th anyone that is in need of such a reviv- ventlOn untd he has been ,"fonne I ld All th of the amount available in treasury. 0 t ' d t eblPencl s were so WI al let u s know. ou a n rou e. Ezra Elwood, Let everyon e cooperate in thi s Ruby Simpson, Ky. - -w- 426 Winchester Ave., work. If your pastor is not a subscribMiddlesboro, Ky. er of the White Wing Messe nger, TENNESSEE- I r eceived twenty - -w-show him this notice in yours.. To be pencil Saturday, January 4th and WHO WILL ANSWER?- I believe sure our conventions are worth 25c to this is January 8th, and I have them I can place a colored preach er, who is each of us in a year's time. If no oth- all old and am returning the money. loyal to the Church of God and recom- er wa y, pay your pastor 5c a week un- Lupton City is a small place but p eomend ed by the Gen eral Overseer, in til the whol e 25c i· paid. May God pi e are willing to buy. By the help a community that is interested. He bl ss you in your cooperation! Amen! of God I will ell anything you send mu st be capable of building up a good Chas. T. Davidso n, Va. me to ·ell. --w-work. Chester Wooten, Tenn. ~u cceed. MEMBERS OF NORWICH, VIR" Your brother in Christ, Mary P atton. GINIA :-To All the Memb ers of the K. M. Sowers, OKLAHOMA Church of God at Norwich, Virgini a 15 19 Buchanan St., KENTUCKY We al'e having some fine meetings L ynchburg, Va. ereetings : _ _w _ _ in Oklahoma. W e are getting some Prophecy is being fulfilled and God bl ess all of you . I praise God ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE for everyon e, even though we do not new churches and God is blessing. All these are perilou s times. Let's hold the preach ers are working good to- on to God and the Church. The other CHURCH OF GOD IN THE STATE get to see you often, we love you just gether and there are good r evival s in ni ght I saw the Lord talking to a man OF LOUISIANA.-I was appointed the same. seve ral of the churches. and I heard him sa y to Brother TomTreasurer of the Emergency Fund. 1936 is the best time in th e world to E. G. lIIurr. linson, "You mu st sta nd where Pa ul Now r emember, Brother and Sister, put all the rulings of the Assembly - -w- stood." Thank God we ha ve a Pa ul you are to send me fifty cents to be into practice. We at Norwich want MISSISSIPPI in Cleveland, T enn essee. sent to B I'other A. J. Lawson, Treas., J a nuary, F ebruary and March to be Ezra Elwood. The Lord keeps talking to me about and fifty cents in the state for th e champion quarter of ou r lives, the u ~e of the gospel which we love. don't we ? To be sure we do. W e still We wi sh to thank Bro ther Hallmark to get out of pulling than th ey would We m ust do all we can to help carry loye our big hearted Overseer. Every of Tupelo, Mi ssissippi for $1.25, also have if they would come with their the W ord of God. memb er should pay f ifteen cents a part of the load. So will you , if you New Bethel Church for $1.00. P lease notice m y address, Mrs. month for him. He a lso get s an don't pull with the yoke that J esus has Eugen ie Robichea ux, P . O. Box 243 , Send a ll mon ey direct to me a nd amount equa l to one-tenth of the placed upon you . Com e on and let's Morgan City, La . tithes. Our emergency dollar mu st you shall receive a di rect r eceipt from ciimb th e hill s of Loui siana, on e of t he - - w- me or through the White Wing MesREADY FOR THE FATHER' S be paid a a sa nd storm is liab le to get se nger. Now, fri e nd s and co-workers, greatest states in th e Union. I hope BUSINESS-Praise God for victory in our eyes. W e a re to pay fiv e cents let's tak e care of thi s matter at once. e"eryone will give specia l heed to in my soul. I am a colored m ini ster a month to OUI' District Overseer. these special things to remember C. W. Clark, Don't forget our State Convention for the Ch urch of God, A . J. Tomlin 403-38th Ave., which are a s follow s : exp ense of twenty-five cents each. son , General Overseer. The wonder1. Assemb ly Band Movement. Meridi _ _ _ _w _ _ _ __a n, Mi ss. fu l message in the Assembly of 1935 Our Assembly expense can be paid 2. State Over seer's P ay Assoc iaconcerning the colored people has with t en cents from every member. t ion . Em ergency dollar, mi s ionary 25c and Instructions stirred me and is sending me out on 3. Women's Mi ss iona ry Ba nd. my Father's business. I can't rest in convention expense 25c, these should 4 . Victory Leaders Band. From Overseers peace, I m ust a nswer t he S. O. S. cal l. be paid J a n u a r y, February and 5. Lively Sunda y School. -w-Look out, colored people, I am com- March. Thi s is not a taxation but our 6 . Second Sunday Missionary OfFrom Page Two ing with t he Ch urch of God m essage duty. You sa id when you came into f ering. the church you wou ld sta nd by it, supwhich is t he doctrin e yo u want. If 7. Fourth Sunday Offering for get busy and go into thi s thing deter an ybody wants a r evival and wou ld port it and a lways live a good pure mined to win . We can, we mu t, and State Overseer. li ke me, j u t write me at on ce. I fee l life hid in J esus, a nd we believe what WE WILL. Oh , I am stirred as never Be sure and don't di sappoint me. I owe th e state of Tennessee some of yo u sa y about it. before. Brother A. J. Tomlin son has Yours truly, So pl ease, members of the 1 orwich helped to get me stirred, so maybe I my services a nd I expect to give it to J . R. Moxley, Overseer. Church of God , send a ll your dona- can help to get you stirred. - - - -w th em soon. tions to th e t reasurer , Sist er Maggie Yours for Christ, are far beh ind with our V. L. We Vad en , R. 7, Box 243, Roanoke, VirP ....lph Scotton, B. Thi s will n ever do, pastors , go t 903 Redding St., g inia . She Will be glad to divid e it as bu sy start with just a f ew, b e obedi- I High Point, N. C. you say. Do what you should a nd ent, don't fail. Other states have I - -w- the hou se of God will not lie waste. them a nd we