E-NEWSLETTER OF PERTH AND KINROSS DISTRICT SCOUTS oss r n i K & h in Pert 1. Issue 4: April 2015 E M O C L WE Good news about Perth & Kinross I like the last article on the national news, you know the type of story; stray dog finds new home, sisters reunited after 70 years, old woman leaves millions to local cat’s home. A little ray of sunshine to balance out the doom and gloom from the other 99% of the news. I recall the parachuting I did when I was a teenager. We spent a weekend going through the training before we were allowed anywhere near a plane or a parachute. We had to learn what to do in each of the different instances of “malfunction”. I built in my mind a dozen or so situations where disastrous situations occurred, parachute not opening, twisted, or hung up, each one requiring a different restorative action. Compared to this there was only one picture of what would happen if it all went right. I felt the odds were well and truly stacked against me, however and by the way, I didn’t die. Life very often concentrates on the negative, but to balance things out we should be looking for the good news. I remember on my advanced training we did a session on evaluation and the phrase “ what went well” has stuck. So what has gone well with the district? I must confess that I am disappointed that I don’t always get to hear; the fantastic stories, headliners and brilliant ideas maybe, yes, but the small victories, only rarely. The 10th Academy held an official opening of the recently extended headquarters and hit the Courier. It wrote, “…it’s probably the best scouting facility in Scotland”. Who can doubt what’s written in the press?! We are on track to send five scouts and a leader to the other side of the world as delegates to the 23 rd World jamboree. This continues an unbroken line where P&K have been to every world jamboree. Last year the 74th were recognised as the fastest growing group in the region, and are nearing completion of a move to larger premises. Don’t anyone underestimate the work that this has taken! Explorers have started up a new unit, Riversiders, in association with 22nd St Matthew’s. I was shown a letter written by a parent to a scout leader regarding their son who had recently graduated to explorers. It said, ..”you have had a major impact on my son. As a result of your positive influence and as a result of the brilliant Scouting experience you gave him every week, the wee timid boy that once was, is growing into a much more confident young man. I truly could have cried on his final night at scouts as I reflected on the positive influence you have had on him and felt so grateful. Please accept my thanks and know that you are doing an amazing job.” How about that for a success story! There is plenty to celebrate among the groups. I wonder what your favourite anecdote is from your own experience of scouting. What do you remember doing? I remember my first cub camp, 48 years ago. I recall farting noises and telling jokes snuggled inside my old prickly down sleeping bag in the middle of a Niger; what an adventure. What was the best thing that has happened to you last year? What is going to be the best thing you are going to do this year? What experiences and memories are you going to create for your scouts this year? Please write and tell me. Derek District Commissioner The E-Newsletter of Perth and Kinross District Scouts Page 1 2. NEWS 3. DIARY 2015 News from the 54th APRIL 2015 At Auchterarder, Struan and Harry were invested while DIY and Entertainer Badges were awarded to other members of the troop. April 20th District Executive Meeting 19.30 - 22.30 April 26th District Cub Leaders Meeting 19.00 - 21.00 MAY 2015 May 13th Group Scout Leaders Meeting 20.00—22.00 10th Perth HQ May 18th District Scout Leaders Meeting 20.00 - 22.00 May 19th Scout District Team Meeting 19.30 - 22.30 News from the 18th May 30th Scouts—The Challenge The photos were taken during Bankfoot’s annual 2-night winter camp at Craggan in February. This year we had some great wintry weather with temperatures of -5 on the first night and snow on the final day. May 31st District Beaver Leaders Meeting JUNE 2015 June 6th /7th Scouts District Camping Competition June 15th District Executive Meeting 19.30 - 22.30 June 24th P & K District AGM AUGUST 2015 They made great use of the new tipi and stove which was purchased recently with a lottery grant. Aug 5th—11th date TBA Week camp with Scouts from Germany at Meggernie Challenge hike August 17th District Executive Meeting 19.30 - 22.30 August 30th District Cub Leaders Meeting 19.00 - 21.00 SEPTEMBER 2015 Sept 4th to 6th Lochgoilhead for Cubs (all places now filled) September 7th The E-Newsletter of Perth and Kinross District Scouts District Scout Leaders Meeting 20.00 - 22.00 Page 2 News - continued News from the Scouts The photo was taken of the advance party from the Aschaffenburg Scout Group who are visiting us in August at Meggernie. Karl, group leader is pictured just trying out the Chair at the Camp Fire. Diary September 16th - continued Scout District Team Meeting 19.30 - 22.30 OCTOBER 2015 October 4th District Beaver Leaders Meeting October 19th District Executive Meeting 19.30 - 22.30 NOVEMBER 2015 18th November Scout District Team Meeting 19.30 - 22.30 22nd November District Cub Leaders Meeting 19.00 - 21.00 DECEMBER 2015 December 7th District Executive Meeting 19.30 - 