Pickhill Church of England Primary School Stars of the Week

Church of England
Primary School
…Achieving more together
Summer Term 15th May 2015
You can also see Newsletters on our website www.pickhill.n-yorks.sch.uk
Firstly a date for your diaries, Sports Day this year is on Monday 22nd June at 1.15pm, we hope to see as
many parents there as possible.
A reminder that we have the battery recycling boxes in the reception area, if you have any batteries at
home that need recycling please do bring them in.
On Monday next week there will be an assembly about Sports for Champions to inspire the children
before our exciting visit from Rebekah Wilson after half term. The children will be bringing home
sponsorship forms for the sponsored fitness event taking place on the day of Rebekah’s visit. The money
raised from the sponsorship will provide funds for the school to purchase sports equipment and also
support our Olympic Athletes as many of them train 30+ hours a week and don’t have any regular income
(or time to earn a living!) so this helps them compete for our country.
There will be no cricket next week, but the club will resume after half term, any over payments will
rollover into next half term.
All the children need a Victorian costume for the play, just a reminder that they will be wearing them
when they go to Beamish, if you have any questions please ask Mrs Gabbott or call the office.
Class 1
Literacy: We will be writing an explanation of how
plants grow and what they need in order to survive.
Numeracy: We will be learning to recognise and know
the value of different denominations of coins and
Topic: We will continue to make our time machines
using our designs to help us and adapting our designs
if necessary. We will continue to explore plants and
plant growth in Science and will be planning seeds in
our new greenhouse. We will be going on a walk
around Pickhill, looking at the differences in buildings
using past pictures to help us. We will continue to
learn about the work of William Morris in Art.
Class 2
Maths: We will be learning about the relationship
between addition and subtraction and learning to
apply those skills to solve problems and puzzles.
History: We will continue to investigate why 1837 was
an important year for the monarchy.
Art: We will be experimenting with acrylic paint.
Please bring ain an old shirt as acrylic paint doesn’t
wash off well!
Computing: We are continuing to develop our own
maths games.
Music/English: We will be studying Victorian
Stars of the Week
Class 2
Class 1
This newsletter is double sided
After School Clubs
Great to be Green
KS1 Lawrence Whitmarsh
Stay and Play
KS2 Isaac Bainbridge
Star Pupil Award
Dates for your Diary
Friday 22nd May
Close for Half term
Tuesday 2nd June
Visit by Olympian Athlete Rebekah Wilson
Tuesday 23rd June
Whole School trip to Beamish Living Museum
Thursday 9th July
Parents’ Evening to share reports
Tuesday 14th July
1.30pm Oliver! – Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday 15th July
6.00pm Oliver! – Performance
Thursday 16th July
Y6 v Parents Rounders match
Monday 20th July
Year 6 Leavers’ Service 1.45pm
End of Term 2.30pm
This newsletter is double sided