The Pedagogical University of Cracow Institute of Political Science Chair of Law and Administrative Sciences Chair of Economics and Economic Policy Chair of Public Policy The Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom Chair of Law have the pleasure to extend their invitation to an international scientific conference on Current modernisation processes in public administration: Polish and European experiences to be held on 22-23 April 2015 The event under the patronage of: His Magnificence Rector of the Pedagogical University of Cracow Professor Michał Śliwa The Cracow Bar Association The Association of Polish Lawyers scientific periodical Public Administration Yearbook published by the Institute of Political Science at the Pedagogical University of Cracow Conference venue: Pedagogical University of Cracow, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Cracow, Poland The Professor Wincenty Danek Auditorium I. The subject matter of the conference 1. The modernisation of public administration and the phenomena of Europeanisation and globalisation The modernisation processes in national public administration resulting from external factors related to global influences as well as the integration and co-dependence of European countries within the European Union and other international organisations. 2. Economic efficiency in the public sector The modernisation processes in public administration moving towards: privatising public tasks, developing an administration which provides public services, and boosting the operational efficiency of public administration bodies as well as the effectiveness of using public funds. 3. The openness of public administration: transparency, participation, social dialogue and e-administration Cooperation between public administration and civil society organisations, the participation by individuals in administrative rulemaking, the right to information and openness of administration, use of IT and ICT technologies in public administration, and the non-imperative actions by public administration. The conference is of interdisciplinary nature and includes such areas as: law, economics, political science, the science of administration, management, and history of administrative law and administration. We encourage and welcome paper proposals which analyse the modernisation of public administration from the perspective of: • current changes and trends in administrative law in Poland, the EU and European countries, • organisation and management in public administration, • concepts and priorities of as well as action taken by the government and the relations between public administration representatives and citizens; and • historical and socio-political determinants of change in public administration. As envisioned by the organisers, the conference participants will include representatives of legal sciences, in particular administrative law and EU law, 2 management and political science, PhD students and practitioners: governmental and local-level administration personnel, officials of state control bodies, as well as barristers, judges and legal counsels. II. Housekeeping information 1. Conference enrolment applications together with brief abstracts (on the sheet enclosed to this invitation) should be sent by email to [email protected] not later than by 30 November 2014. The Scientific Committee shall notify the applicants of the acceptance of their contributions by email. In the event of a great number of submissions, the organisers may select the papers to be delivered during the event. By 21 December 2014, the authors shall be notified of the acceptance of their contributions for presentation. Draft papers to be placed on the conference website should be sent by email to [email protected] by 15 March 2015. 2. The organisers pledge to publish the conference contributions in Public Administration Yearbook, conditional upon its positive reviews. Articles should be sent by email to [email protected] by 30 April 2015. Articles may be also printed in Public Administration Yearbook without the requirement of their authors’ participation in the conference. 3. Estimated paper delivery duration shall be 15 minutes + 10 minutes discussion time. 4. The conference fee amounts to PLN 300 and excludes accommodation. It covers coffee breaks, two lunches, a gala dinner on the first day of the conference and conference materials. 5. Accommodation can be provided at the Krakowiak Student House (single room with a bathroom including breakfast). If single-day accommodation is used, the conference fee shall be PLN 392; in the case of a two-day stay it shall be PLN 484, and PLN 576 in the case of three-day accommodation. 6. The payment should be made by bank transfer by 15 March 2015 onto the following account: 3 Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej Bank Pekao SA oddział w Krakowie domestic transfer 71 1240 4722 1111 0000 4852 4687 international transfer PKOPPLPW PL 71 1240 4722 1111 0000 4852 4687, SWIFT: please add the following information: DK-93, first name and surname of the participant (e.g. DK-93 Jan Kowalski) Once paid, the conference fee will not be returned, should an enrolled conference participant resign from attending the event. Scientific Committee: Prof. UP, dr hab. Andrzej Madera - Chairperson Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Jan Bednarczyk Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Dudzik Prof. nadzw. ks. dr hab. Sławomir Fundowicz Prof. zw. dr hab. Marian Grzybowski Prof. zw. dr hab. Andrzej Jaeschke Prof. UP, dr hab. Andrzej Kozera Prof. UP, dr hab. Janina Pach Prof. zw. dr hab. Andrzej K. Piasecki Prof. UP, dr hab. Piotr Tusiński Organisational Committee: Dr Inga Kawka - Chairperson Dr Karol Bieniek Dr Anna Juryk Dr Łukasz Kozera Dr Małgorzata Kożuch Dr Agata Nodżak Dr Barbara Węglarz Dr Mariusz Wieczorek With kind regards Chairperson of the Organisational Committee dr Inga Kawka 4
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