Publications - Université catholique de Louvain

Prof. Roland Keunings
List of Publications
April 2015
1. Books
2. Book chapters
3. Research papers published in refereed scientific journals
4. Research papers published in proceedings of conferences
5. Collective works
6. Ph.D. thesis
1. Books
[B2] C. Binetruy, F. Chinesta, R. Keunings, Flows in Polymers, Reinforced Polymers
and Composites, Springer (2015)
[B1] F. Chinesta, R. Keunings, A. Leygue, The Proper Generalized Decomposition for
Advanced Numerical Simulations: A Primer, Springer (2014)
2. Book chapters
[BC13] M. Perez, E. Abisset-Chavanne, A. Barasinski, F. Chinesta, R. Keunings,
Towards a Kinetic Theory Description of Electrical Conduction in Perfectly
Dispersed CNT Nanocomposites, in Rheology of Non-Spherical Particle Suspensions,
G. Ausias (Ed.), Wiley, in press (2015)
[BC12] R. Keunings, Micro-Macro Methods for the Multiscale Simulation of
Viscoelastic Flow using Molecular Models of Kinetic Theory, in Rheology Reviews
2004, D.M. Binding and K. Walters (Eds.), British Society of Rheology, 67-98 (2004)
[BC11] R. Keunings, Finite Element Methods For Integral Viscoelastic Fluids, in
Rheology Reviews 2003, D.M. Binding and K. Walters (Eds.), British Society of
Rheology, 167-195 (2003)
[BC10] R. Keunings, P. Halin, Macroscopic and Mesoscale Approaches to the
Computer Simulation of Viscoelastic Flows, in Dynamics of Complex Fluids, M.J.
Adams, R.A. Mashelkar, J.R.A. Pearson, A.R. Rennie (Eds.), Imperial College Press,
The Royal Society, London, 88-105 (1998)
[BC9] O. Zone, D. Vanderstraeten, P. Henriksen, R. Keunings, A Parallel Direct Solver
for Implicit Finite Element Problems based on Automatic Domain Decomposition, in
Massively Parallel Processing: Applications and Development, L. Dekker, W. Smit,
J.C. Zuidervaart (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 809-816 (1994)
[BC8] R. Keunings, R. Aggarwal, P. Henriksen, D. Vanderstraeten, O. Zone, Parallel
Finite Element Algorithms Applied to Polymer Flow, in High Performance Computing
and Networking, W. Gentzsch, U. Harms (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 796, Springer Verlag, 254-260 (1994)
[BC7] L. Lefebvre, R. Keunings, Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of
the Flow of Chemically Reacting Polymeric Foams, in Mathematical Modeling for
Materials Processing, M. Cross, J.F.T. Pittman, R.D. Wood (Eds), Clarendon Press,
399-417 (1993)
[BC6] M.J. Crochet, B. Debbaut, R. Keunings, J.M. Marchal, Polyflow: A MultiPurpose Finite Element Program for Continuous Polymer Flows, in Computer
Modeling for Extrusion and Other Continuous Polymer Processes, K.T. O'Brien (Ed.),
Carl Hanser Verlag, 25-50 (1992)
[BC5] T. Lacroix, R. Keunings, M. Desaeger, I. Verpoest, Micromechanical Modeling
of the Fragmentation Test, in Interfacial Phenomena in Composite Materials, I.
Verpoest, F. Jones (Eds.), Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 21-24 (1991)
[BC4] O. Zone, R. Keunings, Direct Solution of Two-Dimensional Finite Element
Equations on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers, in High Performance Computing
II, M. Durand, F. El Dabaghi (Eds.) North-Holland, 333-344 (1991)
[BC3] O. Zone, R. Keunings, D. Roose, Parallel Algorithms for the Direct Solution of
Finite Element Equations on a Distributed Memory Computer, in Distributed Memory
Computing, A. Bode (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 487, Springer
Verlag, 294-303 (1991)
[BC2] R. Keunings, Simulation of Viscoelastic Fluid Flow, in Fundamentals of
Computer Modeling for Polymer Processing, C.L Tucker III (Ed.), Carl Hanser Verlag,
402-470 (1989)
[BC1] M.J. Crochet, R. Keunings, Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Flows in Some
Polymer Processing Applications, in Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming
Processes, J.F.T. Pittman et al. (Eds.), John Wiley, 239-267 (1984)
3. Research papers published in refereed scientific journals
[J79] M. Perez, R. Mezher, E. Abisset-Chavanne, J. Férec, G. Ausias, F. Chinesta, R.
