SOLUTION OF TJTE BOABD OF ÐIRECTORS ()1a TJTE PLTIM CREEK MITROPOJ,1TAN DISTRICI Co1orad Qpen Re ds ActRu1es and loücy WJ]IEREAS, tlie Plum Creek Metropolitan Distriet (the District) is a quasi-mtlniciJ)al corporation and political subclivision of ihe State of Colorado Iocated in Douglas County, colorado; an(1 WHËREAS, as a governniental entity, thc Distriet is sLlbjcct to and required to eomply with tlie Colorado Open Reeords Act, §24-72-200.1 to 206, C.R.S. (CORA); an(1 - the adoption ofpolicies specifying the applicablc conditions WRE,AS, CORA concerning the research and retrieval of public records, including thc irnposition of a research and retrieval fee; and WIIERF.AS, to provide guidance to persons who submit reqLlcsts for public rccojds to the Disirict pursuant lo CO1&A, the Distt•ict desires to adopt a poi icy i•egarding rcquests for ptlbl ic records and the research at)d retrieval fces that apply when respondiug to CORA requests; and NOW TT-1EREFOPE, be it resolved hy the oard of l)irectors of the PIum Creck Metropolitan l)istrict as follows: Rcsearch and 1. The Board hereby adopts the Policy Regarding Requests for Puhl ic Records Retrieval attachcd as Exhibit A to this resolution to becomc effective imrnccliately. - Adopted this l4 day ofTuly, 2014. ICT President, Boar of Directors of the Plum Crcek Metropolitan District Attest: Seere ary Page 1 of2 EXJJÍBIT A POLICY REOARDIMO EEQ(JESTS FORPUBLIC RECORIJS Researth anð Rotrieval Reqiicstiflg rublie Record To rcquest pubìie records, contaet CliflonLaìs011AIlefl LLP at 303-779-4525 who wili identify the Records requesLs rnust bc iJl writing md directed designated eustodian for the requested recoids. to the designated ctistodian of records. (ieneral emails to thc l)isttict [or inquiries on the Districts website oî social rnedia sitcsj will net he treated as records requests under CORA. Requcts must be submiticd to and received bythe designated reeords custodian. A11 i-equests rnust coiitain the following information: records being rcuested Describe the request as specificalìy as Descriptiofl ofthe possible. ffyüu are uncertain about which records contaiti the inforniation yeu are eeking, proviðe a descriptioil of the type of infornìation you are seaTching for, ineluding • date ranges. ff photoeopies or e1ectroiic eopies are being sought yOUr contact infonnatiofl and preferred method ofdelivcry oftlie rceords Li n ¡ tation Lhe Dislxict wiIl only produce those documents as permit(od by CORA. Documcnts that an prohibiteð from disclosure unðer CORA will not be relcased. ee and Costs Fees for research and refrieval ofpublic records may be jrnpesed at the discretion otthe reeords custodian as follows: - First Hour Second jnd Eaoh Suhsequent l-iour • - No Charge 3O/hour Hourly researcll and rctrieval feos may be adjusted çor ¡nflatioii pursuant to C.R.S. 24-72205(6)(b) ()ther fees rnay bc ìnposed at the discretiofl ofthc records oustodian eonsistent witb the provisiofls of CORA. pagczof2
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