A team from Indigenous Hip Hop Productions is coming to Ngalapita

A team from Indigenous Hip Hop Productions
is coming to Ngalapita School!
They will be staying in the community for a week to
help us make our very own music video. Please sign a
media consent form so your child can participate.
Monday 25th May – Friday 29th May
“Melu Guddu Skudduwun Skool”
Term 1, 2015
Principal’s Report
As often happens in these remote schools
the first term for 2015 has been very quiet.
We have been cut off by the Fitzroy River at
Noonkanbah Crossing for most of the term,
although there was a short period of time
when the river dropped to nearly half a
metre and some brave individuals were
driving across. The long way round across Christmas Creek has
also been impassable for much of the time, so we have been
quite isolated.
Our student numbers have been quite small, as some families
have been struggling to get back into the community and others
have been busy seeing their older students off to boarding
school. The students that have been at school this term have
settled into school life quickly, working hard and demonstrating
good school behaviour.
Miss Anna and Mr Fletch are back in their classrooms planning
lots of exciting learning activities for the year. Miss Devina is
back now and working in Mr Fletch’s class. Mr Edmond has left
to return to Katherine and work at the Clontarf Academy there.
Miss Anne is working around the school, cleaning up for us and
Mr Frank Smiler is helping to keep the garden under control. I
really appreciate all the work done by the staff to keep the
school running smoothly.
Term 2 will be long and busy with lots of activities planned for the
students including Hip Hop in Week 6. We wish all our families a
safe Easter break and we will see you back at school on Monday
20th April.
Teresa Ostberg
Ngalapita Remote Community School
P.O. Box 62
Fitzroy Crossing 6765
Phone: (08) 9191 7942
Fax: (08) 9191 7946
Junior Primary Class
There is a lot to love
about being back at
school, but for the little
kids the novelty of a
brand new dollshouse in
the play corner has
made everything just a
bit more exciting. Students have enjoyed
trying new games and activities together,
helping to include the newest member of our
class, Jimmisha.
Recently the students gave an oral recount
of Lamb-a-Roo, which was videotaped and
shown at assembly. The audience couldn’t
dramatically told story of a little sheep and
his kangaroo mother. Well done Junior Class!
This term we have a Book of the Week
theme. Students complete a number of
thinking and writing activities in the first four
days, and look forward to a craft activity on
Friday. Come and see some of their beautiful
work samples up on the wall in our Reading
We’ve had some delicious Math lessons
lately, as we learn about halves, quarters and
eighths with the help of a pizza! Sometimes
it’s tricky to see if something has been cut
right down the middle, so we put the two
pieces on top of each other to check if
they’re the same size. We’ve also learnt that
you can cut halves diagonally, horizontally
and vertically. Have a go at home next time
you’re eating a piece of toast! 
Anna Fletcher
Upper Primary Class
It’s been a bit of a wet
start to the year, but we
are slowly gaining some
attendance, and hope
to see this improve as we
move into next term.
The Upper Class have recently been working
on a video project, as part of their literacy
program. Students had to speak clearly and
confidently in Standard Australian English as
they described the activities and events that
occur in a typical day of their lives. The video
will be shared with Ocean Grove Primary,
one of the schools visited at the end of last
year while the students were in Melbourne.
Students loved the challenge of trying to hold
a range of different materials in the Runny
Races test, to determine whether they were
a solid or a liquid. All liquids flow, so if it was
getting away through our fingers, it was most
likely a liquid!
In Math, we have been focusing on the four
operations, and mapping. Students have fun
drawing their own map of the school, then
using it to indicate hidden items.
elaborate treasure hunt took place one
afternoon and was enjoyed by both young
and old alike!
In Science we are learning about matter,
discovering the different properties and
behaviours of solids, liquids and gases.
Matthew Fletcher