Keunings, Evolution of Microstructure in Forming Processes of Reinforced Polymers :
Revisiting Standard Models, Composites Part A, submitted (2015)
[J78] M. Perez, E. Abisset-Chavanne, A. Barasinski, F. Chinesta, A. Ammar, R. Keunings,
On the Multi-Scale Description of Electrical Conducting Suspensions Involving Perfectly
Dispersed Rods, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, submitted
[J77] E. Abisset-Chavanne, F. Chinesta, J. Férec, G. Ausias, R. Keunings, On the Multiscale
Description of Dilute Suspensions of Non-Brownian Rigid Clusters Composed of Rods, J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., accepted for publication, in press (2015)
[J76] E. Abisset-Chavanne, J. Férec, G. Ausias, E. Cueto, F. Chinesta, R. Keunings, A
Second-Gradient Theory of Dilute Suspensions of Flexible Rods in a Newtonian Fluid,
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, accepted for publication, in press (2015)
[J75] J.V. Aguado, E. Abisset-Chavanne, E. Cueto, F. Chinesta, R. Keunings, Fractional
Modelling of Functionalized CNT Suspensions, Rheologica Acta, Vol. 54, 109-119 (2015)
[J74] F. Chinesta, A. Ammar, A. Leygue, R. Keunings, An Overview of the Proper
Generalized Decomposition with Applications in Computational Rheology, J. NonNewtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 166, 578-592 (2011)
[J73] M. Ahmadi, C. Bailly, R. Keunings, M. Nekoomanesh, H. Arabi, E. Van Ruymbeke,
Time Marching Algorithm for Predicting the Linear Rheology of Monodisperse Comb
Polymer Melts, Macromolecules, Vol. 44, 647-659 (2011)
[J72] C.Y. Liu, B. Zhang, J. He, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Confinement Effects on Chain and
Glass Dynamics in Immiscible Polymer Melts, Macromolecules, Vol. 42, 7982-7985 (2009)
[J71] S.D. Dhole, A. Leygue, C. Bailly, R. Keunings, A Single-Segment Differential Tube
Model with Inter-Chain Tube Pressure Effect, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 161, 1018 (2009)
[J70] A. Ammar, B. Mokdad, F. Chinesta, R. Keunings, A New Family of Solvers for Some
Classes of Multidimensional Partial Differential Equations Encountered in Kinetic Theory
Modelling of Complex Fluids. Part II: Transient Simulation Using Space-Time Separated
Representations, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 144, 98-121 (2007)
[J69] C.Y. Liu, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Direct Rheological Evidence of Monomer Density
Reequilibration for Entangled Polymer Melts, Macromolecules, Vol. 40, 2946-2954 (2007)
[J68] C.Y. Liu, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Do Deviations from Reptation Scaling of Entangled
Polymer Melts Result from Single- or Many-Chain Effects?, Phys. Rev. Letters, Vol. 97, Art.
Number 246001 (2006)
[J67] A. Ammar, B. Mokdad, F. Chinesta, R. Keunings, A New Family of Solvers for Some
Classes of Multidimensional Partial Differential Equations Encountered in Kinetic Theory
Modeling of Complex Fluids, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 139, 153-176 (2006)
[J66] C.Y. Liu, J.S. He, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, New Linearized Relation for the
Universal Viscosity-Temperature Behavior of Polymer Melts, Macromolecules,
Vol. 39, 8867-8869 (2006)
[J65] C.Y. Liu, A.F. Halasa, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Probe Rheology: A Simple
Method to Test Tube Motion, Macromolecules, Vol. 39, 7415-7424 (2006)
[J64] E. Van Ruymbeke, A. Kaivez, A. Hagenaars, D. Daoust, P. Godard, R. Keunings, C.
Bailly, Characterization of Sparsely Long Chain Branched Polycarbonate by a Combination
of Solution, Rheology and Simulation Methods, J. Rheology, Vol. 50, 949-973 (2006)
[J63] E. Van Ruymbeke, C. Bailly, R. Keunings, D. Vlassopoulos, A General Methodology to
Predict the Linear Rheology of Branched Polymers, Macromolecules, Vol. 39, 6248-6259
[J62 ] C.Y. Liu, J.S. He, E. Van Ruymbeke, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Evaluation of Different
Methods for the Determination of the Plateau Modulus and the Entanglement Molecular
Weight, Polymer, Vol. 47, 4461–4479 (2006)
[J61] A. Ammar, D. Ryckelynck, F. Chinesta, R. Keunings, On the Reduction of Kinetic
Theory Models Related to Finitely Extensible Dumbbells, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.,
Vol. 134, 136-147 (2006)
[J60] C.Y. Liu, J.S. He, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Do Tube Models Yield Consistent
Predictions For The Relaxation Time And Apparent Plateau Modulus Of Entangled
Linear Polymers?, Macromolecules, Vol. 39, 3093-3097 (2006)
[J59] A. Leygue, C. Bailly, R. Keunings, A Tube-Based Constitutive Equation for
Polydisperse Entangled Linear Polymers, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 136, 116 (2006)
[J58] A. Leygue, C. Bailly, R. Keunings, A Differential Tube Based Model for
Predicting the Linear Viscoelastic Moduli of Polydisperse Entangled Linear Polymers,
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 133, 28-34 (2006)
[J57] P. Wapperom, A. Leygue, R. Keunings, Numerical Simulation of Large Amplitude
Oscillatory Shear of a High-Density Polyethylene Melt Using the MSF Model, J. NonNewtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 130, 63-76 (2005)
[J56] E. Van Ruymbeke, V. Stéphenne, D. Daoust, P. Godard, R. Keunings, C. Bailly,