22.30 News from the 74th Whilst in Scotland their party will be visiting Perth, Oban and Edinburgh . Arrangements are now well in hand for the camp and details will be sent to those attending for a get together and camp briefing, shortly. New Uniform Suppliers The 74th joined forces with Perth Explorers and Cubs from Blairgowrie for a fun packed weekend at Lochearnhead Scout Station recently. Mini pioneering, shelter building, tent pitching and hiking were enthusiastically accomplished. An indoor campfire rounded off a very wet Saturday. We all learned new songs as each group performed with more and more confidence. The venue is an excellent choice particularly for a winter event. Beaver, Cub, and Scout Uniforms are now available from the Guides! Perth and Kinross Guides have refurbished their Guide Depot in Perth, and, with the agreement of our District Commissioner, are now stocking Scout uniforms. They offer credit card facilities, and their prices are competitive. The Guide Depot is at 80 Victoria Street, Perth PH2 8JD T: 01738 443223 E: [email protected] Opening hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 10 am to 2 pm Thursday 3 pm to 7 pm Saturday 10 am to 4 pm The E-Newsletter of Perth and Kinross District Scouts Page 3 4. 6 1 0 2 D POLAN ER BELT EXPLOR The Explorer Belt is one of the highest awards in scouting and open to all members aged between 16 and 25 (Explorer, Young Leader, or Network). The destination for this 2016 Explorer Belt is Poland, a European country rich in history and culture. Perhaps not your typical holiday destination, but this is probably all the more reason to go! The Explorer Belt is undertaken in teams of 3-5 Explorers/Network and is a 300 km expedition over a 10 day period. Various challenges are set en-route by the adult support team who will shadow progress. Transport should be a mix of walking stages and public transport. Teams are encouraged to meet, engage, and stay with local scouts, families, and communities as they progress along their pre-agreed route. Rest days are included before and after the expedition where we will visit national places of interest. The expedition contingent will consist of participants and a leadership team from Perth and Kinross and beyond. Having now organised four of these trips, I will be leading this trip together with leaders who I have worked with before – we are all Explorer Belt holders. Additional Leaders interested in helping run the trip can give me a shout at any time – all help appreciated. The training activities and weekend(s) we will offer will equip participants to work together, provide them with the skills needed to undertake such a challenge and educate and inform them on Poland and its people. All of the participants will have opportunities to meet each other over the next year as we are planning some joint activities and events. Dates are not yet fixed but are likely to be during the October holidays in 2016 (two weeks). This should allow participants to take part who may be too young during the Summer holidays. Cost – We plan to fund raise towards this event but estimated cost at the moment is around £750 all in for the two weeks. A £50 deposit will need to be paid towards the end of this year, followed by instalments, spread apart to help spread the cost, up until a month before departure. An information evening for anyone considering the award or their parents will be held later this year. The evening will include a more detailed overview of the award, some snippets from a previous trip, and a Q&A session. A training weekend will also be held early in 2016, along with other opportunities to get together with other potential participants. It's early days but please let me know if you have youngsters/Network aged folk interested. I will then keep you informed. From the Desk of the DESC ... Hi folks, it's been a few months since I officially took up the DESC position and much has been happening. Having said that, as someone who is relatively new to the locale, it's taken me some time to meet with the many involved, with still more to do and to get around. It was clear from the outset that Explorer Scouting in P&K needs support, opportunities and communications to underpin the work provided by the Units. Regular meetings should now provide a forum and opportunity for leaders to share information and I hope will enable links to be created for Explorers far and wide. The creation of a new Unit in Perth - 'Riverside' has been a successful development and our numbers are on the up - more so therefore the need for support. I appreciate that there are youngsters of Explorer age who aren't getting opportunities and one of my aims is to create those opportunities to encompass all of our Young leaders too. I plan to visit Units over the coming months and, as an SL myself, am keen to liaise through the Scout Section with youngsters who are approaching Explorer age so that they are aware of the opportunities available to them. The District Team are working on a development plan which will include Explorer provision and I am in the throes of organising an Explorer Belt trip in 2016 for P&K which will be open to all between the ages of 16-25 at the time. In addition there will be a couple of smaller weekends which can be attended stand -alone but will also provide training for Explorer Belt participants. Our next meeting for Explorer