can , too . Say, "Yes") Your pa tor, To Have Powe r We Must SPECIAL TO ALL PASTORS, and let's go. I want Loui siana to R. M. Stover, Va . EVANGELISTS AND DEACONS Have The Love Of God com e on wi th the Assembly expense - -w--IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. -I money . Come, come, payoff a nd then - -w- want to call your att ention to Brothhelp u shout. Let's get the debt lifted To th e Readers of the W hite Wing er Tomlin son's Thirt ieth annual adas quickly as possibl e. Here we co me Messenge r: dress or a part of it. Pl ease turn to with a hearty welcom e to all of our I am glad that I can r eport victory page 35 in your new minutes and Loui iana folks a nd friend s, pastors 0 er sin . I a m saved, sa nctifi ed, fill ed --w-t'ead wh at he says in the Em ergency especially. Pl ease get bu sy a nd col - with the Holy Ghost and a member Our Overseer Must Be Fund department. Then turn to page lect a dollar from each memb er at 0 the Church of God, which he purCared For 63 and r ead the ways and mean s once for emergency fund . Do thi s at chased with Hi s blood. Acts 20 :28. 1 -w Committee report in section 6. Now once, beca use we are far behind. \Ve Peter 2:9 says, "But ye are a chosen Our beloved State Oversee r, B. O. this is what I am expecti ng you to do: can't afford to r emain this far be- gen eration, a royal priesthood, and Pay this $1.00 as soon as possible. Fund erburk , wa s greatly in need of hind. Collect fa st and t urn all of t he holy nation, a peculiar p eopl e." We, as minister in the Church of an overcoat. We, the church h er e at money over to the church treasurer Matthew 5 :14, "Ye are the light of God, should be exampl es. I have paid Meridian, b 0 ugh t thi s oYer coat , a nd be sure to send the f ifty per- the world . A city that is set on an hill my $1.00 a nd I wa nt you to do the $28.50, which we were glad to do . cent to headquarter s and f ifty per- cannot be hid ." And so being that we sa me and get the others to pay theirs. Brot her Fund erburk told us that he cent to our state treasurer of the cannot be hid from the world let's Send 50 cents to Headquarters and 50 would ta ke th e coat providing the Emergency Fund. Be sure an d r e- obey Isa iah 60:1 "Arise, shin e ; for cents to the State Treasurer, A . W . churches in the state would help u s memb er the na me of our Emergency th y light is come, and the glory of the Geo rge, 3105 3rd Ave. , Columbus, Ga . pay for it. We have written severa l Fund Treasurer and h er address, Lord is ri sen upon thee." It's time I will look for you to see about thi s churches and fri ends in the state. We Eugeni e Robich eaux, Box 243, Mor- fo r u to show people who we are and are expect ing to hear from them oon. so on. gan City, Loui siana. what we are. Matth ew 28 :19 says, We wish to ask all the ch urches and Your State Overseer, Let's not lag beh ind, let's have a " Go ye therefore, and teach a ll nafri ends in the state of Mi ss issippi to M. E. Wilson, Ma rietta , Ga., Box 188. take an offering for on e dollar or good r eport, so mething to ma ke peo- ti ons". W e have a great work to do _ _w _ _ more a nd send it t o me at once to pay pie f eel good . We know our Gener a l fo r t his go pel of the kingdom shall SPECIAL TO VIRGINIA - Al- for this "OVERCOAT." Now, friend s, Overseer will f eel good and be well be preached in a ll the world for a ready about seven months have passed don't fail to do this. Our over seer pl eased. 1\ow he is afte r me and I am witn ess unto all nation ' ; and then since our State Convention at Lynch- needed thi s overcoat and if we expect g la d he is a nd now I a m afte r you shall the end come. !he more we burg, Virginia in 1935. Acting upon hi servi ce, let's take care of hi need. and I hope you a r e glad. Let u all s)-lln e the more people w!ll come. Take be glad and rejoice. Pull together for instance a . bright light, the b ugs '.' sid e by side for we won't be here long. gathel' aro un d It .. By the church s.hl~ Thi s i easy to do if we will have a Ing the people w!ll gather and thiS IS mind to work. Every on can if he t he time for the gathering. Let' will. It's only a matter of saying that wOI'k hard and get r ea dy for the peowe can, we mu st, and we will and pie who are comi ng. \ • This inspiring book will open your make the old wheel roll. Oh, ure it is You remem ber the star that led the eye.s- it will carry you w ith a mR7.em ent i nto the depths of the t.h rillin g easy for our God sai d so . Ju st t hink wise men to Chr ist. Thi s star was difco nd iti ons nnd p r ogress of lhe Church of th e words that were sa id during ferent from a ll other stars. Th ere was of God as s h e m oves rapidly through prop hecy to perfection-g reat leaders the transfiguration of our Christ. so mething about the star, the brightof the nations are getting the world During th is special time wh ile Peter, ness, the glory of it. Let us have ready for the 1.000 years of Mill en nium . Price: 25c Each ; $2.75 Do:ten. Jam e a nd John also Moses and Elias som thing about u :; that will influence WHI TE WINC PURLTSHINC HO USE appeared with J esus making a total of the people and cau e them to come to By F " F" JOHNSON 303 Bible Pl ace. Cleveland, Tenn. six . Peter a id, " Mast er, it is good for the Church of God. A magnet has ••• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : . u to be here, let us make three tab- dmwing power, and it takes something ernacles, one for thee, one for Moses, that ha power to draw people and to one for Elias." Just about thi time have power we must have the love of Send Us a cloud overshadowed them and a God. I saiah 60 :4, "Lift up thine eyes voice came out of the cloud aying, round about, and see: all they gather Your "This is my beloved son, hear him." themselves together, they come to Now this appeal to us today and this thee: thy son hall come from far, ame Son of God says, "Come unto and thy daughters