CV - Web Hosting at UMass Amherst

Emily Yucai Wang
Last updated: June 16, 2015
Department of Resource Economics
University of Massachusetts Amherst
220B Stockbridge Hall
80 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA, 01003
University of Massachusetts Amherst September 2011 – Present
Assistant Professor
Department of Resource Economics
Duke University 2006 – 2011
Ph.D. in Economics, May 2011
Primary Advisor: Dr. Andrew Sweeting
Thesis: “Essays on Dynamic Demand Estimation”
Office: (413)545-5741
[email protected]
University of Arizona 2002 – 2006
B.A. in Mathematics & Economics
Research Fields Empirical Industrial Organization, Public Policy, Applied Econometrics
1. Wang, Emily. “The Impact of Soda Taxes on Consumer Welfare: Implications of Storability and Taste Heterogeneity.” RAND Journal of Economics,
Vol. 46(2) (2015), pp. 409-441.
2. Wang, Emily, Christian Rojas, & Christoph Bauner. “The Evolution of Nutritional Quality: Evidence from the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry.” Economics Letters, Vol. 133 (2015), pp. 105-108.
Working Papers
3. Coantuoni, Francesca, Christian Rojas, & Emily Wang. Accounting for Heterogeneous Behavior, Obesity and Storability in Soft Drink Consumption: A
Dynamic Demand Model. Revise and Resubmit at the American Journal of
Agricultural Economics.
4. Wang, Emily. The Effect of a More Accurate Cost-of-Living Index on Welfare
Recipients. Under Review.
5. Bauner, Christoph & Emily Wang. Strategic Retailer Reactions to Wholesale
Club Presence.
6. Rao, Anita & Emily Wang. Demand for Healthy Products: An Effect of
New Product Introduction or Not?
7. Wang, Emily & Christoph Bauner. A Dynamic Demand Model of Storable
Goods with Persistent Brand Preferences.
Works in Progress
8. Bauner, Christoph & Emily Wang. Stockpiling and Learning as Entry Deterrence.
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Grants &
1. Faculty Research Grant / Healey Endowment Grant, University of Massachusetts Amherst, “The Market Force behind Our Obesity Rate” Summer
2015 – Spring 2016, [$12,640.00].
2. SBS Research Support Grant, Social and Behavioral Sciences, University
of Massachusetts Amherst, “Junk Food Tax as a Revenue Generator: How
much will You Save toward Your Health Care through a Tax?” Summer 2015
– Spring 2016, [$6,743.03].
3. MSP Research Support Grant, University of Massachusetts Amherst, [$1,000.00].
4. MSP FLEX Grant, University of Massachusetts Amherst, [$500.00].
5. Mellon Mutual Mentoring Grant, “UMass International Scholars Mutual
Mentoring Network,” Summer 2013 - Spring 2014, [$10,000]. Deepankar
Basu (Co-PI), Richard Chu (Co-PI), Rommel (Bombie) Salvador (Co-PI),
Emily Wang (Co-PI).
6. Honors Research Grant, “Spirit of Inquiry,” University of Arizona, Spring
2005, [$500] Emily Wang (PI)
6. James B. Duke Ph.D. Summer Research Fellowship, Duke University, 2010
7. James B. Duke Ph.D. Summer Research Fellowship, Duke University, 2009
8. Economics Department Doctoral Studies Fellowship, Duke University, 2006
– 2007
9. International Student Scholarship, University of Arizona 2002 – 2006
Conference &
Fall 2014 - Spring 2015
- North Carolina State University, Department of Agricultural and Resource
Economics. “The Evolution of Nutritional Quality: Evidence from the
Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry” and “Demand for Healthy Products: An Effect of New Product Introduction or Not?”, October, 2014
Fall 2013 - Spring 2014
- American Marketing Association, Marketing and Public Policy Conference,
Boston, MA. “Demand for Healthy Products: An Effect of New Product
Introduction or Not?”, June, 2014
- Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV, “Stockpiling and Learning as Entry Deterrence” May,
- Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting, WV, “The Evolution of Nutritional Quality: Evidence from the Readyto-Eat Cereal Industry” May, 2014
- International Industrial Organization Conference Annual Meeting, Chicago,
IL. “Strategic Retailer Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence”, April, 2014
- International Industrial Organization Conference Annual Meeting, Chicago,
IL. “Stockpiling and Learning as Entry Deterrence”, April, 2014
- Food Access Research and Engagement (FARE) Partnership, hosted by University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. “The Evolution of Nutritional Quality: Evidence from the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry”, Invited, March, 2014
- Five College Seminar, hosted by Smith College, Northampton, MA. “The
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Evolution of Nutritional Quality: Evidence from the Ready-to-Eat Cereal
Industry”, October, 2013
Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