leaders is on Monday April 20th in Perth. Minutes have gone out from the last ESL meeting - please let me know if you didn't receive a copy - just drop me an e-mail [email protected] Sean Sean Thorpe The E-Newsletter of Perth and Kinross District Scouts Page 4 5. S T H G THOU I was greatly saddened and moved by the terrible loss of life following the crash and destruction of Germanwings Airbus 320 flight 9525 in the French Alps on 24 March. Among the dead were sixteen young people together with their teachers who had been on an exchange trip to Llinars de Valles, near Barcelona. They had met with children their own age in Germany, and were returning home after visiting their families in Spain. When there is media criticism of young people, and in a time of racial bigotry, here was a group of youngsters reversing the trend. They were forging friendships with people of a different culture, language and upbringing, learning to appreciate each others’ values and understanding their hopes and desires. You may call their adventure a case of “building bridges”. What a dreadful future there would be if this sort of thing did not happen. There is something familiar in the scouting that we profess, similar to the brotherhood that used to be in the old laws. Don’t we try to open up young minds to other cultures? Do we not try to breakdown fears of the unknown? Don’t we try to build bridges with other communities and cultures? And then disaster strikes. These lives were so rich in promise, those minds open to possibilities, precious young lives being shaped in the wide international community, every one so valuable. My heart sinks at the terrible loss for the families and the wider communities when I consider this senseless tragedy. G N I N I TRA 6. LEADER TRAINING DATES 2015 Venue: Perth Academy Scout Hall Tuesday 5th May 7.30pm Module 1 th Tuesday 12 May 7.30pm Module 3 Autumn date to be arranged Safeguarding ** Autumn date to be arranged Safety ** Autumn date to be arranged Module 10 First Response Course * *renewable every 3 years. All Leaders need a current First Response or First Aid Certificate at appointment renewal date. ** all Leaders need to have completed both Ongoing Safety training and Safeguarding / Child Protection training within the last 5 years of their appointment renewal date. (Your appointment renewal dates for individual appointments can be found on your membership card) Regional Training Courses th th 28 / 29 March 12th / 14th June Modules 5 – 11 (excluding 10) Modules 12 to 19 Derek Colley DC P&K Tannadice Scout Centre, Angus Fordell Firs Scout Centre, near Dunfermline If you would like to come along to any of these events or have any queries about training please do not hesitate to contact: Hilary Kirk, 4 Church Rd, Methven, Perth PH1 3PG ADC Adult Training 07944 601683 [email protected] 01738 840701 Design a CUB Centenary Scarf Competition Closing Date is 31st May 2015. Entries must be with Becky Adams by closing date. More details from Becky. DETAILS OF ALL OTHER TRAINING COURSES CAN BE FOUND ON THE EAST REGION WEBSITE www.eastscotlandscouts.org.uk Did you know this? Talking of trees The Woodland Trust offer talks to all kinds of groups. They've got volunteer speakers available for free illustrated talks. Whether you're interested in their work restoring ancient woodland, wildlife or woodland planting, their speakers can offer a variety of talks. To arrange a talk call 08452 935 752 or email [email protected] The E-Newsletter of Perth and Kinross District Scouts Page 5 s 7. d n a s e e t t i m m Co s r e t r o supp A tale of two insurers Does your Group own its premises? Then get your Group Treasurer to read this. Before I moved back to Scotland, I was Secretary of a Scout Group in Cambridgeshire. We fundraised for ten years and eventually had enough money to build a new Scout Hut. It’s just been finished, at a cost of £230,000, and I was at the official opening in March. I was talking to the Group Treasurer (as one does) and she told me that the insurance quotation for the new building gave her a real fright. The quote from Unity, the Scout owned insurers, was based on the square footage of the new (large!) building, and was coming in at something over £3,500 a year, which put her annual revenue budget in the red. She went to a local broker, and he pointed her in the direction of (wait for it) The Salvation Army Insurance Group www.sagic.co.uk. They are a specialist ethical insurer, and they have policies especially tailored for Scout Groups. She obtained a policy for the same cover for c. £800 per year. That’s a real saving! Isn’t it about time you checked your own insurance and made sure you’re not paying over the odds? continued six meetings a year, including the AGM. We currently meet at a Scout Group HQ in Perth. BUT I also want active help to go out and meet Group Executive Committees and offer them support where they need it. There are 24 Groups, and the more active helpers I’ve got, the smaller the number of Groups each of us needs to visit, so the opportunity is there to make a real difference by getting to know the people running the Group Executive Committees and what they need. It would be excellent if three or four (or more) active people would volunteer to join us. The biscuits really are good! Age is no barrier, and, indeed, our constitution suggests that at least two members of