shall be nur"ed at me. all ye that labor and are heavy thy side." laden, and I will give you rest. Take W hen I begin to think about Solomy yoke upon you and learn of me; mon's temple how beautiful it was, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and hi, ministers, the gold and silver he ye shall find rest unto your sou l." possessed, and the Qu een of Sheba l\Iatthew 11:2 ,29,30. Tak e special said that the half had never been told, notice to verse thirty, Hi s yok e is oh, how wonderful. Look at the easy and H i burden is light. Prai e ('hurch, _he is going to be greater than God for ever. There is no u,e to say all of this becau e Haggai 2 :6-!), "For that things are just too hard to do or thus sa ith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, too much trouble or it tak s too much it is a little while, and I will shake the money to do all these things for it i,; heavens, and the earth, and the sea, Y o u c a n help u s ge t the Church o f God me •• ag e t o true that we are on Bible terms and Hnd the dry land; And I will shake all thou oa nd . of 10l t l oull by .endin g you r COUPONS of Octa gon Soap., M a gnolia Conden s ed mi lk , Stand ~ followe rs of Christ and should b . If ~hall come: and I will fill this house ard Conden sed milk, Kirkm a n ', p r oduc t ., Rumford so , the yoke is ea y and the burden with glory, saith the Lord of hosts. Ba king Powd er and ma n y other •. The Octa gon Soap light. Let's forget about thing" being The sih'er is mine and the gold is Comp a n y give .. U I c a sh for the se coupon.. Wit h too hard to do for God and work with mine, saith the Lord of hosts. The e v ery dollar, we g et 480 Church of God meuage .. to th e yoke that He has placed upn us glory of thi latter hou ,e shal be lost I OU I. through the Free L i terature Department. and pull together. It matters not how I{reater than of the former, saith the Mail your coupon . to White Wing Publ i. hing Hous e , heavy it is, it can be pulled up the hill Lord of ho,ts: and in this place will I 303 Bible P lace, Clevel and, Tenneuee. with ease, it will be light for us when gi'"e peace, saith the Lord of hosts." Offer a prize to the woman bri ng i ng we pull a nd do not fail to pull. Of Let', pull together side by side and the la r ged number of coupon s to y o ur ,,;;;;):::~~"I.~~::.~~t.l course, as you know stubborn mules follow our leader and g t down to W . M. B. meeting.. ~ i"'II" "fI!!UII!""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''!I'"1"'1""""" '11111111111,1111111,1'1' ' 1' ' 1'1111'11'' '1111"'111111"11111111111"1""& or horses have a hard er time trying bUsine, , for the people arc coming. I Great Work To Do For God Special Message To Mississippi i_· ""::~~:~~~:~~:":~:~··i=§ _ Young People On the Firing Line I I First District Convention In Bahamas - -w- - Held At Home Trouble Avenue November 29December 1, 1935 - -w- - lII eeting was called to ord er at 6 p. m. , with special instruction by the Di strict Overseer assisted by the State Overseer. All officers were requested to be present. At 7 p. m. the se rvice began wi t h song , prayers, and music, red hot testimoni es and everyone happy, filled an d t hrill ed wi th the power from on high. Man y that were sic k ca me to be prayed for. The Introductory Addre s was truIy wond erful, the Welcome Address was very, very t hrillin g. Truly we ca n a y that God is favoring Zion. Our State Oversee r, A . . Mos, was filled and thrilled througho ut the District Convention . His preaching, teachings, and exhortation' were truly wond erful. Surely we can say like th e Apostl e Pa ul in Acts 20 :20 "And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you , and ha ve taught you publickly, and from house to house." Oh, how we wa nt to esteem our Over eer for hi s good work, truly we can sa y that he is God's ano inted. The Di strict Ovel'seer a nd Moder ator, Frank Cunn ingham, was full of pep a nd zeal. W e co uld see that the power of God was upon him an d the Holy Gho t led him to condu ct the Convention from t he begi nning until tre en d. Everything \Va. w(\nderflll and God got the glory and Our sou ls we l'e edified. This was the f irst District Convention held in Nassau . Many ouls were blessed. It was just one food t id e day and night. The W. 1\1. B . isters were on their job. The program began at 4 :30 p. 111 . , a ll marching in fro nt of the tabernacle with the V. L. B's and band following. Th e W. M. B. lead er a nd officers ta lked abo ut the wo rk and our State Overseer came behind and clinched the n a il s. The mIssIOnary sisters> by hard work ra ised $13.7 5. There were more t han a thousand peop le attended the District Convention. Only heaven's r e cor d can te ll all the glorie of the meeting. At the close of t he convention the Overseer a ked a ll that had a church f lag to display it. Oh, what r ejoicing, s houting, lea ping and dancing while we all marched aro und singing the Church of God Flag Song. The con"ention closed by the Di strict Oversee t" while everybody shouted, "Meet me at the n ext convention!" Blanche Deveneaux, Clerk. WfLLARD BOYLES, Ceneral Secretan ~ ,IIIIIIIIII'llllllllllllllllllllll ltll.IIt.I"'lltllllll'1"lltllllllll1U --w-- Wonderful thing,; continue to happen in the work. I thank God for helping me so much in e"ery way, Also I am grateful to the Yirginia O"erseer, Pastor' and memb rs for helping me reach the churche~. I enjoyed working in Virginia and now r am in Kentucky to do I11Y best for the young people here. I hope all V. L. B.'