Homework 6. Time Clauses / Clauses of Result / Clauses of Reason

UNIT 6 Clauses. Part I. Time Clauses / Clauses of Result / Clauses of Reason
Clauses – придаточные предложения.
Time Clauses
The children had breakfast with their parents before they left for
Their mother will have cleaned the house by the time they come
Придаточные предложения времени вводятся с помощью следующих временных словсвязок:
when – as – no sooner … than – while – before – the moment that – since – after – hardly … when –
till/until – by the time – whenever – as long as – as soon as, etc.
Придаточные предложения времени являются подчиненными предложениями и
обычно идут после главного предложения. Когда придаточное предложение времени
идет перед главным предложением, ставится запятая.
After I have cleaned my room,
I will watch TV.
I will watch TV after I have cleaned my room.
time clause
main clause
main clause
time clause
Мы никогда не используем будущее время после временных слов-связок; вместо этого
мы используем present simple или present perfect, когда говорим о будущем.
Sharon will give us the money after she gets paid. (NOT: after she will get paid.)
Согласование времен
 Придаточные предложения времени подчиняются правилу согласования времен. Это
значит, что когда глагол в главном предложении стоит в форме настоящего (present)
или будущего (future) времени, то глагол в придаточном предложении времени стоит в
форме настоящего времени. Когда глагол в главном предложении стоит в форме
прошедшего времени (past), то глагол в придаточном предложении времени стоит также
в форме прошедшего времени.
Main clause
Time clause
present / future / imperative*
present simple or present perfect
He watches the news before he goes to bed.
I’ll tidy up after we finish/have finished cooking.
Lock the door when you leave.
past simple / past perfect
past simple or past perfect
She had a nap after she had tidied up.
Jim had fallen asleep before Ann got home.
*imperative – повелительное наклонение
Подчеркните правильное время.
1. When we go/’ll go shopping, I’ll buy you something nice.
2. Donna started looking for a new job after she will pass/had passed the exam.
3. I always will wake up/wake up when the alarm clock goes off.
4. When we go/went to the party, we took a gift with us.
5. After I have finished my homework, I watch/will watch a film on TV.
6. I will paint/painted the walls after I had covered all the furniture with old sheets.
7. The children are going to the park. They will have some ice cream while they will be/are there.
8. No sooner she had left the building than fire broke/breaks out.
9. By the time Sam finishes/will finish work, it will be dark outside.
10. Joan stayed at the office until she has done/had done all her work.
11. I usually read/will read a book before I go to sleep.
UNIT 6 Clauses. Part I. Time Clauses / Clauses of Result / Clauses of Reason
Time Conjunctions (Временные слова-связки)
 before = before a past time
Melissa started work last year. She had
graduated two years before.
(= two years before last year)
 ago = before now
e.g. Peter graduated four years ago.
(= four years before now)
by the time + clause = before, not later than
the moment something happens
I will have arranged everything by the time
you come back. (= before, not later than the
moment you come back)
 by = not later than
I have to be back by Tuesday evening.
(= not later than Tuesday evening)
Note: not … until/till = not … before
I will not sign anything until/till/before I
have talked to my lawyer.
 during + noun = in the period of time
The earthquake occurred during the night.
 while/as + clause = in the time period
e.g. The earthquake occurred while/as they were
as soon as = the moment (that)
Call me as soon as/the moment (that) you
until/till + clause/time adverb = up to time
e.g. He will wait for you until/till you are ready.
(up to the time when you are ready)
I’ll be away until/till Tuesday. (=up to
no sooner … than = hardly … when
Мы используем эту конструкцию, чтобы
показать, что одно действие произошло
почти сразу после другого действия.
Sheila had no sooner finished reading the
letter than she burst into tears.
I had hardly opened the door when the cat
got out.
when (time conjunction) + present tense
when (question word) + will
e.g. When I see Tom, I’ll let him know. (time
I don’t know when he will be back. (question
2 Заполните пропуски, используя since, until, while, before, hardly … when or as long as.
1. I was listening to the radio …when… I heard the news.
2. Sharon waited in the car ……………………… Sam was filling the petrol tank.
I had ……………………… finished my dinner ……………………… my fried knocked at the door.
