Locality and Classical Fields in AdS, from the Bootstrap Jared Kaplan Johns Hopkins University based on various work with Liam Fitzpatrick, David Poland, David Simmons-Duffin, Matt Walters, & Junpu Wang Motivation Understand the universal features ! of AdS quantum gravity directly from the CFT: • Fock space? AdS Locality? Long-Range Forces?! • Effective Field Theory description in AdS?! • Classical Field Configurations in AdS?! • Black Hole Microstates - Temperature, Blackness… Which of these require further assumptions/restrictions! beyond Conformal Symmetry and QM? CFT EikonalCentral limit. In the caseQuestion of CFT2 the resu forbut This Talk been observed, we will see that the gen t will be sufficient to study just a few prima What can we say about the CFT Spectrum, OPE to ascoefficients, and correlators assuming only that: O1 , O2 , T with Oi (x)Oi (0) T s included inAnswer: the OPE’. use Quite aWe bit, all of it ! 1 , 2 , T t with an AdS Interpretation. d ⌧i and ⌧T to refer to their twists ⌧ ⌘ on or ‘light’ operator, such as the stress t ! ! AdS/CFT Kinematics Energies and Dimensions in AdS/CFT ig:AdSCylinderIntro AdS CFT t exp t R ⇥ Figure 1: This figure shows how the AdS cylinder in global coordinates corresponds to the CFT in radial quantization. The time translation operator in the bulk of AdS is the Dilatation operator in the CFT, so energies in AdS correspond to dimensions in the CFT. HAdS = DCF T for general scalar theories at tree-level and for ⇥4 theory at one-loop. Recently we [2] verified the conjecture for n-pt amplitudes in general scalar theories at tree-level by showing that our diagrammatic rules for the Mellin amplitude reduce to the usual Feynman rules in the flat space limit. By setting up the appropriate scattering experiment [10, 11, 12, 13] in AdS and making Representations of Global Conformal Alg The momentum and special conformal generators act as raising and lowering operators wrt Dimension [D, Pµ ] = Pµ [D, Kµ ] = Kµ Irreducible reps built from primaries: [Kµ , O(0)] = 0 or Kµ | Oi =0 Can derive a unitarity relation for ⌧ = d 1 and ⌧` d 2 s 2 ` Conformal Symmetry and Primary States AdS CoM of Ground State CFT CFT Primary State Excited/Descendant States AdS n,` (t, ⇢, ⌦) Center of Mass ! for Excited State CFT 2n @ @µ1 · · · @µ` O |0i Descendant of a! Primary Two Particle States AdS n,` (ti , ⇢i , ⌦i ) Two Particle State,! CoM at Origin CFT O@ 2n @µ1 · · · @µ` O |0i `Double-Trace’ Primary ! ! Long-Distance AdS Locality is Completely Universal Two Notions of Locality AdS has an intrinsic length scale: 2 ds = cosh 2 ✓ RAdS ◆ 2 2 RAdS dt + d + sinh 2 ✓ RAdS ◆ d⌦2 Long-Distance Locality: Particles/Systems decouple when separated by !D RAdS ! Micro-Locality: There exists a good Effective Field 1 Theory Description in AdS with ⇤EF T RAdS Formal Definition of Long-Distance Locality? c = =) 9 d cd = = Statement about structure of the Hilbert Space: HAdS = HCF T ⇡ Fock Space A Fock Space at Large Separation How to Define Distant Furballs? AdS Geodesic separation between cat & dog: ⇠ RAdS log ` Are there two furball states at! large angular momentum??? Two Furball Physics? AdS AdS Energy = CFT Dimension: En` = Ec + Ed + 2n + ` + (n, `) Anomalous dimension, (n, `),! is a kind of `binding energy’. Existence of states as ` ! 1 with vanishing! (n, `) implies AdS Cluster Decomposition. General Theorem (Any CFT in d>2) Consider OPE of any two scalar primary operators: O1 (x)O2 (0) = X ,` c12,` O ,` (0) For each n there exists a tower of operators O ,` with = 1 + 2 + 2n + ` + (n, `) as ` ! 