2015 Nurse of the Year Nomination Form

Nomination Form
We all work side by side with great nurses. Nurses who are advocates for our patients and their families, who are
accomplishing things in their professional and personal lives.
We at the Pierce County Nurses Association would like to hear about these nurses and their accomplishments. Please take
the time to nominate someone for the PCNA Nurse of the year and give them the attention that they deserve!
When writing your nomination:
- Tell their story and how they are making a difference in the lives of their patients.
- Describe how they contribute to nursing practice.
- Share how they utilize leadership skills by engaging and empowering other nurses.
- Speak to any volunteering they do in the community to represent nursing in Pierce County.
Attach your nomination to this form and return to the PCNA office by March 31, 2015. Submissions can be scanned and
emailed to the office at [email protected] or mailed PCNA, 223 Tacoma Avenue South, Tacoma, WA 98402
Name of Nominee:
Place of employment:
PCNA Member since:
Your name & position:
E-mail for follow-up:________________________________
[email protected]