- European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Annual Meeting,
Evora, Portugal. “The Effect of a More Accurate Cost-of-Living Index on
Welfare Recipients”, August, 2013
- International Industrial Organization Conference Annual Meeting, Boston,
MA. “The Effect of a More Accurate Cost-of-Living Index on Welfare Recipients”, May, 2013
- Five College Seminar, hosted by Smith College, Northampton, MA. “The Effect of a More Accurate Cost-of-Living Index on Welfare Recipients”, November, 2012
Fall 2011 - Spring 2012
- Isenberg School of Management, hosted by University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
MA. “A Dynamic Demand Model of Storable Goods with Persistent Brand
Preferences”, February, 2012
Fall 2010 - Spring 2011
- College of William and Mary, Department of Economics. “Estimating the
Distributional Impact of Taxes on Storable Goods: A Dynamic Demand
Model with Random Coefficients”, February, 2011
- Indiana University, Kelley Business School, Department of Public Policy
and Economics. “Estimating the Distributional Impact of Taxes on Storable
Goods: A Dynamic Demand Model with Random Coefficients”, February,
- University of California at San Diego, Department of Economics. “Estimating the Distributional Impact of Taxes on Storable Goods: A Dynamic
Demand Model with Random Coefficients”, February, 2011
- University of Arkansas, Sam Walton Business School, Department of Economics. “Estimating the Distributional Impact of Taxes on Storable Goods:
A Dynamic Demand Model with Random Coefficients”, March, 2011
- University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Resource Economics.
“Estimating the Distributional Impact of Taxes on Storable Goods: A Dynamic Demand Model with Random Coefficients”, February, 2011
- University of Connecticut, Agricultural and Resource Economics. “Estimating the Distributional Impact of Taxes on Storable Goods: A Dynamic Demand Model with Random Coefficients”, February, 2011
- American Economics Institute, Washinton, DC. “Estimating the Distributional Impact of Taxes on Storable Goods: A Dynamic Demand Model with
Random Coefficients”, February, 2011
- University of Wisconsin Madison, VARC Center. “Estimating the Distributional Impact of Taxes on Storable Goods: A Dynamic Demand Model with
Random Coefficients”, February, 2011
University of Massachusetts, 2011 - Present
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- Resec212: Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences
· General Education Requirement, Core Statistics Sequence (I)
· Spring 2012. Enrollment: 257 students
· Spring 2013. Enrollment: 288 students
· Spring 2014. Enrollment: 300 students
- Resec453: Public Policy in Private Markets
· Upper-Level Undergraduate Course, Integrative Experience
· Spring 2014. Enrollment: 74 students
· Fall 2014. Enrollment: 20 students (current)
- Resec703: Topics in Advanced Econometrics
· Graduate Level Course, Core Econometric Sequence (II)
- Resec296, 396, 496: Independent Study
· Ryan Pearlman (Spring 2012 - Spring 2014)
Ph.D. Students
- Hongli (Vivian) Wei. Chair.
- Francesca Colantuoni. Committee Member. Graduation Year: 2014.
Master’s Students
- Xi Wang. Chair. Graduation Year: 2014.
Journal Referee Service
- International Economic Review
- Review of Industrial Economics
- American Economics Journal, Microeconomics
Other External Service
- Session Organizer in the International Industrial Organization Conference
Annual Meetings, January, 2014.
- Session Chair in the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Annual Meeting, August, 2013.
- Session Chair in the International Industrial Organization Conference Annual
Meetings, May, 2013.
- Session Organizer in the International Industrial Organization Conference
Annual Meetings, March, 2013.
- Session Organizer in the American Economic Association Annual Meetings,
February, 2013.
Service to University of Massachusetts Amherst
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- Mellon Mutual Mentoring Program. Member 2013 - Present
Departmental Service, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Seminar Series Committee. Member 2011 - 2013. Chair 2013 - Present
- Computing Committee. Member 2013 - Present
- Ph.D. Quantitative Qualifying Exam. Member 2011 - Present
Past Academic Research Contractor under Dr. Gail Boyd, the Census Bureau Fall 2011
Research Assistant for Dr. Andrew Sweeting, Duke University 2009 – 2010
Research Assistant for Dr. Arie Beresteanu, Duke University 2007 – 2009
Research Assistant for Dr. Joe Hotz, Duke University Summer 2008
English (Fluent), Mandarin Chinese (Fluent), French (Basic)
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