A Sensitive Method To Detect Very Low Levels Of Long Chain Branching From
Molar Mass Distribution And Linear Viscoelastic Response, J. Rheology, Vol. 49,
1503-1520 (2005)
[J55] E. Van Ruymbeke, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Prediction of Linear Viscoelastic
Properties for Polydisperse Mixtures of Entangled Star and Linear Polymers: Modified
Tube-Based Model and Comparison with Experimental Results, J. Non-Newtonian
Fluid Mech., Vol. 128, 7-22 (2005)
[J54] A. Leygue, C. Bailly, R. Keunings, A Differential Formulation of Thermal
Constraint Release for Entangled Linear Polymers, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.,
Vol. 128, 23-28 (2005)
[J53] P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Impact of Decoupling Approximation Between
Stretch and Orientation in Rheometrical and Complex Flow of Entangled Polymers, J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 122, 33-43 (2004)
[J52] K. Atalik, R. Keunings, On the Occurrence of Even Harmonics in the Shear Stress
Response of Viscoelastic Fluids in Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear, J. NonNewtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 122, 107-116 (2004)
[J51] P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, G. Ianniruberto, Prediction of Rheometrical and
Complex Flows of Entangled Linear Polymers Using the DCR Model with Chain
Stretch, J. Rheology, Vol. 47, 247-265 (2003)
[J50] E. Van Ruymbeke, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Determination of the Molecular
Weight Distribution of Entangled Linear Polymers from Linear Viscoelasticity Data, J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 105, 153-175 (2002)
[J49] E. Van Ruymbeke, R. Keunings, V. Stephenne, A. Hagenaars, C. Bailly,
Evaluation of Reptation Models for Predicting the Linear Viscoelastic Properties of
Entangled Linear Polymers, Macromolecules, Vol. 35, 2689-2699 (2002)
[J48] K. Atalik, R. Keunings, Non-Linear Temporal Stability Analysis of Viscoelastic
Plane Channel Flows Using a Fully-Spectral Method, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.,
Vol. 102, 299-319 (2002)
[J47] A. Leygue, A.N. Beris, R. Keunings, A Constitutive Equation for Entangled
Linear Polymers Inspired by Reptation Theory and Consistent with Non-Equilibrium
Thermodynamics, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 101, 95-111 (2001)
[J46] P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Numerical Simulation of Branched Polymer Melts in
Transient Complex Flows Using Pom-Pom Models, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.,
Vol. 97, 267-281 (2001)
[J45] M. Grosso, R. Keunings, S. Crescitelli, P.L. Maffettone, Prediction of Chaotic
Dynamics in Sheared Liquid Crystalline Polymers, Phys. Rev. Letters, Vol. 86 N°14,
3184-3187 (2001)
[J44] R. Keunings, Advances in the Computer Modeling of the Flow of Polymeric
Liquids, Comp. Fluid Dyn. J., Vol. 9, 449-458 (2001)
[J43] M. Grosso, P.L. Maffettone, P. Halin, R. Keunings, V. Legat, The Flow of
Nematic Polymers in an Eccentric Cylinder Geometry: The Influence of Closure
Approximations, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 94, 119-134 (2000)
[J42] P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, Simulation of Linear Polymer Melts in Transient
Complex Flow, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 95, 67-83 (2000)
[J41] P. Wapperom, R. Keunings, V. Legat, The Backward-Tracking Lagrangian
Particle Method for Transient Viscoelastic Flows, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol.
91, 273-295 (2000)
[J40] G. Lielens, R. Keunings, V. Legat, The FENE-L and FENE-LS Closure
Approximations to the Kinetic Theory of Finitely Extensible Dumbbells, J. NonNewtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 87, 179-196 (1999)
[J39] X. Gallez, P. Halin, G. Lielens, R. Keunings, V. Legat, The Adaptive Lagrangian
Particle Method for Macroscopic and Micro-Macro Computations of Time-Dependent
Viscoelastic Flows, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.
180, 345-364 (1999)
[J38] R. Sizaire, G. Lielens, I. Jaumain, R. Keunings, V. Legat, On the Hysteretic
Behaviour of Dilute Polymer Solutions in Relaxation Following Extensional Flow, J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 82, 233-253 (1999)
[J37] P. Halin, G. Lielens, R. Keunings, V. Legat, The Lagrangian Particle Method for
Macroscopic and Micro-Macro Viscoelastic Flow Computations, J. Non-Newtonian
Fluid Mech., Vol. 79, 387-403 (1998)
[J36] G. Lielens, P. Halin, I. Jaumain, R. Keunings, V. Legat, New Closure
Approximations for the Kinetic Theory of Finitely Extensible Dumbbells, J. NonNewtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 76, 249-279 (1998)
[J35] D. Vanderstraeten, R. Keunings, A Parallel Solver Based on the Dual Schur
Decomposition of General Finite Element Matrices, Int. J. Num. Meth. in Fluids, Vol.
28, 23-46 (1998)
[J34] G. Lielens, P. Pirotte, A. Couniot, F. Dupret, R. Keunings, Prediction of ThermoMechanical Properties for Compression-Moulded Composites, Composites Part A, Vol.
29A, 63-70 (1998)
[J33] F. Dubois, R. Keunings, DCB Testing of Thermoplastic Composites: a NonLinear Micro-Macro Numerical Analysis, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.
