HOW TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR SOCIAL CONTENT 0427 667 531 [email protected] @PhilippaSpork RulesofSocialEngagement When it comes to mastering and staying on top of today’s must-have marketing tool: Content Marketing, I hear the same frustrations again and again from small businesses. Without a doubt it nearly always boils down to what they don’t have: 1 NO TIME For stepping out of the day-to-day tasks of running a business to focus on marketing planning or execution. 2 NO IDEA WHAT TO CREATE before social media you only had to write your web copy once and then set and forget. Now I have to figure out what to write about and how and where to post it. But I’m not a writer OR a social media guru! 3 NO CONSISTENCY Because of having no time and no idea what to create,so many businesses complain their marketing efforts are inconsistent at best; receiving focus only when a good idea presents itself or when there is a spare minute. 4 NO IDEA HOW TO MEASURE ROI Without effective tracking tools, content marketing can be difficult to measure, and this baffles most small businesses. 5 NO CONFIDENCE No control over the process leads to a lack of confidence, which leads to a general lack of enthusiasm and negativity towards the whole process. This often turns content marketing into a burden that gets put in the ‘too hard basket’. If the above resonates with you, do not worry! The Rules of Social Engagement toolkit guides you through an easy to follow step-by-step process for content success. 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | RULES OF SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT PROVIDES A SOLUTION THAT DE-MYSTIFIES CONTENT MARKETING BY: Providing you with the organizational tools and templates to help you take control of your content marketing in your own time, and at your own pace. Guiding you through the process of defining the right content messaging for your business, and then showing you where to find global examples to inspire you for content ideas. Planning is key in content marketing so we provide you with a no-fuss calendar-planning tool to make sure you stay on track and keep your content up-to-date. Providing tracking tools and templates that allow you to capture trends and changes in your content engagement, and map this against real revenue outcomes. Providing you with a combination of tried and tested templates and tools, and on-going support, making sure you stay on track and feel in control. 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | ABOUT PHILIPPA SPORK Marketing Strategist, Media Solutions Specialist, Author and Facilitator Philippa Spork is passionate about enabling businesses to connect with their customers in today’s social world. Philippa spent more than two decades working with some of the globe’s biggest brands to create innovative marketing solutions that drive sales in an increasingly complex marketing landscape. In 2012 Philippa embarked on a new journey, opening her own boutique marketing-consultancy called BlueSky Engagement. She soon learned the value of her marketing expertise, and worked tirelessly with a wide range of businesses to effectively navigate and implement the broad range of marketing possibilities available to them. Launching her own small business taught her first hand how important marketing processes are for a growth period for a business in any industry. She also quickly realised that exclusive consulting fees were out of reach for many. She began to collate the concepts and tools that she applied everyday in her work, into an easy-to-manage process that small to medium businesses could both afford, understand and activate! PLAY BY THE SOCIAL RULES E- COURSE A practical and interactive e-learning course that equips you with the tools and knowledge you need to make sure your business makes money out of your content. MENTOR PROGRAM The Rules of Social Engagement support program allows you to receive ongoing mentoring and support throughout your content marketing journey. Whether via Skype or in person, it’s amazing what some dedicated one-on-one time with an objective expert can do to enhance your planning and motivation. Sometimes just work-shopping ideas with someone who has been through the process many times before, and coming away with a practical checklist can assist you in reaching your goals more effectively. THE BOOK A step by step plan for driving sales through social content. 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | TESTIMONIALS “ Philippa has worked with me for nearly twenty years in the media industry, and so I didn’t hesitate to employ her on a Consulting basis when she started her own business in 2012. With BlueSky I know that I will always receive focused attention, and that I will always feel prioritised. Philippa is one of the most creative and efficient strategist I know, who is always results focussed. One of her key strengths lies in developing effective business solutions tailored to suit the task at hand. ” Jenny Hosie Director Integrated SALES Seven West Media RED “ Philippa is a consummate professional who gets the digital and social web. Working with her is a joy. Her clients interests are always her priority and making sure they achieve their goals is paramount. ” Jeff Bullas Blogger, Best Selling Author and Forbes #11 Social Media Power Influencer “ Over the last 9 months, BlueSky Engagement has enhanced my business ten fold. After meeting with Philippa and scoping a brief out to address raising my profile on the Social Media platform, a strategy was developed and currently we are in implementation mode. The strategy addressed the practical nature of social media however it was tailored to me and my style of business. It has been responsive and developing over the last 9 months. Without Philippa’s expert knowledge and quest to constantly evolve, we would not have achieved the results we have today nor the breath of reach of our campaign. It is a pleasure to work with Philippa and the BlueSky team. Responsiveness is the key to Philippa’s ability to deliver. I look forward to continually evolving and growing in time. Amanda Butler Havig & Jackson “ Whilst approaching a period of rapid change for the automotive collision repair industry, Auto Parts Group partnered with Bluesky Engagement to develop a public relations