the Committee should be youth members aged 18 or over, but less than 25 years old – so now’s your chance. Role descriptions are available from me at the email address below and I would be happy to discuss the posts with anyone interested. You will need the I’m looking for volunteers… And when you’ve stopped laughing, read on and consider one of the highly paid (choc biscuits at some meetings), motivational, ability to work as part of a team; have good and vital (and I’m serious about them being vital) jobs that District needs help communication skills with the ability to think creatively and solve problems; be able to maintain with. independent and objective judgement whilst willing First, I’m looking for a District Quartermaster, District Webmaster, and District to speak one’s mind and listen to the views of others, Public Relations Adviser. These posts are open to anyone, and you may not and be willing to take decisions which will further the even be a member of the Association. However, I’d prefer it if uniformed work of the District. members did NOT apply. These posts are aimed at taking some work off your Don’t all rush at once – but I want to hear from you shoulders – not adding to your work – so you can concentrate on your soon! The District Annual General Meeting is on uniformed role. Wednesday 24th June, and it’s then that new The quartermaster’s job will be to maintain the District’s equipment; advise on members of the District Executive Committee will be replacement of equipment; advise on the type of equipment to be purchased, elected. Your application needs to be with the and to source new equipment at the best possible price, commensurate with District Secretary before the end of May, so it can go the appropriate quality and practicality. out with the papers for the AGM. It might seem a long way off, but it’s rapidly creeping up on us. The webmaster will maintain and develop the District website so it can be Volunteer now! used as the principal means of communication between District and Groups, and between Groups. It should also function as the interface between John Holme Scouting in Perth and Kinross and the public. District Chairman Your Scout District needs YOU! The PR adviser’s role is quite simply to develop the relationship between the District, Groups and Units with outside organisations and try and obtain the best possible publicity for Scouting in Perthshire. [email protected] Role descriptions are available from me at the email address below and I would be happy to discuss the posts with anyone interested. In addition… we need new members of the District Executive Committee. Again, I’m not looking for uniformed members, but for motivated people who are willing to give their time to support Scouting. I don’t need committee gatherers, or those looking for their Chief Scout’s Commendation; I want those willing to work to support the front line troops by giving some time to ensure that the administration of the District, at District and Group level, runs smoothly. My meetings start on time, get through the business and finish. Half an hour if that’s enough; two hours maximum if there’s a lot to deal with; The E-Newsletter of Perth and Kinross District Scouts Page 6 8. T A E R G A OFFER Help is at hand I’m a manager of the Unpaid Work Team, where offenders can pay back to the community by performing work that benefit the community and local organisations. We would like to offer our assistance to the scouting movement across the Perth & Kinross area. Below is the list of things we do: Painting (inside and outside) Garden clearances, landscaping and maintenance Fencing Joinery and woodworking Litter picking Clearing overgrown pathways Laying slabs The list is by no means exhaustive and we’ll look to get involved in any project. Recently we did some big projects for the Ryder Cup (building a stone wall on the Auchterarder station roundabout), Hallowe’en (preparing and setting up spooky decorations around the city centre) and Christmas Light Switch on. Project Officers would be responsible for quality of the work and they have a lot of experience in working within the community. We get offenders with a range of skills and we’re looking to utilise them as much as possible. The criteria are that the work benefits the community or vulnerable members of the community. We can’t take away somebody’s paid employment, but if the work would not get done for lack of money we can come and assist. We would assess every project separately and the team would always be supervised by a qualified member of staff. We hold all the necessary H&S qualifications and have a range of risk assessments, both regarding the jobs we would do and the clients (offenders) where necessary. Our maximum ratio is 5 offenders per supervisor but we can tailor it down to suit specific tasks. We would not take any “high risk” clients to work on projects where working near children or vulnerable people is involved. We also have a 9 hole Perthshire themed crazy golf course (prepared for the Ryder Cup) that we are willing to set up at any fetes, fairs and fundraising events – all the proceeds would remain with the organisers of the event. 