Newsletter 19 May 2015 Term 2 Week 5 On The Wings of Wisdom Coorparoo State School Coorparoo State School Handbook 2015 Student Absentee Line – 3421 0360 From the Principal John Kennedy, Acting Principal, [email protected] Tuesday 19 May Autumn Music Concert Tuesday 19 May ICAS, Digital Technologies Wednesday 20 May P&C Meeting, 7:00pm, Library Thursday 21 May Walk Safely to School Day SOAR EACH ONE OF US HAS AN OBLIGATION TO KEEP OUR SCHOOL CROSSINGS SAFE. CARS MUST NOT WAIT OR PARK WITHIN 20 METRES OF THE CROSSING AREA between 8am and 4pm. Be an Active Learner by making learning a priority. IF YOU DO YOU WILL BE REPORTED. School Parade Thursday 2.15pm for Years 1-6 __________________________ In this issue: (click to read more) HPE News Diary Dates and Meetings School Activities P&C News Community News SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 1 of 9 From the Deputy Principal Mark Craswell, Deputy Principal, [email protected] MAXIMIZING ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM (MAP) Throughout Term 2, Mr Whelan and I will be working with the all Year 4 classes to further enhance individual students’ Reading Comprehension skills. Each class receives two half-hour sessions per week on both Monday and Friday. During these sessions, classes are broken into three smaller, ability based groups, to ensure the activities are targeted at the students’ levels. The school will use PAT-R results and PROBE assessments to measure the growth of individual students and the success of the program overall. Should you have further questions, contact me directly. From the Acting Deputy Principal Jinder Kaur, STLaN [email protected] NAPLAN 2015 COMMENDATIONS to staff and students, NAPLAN testing went smoothly, students were calm, prepared and gave of their best. Test papers have been returned for marking and results will be sent to schools in August this year. GREAT RESULTS GUARANTEE A Parent Information Session on the Prep Oracy Program was held on Friday 8 May and was well attended. The Prep Oracy Program started in Term 2 and supports 21 students learning English as a second language (EAL/D). Learning takes place through reading and discussing texts. This exposes students to new vocabulary, teaches reading and comprehension skills. Mrs Kathy Campbell is the program coordinator and the program is delivered by Mrs Grady, Mrs Simar and Mrs Crofton. For further information please contact Mrs Campbell at [email protected] From the Literacy & Numeracy Coach Iris Van Sloten, [email protected] FOOD REVOLUTION DAY–JAMIE OLIVER TEACHES CLASS 1D Most parents can only dream of having their children eat red capsicum, raw cauliflower, radishes, cucumber and carrots. Yet, this was what Jamie Oliver was able to accomplish last Friday with his Food Revolution Day 2015. His 25 minute video was streamed to all registered schools and the convenience of pause and replay made it a great teaching tool. Miss Sophie Dent ensured all students sliced, cut, scooped and smashed (yes, you read correctly, smashed! – with a rolling pin) their own food and made their own ‘Squash It Sandwich’. The students absolutely revelled in this experience and surprised many. Here is a snapshot of some comments that were made after eating the wrap/ sandwich: “I want to keep some for my mum but I accidentally ate it all” “It actually tastes good!” “Amazing!” (after taking a big mouthful) “Yum, that’s delicious!” “I like this even though I don’t like some of the things in it” SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible NO BALL GAMES BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL. A reminder to families and students that due to the large number of people entering and leaving our school at Halstead Street, ball games such as football are not safe anywhere in the Kijini Campus area in the mornings before school or at the end of the day. Students can only play these games at the designated break times. Page 2 of 9 A huge thanks goes to Miss Sophie Dent for organising such an amazing event for those lucky students of 1D. I know from experience that cooking with a class takes lots of preparation but it is worth it when you see the students realise that healthy food can be so tasty and many often end up repeating the experience at home. It was a big job preparing everything but, despite some technical glitches, it ran very smoothly. Congratulations, 1D and thank you for allowing me to be a part of it. HPE NEWS Megan Carpenter [email protected] , and Kim Godson [email protected] LYTTON RUGBY UNION TRIALS Students born 2003, 2004 and 2005 are invited to attend an in-school trial to select students to