57, 437-450 (1997)
[J32] R. Keunings, On the Peterlin Approximation for Finitely Extensible Dumbbells, J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 68, 85-100 (1997)
[J31] D. Vanderstraeten, C. Farhat, P.S. Chen, R. Keunings, O. Zone, A Retrofit Based
Methodology for the Fast Generation and Optimization of Mesh Partitions: Beyond the
Minimum Interface Size Criterion, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol. 133,
25-45 (1996)
[J30] D. Vanderstraeten, O. Zone, R. Keunings, Partition de Maillages et Méthodes de
Décomposition de Domaines pour le Calcul Parallèle par Eléments Finis, Calculateurs
Parallèles, Vol. 7, 219-236 (1995)
[J29] T. Lacroix, R. Keunings, M. Desaeger, I. Verpoest, A New Data Reduction
Scheme for the Fragmentation Testing of Polymer Composites, J. Mat. Sci., Vol. 30,
683-692 (1995)
[J28] L. Lefebvre, R. Keunings, Finite Element Modeling of the Flow of Chemically
Reactive Polymeric Liquids, Int. J. Num. Meth. in Fluids, Vol. 20, 319-334 (1995)
[J27] R. Keunings, Parallel Finite Element Algorithms Applied to Computational
Rheology, Computers in Chemical Engng., Vol. 19, 647-669 (1995)
[J26] D. Vanderstraeten, R. Keunings, Optimized Partitioning of Unstructured
Computational Grids, Int. J. Num. Meth. in Engng., Vol. 38, 433-450 (1995)
[J25] R. Aggarwal, R. Keunings, F.-X. Roux, Simulation of the Flow of Integral
Viscoelastic Fluids on a Distributed Memory Parallel Computer, J. Rheology, Vol. 38
(2), 405-419 (1994)
[J24] P. Henriksen, R. Keunings, Parallel Computation of the Flow of Integral
Viscoelastic Fluids on a Heterogeneous Network of Workstations, Int. J. Num. Meth. in
Fluids, Vol. 18, 1167-1183 (1994)
[J23] C.C. de Souza, R. Keunings, L.A. Wolsey, O. Zone, A New Approach to
Minimising the Frontwidth in Finite Element Calculations, Comput. Methods Appl.
Mech. Engrg., Vol. 111, 323-334 (1994)
[J22] T. Lacroix, B. Tilmans, R. Keunings, M. Desaeger, I. Verpoest, Modeling of
Critical Fibre Length and Interfacial Debonding in the Fragmentation Test of Polymer
Composites, Comp. Sci. Tech., Vol. 43, 379-387 (1992)
[J21] B. Dessain, O. Moulaert, R. Keunings, T. Bunsell, Solid Phase Controling the
Tensile and Creep Behaviour of Gel Spun High-Modulus Polyethylene Fibres, J. Mat.
Sci., Vol. 27, 4515-4522 (1992)
[J20] R. Shipman, M.M. Denn, R. Keunings, Mechanics of the Falling Plate
Extensional Rheometer, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 40, 281-288 (1991)
[J19] R. Shipman, M.M. Denn, R. Keunings, Free-Surface Effects in Torsional ParallelPlate Rheometry, Ind. Engng. Chem. Res., Vol. 29, 918-922 (1991)
[J18] J. Rosenberg, R. Keunings, Numerical Integration of Differential Viscoelastic
Models, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 39, 269-290 (1991)
[J17] R. Keunings, Progress and Challenges in Computational Rheology, Rheol. Acta,
Vol. 29, 556-570 (1990)
[J16] J.R. Rosenberg, M.M. Denn, R. Keunings, Simulation of Non-Recirculating
Flows of Dilute Fiber Suspensions, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 37, 317-345
[J15] S. Musarra, R. Keunings, Co-Current Axisymmetric Flow in Complex
Geometries: Numerical Simulation, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 32, 253-268
[J14] J.R. Rosenberg, R. Keunings, Further Results on the Flow of a Maxwell Fluid
Through an Abrupt Contraction, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 29, 295-302
[J13] D.W. Bousfield, R. Keunings, M.M. Denn, Transient Deformation of an Inviscid
Inclusion in a Viscoelastic Extensional Flow, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 27,
205-221 (1988)
[J12] T.M. Sullivan, S. Middleman, R. Keunings, Use of a Finite Element Method to
Interpret Rheological Effects in Blade Coating, A.I.Ch.E. J., Vol. 33, 2047-2056 (1987)
[J11] G.G. Lipscomb, R. Keunings, M.M. Denn, Implications of Boundary Singularities
in Complex Geometries, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 24, 85-96 (1987)
[J10] R. Keunings, D.W. Bousfield, Analysis of Surface Tension Driven Leveling in
Horizontal Viscoelastic Films, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 22, 219-233 (1987)
[J9] D.W. Bousfield, R. Keunings, G. Marrucci, M.M. Denn, Nonlinear Analysis of the
Surface Tension Driven Breakup of Viscoelastic Filaments, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid
Mech., Vol. 21, 79-97 (1986)
[J8] R. Keunings, On the High Weissenberg Number Problem, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid
Mech., Vol. 20, 209-226 (1986)
[J7] R. Keunings, An Algorithm for the Simulation of Transient Viscoelastic Flows
with Free Surfaces, J. Computational Physics, Vol. 62, 199-220 (1986)
[J6] B.D. Freeman, M.M. Denn, R. Keunings, G.E. Molau, J. Ramos, Profile
