I E-mail: [email protected]'in R.t.No. Nsr.tT- \ S4 I & G LAB SUPPLIES S.C'O. 42 i"cond Floor, NAC, MANI MAJRA S Chandigarh 160 101 Dear Sir, please quote your rowest gtgs in below, for the item/s list attached given with detaited informatior, *d should of Chemicals. (SIGMA ALDRICH)' 1. ) +fl;e or typed (cutting avoided) duplic{e shorlrd be crearly written of each item along ffifying make' 1'Aiiy' period 9l *.p"1' ror the purchase 6"rott ro-od-)rirs ';*il;hJ;?;t;tt;d;;' iH"J*'l"Xt#:": ?l':# receipts for the insurance _ch3rses arlv menti one d' ,.quir.d along with the bill of supply' .#'Sf *. shour d u 9. cf ori ginal .e Wehavebeenexemptedfrompuy*g,@"videGovt.ofIndia notificationNo.t0/9i-Centra1Excise,ffi;landisvalidupto a J. teaching department may be for educationar institutions, university No.lDate of in a sepled envelope giving our/vour reference for in the name of coordinator, centre the_quotation +:"J1'JiJff::[fi"'i1h,,* P'U'' Chandi garh' science & N anotechnolo gy' 4. ffii"l'ir**r, 5. rffH:*ron 6. Nano Thanking You, Yours faithfullY, 0rtth Coordinator Coodinator Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology U.I.EA.S.T. Faniab Univenity, Chandigarh. Item: Various Chemicals ( List attached) S.N. Chemical name Catalog No 1. Silver nitrate 209139-Z5ti 1 ? J. ?-F{vdroxv 5- nitrobenzaldehYcle 27s352-25G 4. Indole 3 -carboxaldehYde t29445-25G =5. f Cytt"in hYdrochloride monohydrate c7880-100G 39030- 7. @lenediamine 2- Pvridine carboxaldehYde - 8. 3.Tvrrarne;auoxaldehYde P62208-25G 6. , H4s3s3-100G -Hvdroxv 1 -naPhthaldehYcte P62003-2sG 4827 49-100G I Trimesic acid 289426-25t) 10. 4,4'-DipyridYl 11 FexadectitrimAhYlammon t2 ffiecoated 13 told(lliFhlotde t4 I00ML i um )\o 100 g 259 )\o 100 e 100 ml )\o 25g 100 g 25s 2X100g H6?5q-100G 735159-5EA trihYd rate QuantitY s?oq1 8-1 G 1 1 1 Potassium Bromide 7464444-100G ON Ct6Idinamr Celtre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology U.I.EA.S.T. Paniab U niversity, Chandigarh.
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