$ noticed the letter where the brother from Ind ia appealed for prayer that the church might be e:;tablj,;hed there. Surely that appeal should go to cv'ry heart. It makes one rejoice to >ee the \ ". L. B/s begin working ju:-\t a~ soon a they get their mite call". Think of what it will mean to the world whr·n we get our mite cans all filled. In working for th' Free Lit rature Fund, it would be interesting to h,n-e a dime contest. Get up a special offering and ~i\'e each nlclnber a "lime. Wh en the contest has closed ~i " e the one that made the mo,;t money from the dime conte t a pnze. Th n turn the mon ey in at your Stat!' Com'ention. I Willard Boyl ", Y. L. B. Spcretary. --w A RKA N SAS Report of the \ ". L. B. o( Austin, Arka nsas for the month, of Sept mber and October. \\' e met every meeting on Friday night except one. Good inter est is being manifested by all members. We arc determined to go over th e top for God . W e have thirty members, our avel'a~e attendance is seventeen, co ll ection I~c. I praise the Lord this morning because I am working for IIim. I never grow weary of working for our sweet Sadour becau '1' He is a friend in time of need. I have ben seer tary of the band for two yea rs and I find it a very enjoyable job. I have more zeal and a determination to do mo re than ever before. I wa nt to be humbl e so that the Lord will use me in the way that is plea'ing to Him. Your sister in Christ, Maci e Pool. - -w- OHIO I am thankin~ God j . Sister Mary E. Patton whom I beli ve God has sent into this di>trict of Ohio. She and her daughtel' both have the victory and are on fire for God. Since she cam to Urbana, she has obtained one church. She organized a V. L. B. and also a W. M. B. We have had seve ral good serv ices. W e marched around the room waving our ch urch flag with God putting His approval upon the work by the Holy Ghost and power. People have not iced that when we raise the Flag God does truly bless. Sister Patton arranged a very fine program for Christmas. One of the features was a group of little girls dressed in red, white and blue crepe paper and sang, "The Speckled Bird." There were other wonderful things on the program and God poured out His wonderful pow r. Thank God because He does put His approva l upon th work in Urbana. Please l)ray (or the saints at Urban a and Mechanicsburg as we expect to have a revival before long. Favorite Collins. I New Leather Z ipp er I The Church of God • • • • BIBLE BRIEF CASES HERE is no mOl'e T need for anyone us- To Lead All ing t he Old Fashioned Brief Case w ith 10RS of time opening clumsy straps, buckles and lock s and then fumbling inside for it, contents. These new zipper cases give instant action--{)pens promptly -c loses securely-all its contents are at your finger tips. No surplu,; flap to get into the way -no paper on bottom of pockets--everything before the eye. Here are cases that will carI'y all and more than any old fashioned cas". Notice the new patented Tuck-Away handle" that disappear with the Thr e-" ay Zippu Bible Brief (~.~ With touch of the hand. Expandinc Pocitet.--BiK Roomy t: ..... ,. ..~or Bible, Sone- Boolu. Jo, ful " ewli, " hltt' Case No . 3851 Wine- Meoownge r and V.luabl" Papu... Made of Top Selection hark Grain Cowhide, Expanding Pockets all round, Patented Tuck-Away Handles that di,appcar with the touch of the hand. 'icel y lined, with two separately armnKed poc·kt·b. Extra Pencil Holder. Finest quality Zipper and guaruntcl'd serdce. Colon; Black and Brown. Size 14 inch .- by 11 inche,. Sell. for $8.75. Our price poatpaid $6.75. Cue No. 3702-Made of fine quality Shark Grain owhide. B autifully lined. Two Pockets. Wid e Zipper Fa.-ten er allows 'xpansinn if needed . Does not have Tuck-Away lI andles. Size 13 '" inches by 1 0 inches. Sell. for $5.50. Our price po.tpaid $3.50. NATIONS COUPONS S~v:PS~:ls I White Wing Publishing House 303 Bible Place, Cleveland, Tenneuee I..!::===============================:::J NGA HIVE PAGE FOUR E very Country In A Flame --w-- From Pale One thirty years. I feel no worse for the strain. I don't ask anyone to key up tighter than I do, but I do want my men and women too, to press up close to me in this wonderful service for our King. I stood the strain of direct and cross examination of the lawyers for seventeen days for this cause I am giving my life for, and I am expecting a million men and women to whip themselves in line along side of me to do a work that will fulfill prophecy and cause the ears of people to tingle as they listen in, and hear the good news. In my letter to the overseers I injected another sentence that I will drop in here so others will get it as well a s the overseers. In mentioning about some of the churches and ministers not r eporting, and operating as required by the assembly I said: "1 do not want to let these matters drag along this year as we have been forced to do in past years. And I want to know if you can assist me in some way in getting all of this business to going in regular order as marked out by the Assembly rulings." I want all of our fighting force to get stirred up above measure. I have already started a drive to get al\ of our ministers to be regular readers of the White Wing Messenger. A goodly number have decided they can raise the dollal' and read the paper. I am going to make another checkup soon to see how we are getting along. I want every mini ster to read these fiery messages. It is very important. This is one way to keep up with the front lines. And I want the fire to blaze up hotter and higher. This is to be a wonderful year for fulfilling prophecy. I want al\ hands to "get the flam e." Indeed, I fee l that they must. I think I feel a littl e like Genera l Stark of Revolutionary war fame when he sa id to his men on e morning a s they went out to battle-"We mu st beat the enemy today or Mollie Stark is a widow." I do not say it just that way because I am not counting on falling on the battle field, but I say, We mu st beat the en emy and round up a more g lorious victory this year than any year in our past history. And I n eed the help of every mini ter, both men and women. I need full timers. And I am not aslcing more than our great leader Paul, whom I must follow. Read the way he puts it! "Even so hath the Lord ordained (it's on His program) that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel." (1 