Development in Drawn Hollow Tubes, J. Polymer Engineering, Vol. 6, 171-186 (1986)
[J5] R. Keunings, M.J. Crochet, Numerical Simulation of the Flow of a Viscoelastic
Fluid Through an Abrupt Contraction, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 14, 279299 (1984)
[J4] R. Keunings, M.J. Crochet, M.M. Denn, Profile Development in Continuous
Drawing of Viscoelastic Liquids, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals, Vol. 22, 347-355
[J3] M.J. Crochet, R. Keunings, Finite Element Analysis of Die Swell of a Highly
Elastic Fluid, J. Non- Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 10, 339-356 (1982)
[J2] M.J. Crochet, R. Keunings, On Numerical Die Swell Calculation, J. NonNewtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 10, 85-94 (1982)
[J1] M.J. Crochet, R. Keunings, Die Swell of a Maxwell Fluid: Numerical Prediction, J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 7, 199-212 (1980)
4. Research papers published in proceedings of conferences
[P60] S. Dhole, A. Leygue, C. Bailly, R. Keunings, Tube Theory for Entangled Linear
Polymers: Influence of Different Molecular Mechanisms in Non-Linear Flows, Proc.
XVth Int. Congr. on Rheology, Eds. A. Co, L.G. Leal, R.H. Colby and A.J. Giacomin,
AIP Conf. Proc., 336-338 (2008)
[P59] C. Bailly, C.Y. Liu, R. Keunings, Probing the Foundations of Tube Theory:
Comparisons Between Model and Experimental Scalings for the Rheology of Linear
Entangled Polymers, Proc. XVth Int. Congr. on Rheology, Eds. A. Co, L.G. Leal, R.H.
Colby and A.J. Giacomin, AIP Conf. Proc., 327-329 (2008)
[P58] F. Chinesta, A. Ammar, R. Keunings, Towards a Fokker-Planck Rheometer,
Proc. XVth Int. Congr. on Rheology, Eds. A. Co, L.G. Leal, R.H. Colby and A.J.
Giacomin, AIP Conf. Proc., 159-161 (2008)
[P57] E. Van Ruymbeke, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Prediction of Linear Viscoelasticity
for Polydisperse Mixtures of Linear and Star Polymers Based on Tube Models, Proc.
XIVth Int. Congr. on Rheology, Korean Soc. of Rheology, Eds. J.W. Lee and S.J. Lee,
pages MS02-1 to MS02-3 in edited CD-ROM (2004)
[P56] A. Leygue, C. Bailly, R. Keunings, Evaluation of a New Constitutive Equation
for Blends of Entangled Linear Polymers, Proc. XIVth Int. Congr. on Rheology,
Korean Soc. of Rheology, Eds. J.W. Lee and S.J. Lee, pages MS01-1 to MS01-3 in
edited CD-ROM (2004)
[P55] C. Bailly, V. Stéphenne, D. Daoust, P. Godard, E. Van Ruymbeke, R. Keunings, New
Method to Detect Very Low Levels of Long Chain Branching in High Density Polyethylene,
Proc. 226th ACS National Meeting, Symposium "Branching in Polyolefins", New-York,
USA, Polymer Preprints, Vol. 44 (2), 35-36 (2003)
[P54] E. Van Ruymbeke, R. Keunings, C. Bailly, Relationship Between Molecular
Structure of Slightly Branched Polymers and their Linear Viscoelastic Properties, Proc.
6th Nat. Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, E. Dick et al. (Eds), paper
#122 in edited CD-ROM (2003)
[P53] A. Leygue, C. Bailly, R. Keunings, A New Formulation of the Double Reptation
Theory, Proc. 6th Nat. Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, E. Dick et al.
(Eds), paper #121 in edited CD-ROM (2003)
[P52] D. Jankovic, R. Keunings, G.S. Winckelmans, A.N. Beris, The Onset of
Relaminarization for Turbulent Channel Flows, Proc. 6th Nat. Congress on Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics, E. Dick et al. (Eds), paper #024 in edited CD-ROM (2003)
[P51] R. Keunings, A Survey of Computational Rheology, Plenary Lecture, Proc. 13th
Int. Congr. on Rheology, D.M. Binding et al. (Eds), British Society of Rheology,
Glasgow, Vol. 1, 7-14 (2000)
[P50] A. Leygue, A.N. Beris, R. Keunings, Thermodynamical Considerations on
Constitutive Equations for Entangled Polymer Melts, Proc. 13th Int. Congr. on
Rheology, D.M. Binding et al. (Eds), British Society of Rheology, Glasgow, Vol. 2,
111-113 (2000)
[P49] X. Gallez, A.N. Beris, R. Keunings, V. Legat, Dissipative Effects in Complex
Flows of Dilute Polymer Solutions Far From Equilibrium, Proc. 13th Int. Congr. on
Rheology, D.M. Binding et al. (Eds), British Society of Rheology, Glasgow, Vol. 2,
164-166 (2000)
[P48] G. Lielens, R. Keunings, V. Legat, The FENE-L and FENE-LS Closure
Approximations for the Kinetic Theory of Finitely Extensible Dumbbells, Proc. 5th
European Rheology Conference, I. Emri, R. Cvelbar (Eds), Springer, Darmstadt, 102103 (1998)
[P47] M. Grosso, N. Grizutti, P.L. Maffettone, P. Halin, R. Keunings, V. Legat,
Numerical Simulations of Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Start-Up Flow in an Eccentric
Cylinder Geometry Using the Doi Theory, Proc. 5th European Rheology Conference, I.