send to the Lytton RU trials (to be held on Thursday 11 June). Students must sign-up at the PE office and collect a permission slip and have this signed by a parent in order to attend the trial. Please bring boots and mouthguard. The trial will be held on Thursday 28 May. Please meet on Carey Field at 12.45pm. HATS IN PE LESSONS Please ensure your child has a wide brimmed hat for PE lessons. Students who do not have a hat will not be able to participate in PE lessons for sun safety reasons. SENIOR ATHLETICS (Years 3-6) DATE CLAIMER Please be advised the annual Athletics Carnival will be held on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 June. WAR CRY COMPETITION (a message from the House Captains) As House Captains we have decided to hold a war-cry competition. To enter this competition you will have to be in Years 1 to 6. All war cries need to be written on a piece of paper, including your name, class and house e.g. Melba, Turner or Wentworth. You can do this in a group, with a friend or by yourself. There will be a ballot box outside 6C and the HPE Office. The competition will close on Monday 25 May. The House Captains will choose a winning War Cry for each House. Each winning War Cry will be sung at the Sports Carnivals this year and for many years to come. We will announce the winning War Cries on Parade. Dates will then be set to practise these with your House Captains. We hope to see everyone joining in to support their House. So get your thinking caps on and come up with a super COOL War Cry for your sports House. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 3 of 9 ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2015-CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS AND PARTICIPATION EVENTS (Years 3-6) As per last year’s Athletics Carnival, we will continue to run events on our Carnival Day as Championship events or Participation events. To gain entry into a Championship event at our Carnival, students must achieve a qualifying time/distance at a Trial. You will see in the table below, that each athletics discipline has several trial times. We encourage students to think about attending a pre or post school time, to avoid crowds. All students born 2006-2003 are invited to attend a Trial. Year 3 students will do their trials during PE lessons (they do not need to attend trials). Students can attend all Trials or choose events in which they excel. We encourage those students interested in becoming an Age Champion or being selected to attend Lytton District Athletics to compete in all Trials. Students who do not qualify to compete in Championship Events will compete in Participation Events for each of the athletic disciplines on Athletics Carnival Day. If you do not attend a Championship Trial, you will only be eligible to compete in the Participation Events on Carnival Day. Participation Events will not be awarded Age Champion Points. EVENT TRIAL DATE HIGH JUMP Week 6 Mon 25 May: 8:15am (before school), 12:30pm (lunch), 3.00pm (after school) Tues 26 May: 8:15am (before school), 12:30pm (lunch) (LOCATION-Kijini Oval) 800M Week 7 st Mon 1 June: 8:15am (before school), 3.00pm (after school) nd Tues 2 June: 8:15am (before school), 3.00pm (after school) (LOCATION-Carey Field) DISCUS*** TBC *** NB The Discus trial is a qualifier for Lytton. It will NOT be an event at our school athletics carnival. Age Champion points will NOT be awarded for discus. MUSIC NEWS Annelle Vogler, Music Teacher, [email protected] MUSIC DATES Autumn Music Concert – TONIGHT!! Tuesday 19 May. All musical groups arrive 6pm, at the Music block, for a 6:30pm start. - Program Year 4 Beginner Band Percussion Ensemble Year 5 Junior Band Recorder Ensemble Senior Band Raffle draw String Orchestra (Years 4 -6 only) Entertainment by Ms Van Sloten and Mrs Lewis Kijini Choir Junior Choir Senior Choir Boys Choir SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 4 of 9 Entry fee $5 per family. Light refreshments and raffle tickets will be available at the door from 6pm. Kijini Choir will be wearing the grey formal school uniform. The Boys Choir have been told what they are wearing (it’s a surprise!). The rest of the ensembles will be wearing the black and white Music uniform. 