PAC TOPICS - Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

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Lead topic:
Sub-topic: Role of DPER
Role of Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Fast Facts
 Responsibility for the implementation of Government policy and the delivery of
public services takes place at multiple levels within the public sector.
 There is a well-established framework of accountability, responsibility and
control in operation at each level.
This framework encompasses
o the role of the Comptroller and Auditor General as reflected in the
o public financial procedures as reflected in other legislative provisions; in
structures and requirements for governance, administration and control;
o in the institutional and financial relationships between parliament and the
DPER’s role in relation to the Public Expenditure mandate is to serve the
country, its people and the Government by delivering well-managed and welltargeted public spending, delivered through modernised, effective and
accountable public services.
DPER occupies a central position in the overall framework for policy
implementation and delivery of services.
In relation to Expenditure policy the Department deals with aggregate public
expenditure policy and budgeting, including the Estimates process; aggregate
capital investment policy and budgeting, including PPPs; expenditure evaluation
and value-for-money code; aggregate public service numbers policy; national
public procurement policy, including the construction procurement framework;
and manages various Vote Groups.
While the DPER occupies a central position, it would be neither appropriate nor
feasible (particularly in the context of statutory responsibility and cost effective
use of resources) for DPER to attempt to assume or duplicate the functions of line
Departments and agencies in relation to sectoral policy formulation, or to take
over the responsibilities of line Departments in relation to assessment,
management, monitoring and control of individual projects, programmes,
agencies, grant schemes etc.
Equally, it would be neither feasible nor appropriate for the Department to
duplicate the functions of internal or external audit.