File Ref and link to page number at index HR Directorate Civil Service Employee Assistance Service (CSEAS) (B10) Contact: Lorus Collum Ext: 7031 FAST FACTS Estimated provision €1.34m – Outturn €1.276m – salary expenditure €1.206m o Outturn for 2013 is less than the estimated provision (5% variance) due to the fact that 2013 was the first full year of operation for the CSEAS with no annual budgetary precedent to inform spend BRIEF QUESTION AND ANSWER SECTION Q&A’S What is the CSEAS? o Key element of HR structure as part of the strategy for supporting staff, targeting reduction in staff absence due to sick leave and assisting with underperformance where there are welfare related issues. o An important component of an ethos of promoting employee wellness, resilience and organisational effectiveness, augmenting and supplementing the work of HR Divisions and line management. o Works closely with HR Divisions to engage in early interventions to help minimise sick leave absences, assist in return to work and help restore work capacity o Restructured as a centralised service within DPER as part of the reform agenda under Croke Park Agreement Why is the CSEAS required? o Assists with the employer’s duty of care to its employees under Health & Safety legislation in the area of psychosocial issues such as stress, bullying and harassment. o Provides support to HR Divisions and/or line managers in relation to relevant policies/guides pertaining to staff issues in the workplace (e.g. Sick Leave, Positive Working Environment, Alcohol and Drug Misuse in the Workplace, Underperformance o Provides direct services and supports to Civil Servants to positively enhance the well-being of individual staff members, which in turn contributes to overall organisational effectiveness. Staffing levels o 20 staff (1 AP, 18 Employee Assistance Officers(EAOs) /HEO, 1 SO) providing service to all Civil Service Departments/Offices across all regions o 6 regional locations
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