Lecture 13 M230 Feigon Nucleic acids in water Chemical exchange Chemical shift mapping Reading resources Evans Chap 1.3 Kinetics and chemical exchange HSQC heteronuclear single quantum correlation 1H-13C HSQC -- correlates proton with attached carbon 1H-15N HSQC -- correlates proton with attached nitrogen Gotfredsen, et. al, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 120, 4281 (1998) 155 Folded peaks 13C resolves: AH2 from H8/H6 CH5 UH6 RNA Ribose H4’;H5’,H4”;2’,3’ RNA CH5;UH5 190 1 C G C G A A T T C G C G! in H O 2 G C G C T T A A G C G C! 10°C τm = 100 msec aromatic, amino NOESY with 13 31 observe pulse 90 - t1 - 90 - τm - acquire 13 31 imino NOESY spectra of DNA in H2O assignment of exchangeables C G C G A A T T C G C G! Presat NOESY in H2O B1) imino-AH2 NOEs Get strong NOE between imino and AH2 (~2.2Å). Can identify A’s by this strong sharp NOE. If iminos assigned, have assigned AH2. B2) imino-amino NOEs aminos ~5.5 - 9 ppm H-bonded amino in pair (2) usually ~2ppm lower field than non-H-bonded amino (1) C aminos: slow exchange 2 sharp resonances A aminos: intermediate exchange usually can see both (2) and (1), but weaker than C’s G aminos: intermediate-fast exchange usually a broad, coalesced peak, hard to see A) imino-imino NOEs Can assign iminos sequentially along strand via 1D or 2D NOEs 2 “Formation of a stable triplex from a single DNA strand” Sklenar & Feigon, Nature (1990) Crosspeaks between iminos give sequential connectivities along each ‘strand’. 3 The base pairing scheme can be determined from specific NOEs observed between imino and amino, H2, and H8 resonances. Today we would also 13C,15N-label the DNA or RNA, and detect the Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen paired iminos directly using HNN-COSY experiments Portion of spectrum showing crosspeaks between acceptor N (N1 or N7) and H from donor UN3H; Donor N (UN3) are ~155-165 ppm Kim, et al JMB 2008 Wild-type human telomerase pseudoknot 4 Conformational equilibria; chemical exchange We have seen that intramolecular triplex and duplex + ss conformations in equilibrium give rise to two separate sets of peaks in NMR spectra. This is because the molecules are in slow exchange on the NMR time scale. What does this mean? Example: duplex + ss kdt ktd Example: triplex kHC kCH C fast intermediate slow H T pH d+ss t δ δ ktd, kdt << πΔνdt Two separate sets of peaks; Relative intensities depends on fraction in each form Hz (sec-1) H δ C more complicated; kHC, kCH >> πΔνHC shifts and broadens One peak; Chemical shift depends on fraction in each form. δob = δHa + (1-α)δCa Fast or slow exchange on NMR time scale depends on rate relative to chemical shift difference (Δν) between the two resonances. Hz, sec-1 This will vary with field (500 MHz → “slower” than 200 MHz) which resonances (Δνxy ≠ ΔνAB) temperature (may change kinetics) Chemical exchange effects on the NMR spectrum Slow exchange. k << Δω τ >> 1/Δω τ is avg lifetime in the state Intermediate exchange. k ~ Δω. τ ~ 1 /Δω Fast exchange. k >>> Δω τ << 1/Δω 5 Helix-coil transition Can monitor the transition H kHC C kCH by NMR. Recall: Chemical shifts in nucleic acids are dependent on ring current shifts. As bases become unstacked, will generally shift downfield. For ds DNA or RNA helix-to-coil transition is intermediate to fast exchange. If fast, can plot chemical shift vs T to get melting temp. (Tm) and other thermodynamic parameters. δ Example: DNA hairpin T ºC ATCCTA!T!T! ......! TAGGAT!T!T! 6.0 ATCCTATTTTTAGGAT! 1.8 Compare curves for TCH3 in stem and loop δ(ppm) 5.8 1.6 5.6 1.4 280 300 320 340 0 K 280 300 320 340 0 K Chemical shift mapping: identification of interacting surface slow exchange 1H-15N 15N-protein+ HSQC ligand 1:0.5 1H 5 free 15N-protein 1 6 1H 1 2 6 1H 1 15N 2 4 2 3 15N titration 1 4 + ligand 5 free 6 1H 1 5 2 3 15N fast exchange 15N-protein 6 1 3 complex 5 4 3 4 3 15N-protein-ligand 6 5 4 2 15N 4 2 3 6 5 bound 6 Chemical shift mapping Nucleolin RRM12 free and bound to RNA Free Bound 15N 15N 1H 1H Overlay of free and bound 15N 1H Chemical shift changes of nucleolin RRM12 upon binding RNA 650 600 550 500 450 |ΔN|+|ΔH| Hz 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 10 20 β1 30 40 α1 50 β2 60 70 β3 α2 RRM1 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 β4 RRM1 Linker β1 α1 β2 β3 α2 RRM2 Linker Helix 1 Helix 1 RRM2 Linker |ΔN|+ |ΔH| β2-β3 loop β2-β3 loop 180° β4 > 300 Hz 200 – 300 Hz 120 – 200 Hz 7 EXAM: Tuesday 3-5 • Designed to be one hour, you will have two hours. • All homework problems are old exam problems. • We will provide chemical shift tables. You can bring: • ONE page of notes. Must be written by hand. • A ruler or straight edge. • A simple calculator. GOOD LUCK!!!! 8
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