VUnit - VHDL test automation

VUnit - VHDL test automation
A tool suite to improve VHDL testing through automation
• An assertion-based test framework based on the
xUnit architecture
• Test bench generation that adapts to the design
under test as it evolves
• Automated compilation and simulation of test
• Automatic traceability between logs and
VHDL file/line
• Support for VHDL-93, 2002, and 2008
• Scripting support for easy integration
with other tools.
• Log analysis tool
• Support for generating valid generic combinations
• Jenkins integration to provide a continuous and distributed testing service.
Modelsim support
Jenkins support
Synective Labs - The FPGA Experts
Synective Labs is specializing in FPGA technology and FPGA based solutions with focus
on high performance systems. Our offerings range from development of complete systems
to assisting in our cutomers development process, helping them to design better products.
With VUint we have helped customers to with less effort increase test coverage and quicker reach fully functional systems. How can we help you?