Emri, R. Cvelbar (Eds), Springer, Darmstadt, 224-225 (1998)
[P46] P. Halin, X. Gallez, G. Lielens, R. Keunings, V. Legat, The Adaptive Lagrangian
Particle Method (ALPM) Applied to the Start-Up Flow of Finitely Extensible
Dumbbells Between Eccentric Cylinders, Proc. 5th European Rheology Conference, I.
Emri, R. Cvelbar (Eds), Springer, Darmstadt, 353-354 (1998)
[P45] E. Brasseur, G. Georgiou, R. Keunings, V. Legat, Numerical Simulation of the
Extrusion of Polymer Melts in the Presence of Slip at the Walls, Proc. 5th European
Rheology Conference, I. Emri, R. Cvelbar (Eds), Springer, Darmstadt, 379-380 (1998)
[P44] P. Halin, R. Keunings, V. Legat, Recent Developments in the Micro-Macro
Approach to the Simulation of Polymer Flows, Proc. 1rst ESAFORM Conf. on Material
Forming, J.L. Chenot (Ed.), Ecole des Mines de Paris, Sophia-Antipolis, 385-388
[P43] G. Lielens, F. Dupret, R. Keunings, Prediction of Thermo-Mechanical Properties
for Moulded Composites, Proc. 4th Nat. Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, M. Hogge et al. (Eds), 333-336 (1997)
[P42] P. Halin, R. Keunings, V. Legat, Lagrangian Computational Techniques for
Complex Polymer Flows, Proc. 4th Nat. Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, M. Hogge et al. (Eds), 119-122 (1997)
[P41] I. Jaumain, R. Keunings, V. Legat and R. Sizaire, Numerical Analysis of the
Capillary Thinning of a Filament of an Elastic Fluid, Proc. 4th National Congress on
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, M. Hogge et al. (Eds), 345-348 (1997)
[P40] A. Couniot, L. Dewez, F. Dupret, R. Keunings, G. Lielens, P. Pirotte, J. Bland,
A.G. Gibson, G. Kotsikos, R. Gebart, J. Krispinsson, F. Vahlund, S. Toll, C. Servais, J.A.E. Manson, Prediction of the Flow-Induced Properties of Long-Fibre Compression
Moulded Composite Parts, Proc. of the General COST 512 Workshop on Modelling in
Materials Science and Processing, M. Rappaz and M. Kedro (Eds.), European
Commission, 99-114 (1996)
[P39] D. Vanderstraeten, F.-X. Roux, R. Keunings, A Hybrid Parallel Solver for Finite
Element Computations, Proc. High Performance Computing and Networking Conf.
(HPCN'96), Eds. H. Lidell et al., Springer Verlag, 586-592 (1996)
[P38] P. Halin, R. Keunings, M. Laso, H.-C. Öttinger, M. Picasso, Evaluation of a
Micro-Macro Computational Technique in Complex Polymer Flows, Proc. XII Int.
Congress on Rheology, A. Ait-Kadi et al. (Eds.), 401-402 (1996)
[P37] G. Lielens, R. Keunings, Prediction of Flow-Induced Physical Properties of Short
Fiber Composites, Proc. 7th European Conf. on Composite Materials, Woodhead Publ.,
Vol. 1, 51-57 (1996)
[P36] F. Dubois, R. Keunings, Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of DCB Testing of
Unidirectional Composites, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Composite Materials, A. Poursartip
and K. Street (Eds.), Vol. 1, 85-92 (1995)
[P35] O. Zone, D. Vanderstraeten, R. Keunings, A Parallel Finite Element Solver Based
on Automatic Domain Decomposition Applied to Viscoelastic Flows, Proc. Parallel
Computational Fluid Dynamics 1994, N. Satofuka et al. (Eds.), Elsevier, NorthHolland, 297-304 (1995)
[P34] V. Verleye, G. Lielens, P. Pirotte, F. Dupret, R. Keunings, Prediction of FlowInduced Orientation Field and Mechanical Properties of Injection Molded Parts, Proc.
NUMIFORM'95, S.F Shen, P. Dawson (Eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1213-1218 (1995)
[P33] F. Dubois, R. Keunings, Non-Linear Micro-Macro Numerical Analysis of DCB
Testing of Thermoplastic Composites, Proc. 4th Conf. on Computational Plasticity, R.J.