I have to do my homework ……………………… I can go out.
You can keep this book ……………………… you like.
Jack has been friend with Seb ……………………… they were at school together.
She fell asleep ……………………… she closed her eyes.
I can’t pay the bills ……………………… my boss gives me my wages.
Изучите следующие примеры. Второе предложение имеет такое же значение, как и первое.
1. She left the house. Her mobile phone rang.
She had no sooner left the house than her mobile phone rang.
2. You can’t go out. You have to do your homework first.
You can’t go out until you have done your homework.
You can’t go out before you have done your homework.
3. We will finish our homework before we go to the party.
We will go to the party after we finish/have finished our homework.
4. Simon talked to the teacher during the break.
Simon talked to the teacher while he was having a break.
5. Rob had no sooner set out than the storm broke.
Rob had hardly set out when the storm broke.
UNIT 6 Clauses. Part I. Time Clauses / Clauses of Result / Clauses of Reason
Дополните каждое предложение, используя от 2 до 5 слов, включая выделенные слова.
We can’t leave. We have to wait for the rain to stop first.
We can’t leave …until the rain has… stopped.
Jessica opened the door. The bird flew out of the cage.
Jessica had …………………………………………………. the bird flew out of the cage.
They returned home. They realized that their house had been burgled.
They had no …………………………….. they realized that their house had been burgled.
As soon as he saw the police, he started running.
moment He started running …………………………………………………………… the police.
She collected some information before she called the agency.
She called the agency …………………………………………………. some information.
Helen had no sooner set the table than the guests arrived.
Helen had ……………………………………………………………… the guests arrived.
Paul fell asleep during the film.
Pal fall asleep …………………………………………………………………….. the film.
They will come home at seven o’clock. Mary will have cooked dinner by then.
Mary will have cooked dinner by ………………………………………………… home.
Clauses of Result
Forests are being destroyed.
As a result/Therefore/Consequently a lot of animals are losing
their homes.
Придаточные предложения результата используются для выражения результата чего-то.
Они вводятся с помощью:
so – so/such … (that) – as a result – therefore – consequently/as a consequence, etc.
e.g. I was tired, so I went to bed early.
such a/an + adjective + singular countable noun (такой (,что) + прилагательное + исчисляемое
существительное в единственном числе)
She is such a nice girl (that) everybody likes her.
such + adjective + plural/uncountable noun (такой (,что) + прилагательное + существительное
во множественном числе или неисчисляемое)
They are such friendly people (that) they make you feel welcome.
It was such hot weather (that) we went swimming.
such a lot of + plural/uncountable noun (так много (,что) + существительное во
множественном числе или неисчисляемое)
They gave me such a lot of presents (that) I couldn’t carry them home.
so + adjective/adverb (такой (,что) + прилагательное/наречие)
She is so clever (that) everyone admires her.
He runs so fast (that) no one can complete with him.
so much/so little + uncountable noun (так много/так мало (,что) + неисчисляемое
so many/so few + plural noun (так много/так мало (,что) + существительное во
множественном числе)
There was so much smoke in the room (that) I couldn’t breathe.
There were so many people on the bus (that) we couldn’t move.
He has so few friends (that) he feels lonely at times.
She earns so little money (that) she can’t live on her salary very easily.
as a result/therefore/consequently (в результате этого, следовательно)
Certain species of animals are being killed for their fur, and
as a result/therefore/consequently they are becoming extinct.
Certain species of animals are being killed for their fur.
As a result/Therefore/Consequently, they are becoming extinct.
UNIT 6 Clauses. Part I. Time Clauses / Clauses of Result / Clauses of Reason
Заполните пропуски, используя so, such или such a.
1. A: Why didn’t you come to work last week?
B: I had …such a…bad cold that I stayed in bed all week.
2. A: Are you going to Jon’s party tonight?
B: No, I have …………………………………… much work to do that I can’t go.
3. A: I really like that new shop in town.
B: So do I, but it sell …………………………………… expensive clothes that I never buy anything.