Cor. 9:14) "'1:)1"" therefore endure (bear patient\y:...' be permanent---continuance) hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of thi s life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." (2 Tim. 2 :3, 4) Yes indeed, I think of nothing else but to have every country in a flame. To do that I must have a live, wideawake man in charge of every country with a corps of fiery workers to assist him. Get the flame. Listen I The revival fire must break out and burn to the extreme end of the earth. This s not saying too much. I am not making my words too stout. To make them more moderate or weaker would limit the power of the Holy One, and this I refuse to do. A few sentences from my annual address before the thirtieth Annual A ssembly come in place here while I feel the flame as it gets hotter and hotter . I am not one bit contrary to the Book we have obligated to follow as our only l'ule of faith and practice. "I tell you, my beloved fellow-laborers for God and His truth, I believe what Jesus says about the every creature message, and the all nations activities. I absolutely l'efuse to limit the power of the Holy One. That is just what the Children of Israel did when Moses was leading them from Egypt to Canaan. W e are warned against doing the thing that caused them to fall in the wilderness. I am going to believe God and His word. You are going to do the same thing. In Moses' time the unbelievers a nd idolaters were destroyed under the wrath of God but now, in these days, God is working differently. A f ew may be slain like Ananias and Sap- THE WHITE WING MESSENGER, CLEVELAND , TENNESSEE, FEBRUARY 1, 1936 phira were, but the masses are going to be walked into the Church of God in a similar manner to the way God walked the animals into Noah's new ship. I tell you, they had to come. And God has just as much power over men as He had to convert wild, ferocious, blood-thirsty beasts into docile creatures so they could go into the ark. They could not go into the ark until they were saved from their fighting di sposition and bloodthirstiness. And we are not supposed to take people into the Church till they are saved and promise to go on into all the Bible teaches. And they are not supposed to be always about getting sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire besides. "When the multitudes get into the Church, then comes the time for perfecting the Church. This, then, is the work of the ministers. 'For the perfecting of the saints,' say Paul. And these saints are to be made up of the 'all nations' that are to be baptized. It is the 'all nations' that are to be taught to observe the all things." And they are to be brought right up to just what Paul sa ys:'Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.' "Now I wou ld have you to understand that this mass of human flesh is not going to be just a few as some would try to have us believe, but rather the all nations. Agreeable to this statement is Paul as he visions the finishing up time of the last days, 'Warning every man.' Where is any left out (that is not warned?) 'And teaching every man.' Again I say , whe re is a ny left out? Do esn't this correspond to the all nations that J esus says must be baptized and taught to observe the 'all things?' And fini shing Paul's verse it plainly states : 'that we may present eve ry man perfect in Christ J es us.' You all know this is true. I am not alone. But traditions would have us limit this perfected rna. s of p eo pl e to only a few. But we mu st break away from tradition s and embrace and cling to the Bible as it is for us today in this great and mighty last days movement. The few would do for the past, but nothing short of multitudes are marked out for us today. 'They shall not be few' says the prophet. And this refers to those who are to be glorified. 'I will a lso glorify them, and they shall not be small.' Who is He going to glorify? That mass of people that shall not be few and shall not be small. Paul says, 'that we may present every man perfect.' He also says, 'that he (Jesus) might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.' And we all know this is the Church of the Bible. Thi s is the only institution that we know of that is to be g lorified. "Our work then is made clear. . Our duty is plainly seen. Gathering into the Church the multitudes instead of only a few. All nations instead of a few from a ll n ations. No wonder the mi ssionary zeal is eating us up. No wonder the states have been having the spirit of friendly rivalry in trying to rai se the most mon ey. And when thi s spirit, like a garment, is thrown over the people they give of their means when they don't want to and when they do not aim to. Some have acknowledged that very thing to m e. Thi s is like God getting into the legs of those wild beasts of the forest and walking them into Noah's new ship that had never before been loaded with a cargo. Neither has the Church ever been filled, but it WILL BE FILLED, and the last method to be employed to f inish filling it will be the compell ing method. This principle was shown by the cows that were yoked up to the new cart loaded with the 'ark of the covenant,' taking it back to its rightful owners. The cows did not want to go and leave their calves and their home. But they went anyhow. They had to go, God got in their legs and made them go, just lik e He got into Mr. and Mrs. Lion and Mr. and Mrs. Giraffe and made them go into that big ship that had to be filled. To show that the cows did not want to go the record states that they went along the highway, lowing as they went.' This is the work of our Lord . And HE IS OUR GOD. "I wond er if we may have some doubters and incredulous mini ters in our ranks who are helping us pull the load and yet they grumble as they pull. I wonder if God makes them help us when they prefer not to. I wonder if they low like the cows and still help us pull the