Gazit-Globe Real Estate Institute SUN-MO N An international conference on: June 1415, 2015 Private Communities and Urban Governance: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives IDC Herzliya campus, Kanfei Nesharim St., Herzliya Sunday, June 14, 2015: 9:00 Opening Remarks Prof. Uriel Reichman, President and Founder, IDC Herzliya Prof. Amnon Lehavi, Academic Director, Gazit-Globe Real Estate Institute, IDC Herzliya 9:15 Session I Moderator: Prof. Sharon Rabin-Margalioth, Dean, Radzyner Law School, IDC Herzliya Prof. Lei Chen, City University of Hong Kong “Can Condominium Associations Make the State Listen in China?” Prof. Leonid Polishchuk, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia Dr. Gillad Rosen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem “Urban Renewal and Private Governance: Condo-ism in Toronto and Jerusalem” 15:15 Session IV Moderator: Prof. Yoram Shachar, Radzyner Law School, IDC Herzliya Prof. Simon Hakim, Temple University, USA “Security in the Urban Space: Exploring Private Alternatives” Prof. Evan McKenzie, University of Illinois, USA “Rethinking Residential Private Government in the United States: Recent Trends in Practices and Policy” “Private Communities, Social Capital, and the Quality of Governance” Monday, June 15, 2015: 11:00 Session II Moderator: Dr. Anat Rosenberg, Radzyner Law School, IDC Herzliya Moderator: Dr. Meirav Aharon-Gutman, Technion Prof. Susanne Heeg, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany “Building for Urban Success: Project Developments and Social Exclusivity in Germany” Prof. Amnon Lehavi, Academic Director, Gazit-Globe Real Estate Institute, IDC Herzliya “Community and Localism in a Heterogeneous Urban Space: The Case of Israel” 13:30 Session III Moderator: Dr. Talia Margalit, Tel-Aviv University Prof. Clara Irazábal, Columbia University, USA “Public, Private, and Community-Based Governance: Reflections from Latin American Cases” 9:15 Session V Prof. Cornelius Van Der Merwe, Stellenbosch University, South Africa “European Condominium Law: Eight Key Choices” Prof. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain “New Types and Trends of Condominiums in Post-Crisis Spain” 11:00 Session VI Moderator: Dr. Ravit Hananel, Tel-Aviv University Prof. Sharon Krefetz, Clark University, USA “Unlocking the ‘Gates’ and Climbing Over the ‘Walls’: Opening Up Exclusive Communities” Dr. Adam Shinar, Radzyner Law School, IDC Herzliya “Religion and the Construction of Urban Spaces” The event will be held in English. Limited seats available. Please RSVP: [email protected]
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