Port Neches RiverFest Photo Contest 2015 ENTRIES will be accepted on SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015 at the Port Neches Public Library located at 2025 Merriman in Port Neches from 9:00 - 11:30 AM. COST per entry is $5 for Adults, and $3 for Children/Teens under 18. The Contest is open to all photographers in two age groups: Adult and Children/Teens under 18. ENTRIES may be from 8X10 up to 16 X 20 and must be placed in mats & frames with wire hangers. Entry nametags must be attached to each photograph on the back with your name and title of the photograph. JUDGING will be at 12:00 PM by a professional photography Judge. Ribbons will be placed by 2:00 PM and a RECEPTION will be held at 2:00 PM for the entrants in the Contest RIBBON AWARDS will be given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Places and Honorable Mention in each category. A Ribbon for “Best of Show” will also be awarded. LIABILITY Greatest care will be taken in handling all entries, RiverFest Photo shall not be held responsible for any damage or loss, which might occur. CATEGORIES are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. People Animals, Wildlife, & Insects Landscapes, Scenery and Architecture Black & White Port Neches Photos Contact Information for the RiverFest Photo Contest EMAIL – [email protected] 409-549-2601 Port Neches RiverFest Photo Contest 2015 NAME _____________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________ CITY & ZIP _________________________________________________ CELL PHONE ________________ HOME PHONE _________________ EMAIL ____________________________________________________ CHECK ONE Adult _________ Child Up to 18 __________ I hereby give Port Neches RiverFest permission to use photographs of my photos in public relations articles pertaining to the RiverFest. Signature _________________________________________________ List your entry titles here and attach the labels to the back of your photographs. Numbers will be assigned by RiverFest Photo Committee. #____ _____________________________________________________ #____ _____________________________________________________ #____ _____________________________________________________ #____ _____________________________________________________ #____ _____________________________________________________ #____ _____________________________________________________ #____ _____________________________________________________ #____ _____________________________________________________ #____ _____________________________________________________ Paid _____ Cash ____ Check # _____ ______ Total Amount ______ Please place labels on the back of your photo entries. Photos should be matted and placed in frames with wire hangers. Number ___________ Title _____________________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________________ Category: _________________________ 1 People 2 Animals, Wildlife, & Insects Phone _______________________ 3 Landscape Scenery & Architecture 4 Black & White 5 Port Neches Photos Number ___________ Title _____________________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________________ Category: _________________________ 1 People 2 Animals, Wildlife, & Insects 4 Black & White Phone _______________________ 3 Landscape Scenery & Architecture 5 Port Neches Photos Number ___________ Title _____________________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________________ Category: _________________________ 1 People 2 Animals, Wildlife, & Insects 4 Black & White Phone _______________________ 3 Landscape Scenery & Architecture 5 Port Neches Photos Number ___________ Title _____________________________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________________________ Category: _________________________ Phone _________________________ 1 People 2 Animals, Wildlife, & Insects 3 Landscape Scenery & Architecture 4 Black & White 5 Port Neches Photos
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