Ying Chen

Ying Chen
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Department of Economics
Gordon Hall 310
[email protected]
Ph.D. Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, May 2015(expected).
M.A. Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 2008.
B.A. Economics, Shanghai International Studies University, 2007.
PhD Dissertation: Three Essays on Sustainable Development in China: Social, Economic and Environmental Aspects
MA Thesis: What’s in a Name: The Importance of Nomenclature and the Struggles to Depathologize
Homosexuality in Contemporary China
Research Interests
Economic Development, Environmental Economics, Political Economy, Chinese Economy
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Are Chinese Workers Paid the Correct Wages? Measuring Wage Underpayment in the
Chinese Industrial Sector, 2005-2010 (with Zhun Xu and Minqi Li), forthcoming. Review of Radical
Political Economics Online version available at:
Class Struggle and Economic Fluctuations: VAR Analysis of the post-War U.S. Economy, (with Deepankar Basu and Jong-seok Oh), International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 27 No.5
September. Online version available at:
Living Wage, Overtime Work and China’s Sustainable Economic Development (with
Zhongjin Li, Hao Qi, Zhun Xu), China Review of Political Economy (in Chinese).
Book Chapters
"Financial Crises 1980s-2010" in The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Business, Labor and
Economic History edited by Melvyn Dubofsky, Oxford University Press. ISBN-10: 0199738815; ISBN-13:
Ying Chen
Teaching Experience
Instructor in the Department of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Intermediate Microeconomics (Online, Summer 2014)
Workshops on Input-Output Modeling for graduate-level Applied Econometrics (2010-2013)
Intermediate Macroeconomics (Online, Fall 2013)
Introduction to Political Economy (Online, Summer 2013)
International Session at Center for Popular Economics Summer Institute (Summer 2011)
Money and Banking (Summer 2010)
Teaching Assistant in the Department of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Industrial Organization (Fall 2010)
Introductory Microeconomics (2008-2010)
Research Experience
Research Assistant to Professor David Kotz, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Fall 2014
Responsibilities included:
Research on topics regarding economic crisis in the US; economic crisis theory; the social structure of
accumulation theory; and the nature of neoliberal institutions, policies, and ideas.
Intern at United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Office for ECOSOC Support
and Coordination, Development Cooperation Policy Branch. Supervisor: Ms. Caroline Lombardo.
Spring 2014.
Responsibilities included:
Drafted sections on redefining ODA, private philanthropic foundations, climate finance, South-South
Development Cooperation, etc, for International Development Cooperation Report 2014 and 2014 SecretaryGeneral Report on Trends and Progress in International Development Cooperation.
Research Assistant to Professor Robert Pollin on Green Economy research projects at Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), University of Massachusetts Amherst. 2010-2013
Responsibilities included:
Data collection, literature survey and modeling for the UNIDO/GGGI/PERI project, published as
Global Green Growth: Clean Energy Industrial Investments and Expanding Job Opportunities in 2014, and the
CERES/PERI project, published as New Jobs–Cleaner Air: Employment Effects Under Planned Changes to
the EPA’s Air Pollution Rules in 2011.
Honors and Grants
Political Economy Research Institute Fellowship, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2014-2015
Ying Chen
Selected Presentations and Workshops
Summer School on "Green Industry: Moving Towards the Industry of the Future" organized and
sponsored by the UNIDO Institute for Capacity Development in cooperation with the Central European
University, Budapest, Hungary, 2012
"Green Economy in China" at Environmental Working Group, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
"Rural Finance in China" and "Class Struggle and Economic Fluctuations: VAR Analysis of the postWar U.S. Economy" at Eastern Economics Association, Boston, 2012
Presentation at UMass-New School Graduate Student Workshop, "Class Struggle and Economic Fluctuations: VAR Analysis of the post-War U.S. Economy", 2011
Professional Services
Steering committee member at Center for Popular Economics, 2012-2013
Co-chair of the Economics Graduate Student Organization (EGSO) at UMass Amherst, 2010-2011
Vice President and Treasurer at China Studies Association at UMass Amherst, 2009-2011
Robert Pollin
Dissertation committee co-chair
Distinguished Professor of Economics
Co-director of Political Economy Research Institute
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Tel: 413-577-0819
Email: [email protected]
David Kotz
Dissertation committee co-chair
Professor of Economics
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Tel: 413-545-0739
Email: [email protected]
Deepankar Basu
Dissertation committee member and project supervisor
Assistant Professor of Economics
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Tel: 413-545-6359
Email: [email protected]
Caroline Lombardo
Supervisor during internship
Senior Economic Affairs Officer
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations
Tel: 917-367-9212
Email: [email protected]