Owen and E. Onate (Eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, Vol. 1, 1293-1304 (1995)
[P32] T. Lacroix, R. Keunings, Finite Element Modeling of the Mechanical Load
Transfer at the Fibre/Matrix Interface Including Interfacial Friction and Non-Linear
Behaviour of the Matrix, Proc. 4th Conf. on Computational Plasticity, R.J. Owen and E.
Onate (Eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, Vol. 1, 1245-1256 (1995)
[P31] D. Vanderstraeten, R. Keunings, C. Farhat, Beyond Conventional Mesh
Partitioning Algorithms and the Minimum Edge Cut Criterion: Impact on Realistic
Applications, Proc. 7th SIAM Conf. on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
D. Bailey et al. (Eds.), 611-614 (1995)
[P30] R. Aggarwal, F.X. Roux, R. Keunings, Iterative Methods for the Solution of
Integral Viscoelastic Equations on Parallel Computers, Parallel Computational Fluid
Dynamics : New Trends and Advances, A. Ecer, J. Hauser, P. Leca, J. Periaux (Eds.),
Elsevier, 411-418 (1995)
[P29] D. Vanderstraeten, R. Keunings, C. Farhat, Optimization of Mesh Partitions and
Impact on Parallel CFD, Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: New Trends and
Advances, A. Ecer, J. Hauser, P. Leca, J. Periaux (Eds.), Elsevier, 233-239 (1995)
[P28] F. Dubois, R. Keunings, Non-Linear Micro-Mechanical Analysis of Fracture in
Thermoplastic Composites, Proc. 1rst Int. Conf. on Composites Engineering, D. Hui
(Ed.), 699-700 (1994)
[P27] P. Henriksen, R. Keunings, Development Environment for Parallel Programs
Based upon PVM, Proc. Int. Hewlett-Packard Users Conf, J. Witte (Ed.), Stichting Int.,
477-495 (1994)
[P26] T. Lacroix, R. Keunings, Micro-Mechanical Modeling of Stress Transfer at the
Fiber-Matrix Interface in Fragmentation Testing of Polymer Composites, Proc. 1rst Int.
Conf. on Composites Engineering, D. Hui (Ed.), 809-810 (1994)
[P25] O. Zone, D. Vanderstraeten, R. Keunings, Un Solveur Direct Parallèle Basé sur
une Décomposition de Domaine Appliqué aux Problèmes d'Eléments Finis, Proc. of
RenPAr'6 Sixièmes Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme, L. Bougé (Ed.), ENS
Lyon, France, 113-118 (1994)
[P24] F. Dubois, R. Keunings, I. Verpoest, Micro-Mechanical Numerical Analysis of
Toughness in Model Composites, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Composite Materials, A.
Miravete (Ed.), Woodhead Publishing Limited, 375-382 (1993)
[P23] R. Aggarwal, R. Keunings, F.X. Roux, Numerical Simulation of Polymer Flows:
A Parallel Computing Approach, Proc. 6th SIAM Conf. on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing, R.F. Sincovec et al. (Eds.), SIAM, 79-82 (1993)
[P22] D. Vanderstraeten, O. Zone, R. Keunings, L. Wolsey, Non-Deterministic
Heuristics for Automatic Domain Decomposition in Direct Parallel Finite Element
Calculations, Proc. 6th SIAM Conf. on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
R.F. Sincovec et al. (Eds.), SIAM, 929-932 (1993)
[P21] R. Aggarwal, R. Keunings, Finite Element Simulation of Memory Fluids on
Message Passing Parallel Computers, Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics '92, R.B.
Pelz, A. Ecer, J. Hauser (Eds.), Elsevier, 1-8 (1993)
[P20] R. Keunings, L. Lefebvre, Simulation of Chemically-Reacting Processing Flows,
Proc. Eur. Meeting Polymer Processing Soc., P. Saha (Ed.), 26-33 (1992)
[P19] R. Aggarwal, P. Henriksen, R. Keunings, D. Vanderstraeten, O. Zone, Numerical
Simulation of Non-Newtonian Flow on MIMD Parallel Computers, Computational
Fluid Dynamics '92, Ch. Hirsch et al. (Eds.), Elsevier, Vol. 2, 1139-1146 (1992)
[P18] L. Lefebvre, R. Keunings, Numerical Simulation of Chemically-Reacting
Polymer Flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics '92, Ch. Hirsch et al. (Eds.), Elsevier,
Vol. 2, 1133-1138 (1992)
[P17] R. Keunings, O. Zone, R. Aggarwal, Parallel Algorithms in Computational
Rheology, Proc. XIth Int. Congress on Rheology, Brussels, Eds. P. Moldenaers, R.
Keunings, Elsevier, 274-276 (1992)
[P16] L. Lefebvre, R. Keunings, Numerical Prediction of the Flow of ChemicallyReactive Polymeric Fluids, Proc. XIth Int. Congress on Rheology, Brussels, Eds. P.