Church and its work a I ong. They may not like the W. ilL B. and say-'money, money, money, everything is money.' Still they pull and keep right on the highway that leads to the goal. The cows took the ark to the big harvest field of Joshua before they stopped, even if they did low and grumble and long to be back at home with their calves. Some of these grumblers, if there should be any, are malcing a bee line for the big harvest field where the golden grain must be r eaped. Thank the Lord for the helpers whether they want to help or not. God makes them help. They have to help or they wouldn't. Just this year a man called me and gave me money for our missionary work and grumbled as he gave it. I held out my hand and smiled while he grumbled and pulled the money out of hi s wallet. As he handed me the money I had a spell and thanked him for it while he looked grum and so ur. I knew the Lord made him do it. But he was buying souls and by and by he will get his reward when he sees the souls his money purchased. His grumbling will cease when he gets his eyes fully open so he can see the blessedness of service, and fully recognizes the power of God, and the great work for which we are responsible. With J esus, let u s a ltogether say, 'My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.' (John 5 :17) 'I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.' (John 9 :4) And I shall never expect to be satisfied until I have the assurance and evidence that every member in the Church of God is a worker." I feel like renew ing my appeal to a ll men to stop your idle talk, an¢ work and fight fot' souls. Fill every country with the flam e. In order :~ get the work done that's necessa ry to fulfill prophecy the revival f ire mu st break out and burn to the extreme end of the earth. Pray to this end. Wh en Daniel und er stood by books and otherwise that the seventy years of the desolation of Israel was about up he began to pray. W e understand by books and otherwi se that this revival flame shall spread in all countri es of the world, then let us pray and work to th is end. Why not expect the flame to correspond with the one mentioned by the writer of Hebrews who said : "And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a f lame of fire." (Heb. 1 :7) The Syric version r eads , ~~~ "But of the angel s he thus sai : Who made hi s angels a wind, and h s ministers a flaming fire." (Heb. 1 :7) In r eferring to a great p eople and a strong by the prophet Joel he says, "A fire devoureth before th em; and behind them a flam e burneth. Continuing on down in the chapter it shows the great people and a stroop; are going to make a clean sweep. Nothing shall esca pe them. Can this be a picture of the Church of Go~ becoming so powerful and strong and its mini st er s such a burning flam ~, that will cause all faces to gather blackness? Can this be the means of moving the wide world toward the acceptance of our Chri st? Is there anything too hard for the Lord when the time comes to .fulfill Scripture? When H e could speak this world into existence with no material with which to make it, surely H e can kindle a revival flam e in every country. Just as well have the Evan Roberts' lcind of a flam e in every country as to have it in Wales alone. Then it only continued a f ew years in Wal es, and we may expect this worldwid e flame to continue until the work is finally finished, and the sa ints perfected, and the Church r ead y for presentation to Him who purchased it at such a high cost-His own precious blood. Get the flame! 0, get the flame! Sunday School Home Class Department --w-- From Page One • • •• • I I I I Review Days Pray for These ;:=:;:- A FRIEND, N. C.-Please pray earnestly for a man in North Carolina that God will fill him with the Holy Ghost and also that he will be healed. He is a reader of the White Wing. L. O. Stewart. L et the main school, through its Superintendent send out pecial invitations to each Home Class member to attend the main school on re"iew days. When they arrive give them special attention a nd make the review as interesting for them as possible. - -w- - Home Department Day MRS. O. MAORIS, Ky.-Pl ease pray that God will heal my body. I al 0 have an unspoken reque t, please help me pray. MRS . L. W . JOHNSON, Fla.-I have been sick for four weeks. Please reque t prayer for me at your ser- Once a year, arrangeme.nts should be made for a special Hom e Department Day. One day in the early autumn is usually considered the best time of year. Sometimes it is good to take the entire day, but when this is not convenient, the Sunday school hour can be used with a short program besides the r egular lessons briefly recited. And also the hour for worship can be an extension of Home Department day and the songs can be appropriate, and the discourse by the pastor can be suited to the occasion to encourage the Home Department members. If the whol e day is taken a more extensive program can be prepared. But every thing must be suited to the spiritual uplift of both the church and school. \"ices. --w-- MRS . PEARL BUTLER, Ga.-I am a backslider and I want to get back to the Lord and am asking God's children to pray for me. I can hardly eat or sleep as I am so hungry to get back in the blessed way. So please pray for the Lord to restore my so ul. - -w- - - E. B. SULLIVAN , Va.-Please pray for my boy who i uffering with a mi sery in his stomach. --w-- Home Department Literature VERA SCHEPP, Pa.-Please pray for me. I have a special r eq uest. The Lesson Help provided specially for Home Departm ent members, is the Home Depart ment Memb er's Quart erly with the Quarterly Report Envelope. These are seven cents each . Always order your Sunday school supplies of the White Wing Publishing Hou se, 303 Bible Place, Cleveland, T enn ., U . S. A. - - w -- MRS. PAUL ION, Pa.-Pl ea e pray for my little si t er who was badly hurt while sled riding. --w-- E. B. RUSSELL, Mo.