1, where the anomalous dimensions (n, `) ! n `⌧m or ne ⌧m from leading twist exchange, generically Tµ⌫ The Idea of the Proof: A Scattering Analogy Free propagation and massless exchange! require large amplitude at large ` , e.g. 1 1 cos ✓ ⇡ X P` (cos ✓) `!1 Completely analogous CFT phenomenon.! Implies existence of large ` states. Partial Wave Amplitudes -> Conformal Partial Waves The Conformal Partial Wave Decomposition Insert 1, organize according to!conformal symmetry: hO1 O2 X ↵ |↵ih↵| O3 O4 i Since operators = states in the CFT, write 4-pt as = X O↵ ↵ A sum over exchange labeled by primary operators,! magnitude given by product of 3-pt correlators. O2 O2 Light-Cone OPE Limit (Diagrams = Blocks) The equivalent of a t-channel singularity! in the CFT is the light-cone OPE limit: hO1 O1 O2 O2 i = u 1+ 2 2 ⇣ 1+u ⌧T 2 fT (v) + · · · giving a bootstrap equation O21 O O1 + O1O2 + 1 T X O2 1 + [TT] n,` O21 O O2 O1 O1 OO 2 1 O21 O X X +T · · · + ⇡ [TT] n,` n,` O1 O2 O2 O1 n,` `!1 O2 + ·[O· · O ⇡ ] O2O1 1 2 n,` O2 ⌘ O1 X `!1 O1 Example: long-range gravity is completely universal. [O ! ! Micro-Locality for Special CFTs Micro-Locality (or flat space locality) Showed that All CFTs have a Fock Space spectrum! at long-distances. Would need at short-distances too. To make progress, need perturbative expansion.! (Our definition is in terms of AdS EFT.) Both are special features, invalid for most CFTs. Micro-Locality (or flat space locality) Need a 3rd special feature. Counter-example: 1 2 L = (@ ) 2 1 ⇥ 2 N 4 + 4 RAdS (@ 4 ) + ··· ⇤ To see what went wrong, look at flat space S-Matrix: 1 A= 2 N + R4 (s2 + t2 + u2 ) + R8 s4 + R12 S 6 + · · · Breaks down at the scale R , despite weak coupling. EFTs well-approximated by polynomial Amplitudes. Mellin Space as AdS Momentum Space Can define Mellin Amplitude for CFT correlator: hO(x1 ) · · · O(x4 )i / Z dsdt ˜ M (s, t)u (2⇡i)2 s v t Mellin variables direct analog of Mandelstam s and t. Mellin Amplitude is `momentum space’ for AdS.! Asymptotic bounds —> EFT description in AdS. ! ! Classical AdS Fields and `Eikonalization’ Multiple Exchanges and Classical Fields In any spacetime, effective classical fields! emerge from the summation of infinite! series of simple diagrams, such as: T T T T GM =) V (r) = d 2 r O1 O1 Can get Schwarzschild by including interactions. wn as conformal blocks, and the CFT bootstrap e Inter-related in a relevant context in [] and in many other rece Questions: the conformal partial waves associated with the e Doesor the‘eikonalized’ Bootstrap know about the multiple exchanges mmed into an exponential form. Di that build up a classical field in AdS?! been explored [] at high energy with fixed impact ! f the Eikonal limit. In the case of CFT the resumm 2 Why are Mellin amplitude asymptotics important?! lready been observed, but we will see that the gener ! 1 Can perturbation theory further?! oses it we willtake be sufficient to study just a few primary ` ! refer to as How far can we go with no assumption except:! ! O1 , O2 , T with Oi (x)Oi (0) T t’s again consider the anomalous dimensions of the double-trace o again consider the anomalous dimensions of the double-trac large `, which arise due to the minimal twist operators present in rge `, which arise due to the minimal twist operators present (x)O1 (0) and O2 (x)O2 (0). The resulting shift in scaling dimension c )O1 (0) and O2 (x)O2 (0). The resulting shift in scaling dimensio the approximate form A Bootstrap Implication e approximate form O1 O2 O1 O2 O1 + + O2 X (n, `) ⇡ n , ⌧ ` mn ⇡ `⌧ + · ·`)· ⇡ (n, O1 X , m O2 [O1 O2 ]n,` [TT] T 1 `!1 ere ⌧m exchanged operators. Using th O is the O OtwistO of these O minimal O O O at can expand [O1 O2exchanged ]n,` conformal blocks as Using a per e ⌧atm large is the` we minimal twist the of these operators. n, at`),large ` weright-hand can expand the [O1 O2 ]n,` conformal blocks On the side, anomalous dim: as a n,` n,` 1 2 `), 1 2 ✓ g⌧,` (v, u) ⇡✓ 1 + g⌧,` (v, u) ⇡ 1+ n 2`⌧m n 2`⌧m 1 2 ln v + 2 n 8`2⌧m ln v + 2 ln v + · · · 2 n 8`2⌧m 2 ◆ 1 2 g◆ ⌧n ,` (v, u) ln v + · · · ( g⌧n ,` (v, u) discussed above, term this in this reproduces side? the s-channel How canthe wefirst match onseries the left-hand e identity, while the second term contains a logarithmic singularity iscussed above, the first term in this series reproduces the s-chan Not because Bootstrap is `on-shell’. atches that of obvious the minimal twist conformal blocks. For the sake of s dentity, while the second term contains a logarithmic singula rem [] referred to above states that in the OPE A(x)B(0) of a re exist new primaries [AB]n,` labeled by positive integers n, ` A + B + 2n + ` + (n, `), where the anomalous dimension rescribed power-law rate. This immediately implies the existe Be Fruitful and Multiply… Fock Space Theorem implies existence of: [O1 O2 ]n,` , [O1 T ]n,` , [T T ]n,` , · · · , [[O1 O1 ]n,` T ]n0 ,`0 , · · · So at large spin,`.weApplying are allowed to ask about: combinations at large the theorem recursively O1 + O2 O1 + T O2 X –[TT]3n,`– n,` O1 O2 O1 O2 +··· ⇡ X ` A Needed OPE Limit We would like to use the OPE to deduce at large spin: O1 O1 T O1 ! T O1 T O1 ? ! O1 [T T ]n,` O1 Without further assumptions, ill-defined!!! ! Cross-channel OPE limits of Blocks do not exist. A Needed OPE Limit O1 O1 T O1 ! T O1 T O1 ? ! O1 [T T ]n,` O1 Need to expand a function such as 2 F1 (1, 1, 2, z) Near = log(1 z z) z=1 One reason why crossing symmetry so non-trivial! Needed OPE Limit, Understood from Mellin Toy example: G(z) = Z i1 M( ) z d i1 Both OPE limits, z = 0 and z = studied simultaneously. 1 can be! Behavior near z=0 Behavior near z = 1 determined by asymptotics. determined by poles. A Needed OPE Limit, Understood via Mellin O1 O1 T O1 ! T O1 T O1 ? ! O1 [T T ]n,` O1 Pathology due to bad asymptotic behavior.! ! Result controlled by leading Mellin pole,! which gives the universal behavior expected! from the bootstrap equation. For any CFT, Conformal Blocks can be Summed If Mellin Amplitude is exponentially bounded, we can sum or `Eikonalize’ the conformal blocks: O1 O2 O1 + 1 O2 O1 + T O2 X +··· [TT]n,` n,` O1 O2 O1 O2 O1 O1 O2 ⇡ X O2 [O1 O2 ]n,` `!1 O1 O2 AdS QFT aka 1/N Perturbation Theory is a special case. For any CFT, Conformal Blocks can be Summed O1 O2 O1 + 1 O2 O1 + T O2 X +··· [TT]n,` n,` O1 O2 O1 O2 O1 In the limit e O1 O2 ⌧T ⌧ ⇡ 1, X O2 [O1 O2 ]n,` `!1 O1 2 T T c11 c22 gT (u,v) Block `eikonalizes’. Beyond this limit, ! more general series. O2 Future Directions and Conclusions Conclusions • Long-Range AdS Locality Completely General! • Eikonalization can be seen directly in the bootstrap! • Relation between Eikonalization/Classical Fields and Short-Range locality! • Can begin to improve large spin expansion Future Directions: Physics of CFT Spectra AdS Black Holes Eikonal twist ` Lightcone OPE Numerical Bootstrap spin ` Need to develop and apply new techniques to understand the full CFT spectrum. ! ! Extra Slides ! What is the Bootstrap? • Conformal Symmetry! • Unitarity! structure constants of the schematic form X X f12k f34k (. . .) = f14k f23k (. . .) . • Crossing Symmetry k (3.3) k The (. . .) factors are functions of coordinates xi , called conformal partial waves. They are produced by acting on the two-point function of the exchanged primary field k with the di↵erential operators C appearing in the OPE of two external primaries. Thus, they are also fixed by conformal invariance in terms of the dimensions and spins of the involved fields. What can we learn from the fundamental principles? 