Moldenaers, R. Keunings, Elsevier, 280-282 (1992)
[P15] R. Keunings, T. Lacroix, M. Desaeger, I. Verpoest, Micromechanics of the
Fibre/Matrix Interface, Proc. 5th European Conf. on Composite Materials, Bordeaux,
Eds. A.R. Bunsell et al., 403-408 (1992)
[P14] B. Debbaut, R. Keunings, M.J. Crochet, POLYFLOW: A Finite Element Package
for Simulating Viscous and Viscoelastic Flows, Proc. European Conference on New
Advances in Computational Structural Mechanics, Eds. P. Ladeveze, O.C. Zienkiewicz,
Giens, France, 689-696 (1991)
[P13] R. Keunings, S. Musarra, Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Stratified Flow in
Complex Geometries, Proc. 2nd World Congress on Computational Mechanics,
Stuttgart, Germany, 611-614 (1990)
[P12] I. Verpoest, M. Desaeger, R. Keunings, Critical Review of Direct
Micromechanical Test Methods for Interfacial Strength Measurements in Composites,
Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Composite Interfaces, Cleveland, Ohio , USA, Ed. H. Ishida,
653-666 (1990)
[P11] R. Keunings, Moving Boundary Problems in Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics,
Actes du 2ème Congrès Belge de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée, Bruxelles,
Belgium, Eds. E. Dick, M. Hogge, 20-29 (1990)
[P10] J.R. Rosenberg, R. Keunings, On the Numerical Integration of Viscoelastic Flow
Equations, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems,
Huntsville, Alabama, USA, 1138-1142 (1989)
[P9] R. Keunings, Numerical Methods for Memory Fluids: a Critical Survey, Proc. 5th
Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Montréal, Canada,
Ed. C. Taylor et al., Pineridge Press, Vol. 2, 1141-1152 (1987)
[P8] R. Keunings, R. Shipman, Finite Element Methods for Transient Viscoelastic Free
Surface Flows, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming
Processes, Göteborg, Sweden, Ed. K. Mattiasson et al., 293-298 (1986)
[P7] R. Keunings, Numerical Simulation of Moving Boundary Problems Involving
Highly Elastic Fluids, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Laminar and
Turbulent Flow, Swansea, UK, Ed. C. Taylor et al., Pineridge Press, Vol. 2, 1402-1412
[P6] R. Keunings, Mesh Refinement Analysis of the Flow of a Maxwell Fluid Through
an Abrupt Contraction, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Laminar and
Turbulent Flow, Swansea, UK, Ed. C. Taylor et al., Pineridge Press, Vol. 2, 1773-1782
[P5] R. Keunings, A Finite Element Method for a Class of Viscoelastic Flows in
Deforming Domains Applied to Jet Breakup, Proc. 9th Int. Congress on Rheology,
Acapulco, Mexico, Ed. B. Mena et al., Elsevier, Vol. 1, 699-708 (1984)
[P4] G.G. Lipscomb, R. Keunings, G. Marrucci, M.M. Denn, A Continuum Theory for
Fiber Suspensions, Proc. 9th Int. Congress on Rheology, Acapulco, Mexico, Ed. B.
Mena et al., Elsevier, Vol. 2, 497-503 (1984)
[P3] J.M. Marchal, M.J. Crochet, R. Keunings, Adaptive Refinement for Calculating
Viscoelastic Flows, Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems,
Austin, Texas, USA, Eds. G.F. Carey, J.T. Oden, 473-478 (1984)
[P2] R. Keunings, A Finite Element Analysis of Melt Spinning, Proc. Int. Conf. on
Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Swansea, UK, Ed. J.F.T. Pittman
et al., 577-586 (1982)
[P1] M.J. Crochet, R. Keunings, Numerical Simulation of Die Swell: Geometrical
Effects, Proc. 2nd World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montréal, Canada, Vol. 6,
285-288 (1981)
5. Collective works
[CW7] F. Chinesta, R. Keunings, R. Kupferman, M. Dressler (Eds.), Proceedings of the
17th International Workshop on Numerical Methods in Non-Newtonian Flow, Elsevier,
Special Issue of J. Non- Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 200 (2013)
[CW6] N.E. Hudson, R. Keunings (Eds.), Rheology Reviews 2008, The British Society
of Rheology (2008)
[CW5] D.M. Binding, N.E. Hudson, R. Keunings (Eds.), Rheology Reviews 2007, The
British Society of Rheology (2007)
[CW4] R. Keunings (Ed.), A collection of 24 invited papers dedicated to Professor
Marcel J. Crochet on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Special Issue of the J. of NonNewtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 79 (1998)
[CW3] R. Keunings, F.-X. Roux, P. Leca, C. Jard (Eds.), Applications Industrielles du
Parallélisme, Special Issue of Calculateurs Parallèles, Hermes (1995)
[CW2] P. Moldenaers, R. Keunings (Eds.), Theoretical and Applied Rheology, Proc.
Xith Int. Congress on Rheology, Brussels, Elsevier, 2 volumes (1992)
[CW1] L.G. Leal, M.M. Denn, R. Keunings (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth
International Workshop on Numerical Methods in Non-Newtonian Flow, Elsevier,
Special Issue of J. Non- Newtonian Fluid Mech., Vol. 29 (1988)
6. Ph.D. thesis
Simulation Numérique d'Ecoulements à Surfaces Libres de Fluides Viscoélastiques,
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium (1982) Advisor: Prof. M.J. Crochet