4. A: I don’t want to go out tonight.
B: Oh, but it’s ………………………………lovely evening that it would be a shame to stay at home.
5. A: I didn’t enjoy that film last night.
B: Neither did I. It was …………………………………… boring that I almost fell asleep.
Узнать является существительное исчисляемым или неисчисляемым можно в словаре (C или U):
Дополните предложения, используя от 2 до 5 слов, включая выделенные слова.
It was raining heavily. We stayed in.
It was raining …so heavily that we…stayed in.
We had a great time because the people at the hotel were very friendly.
They were ………………………………… people at the hotel that we had a great time.
Jackie spent a lot of money last week, so she can’t pay the rent now.
Jackie spent ………………………………… last week that she can’t pay the rent now.
Kate doesn’t pay much attention to the way she dresses. She looks untidy.
Kate pays ………………………………… to the way she dresses that she looks untidy.
There was a lot of noise last night and I couldn’t sleep.
There was ………………………………… last night that I couldn’t sleep.
The party wasn’t success because Jack invited very few people.
Jack invited ………………………………… to the party that it wasn’t a success.
The cake was delicious. We ate it all.
It was ………………………………… that we ate it all.
The instructions were confusing. I couldn’t understand them.
They were ………………………………… I couldn’t understand them.
The weather was bad. We didn’t enjoy our holiday.
It was ………………………………… we didn’t enjoy our holiday.
Clauses of Reason
The air is becoming polluted because of factories.
The air is becoming polluted due to the fact that there are a lot of factories.
Придаточные предложения причины используются для выражения причины чего то.
Они вводятся с помощью:
 as/since (так как)
She took a taxi home as/since it was late. As/Since it was late, she took a taxi home.
 because (потому что)
I went to bed early because I was tired. Because I was tired, I went to bed early.
 the reason for + noun/-ing form (причина + существительное/глагол в -ing форме)
the reason why + clause (причина того, что + придаточное предложение)
The reason for her delay was (the fact) that she had missed the train.
The fact that she had missed the train was the reason for her being delayed.
 because of/due to + noun (из-за + существительное)
because of the fact that /due to the fact that + clause (по причине того, что + придаточное
They came home late because of the traffic. They came home late due to the traffic.
She was promoted because the fact that she works hard.
She was promoted due to the fact that she works hard.
UNIT 6 Clauses. Part I. Time Clauses / Clauses of Result / Clauses of Reason
Перефразируйте предложения, используя слова в скобках.
1. He wore a jacket because it was cold. (since)
…Since it was cold, he wore a jacket…
2. She won the competition, so she was happy. (due to)
3. There was a lot of noise, so she couldn’t concentrate. (because)
4. He was new to the area, and therefore he didn’t know anyone. (as)
5. She missed the bus, so she was late for the meeting. (the reason for)
6. He worked hard, and as a result he passed the exams with excellent grade. (because of)
7. His best shirt was dirty, therefore he couldn’t wear it to the party. (the reason why)
7 Дополните предложения, используя от 2 до 5 слов, включая выделенные слова.
1. Tim turned on the lights because it was dark.
Tim turned on the lights …since it was… dark.
2. He didn’t have any qualifications. As a result, he didn’t get the job.
because He didn’t get the job ……………………………………… any qualifications.
3. The fact that the job was poorly paid was the reason why she turned it down.
The fact that the job was poorly paid was ……………………………………… it down.
4. They didn’t go because it was foggy.
They didn’t go ……………………………………… the fog.
5. She didn’t have enough cash with her, so she paid by credit card.
She paid by credit card ……………………………………… enough cash with her.
6. She didn’t hear her alarm clock. As a result, she was late for work.
She was late for work …………………………………… she didn’t hear her alarm clock.
7. The reason why she wanted to be alone was the fact that she was upset.
The fact that she was upset was ……………………………………… to be alone.
8. They didn’t know the area well, so they asked for directions.
They asked for directions ……………………………………… the area well.
9. David put more wood on the fire because it was cold.
David put more wood on the fire ……………………………………… cold.
10. Some trees fell down last night because it was windy.
Some trees fell down last night ……………………………………… wind.