CANDY BOUQUET ORDER FORM ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT RELAY FOR LIFE! Name ______________________________________ Contact Number _____________________ Order Date ________________________________ Completion Date ____________________ This Bouquet is for (circle one) Please circle size of bouquet boy girl Small $12 woman man Medium $18 Large $24 XLarge $30 Small will include approx. 6 large candy bars; Medium will include a mixture of small and large candy as well as a base candy; Large will include a very full variety of small and large as well as a base candy and filler (example is skittles above); XLarge will include large variety of everything plus an edible base and will be plenty to share! Please specify color preference if any _____________________________________________________ Please specify theme if any _________________________________________________________________ Please circle atleast 3 types of candy you would like in your bouquet- you may circle as many as you’d like Snickers Reeses M&Ms KitKat Hersheys Skittles Almond Joy Mounds Twix Baby Ruth Milky Way 3 Musketeers Butterfinger Tootsie Rolls Gum DumDums AirHeads Starburst OTHER: _______________________________________________________________________________________ I prefer (circle one) miniature candy full size candy mixture Specific Dislike _______________________________________________________________________________ Add A Card $1 to read _______________________________________________________________________ We can add anything you’d like to your bouquet to make it more unique! There is an additional charge unless you provide item! Some examples include matchbox cars, Barbie doll, movie tickets, gift cards etc. Be creative! Custom Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________ We look forward to creating this especially for you! All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Please make checks payable to American Cancer Society or ACS. Return this order form along with payment to: Michelle Linkous -1330 Huffville Rd. Pilot, VA 24138. 540.239.3747
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