strategy to position our business with the strength to face new challenges. Their experience, guidance and clear communication has delivered positive outcomes in terms of both customer and media engagement, giving us the confidence to broaden our online presence and develop deeper connections with customer and stakeholders alike. We certainly feel that with the help of BlueSky, we are on the right track moving towards a position of thought leadership in our space. ” Nigel Bishop Stakeholder Relations Auto Parts Group 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | SOCIAL CONTENT MARKETING EXPLAINED YOUR ONE-STOP CONTENT STRATEGY FORMULATED FOR SME BUSINESS SUCCESS. Are you sick of marketing jargon and acronyms you don’t understand? Fed up with conflicting advice and don’t know where to start with social content marketing? Then Rules of Engagement is for you! Rules of Social Engagement offers small to medium businesses a step-by-step action plan to guide you through the content marketing process - from idea, to execution, measurement and right through to delivery. LET ME BE YOUR CONTENT COACH! My goal is to enable small businesses to feel great about their content marketing, without having to break the bank through expensive consulting fees. Let’s face it – nobody knows your business or your customer like you do. So, if you don’t want to hand content creation over to an external content agency, then read on! This program ensures that you have the skills you need to take your brand from obscurity to notoriety by: 1. SIMPLIFYING THE BUZZWORDS and teaching you how to take big marketing ideas and adapt them into affordable tactics for the real world 2. Providing You With The TOOLS to MAP OUT A PLAN for your content that is both ACHIEVABLE and DELIVERABLE 3. Providing CONTEXT around EXPECTATIONS and metrics for SUCCESS IN the END….. Rules of Social Engagement provides the inspiration and tools to develop and implement a practical and measurable plan to drive sales! 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | YOUR COACHING SESSION STARTS NOW! STEP 1 DISCOVERY STEP 2 STEP 3 PLANNING EXECUTION By the end of STEP 3, you will know how to: s4AKEINSPIRATIONFROMGLOBALPOWERBRANDSTOCOMEUPWITHYOUROWNIDEAS s!UTHENTICATEIDEASTOYOURBRANDCONTENTSTATEMENT s#REATEA3TRATEGICPLANFORALLASPECTSOFYOURBUSINESSINTHERIGHTCONTEXT s4RACKANDEVOLVEYOURMARKETINGCONTENTTOADAPTTOCHANGINGCONDITIONS s-EASUREANDTRACKYOURACTIVITYENSURING2/) s4ELLA3TORY s4ARGETYOURMESSAGINGTOTHERIGHTPEOPLEATTHERIGHTTIME s!DDVALUETOYOURCONTENT s'ETYOURCONTENT2EMEMBERED 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | STEP 1 - DISCOVERY The first critical part of the process is called DISCOVERY. 1. BRANDING brand assets, digital assets and thought leadership. 2. KNOWLEDGE planning, tracking and awareness. S E C BR DING AN The DISCOVERY phase explores your: RESOU R Our Content Readiness tool enables us to discover how content-ready you are, and we will work with you through the steps to enable you to create the most impactful content marketing program possible to drive sales for your specific business. 3. RESOURCES tools, people and budgeted resources. KN O WLEDGE It’s about honestly answering the questions by completing our Content Readiness tool so that we can determine what your business needs to take control of your content marketing! An interactive session will allow us to assess your current brand assets and resources, in order for you to come away with a checklist of must-do actions in order to position your business for content success. At the end of the session, you will be provided with an in-depth report on your results and your current assets and tools, along with a recommended action plan and ongoing engagement that suits your budget. 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | STEP 2 - PLAN & TRACK It’s nearly impossible to know how to get where you are going unless you have a plan so the second step is all about planning. This is where we introduce FAMED - the strategic planning and calendar creation phase of your content management program, made up of five steps: Famed teaches you how to: 1. FIND YOUR INSPIRATION and learning lessons from local and global brands that have gone before us, being inspired fromideas that worked and learning from the ones that didn’t. 2. AUTHENTICATE the ideas that inspire you to your business by creating your Brand Content Statement. 3. MAP OUT a strategic content plan across all marketing assets based on realistic metrics for success 4. EVALUATE AND EVOLVE By Planning and monitoring to allow you to maximise tactics when they work, and changing course altogether when they don’t. 5. DELIVER analysis of your program to your stakeholders against a clear set of goals and measurement metrics, ensuring your content program has a fruitful future. 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | STEP 3 - EXECUTE It’s nearly impossible to know how to get where you are going unless you have a plan so the second step is all about planning. This is where we introduce FAMED - the strategic planning and calendar creation phase of your content management program, made up of five steps: STAR teaches you to: 1. Become a STORYTELLER creating content in context, that connects withyour audience,with results you can measure over time and in the right context. 2. TARGET your customer by creatingan ideal customer Avatar, and targeting your campaign to make sure your messaging reaches them. 3. ADD VALUE to your target through the creation of content that delivers both value for time, and value for money, whilst building trust with your brand. 4. Be REMEMBERED not only for a compelling tactic, but for it to be associated with your brand – through memorable and tangible calls to action. 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | NOTES 0427 667 531 | [email protected] | So all you have left to do now is…. PLAY BY THE RULES OF SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT & start to create content that really works! If you’re still not sure where to begin, or want more information on the mentor program, or public speaking engagements, please contact me now to find out what Rules of Social Engagement Solution is best for you. 0427 667 531 [email protected] @PhilippaSpork RulesofSocialEngagement
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