TAME Air Potato in Florida UF/IFAS Extension A N I N D E P E N D E N T ST U DY CO U R S E F O R R E S T R I C T E D - U S E A P P L I C ATO R S Air Potato Management Workbook (Edited 2015) An Equal Opportunity Institution. UF/IFAS Extension, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Nick T. Place, dean for UF/IFAS Extension. Single copies of UF/IFAS Extension publications (excluding 4-H and youth publications) are available free to Florida residents from county UF/IFAS Extension offices. Preface The independent study course: TAME Air Potato, is designed for use by agricultural pesticide applicators intending to earn continuing education units toward renewal of their restricted-use pesticide licenses under the provisions of the Florida Pesticide Law (Chapter 487 Florida Statutes) and its rules (Chapters 5E-2 and 5E-9 of the Florida Administrative Code). It is also relevant for applicators licensed under Ch. 482. Any herbicides discussed in this workbook are solely for educational purposes and does not imply endorsement. About the Instructor Ken Gioeli is the Natural Resources Extension agent for UF/IFAS Extension St Lucie County. He conducts educational campaigns designed to teach professional land managers as well as general homeowners how to adopt practices and innovative technologies that will result in improved natural resource management. Grading Workbooks are graded on the second and last Fridays of the month. References Center, T. and Overholt, W. Classical Biological Control of Air Potato in Florida. UF/IFAS EDIS ENY-864 Available Online: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in957 Center, T. and Overholt, W. Air Potato Leaf Beetle (Suggested Common Name), Lilioceris cheni Gressitt and Kimoto (Insecta: Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Criocerinae). UF/IFAS EDIS EENY-547 Available Online: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in972 Gioeli, K. 2015. Air Potato Biological Control Extension Needs Assessment Webinar. UF/IFAS. Available Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5GNc1nY11s&app=desktop Gioeli, K., Overholt, W., Rayamajhi, M., Rohrig, E., Hibbard, K., Diaz, R., and Manrique, V. 2014. Air Potato Biological Control Website. UF/IFAS. Available Online: http://bcrcl.ifas.ufl.edu/ airpotatobiologicalcontrol.shtml Langeland, K. and Meisenburg, M. 2014. Natural Area Weeds: Air Potato (Dioscorea bulbifera). UF/IFAS EDIS SS-AGR-164. Available Online: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ag112 Overholt, W. A., L. Markle, M. Meisenburg, L. Raz, G.Wheeler, R. Pemberton, J. Taylor,M. King, D. C. Schmitz, G. R. Parks, M. Rayamajhi, E. Rohrig, E. Lake, M. Smith, T. D. Center, V. Manrique, R. Diaz. 2014. Air Potato Management Plan. Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. Available at: http://www.fleppc. org/Manage_Plans/AirpotatoManagementPlan_Final.pdf. TA M E A I R P OTATO 2 Photo Credits Pg. 1 Air Potato Leaf Beetle Pg. 6 Air Potato Leaf Beetle Egg Pg. 6 Air Potato Leaf Beetle Larvae Pg. 7 Air Potato Leaf Beetle Pupa Pg. 7 Air Potato Leaf Beetle Adult Ken Gioeli, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County Citation Gioeli, K., Overholt, W., Rayamajhi, M., Rohrig, E., and Hibbard, K. 2015. TAME Air Potato Online Course Workbook. UF/IFAS Air Potato Program Partners Bill Overholt, UF/IFAS Indian River Research and Education Center, Fort Pierce, FL, [email protected] Min Rayamajhi, USDA-ARS, Invasive Plant Laboratory, Fort Lauderdale, FL, [email protected] Ken Hibbard, FDACS Division of Plant Industry, Fort Pierce, FL, [email protected] Eric Rohrig, FDACS Division of Plant Industry, Gainesville, FL, [email protected] Ken Gioeli, UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County, Fort Pierce, FL, [email protected] TA M E A I R P OTATO 3 SECTION 1 Identifying Air Potato Answer the questions below using the information online at http://bcrcl.ifas.ufl.edu/airpotatobiologicalcontrol.shtml under the link “Identifying Air Potato”. 