-Please pray for my boy. He was struck by a pi ece of steel on hi s leg just above the knee and is in the hospital. He is not saved, so please pray that God will sa,'e him and heal his le6"' Al so pray for me that I will stay humble at the foot of the cross and a lways be found doing Hi will. --------w-------- V. L. B. Convention Of Pennsylvania Great Success --w-----w-MRS MARY E . PATTON, Ohio-Flag To Be Given To The 100 Please pray for my mother who is Per.c ent v. L. B. At State very sick. She has been bedfa t fOl' two weeks. Also pray for me that Convention - -w- - MRS . L. BINGHAM, Okla.-I am asking special prayer from all of God's people for the healing of my little boy whose glands in hi neck are wollen. Pray for my baby as she has an awful cold and also for me. My vocal chords are topped up with cold. We Must Get Stirred Over Lost Souls --w-I am so glad to report victory over sin and the enemy. Praise the Lord. I feel so good in my ou!. Brother Hoppl e has just closed a revival at I Notomine, West Virginia. There was on e aved and many good seed sowed. The me sages were real food for our souls and al 0 the revelation he gave us on the great Church of God, the pillar and the ground of the truth. I am so glad the Lord led me into the church, I cherish it above all things. Brother Hoppl e is a wonderful man of God and we ha"e learned to love him. Our h ea rts were mad e to melt under his wonderful messages. Oh, the burden for lost souls. We need to get stirred about them, I feel the burden as n eve r before. Oh, that we could be made to realize the worth of lost souls. Pray that we will get a church building. 1\Irs. Ollie Sadlen, W. Va. g,1111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIII',%; ~ : :: Called Away Weepinl" m_y endure for a nll'ht. but JOY COMeth in the morninl'. P ... SO :5. I - ~ bJlIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIlIIIlII1III1I1II1I1II1II1I1U1I1~ BETTY JOYCE STOVER, Va. Our darling littl e Betty Joyce was called away to be with Jesus, January 8, 1936 . She was born December 13, 1935. She was one of the sweetest babie. in the world. She had long black hair and dark eyes and seemed to love ever yon e t hat ministered to her in any way. We labored and prayed and did all we could in every way but all in vain. When we received word that sh e was gone, we knelt down and prayed. This Scripture came to our mind, "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what ,hall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" How I wi sh everyone that read s this would write me your vision on this three fold Scripture. God bl esses us financially on this sad occasion. We thank everyone that helped rlifierent ways. Fun eral services were h ela January 9th, conducted by Brother A. C. McKeown. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Yet though H e slay me yet will I trust Him. Praise H is Holy nam e. We want to thank eve ryon e who mini ster ed unto u during the illness and death of our darling Betty Joyce. Pray for us. H er parents, R. M. Stover and Wife. God will supply my neds and help me as I am just about broken down. Dear Saints and White Wing Read--w-ers--Greetings in Jesus' Name: MRS. MINNIE YOUNGBLOOD, We can report that the Lord is still Ky.-Please pray that God will heal blessing us in the state of Pennsyl- my body. I have been sick for about three year s. I do not know what is vania. The second V. L. B. Convention was the matt er with me. Sometimes I am held at the Church of God at Brent, able to go a nd other times I cannot go at all. I am doing my best to serve No . 2 Mine, P enn sylvania on the 16th the Lord. I have been a member of and 17th of November. The meeting the church for about 20 years and was in charge of our State Superin- God has healed my body many times. - -w- tendent, Brother Alfred Greenawalt. MRS. VIOLA WHITLEY, Ark.-I The meeting began Saturday morn- am requesting earnest prayer for my ing with the sounding of the trumpet daughter, J ewel, who has appendiciby Brother James Mohood, and song tis and is in very poor health. R eservice led by Sister Luci lle Morga n member when you read this request assisted by the brass band of Karns that God demands us to pray for one a nother. In a short time if God perCity V. L. B.'s. Special prayer by mits my daughter will send in a song GULNARIE MAORIS, Ky.-Little V. L. B. Leader, Vera Schepp, and she composed as God gave her the Gulnari e Mardis, infant daughter of special songs were sung and played by words. Please pray for h er. Mr. and Mrs. Oakl ey Mardi s di ed Dethe band. We all prai sed God and cember 16, 1935. prayed for the convention. God She was laid to r est in Arrin CemeMRS. LEO LADD, Ark.-Please blessed the sai nts wonderfully. pray for me that I will be saved, tery. She is sadly missed by mother, We had with us many of our dear sanctified and filled with the Holy father and many relatives. brothers and sisters from the differ- Ghost . There is no church in this "She is gone but not forgotten, ent churches in the state, a lso our dear district. There is one at Trumann, but Never will her memory fade; State Over seer, Brother V. R. Sherrill, that is too far away. If any minister Sweetest thoughts will eve r linger, and District Overseer, Brother C. G. shou ld desire to come and hold a re- 'Round the place where she is laid." H er friends. Humphrey. viva l here he would be welcome to In the afternoon we had a dedication of the church by Brother C. G. Humphrey and the raising of the church flag by V. R. Sherrill, while the band played the Church of God Fl ag song. Oh, how we praise God for the great Church of God and for the V. L. B.'s. Oh, glory, it is grand. F or Superintendents and Teachers Praise God! We are 011 fire for God and are determined to get others on of Church of God Sunday fire, too, that they might serve Jesus. Our State Superintendent ha s givSchools en every band a chance to win a grand church flag, the size being 3x6 