rJ:vnrn:rufio{'fif,vrdaou#unrunjlunr:aou6'o16onrtrci'rdnur:vo'ur.irufisrfinur nruvn:fl rdni ofirarn:niulrrivrurdu ua-n d n :n:fl ,r an :ruurfrufi or arrrimnr:aounrrgrdrnqur{Junrurrir.:U:yrmn (ua-nqn:ururrtfi ) il:vqirnrnnr:6nurdu fl nr:6nrc1 2ssa Eligibte Candidates for Interview Master of Education in Teaching Engtish as a Foreign Language (lnternationa[ Program) First semester, 2015 iuaoud'untcnj lnterview Date (First iuorfrnrjfi 26 Admission) r?a1 13.00 - 18.00 u. sunday, April26,2015 Time 1 p.m.- 6 p.m. j_ dnluLdou _ rlr1e.ruu yr.Fj.2558 r.lot 921 ornr: Z tiu g rrruvn:nrani qwraln :6f:.rurivr ur#u Venue Faculty of Education, Building 2, Room 821, Bth Floor Chulaton gkorn University ruarunr:finur n 2 ( pl.an B ) {a - alquyr Name of applicants No. 1 6na Mr KiKi Juti Anggoro rondlrfi 6'0.:d1il't rrfl q{luiuaoud'lnt*ni Documents to be presented on the interview 1. Passport 2. Officiat English tesL result 2 Miss Nirma 3 Miss Etsa Hapsari Paris 1 P:csnnrt 1. Passport 2. 2 Recommendation letters 4 Mr. Sudarman 1. Passport 2. Official transcript 5 Mr. Albert Urbano 1 P;qcnari a vr a\f€;-i-l +rlh.-.;^+ z. I rLro\ tror rJLrrPL 3 Offir-i:l 6 Miss Xiaosu Chen 7 Miss Tanasiri Thongpragob 8 Mr. Torranin Chuprayun ppcrrli Fnolich fpqf LLJ( rC)U(L 1 P:<<nnri 1. Official transcript 2. OfficiaI Engtish test resu|'t 3. 2 Recommendation [etters 9 Mr. Piyanut Jringchit 1. OfficiaI transcript 2. OfficiaI Eng|.ish test resul.t g0 alnuyl - dna t ro n aT Name of appticants No. Mr. Marut Shingshana r0 :fi 6'o.rri1il 1 116 q{lu iuaou#ln t*ni Documents to be presented on the interview 1. Official transcript 2. Statement of purposes 3. 2 Recommer-dation lerrers 1.r Miss Apiksana Jaimun I2 Mr. Tomas Bazika 13 Miss MinLra Phithakmethakun $r{un1:6nu1 alnuvt No. 1 1. Official transcript u(Pl,anc) ?J0 - dna ronar:fi q Name of applicants Miss Sarocha Sirawitchayakul 6'o.rri1sJ1 ud et{luiuaoud'unrrgni Documents to be presented on the interview 1. Application form 2. Official transcrlpt 3. Official. Engtish test result 4. Statement of purposes 5. 2 Recommendation Letters 2 Mr. Guiltaume Pau[ Napoleon Langtois 3 Miss Yujiao Zhang 4 Miss Sarisa Maiward 5 Miss Wasida Sawongta 6 Miss Patcharin Klongphajonkit 1 Mr. Wongsakorn Teerakanok 9 1. Passport 2. Officiat transcript '1 P:scnnrf 1. Official. Engtish test Miss Phatchareporn Supphipat 1. Official. transcript Miss Patcharaporn Jantarakot 1. OfficiaI transcript 2 resu|.t Official Fnptish tesl resu|'t frarin:vr-:ozuaaounrut6'tnqu ua'nan:qvvirnr:fiou#rnrrcnilu;Lorfinrifi z+ lnrqunrnr 2558 lprafi ,-.1 ^^ 1-.-'-t'io1lt??ltJanvuuLaun0{zuluLfltu94uolllanan:drlvl*dyGrrlrfrnur r.l'lflaiarTn:qygioleililanyLtr,.tr.l -i nrr*rolnqufi For drtritr nr:aounlurrjrril:v ril rtnr utu iuit zs yi qun.r Fr! 255 g the appticants who are waiting for the Engtish [anguage test. The TEFL program witr arrange the interview for the applicants on Sunday 24, 2015. However the resutt wilt be announced once you pass the Eng[ish requirement. Ptease submit the resul.t to the Division of Foreign Language Teaching by May 29,2015. a10uyt No. 1 t0 - dna ra Name of appticants nar:fi 6'ottirlr rrao.rluiuaou#unt*ni Documents to be presented on the interview Miss Nawaporn KasamLatanan 1. Official transcrlpt 2. Eng|.ish test resu[t 2 Miss Chon[ada Suma 1 n|fi-;-l f. vrrrLro( +11^--.i^+ Ltot )LilPL 2 Fnolich _ l'-' to<t recr rli _ 3 Miss Sompida Malayaporn 1. Officiat transcript 2. OfflciaI English tesr result f:vnrg ru iuit zq rn'ou rtlurelu v,l.A.255g Announced, 24 April, 2015 I.I n.ru^rr y4L{zt'Yt{1* tl ry' (:o.rflran:rqr:rj o:. arrfi f1urla) Assoc. Prof. Sumatee Chinokul, Ph.D. il : vor u n ru v ar n :: :L nr : u3ll r : li #n r ri r r n r : a o u n r ur d.r n q an : nr : n r a n : r.J y r lYru fr n ul{l unr ur ri r r | : v ru fl Program Director, M.Ed. in TEFL program
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