1. How many species of yams (plants in the family Dioscoreaceae) occur in Florida? a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 TAME Air Potato in Florida d. 6 An Independent Study Course for Restricted-Use Pesticide Applicators 2.Dioscorea floridana and Dioscorea villosa are native members of the family Dioscoreaceae found in Florida. a. True b. False *The course must be completed and received by the UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County office no later than the close of business on December 31, 2015. Students must have at least 70% of the questions answered correctly to receive CEU’s. 3.The vine of the air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera) twines in what direction? a. Left b. Right 4.Do wild yams (Dioscorea villosa) and Florida yam (Dioscorea floridana) have bulbils? a. Yes b. No c. Sometimes 5.The stem of the air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera) can be described as… a. Roundish b. Square c. Three sided d. Doesn’t have a stem 6.The leaf apex of zanzibar yams (Dioscorea sansibarensis) extends in a slender tail-like appendage and can be described as … a. Round b. Variegated c. Caudate d. Serrated 7.This yam (plant in family Dioscoreaceae) is often confused with air potato. It is found throughout Florida, originated in Asia, has bulbils, and square stems that twine to the right. a. D. bulbiferab. D. alatac. D. sansibarensisd. D. polystachya TA M E A I R P OTATO 4 SECTION 2 Biological Control Concept Answer the questions below using the information online at http://bcrcl.ifas.ufl.edu/airpotatobiologicalcontrol.shtml under the link “How Biological Control Works”. 8.Exotic plants are those that originated in a different geographic area. a. True b. False 9.Plants can reach much ____________ densities when moved to now geographic areas because they escape control by natural enemies that occur in their native range. a. Higher b. Lower 10. Biological control involves the identification of specialized natural enemies that are ___________ host specific. a. Highly b. Moderately c. Loosely 11. If successful, the natural enemies provide a self-sustaining and ________ suppression of the target weed. a. Permanent b. temporary c. ephemeral d. dangerous TA M E A I R P OTATO 5 SECTION 3 Meet the Air Potato Leaf Beetle View the Air Potato Biological Control Extension Needs Assessment linked on the course website and answer the questions below 12. The air potato leaves can be described as very (3:37). a. Waxyb. Dullc. Wavyd. Buliferous 13. Air potato bulbils a. Grow to the ground and sprout new vines (3:56). b. Emerge c. Drop d. Wave 14. Air potato bulbils emerge from the a. Leaf rachis b. Leaf node (4:03). c. Leaf apex d. Leaf margin 15. The scientific name for the air potato leaf beetle is (11:11). a. Lilioceris chenib. Schinus terebinthifoliac. Sus scrofa d. None of the selections 16. What side of the leaf does the female air potato leaf beetle lay eggs on? (11:19). a. Top side b. Underside c. Leaf margin 17.Female air potato leaf beetles lay this average number of eggs (11:19). a. 1000 b. 3200 c. 1800 d. 4300 18. Air potato leaf beetle eggs hatch and larvae begin feeding in groups called what? (11:34) a. Aggregations b. Sounders c. Clutches TA M E A I R P OTATO d. Cults 6 19. When fully grown, larvae descend to the soil and produce an oral secretion that hardens into a cocoon. (11:46) a. Fossil-like b. Foam-like c. Bufo-slime-like d. sugary 20. The life cycle of the air potato leaf beetle takes 30 days at 77 degree F. (12:23) a. Trueb. False 21. When air potato leaf beetles are released onto the vines, you let nature take its course. (13:54) a. Trueb. False 22. Common sense question: Does it make sense to use herbicides to kill off all your air potato vines before you release air potato leaf beetles? a. Yesb. No 23. Explain why you selected the answer for Question 22. TA M E A I R P OTATO 7 SECTION 4 Herbicide Control of Air Potato Answer the questions below using the information online at http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ag112 24. Is air potato relatively susceptible to glyphosate? a. Yes b. No 25. Is it possible for you to damage desirable plants when applying glyphosate to air potato vines climbing on native plants? a. Yes b. No 26. Herbicide applicators should position themselves back. a. Upwind of the air potato to avoid herbicide drift b. Downwind 27. Herbicides should be applied at this time of the growing season for the best results: a. Early b. Middle c. Both Early and Middle d. Late 28. Several follow-up herbicide applications will be necessary in successive years. a. True b. False 29. Sanitation involves the removal of as many bulbils as possible from the site. a. True b. False 30. It is important to dispose of all plant material, including bulbils, in a way as to not spread the vines to new areas. a. True