1 X f12k 4 k f34k k 1 = X k k 2 3 f14k 4 2 f23k 3 Figure 1: The conformal bootstrap condition = associativity of the operator algebra. nformal invariance relates the OPE coefficients of all operators in the same irr nformal multiplet, and this allows one to reduce the sum above to a sum over educible multiplets, or “conformal blocks”. When this expansion is performed in ur-point function, the contribution of each block is just a constant “conformal blo ent” PO / c2O for the entire multiplet times a function of the xi ’s whose functio pends only on the spinthat `O and dimension lowest-weight (i.e. “primary”) O of the Recall 4-pt correlators can be written the multiplet: Consider the 4-pt CFT Correlators A(u, v) X 1 h (x ) (x ) (x ) (x )i = 1 2 3 4 2 2 P g h (x1 ) (x2 ) (x3 ) (x4 )i = (u, v), 2 (x 2 13 x24 ) O ⌧O ,`O (x x ) 12 34 ere xij = xi O the conformal cross-ratios xwhere `O , and j , the twist of O is ⌧O ⌘ O ✓ 2 2 ◆ ✓ 2 2 ◆ x12 x34 x14 x23 u= , v= , 2 2 2 2 x24 x13 x24 x13 are We can use elementary 2quantum mechanics! to rewrite this in a different way... Formulate CFT Bootstrap e conformally invariant cross-ratios. The functions g⌧O ,`O (u, v) are also usually conformal blocks or conformal partial waves [32–35], and they are crucial elem ients in the bootstrap program. the above, we took the OPE of (x1 ) (x2 ) and (x3 ) (x4 ) inside the four-point f ne can also take the OPE in the additional “channels” (x1 ) (x3 ) and (x2 ) structure constants schematic formthe bootstrap equation is the constraint that the decom (x (xof2 )the(x 4 ) and 3 ), and X X Crossing symmetry the Bootstrap Equation: f f (. . .) = f gives f (. . .) . (3.3) erent channels matches: X The (. . .) factors are 1 functions of coordinates x , called conformal partial waves. 1 They areX produced by acting on the two-point P function the(u, exchanged with the v) =primary field PO g⌧O ,`O (v, u). O g⌧Oof,`O 2 2 2 2 di↵erential operators in the OPE of two external primaries.(x Thus, (x12 xC34appearing ) 14 xthey 23 )are alsoO O 12k 34k 14k 23k k k i k fixed by conformal invariance in terms of the dimensions and spins of the involved fields. 4 1 4 fact that by unitarity, the co of the power1 of this constraint follows from the f14k Unitarity: X PO must X coefficients all be non-negative in each of these channels, because the k f12k f34k = k en to be the squares of real OPE coefficients. 2 k k 2 3 2 f23k 3 PO = f > 0 The Bootstrap and Large ` Operators Figure 1: The conformal bootstrap condition = associativity of the operator algebra. The dream of the conformal bootstrap is that the condition (3.3), when imposed on fourpoint functions of sufficiently many (all?) primary fields, should allow one to determine the CFT data and thus solve the CFT. Of course, there are presumably many di↵erent CFTs, and so one can expect some (discrete?) set of solutions. One of the criteria which will help us to select the solution representing the 3D Ising model is the global symmetry group, ugh some of the arguments below are technical, the idea behind them is very sim analogy, consider the s-channel partial wave decomposition of a tree-level sc ude with poles in both the s and t channels. The center of mass energy is sim What’s so great about Mellin Amplitudes? • Mellin Space is `Momentum Space for CFTs’ ! • Use complex analysis to study CFTs. Mellin Amplitudes always meromorphic! • Mellin Amplitude Factorizes on CFT States! • Algebraic Feynman Rules for AdS/CFT! • In Flat Space Limit of AdS/CFT: Mellin Amplitude becomes S-Matrix, Bootstrap gives Optical Theorem, meromorphy becomes analyticity CFT
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