9. P&K E T I S B E W Our Website www.perthandkinross-scouts.org.uk Our website contains a wide range of information and services enabling you to navigate quickly and easily to the content you are looking for. The headings include Home Page Groups Sections Explorer Units Members Craggan Campsite Scouting Facts Volunteer Links Privacy Policy E-Newsletter If you have not already registered as a member, why not create a member account right now? It’s absolutely free! Members can access Group and District Directories, Equipment lists, the Calendar, Training information, Section information and much more. The District Exec is looking for a new webmaster. This ‘well paid’ job is advertised elsewhere in this issue. Meantime, our lovely District Secretary keeps it updated and looking good, but he really wants to retire from the job of acting webmaster. We have a range of tools and our own vehicles to transport the teams to work locations. We cover the whole of Perth & Kinross area. We have teams operating 7 days a week, starting at 9am for registration and finishing at 3:30pm. Arek Nowrotek Coordinator - Unpaid Work Team, Criminal Justice Service Housing & Community Care Perth & Kinross Council Westbank House, Jeanfield Road, Perth, PH1 1PG Tel. 01738 445793 The E-Newsletter of Perth and Kinross District Scouts Page 7 10 THE S U S N E C Annual Census The annual Census and the collection of Membership fees is now complete. Despite the extremely short timescale afforded by the region and SHQ to gather the information and money, and despite the trauma of seeing all the work put into Compass come to nothing each and every group (with the exception of couple of minor technical issues) did the district proud and I was able to meet the deadlines and with the help of the treasurer all monies were paid on time. Due to the problems with Compass and all the work that had already been done I decided not to send out the usual forms for completion this year. The information that would have been returned on these forms would or should have been available through Compass. The district, therefore, does not now have an up-to-date and accurate database of leaders and executives. I am awaiting information on the future of Compass but in the meantime we may have to ask groups to supply the updated information. I would hope to be able to send out our latest listing and all that would be required would be amendments, additions and deletions. 11 And Finally Congratulations Our congratulations to Chris Kirk on being awarded the bar to the Silver Acorn in recognition of further specially distinguished service. Further congratulations to Robert Morton on being awarded the Silver Acorn in recognition of specially distinguished service . Chris holds the following appointments: Deputy District Commissioner, Perth and Kinross, Group Scout Leader, 10th Perthshire (Perth Academy), District Nights Away Adviser, District Training Adviser, Regional Trainer, Scotland and Regional Supporter of the Nights Away Permit Scheme. Robert is Group Scout Leader, 77th Perthshire (Glenfarg), Explorer Scout Leader, District Training Adviser and District Nights Away Adviser, Perth and Kinross. GSL's and group contacts will be advised in due course but I promise to keep any work involved as simple and straightforward as possible. Thank you all for the countless hours that you will have spent over the last few months working on Compass and then latterly on the Census. I have no idea what next year will be like but what I do know is that I can rely on the groups within the district to support me and the executive and fulfil our obligations satisfactorily and in good time. Thank you. Ronnie Blues District Secretary The Silver Acorn was first introduced as a St George’s Day Award in 1933. It is not normally awarded until after at least the Award for Merit has been gained. It is seldom awarded for less than 20 years’ service The E-Newsletter of Perth and Kinross District Scouts Page 8 12. S T C A T CON Appointment Name email Phone Mobile DC Derek Colley [email protected] 01828 632500 07933 055525 Deputy DC Chris Kirk [email protected] 01738 840701 07881 900353 Deputy DC Diane Holme [email protected] 01764 430202 077100 43252 ADC (BS) Christian Macdonald [email protected] 01738 815997 ADC (CS) Becky Adams [email protected] 01738 620276 ADC (S) Martin Adams [email protected] 01738 620276 07581 452546 ADC (Adult Training) Hilary Kirk [email protected] 01738 840701 07944 601683 ADC (Activities) Christine Morton [email protected] 01577 830210 District Explorer Scout Sean Thorpe Commissioner [email protected] District Network Scout Leader Alison Wilson [email protected] Young Leaders Unit Leader Bev McNab [email protected] 01738 445641 District Explorer Scout Administrator Vacant Appointments Secretary Christine Comrie [email protected] 01764 653470 District Safety Coordinator Robert Burrell [email protected] 01796 473184 District Chairman John Holme [email protected] 01764 430202 07764 188330 District Treasurer David Robertson [email protected] 01738 643855 Work 0131 6260187 District Secretary Ronnie Blues [email protected] 01738 637645 07526 998962 07876 206433 http://www.perthandkinross-scouts.org.uk/ PRINT, PASS-ON AND POST Please print a copy of this newsletter and hand to anyone without email or post it up in your HQ Contributions required for the next edition please! Tell us what you think about the Newsletter Email contributions and comments to: [email protected] The E-Newsletter of Perth and Kinross District Scouts Page 9
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