b. False 31. _____________ apply herbicides according to label instructions. a. Always b. Sometimes c. Never d. Only when colleague tell me to TA M E A I R P OTATO 8 TAME Air Potato in Florida A S T U D Y C O U R S E F O R R E S T R I C T E D - U S E P E S T I C I D E A P P L I C ATO R S COURSE ENROLLMENT FORM *The course must be completed and received by the UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County office no later than the close of business on December 31, 2015. Students must have at least 70% of the questions answered correctly to receive CEU’s. Last Name First Middle Mailing Address City ( State ) ____________________ Phone Number ( Zip ) Fax Number Pesticide License Type: Private Public E-mail Commercial Pesticide License Number Workbook Completion Date I attest that the work completed in the TAME Melaleuca Workbook is my own work. Signature Date Mail the completed TAME Air Potato Workbook, the signed enrollment form, and a check for $10.00 made payable to the UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County Advisory Council, Inc. to the following: Ken Gioeli Extension Agent IV / Natural Resources UF/IFAS Extension St. Lucie County 8400 Picos Road, Ste 101 Fort Pierce, FL 34945 (772) 462-1660 [email protected] Course participants will receive their CEU form after the Workbook has been graded. Ken reserves the right to refuse to grant CEU’s unless all work is shown in the Workbook. Please complete the course evaluation. TA M E A I R P OTATO 9 E N D O F C O U R S E E V A L U AT I O N TAME Invasives Online Training Air Potato Course Module Thank you for completing the Air Potato online training course through the TAME Invasives portal at http://pesticide. ifas.ufl.edu. UF/IFAS Extension St Lucie County is always looking for ways to serve you better. Please take a moment to complete this short survey and mail it back to us. It will help us know how we’re doing, and how we can better meet your future needs. Satisfaction Please circle the appropriate number for your level of response. Was this online course taken for CEU’s for pesticide license renewal? 1. Yes 2. No Not Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied The relevance of information to your needs. 1 2 3 4 Quality of the online course. 1 2 3 4 How satisfied are you with: Ease of use and accessibility of the course materials. 1 2 3 4 Layout of the online course. 1 2 3 4 Knowledge Please circle the appropriate number to indicate your level of knowledge about the following topics before and after completing the program. Only complete the section pertaining to the coursework you completed. Please use the following key for rating: 1.Very Low = Don’t know anything about this topic. 2.Low = Know very little about this topic 3.Moderate = Know about this topic but there are more things to learn 4.High = Have good knowledge but there are things to learn 5.Very High = Know almost everything about this topic Air Potato Course Did the online course meet your expectation? How do you rate your knowledge about: 1. Yes BEFORE THIS ONLINE COURSE Very Low Low Moderate High 2. No AFTER THIS ONLINE COURSE Very High Very Low Low Moderate High Very High Air Potato Biology 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Air Potato Identification 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Lifecycle of the Air Potato Leaf Beetle 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Understanding how biological control agents might be used to manage Air Potato 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Herbicide Application Methods for Air Potato Control 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Will you take additional TAME Invasives online coursework in the future? TA M E A I R P OTATO 10 1. Yes 2. No Would you recommend this online coursework to others? 1. Yes 2. No If not, why: What did you like the most about this online training course? What did you like the least about this online training course? How could this online training be further improved? Demographics What is your gender? 1.Male 2.Female How do you identify yourself? 1.African American 2.American Indian/Alaskan 3.Asian 4.Hispanic/Latino 5.White 6.Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 7.Other Thank you for completing this evaluation. We appreciate your input as we make every effort to improve Extension programs. TA M E A I R P OTATO 11
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