UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS SCHOOL OF COMPUTER & COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING EKT303/4 PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE LAB 4 : MEMORY DESIGNS IN VHDL Lab4 EKT303 Principles of Computer Architecture LAB 4: Memory design OUTCOME: 1) 2) 3) 4) Ability to identify the sequential operation techniques Ability to describe the operation of sequential synthesis Ability to demonstrate the use of architecture types Ability to develop a simple VHDL program in Altera Quartus II software INTRODUCTION In computer architecture terms, memories are actually a form of data storage (registers) and are usually referred to as a part of computer components that have the ability to retain digital data. Computer data storage provides one of the core functions of the modern computer, that of information retention. It is one of the fundamental components of all modern computers, and coupled with a central processing unit (CPU, a processor), implements the basic computer model used since the 1940s known as the stored-program concept. A memory can either be non-volatile (as seen in a read-only memory) or volatile (used in random-access memory). Read-Only Memory (ROM) Read-only memory (usually known by its acronym, ROM) is a class of storage media used in computers and other electronic devices that is nonvolatile (non-changeable). Because data stored in ROM cannot be modified (at least not very quickly or easily), it is mainly used to distribute firmware (software that is very closely tied to specific hardware, and unlikely to require frequent updates). Figure 4.1 below depicts a ROM block diagram which have k-bit address and an n-bit data. Figure 4.1 : ROM block diagram The contents of a ROM chip are defined once. Hence, we can use a constant array to model a ROM in VHDL. Basically, to name the size of a ROM is by stating ROM k x n, which represents ROM with k-bit address and n-bit data size. For example, ROM 4x8 (16 address location with each location containing 8-bit data). Page | 1 UniMAP Lab4 EKT303 Principles of Computer Architecture The following Figure 4.2 illustrates an example of ROM4x7 which contains the seven-segment decoder data. Figure 4.2 : VHDL code for a ROM4x7 containing seven segment data codes. Base in the example in Figure 4.2, the operation of this ROM will output the concerned data based on the address issued. Page | 2 UniMAP Lab4 EKT303 Principles of Computer Architecture Random Access Memory (RAM) Random Access Memory (commonly known acronym RAM) is a class of storage media used in computers and other electronic devices that is volatile (changeable). The operation of a RAM is slightly different to a Readonly Memory (ROM) where RAMs can perform read and write data operations based on the address whereas the latter can only read. In VHDL, RAM may be modeled in much the same way as a ROM. Because of data may be stored in the RAM as well as read from it, declaration of the data signal must have ‘in’ mode and ‘out’ mode. Figure 4.3 below shows the VHDL description of a Static RAM. Like the ROM, the memory array is modeled as an array, this time as a signal (or a variable inside a process) not as a constant. The default initial value of a signal or variable std_logic should be ‘U’ (unknown logic) when synthesized, because no initial value was defined inside the array locations. As was done in ROM, again, the example provided does not include timing which could be easily done. Figure 4.3 : VHDL code for a Static RAM 16x8 Page | 3 UniMAP Lab4 EKT303 Principles of Computer Architecture Simulate this RAM example in Altera Quartus II software with the following time parameters and waveform: End time := 1.0 us Grid size := 50.0 ns & snap to grid Waveform and values as in Figure 4.4 below := Figure 4.4 : Static RAM waveform editor Observe the operation’s behavior every time the chip select (cs) is forced high. EXERCISE 1. Figure 4.2 above show the ROM operation without any synchronization. Rewrite the code to allow the ROM operation to work in snyc only when a read enable is asserted. 2. Figure 4.3 above show the RAM operation without any synchronization. Rewrite the code to allow the RAM operation to work in sync only when a read enable is asserted. Page | 4 UniMAP Lab4 EKT303 Principles of Computer Architecture 3. Create a Synchronous RAM with the following block diagram : In_clk write 8 Data_in 4 Data_out 8 Address Out_clk read Block diagram of a dual clock RAM Where : In_clk write Data_in Address Out_clk read Data_out : timing for data to be written : write control signal : 8 bit data to be stored : 4 bit address location : timing for data to be read : read control signal : 8 bit data to be read Simulate the RAM using the following timing parameters : End time Grid size In_clk Out_clk : 1.0 ms : 50.0 us : count every 5.0 us : count every 20.0 us Generate and simulate the VHDL codes in Altera Quartus II for the above exercise. Page | 5 UniMAP
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