feet. rSTEN, Superintendents and T eachers, you know, your Thi s is how you may win the flag. knowledge and vision of the Word of God must wid en if you The one having the mo st active memare to meet the demand of becoming a better Superintendent bers in the band, saved, sanctified, and Teacher. filled with the Holy Ghost, member If you are not a better Sunday School Superintendent or of the Church, reader of Joyful News, T eacher today than when you started, you know, you are a backin other words 100 perc ent V. L. B. date--you are not able to meet the demand of the hour and Thi s flag will be presented by the keep your Sunday School constantly growing. State Superintendent at the State The quickest and safest way to steadily improve youl'self is Convention. to read JOYFUL NEWS regularly. There were 206 registered in this JOYFUL NEWS is published on the 15th of each month. It V. L. B. convention. costs you only 45 cents for five copies of JOYFUL NEWS each Vera Bell Schepp, Pa. month. The Superintendent and Teachers would not be without ----w it each month when they once learn the value of it. The Treasurer of the Sunday School should instruct us to mail five or ten copies each month. JOYFUL NEWS can be included along with your regular Sunday School order. --w-- JOYFUL NEWS L ------.-~ Amazing Fulfillmellts ofl : PROPHECY : : Now Only · · · 81,_00: • ~=_~:- abide at my humble home. The addres is, Shady Grove, west of Tru mann, Route 2. work and contribution, and leaves supplies for the new Quarter. This visit should be informal and the visitor and class member should have a heart to heart talk about the lessons studied, the teachings, the benefits derived, and the blessings of the Lord. Before leaving the visitor sho uld kneel down and pray and ask I God's blessings upon the class member and all the members of the home as well as for the main school. The Work of Home Department 1. The Home Department member studi es the current Sunday schoo l lesso n each week, devoting not less than half an hour to this. Each is free to WHITE WING PUBLISHING HOUSE, study when and in such a way as he Regular Price $1.50 303 Bible Place, Cleveland, Tenn. I finds most convenient. If circum- -w- Brethre n: By HOMER A . TOMLINSON stances interfere with the study at the Messages Inspiring And Pl ease send me each month .......... ' copies of JOYFUL I u sual time, the lessons can be made Uplifting-Three Saved Includes: The Mark of the Beast-The sudden NEWS until you have further notice from me. --w-appearance of "Marks" Designed by Dictators. • up later. 2. The member keeps a record of Dear White Wing Readers: Find enclosed $ ..... ......... . ... which pays for JOYFUL The God of Nations--Russia-Germany-Italy• work done by marking on the report W e have just closed a two weeks NEWS for .. ..... .... . ..... months. (If it is more convenient for Fascism-Communism--all nations in prophecy. envelope for each lesson studi ed, and revival at Columbus, Ohio, with us to send you JOYFUL EWS each month C.O.D. mark Mussolini and the Roman Empire--Present Ro- • gives this envelope to the vi itor who Brother G. W. Helmick of ew MarX here ......... ) man empire in prophecy. Deceivers--Antichrist calls at the close of the quarter. This tinsville, West Virginia in charge. If you want 10 days in which to pay for JOYFUL NEWS - Worship of men forbodings of Beast worship. I report furnishes the data from which We were glad to have our good brotheach month, and you promise to be faithful in sending the money an account of the Departm ent is r en- er and his wife in our midst. War rumors - war preparations - wars - in 10 days after receh'ing the magazines each month, mark His m essages from night to night prophecy. "As It Was in the Days of Noah"- • dered to the school. A contribution toward defraying the expenses of the were very inspiring and uplifting. His X here ...... . Perilous times - moral breakdown - pleasure seelcing. Marrying and giving in marriage--all I Sunday school and aiding in its mis- music was entertaining and enjoyed Name ........... . sionary work may be placed in the n- by all. We know he is a good hon est in prophecy. All for only $1.00. • velope, but this is not obligatory. humble Church of God minister. Address ..................................... _.......... _ .. There were three saved and two re3. Each Home Department memWhite Wing Publishing House What Office Do You Hold? ... . I ber should help increase the member- claimed. We trust they will come 303 Bible Place, Cleveland, Tenn. ship and advance the efficiency of the I back here again. %: ---------------------------..:iJ~ ~ Home Department. Thi s may be done I Ruth Whitten, Ohio. lb============================JI .------ .. I recommending it to their friends, I "IIUtlIlIIlIIllIlUUIlIfIllUIlIfIIlUlllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllll~ both in person and by letter. In addi- " : tion to fulfilling the ordinary requirements for membership, they hould Lo. 70." ......10 b. mod. Imown take the advance step of establishing ""to God. Phil , : ,. Family Worship in the home, if such -ttUllllllnlllllllfllttltlllllUllllltlllUMUlllllllllllllll1111111nlll~sen~ce has not hitherto been estabMRS. JOHN PUCKETT, Ga.lished. Earnestly pray that God will heal me. Cheer for the Invalid A good way to train our girls for r have been on a milk diet for seven efficient service is for the visitor to months, but I n eed to eat solid food. --w-select a few to go with her when she CORDA REYNOLDS , Ky.- Please visits her class members, and have them ing a few cheery ongs before pray that God will heal me of a evere and after prayer. This could be done neryous trouble, and that the Lord may bless and prosper my boys. sometim es on Sunday afternoon. Iby & _ • ___ • __________ G. W. Helmick In Revival At Columbus, Ohio I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------
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