1. St Paul’s Fete – Saturday 23 May – Kijini Choir 9am, Recorder Ensemble 9:30am, Senior Concert Band 2:15pm 2. Choral Fanfare – Monday 25 May. Senior Choir 7:45am Letters were sent home about these three events, so if your child missed out, please see Mrs Vogler for a copy. All return slips were due back last Friday. OPEN REHEARSALS Week 5—Strings Orchestra – before school, Wednesday Week 6—Senior Band – before school, Tuesday Week 7—Junior Band Year 5, after school Monday Week 8—Junior Band Year 4, before school Monday Week 9—Senior Choir – before school, Thursday – rescheduled from Week 2 SCHOOL and COMMUNITY NEWS This week … Diary Dates and Meetings Payments School Activities P&C News Community News DIARY DATES AND MEETINGS Tuesday 19 May—ICAS, Digital Technologies Tuesday 19 May—Autumn Music Concert Wednesday 20 May—P&C Meeting, 7:00pm Saturday 23 May—St Pauls Fete Performance Monday 25 May—Year 5 & 6 German movie excursion Monday 25 May—Choral Fanfare Saturday 30 May—Trivia Night Monday 1 June—Year 2 Museum and Science Centre excursion Tuesday 2 June—Year 3 Planetarium excursion Wednesday 3 June—ICAS - Science Monday 8 June—Queen's Birthday holiday 2016 ENROLMENTS CANBERRA STUDY TOUR 2015 Monday 20 – Thursday 23 July 2015 ALL PAYMENTS DUE MONDAY 1 JUNE Follow these links to more information about the Canberra Study Tour Canberra - What to bring Canberra Itinerary 2015 Canberra Study Tour Information Travel Insurance is NOT included in the total payment. For families wishing to purchase travel insurance with Aussie Travel Cover (which includes up to $1,000.00 for Cancellation). Please contact Amy Roach at [email protected] Cost per student is $19.00 Wednesday 10 June—Open Day, 9:15am-11:00am For future events please visit the School Events Calendar SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 5 of 9 PAYMENTS ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE PAID BY THE DUE DATE. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR CHILD MISSING OUT ON AN EXCURSION OR EVENT. PAYMENTS DUE Friday 22 May $23—Year 3 Planetarium Monday 1 June—Year 6 Canberra Study Tour – final payment When making online payments to the school please include the Invoice Number as your payment reference. Failure to include a valid reference number can often mean that payment isn’t assigned to your child’s account. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES HELPING HANDS Onsite on 0458 038 769 or Central office on 07 5438 9549 or visit We are very excited to announce that we are finally beginning our Helping Hands Soar award that will be presented every fortnight at Parade beginning Thursday 21 May 2015. We understand that children should be acknowledged for SOARing at Helping Hands which we encourage very much at all times. On Thursday 21 May the first four children that will be receiving awards will be: Meila C, Year 1—for always helping at clean up time and making sure kitchen is spotless Jackson G, Year 3—for always using his manners. Olivia N, Year 5—showing great leadership skills particularly around the younger children in Prep. Andrew B, Year 6—for his supportive manner to other students. Just a reminder about the adventure camp that begins on Monday so get in quick ACTIVE SCHOOL TRAVEL Sally Hull – Active Travel Coordinator BE ACTIVE AND WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL ON THURSDAY 21 MAY Walk Safely to School Day is an annual event when all Australian primary school children are encouraged to walk safely to school. It promotes road safety, health, and the environment. To celebrate Walk Safely to School Day, our school is encouraging students to meet at one of the Park and Stride locations: Cnr Wakefield Street and Harries Road Leicester Street Wembley Park netball courts Teachers will meet students at 8am on Thursday at the Park and Stride locations. They will walk together as a group to walk to school at 8:15am. Students who participate will receive an extra stamp in their Active School Travel passport. Being part of the Active School Travel program, we are already leading by example and encouraging our students to actively travel every week. Being part of a national day also shows our students they are part of a much bigger movement encouraging healthier habits and a greener environment. So join in the fun, be active and healthy, and walk to school with your child on Thursday. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 6 of 9 SCHOOL BANKING Karyn Milne, School Banking Coordinator, [email protected] or 0407 114 181 Thank you to our volunteers last week who were Linda Thomson, Konio Kepui, Megan Homer and Yiping Fan. They did a great job! Tina from Commonwealth Bank visited Parade last Thursday to tell students about a small competition we are running to win a Dollarmites backpack full of goodies. Students who bank at least one Wednesday over the next five weeks will go into the draw to win the backpack. This will be drawn on the second last week of term. There will be no banking on the last week of term. Good luck bankers! P&C Contact the P&C - [email protected] P&C NEWS General P&C Meeting this Wednesday 20 May at 7pm in the Library. All are welcome. TRIVIA NIGHT: Junk to Funk! Register now for your table for the 2015 Trivia Night for Saturday 30 May at 7pm. Registrations are open for tables of 8-10 however if you don’t have the numbers we provide a table match-making service too! Cost is now $15 with BYO food and drinks. It will be a night of Trivia, Games, Prizes and old fashioned fun. Any questions, or to register your table, please contact Helen: [email protected] SCLO Leisa Whybird, SCLO and Uniform Shop - 3324 0053 or [email protected] WINTER UNIFORMS We currently have some additional stock in the school jackets and a limited amount of stock in the jumpers and track pants. If you would like to find out if we have the item and size you need please email Leisa: [email protected] SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 7 of 9 COORPAROO CONNECT FRIDAY 22 MAY 9AM Would you like to meet some other families from Coorparoo School? Have you some questions and you are not sure who to ask? Come and join us for a cup of tea and a catch up inside the Hall foyer near the kitchen. Everyone is very welcome. Miss Jinder and I hope to see you there on Friday. AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST MORNING TEA THURSDAY 28 MAY This year we again hosting an event with the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea with all proceeds raised going towards cancer research. In recent years at Coorparoo School our generous school families have provided donations of food for our very appreciative school staff who pay a $5 donation to join together and enjoy a scrumptious lunch. This year we are going to allocate a type of food to each class (such as a salad) and each class will provide one or two contributions towards this lunch. Look out for the email from your Parent Rep as we need each class to help to ensure we have enough food to feed our wonderful staff. SCHOOL DANCE FRIDAY 12 JUNE The first school dance for 2015 will be on Friday 12 June in the school Hall. All students from Prep to Year 6 are welcome to attend however all children must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. The Dance will be split into two sessions. 5.00pm – 6.30pm for Prep to Year 3. Pizza will be served from 5.00pm. The second session will run from 6.45pm – 8.45pm for Years 4 – 6 students. Ticket price is $10.00 per child and can only be purchased on the night. The cost includes a slice of pizza, a drink and an ice-block. Helpers are needed throughout the evening with selling tickets, security, serving food and clean up. Please contact Leisa Whybird: [email protected] if you are able to assist. IT'S A CARNIVAL YEAR! The planning for the 2015 Coorparoo State School Carnival is well underway and we are have a great team of enthusiastic parents/carers working and thinking of ways to bring you, your family and the local community a fantastic day of events. Working as part of this team is a great way to get to know your school community. We are currently looking for someone (or a group of friends) to run the following stalls: Second hand Books/DVDs and Magazines Second Hand Toys Bar Nachos If you are interested in joining the Carnival team please contact us on [email protected]. We can’t wait to hear from you! TRAMSTOP 26 Kate, Station Master, TramStop 26 [email protected] MENU NEWS You’ll notice that our sausage rolls look a bit different. They are still made with exactly the same ingredients, but are now prepared in a traditional sausage roll format. In case you are interested, our sausage rolls and burger patties are both made fresh by Carina North Quality Meats. They contain only meat and veggies (sausage rolls also contain egg) and are completely free from fillers and preservatives. BAKING VOLUNTEERS If you are a mad-keen baker and have an hour to spare, we’d love to see you at TramStop 26 on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Why not pop in for a chat and whip up a batch of mini-muffins, muesli slice, or ANZAC biscuits? SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 8 of 9 COMMUNITY NEWS KIDZCLUB At St Stephen’s Church, 343 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo Fridays during school term. A fun afternoon for kids aged Prep to Year 3 run by the St Stephen’s church community. Craft, games, bible stories, music, cooking, art, drama 4:00pm to 5:30pm, $2 per child. Afternoon tea provided. Please call Juliet Briner for more information on 0427 071 860 SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 9 of 9
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