Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 Reporting Period: 1 January 2015 – 31 March 2015 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 Disclaimer This is a proprietary Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) document and is not to be relied upon by any person other than PoMC and its employees, contractors and authorised representatives. PoMC makes no express or implied guarantees, representations or warranties to any third party as to whether the requirements of this document will be fulfilled by PoMC, its employees, agents or contractors or anyone else to whom the document relates. PoMC accepts no liability for any reliance by any third party on the procedures detailed in this document. Copyright All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, graphic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded, or otherwise, without the prior express written permission of PoMC. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page ii Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4 Project Activities ................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Civil works .................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Maritime works .......................................................................................................... 7 2.3 PoMC Works .............................................................................................................. 8 2.4 Operator Works .......................................................................................................... 8 2.4.1 International Container Terminal and Empty Container Park (VICT) . 8 2.4.2 Automotive Terminal (MIRRAT) .............................................................. 8 2.4.3 Pre‐Delivery Inspection works (Patrick AutoCare) ................................ 8 2.4.4 Pre‐Delivery Inspection works (Prixcar)................................................... 9 Environmental Management Plan Activity Update .................................................... 9 3.1 Communications and Consultation Summary ...................................................... 9 3.2 Audits ........................................................................................................................ 11 3.3 Inductions and Training .......................................................................................... 11 3.4 Reporting and Notifications to Government Agencies ...................................... 12 3.5 Environmental Incidents ......................................................................................... 13 3.6 Environmental Monitoring ..................................................................................... 14 Buffer Management Plan Activity Update ................................................................. 14 4.1 Buffer Management Plan Development and Approval ...................................... 14 4.2 Buffer Planning, Design and Construction Activities ......................................... 15 Appendix A ....................................................................................................................... 16 Appendix B: Buffer Management Plan Status ........................................................... 18 Printed copies are uncontrolled Page iii Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 1 Introduction Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) has committed to preparing project reports for the Port Capacity Project (Project) on a quarterly basis. This report is the eighth Project report. In accordance with the Project Environmental Management Plan for Construction (Environmental Management Plan), the quarterly Project report provides a summary of key Project construction and dredging activities. This report describes performance against the Environmental Management Plan requirements for the period 1 January 2015 to 31 March 2015. This report is a requirement of the Environmental Management Plan with relevant findings for the period divided into the following sections: Project Activities Environmental Management Plan Activity Update o Communications and Consultation Summary o Audits o Inductions and Training o Reporting and Notifications to Government Agencies o Environmental Incidents o Environmental Monitoring Buffer Management Plan Activity Update. The current Environmental Management Plan (Revision 4 published 31 March 2015) is available on the Project’s website (www.portofmelbourne.com). 2 Project Activities The Project incorporates the following components: the development of additional container capacity for Victoria by the development of Webb Dock East as a new international container terminal the development of Webb Dock West to accommodate Victoria’s roll‐on, roll‐off import and export automotive trade alongside the creation of on‐ dock pre‐delivery inspection facilities infrastructure upgrades at Swanson Dock to facilitate the increase of the capacity of existing container terminals (this is subject to investment by incumbent stevedores). Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 4 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 In addition, the Project includes the development of significant ‘backbone infrastructure’ including road connections, buffer walls and barriers, wharves and associated facilities. The Webb Dock works are expected to be completed in 2017. Project works are undertaken by PoMC and Contractors (engaged by PoMC) and will be managed in accordance with contractor construction management plans and procedures. Project works to deliver equipment, systems and other superstructures are undertaken by Contractors engaged by Operators (appointed by PoMC) and will be managed in accordance with development agreements. Figure 1 below provides an overview of Project construction activities throughout the quarter and are further described below. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 5 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 Figure 1 : PCP activities 1 January 2015 – 31 March 2015 Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 6 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 2.1 Civil works Roads and Services Contractor, BMD Group (BMD), continued work throughout the PCP precinct during the quarter. BMD’s activities included: 2.2 Continuation of caretaker responsibilities on Project areas north of Williamstown Road Preparation and construction of internal roads involving bulk earthworks and asphalting Preparation and construction of alterations to external roads (Todd Road, freeway on ramp and Cook Street intersections) Earthworks, landscaping and boardwalk construction at Perce White Reserve Installation and commissioning of new services Construction of the Observation Platform at Webb Trail Construction of stormwater drainage and outfalls into the Yarra River and Webb Dock Head Continuation of noise wall construction activities including installation of piles and erection of noise wall panels. Maritime works Maritime Works Contractor, McConnell Dowell, continued work throughout Webb Dock East and Webb Dock West during the quarter. McConnell Dowell’s activities included: Dredging by the Machiavelli within Webb Dock and disposal of material at the Port of Melbourne Dredged Material Ground Continuation of Webb Dock East wharf rehabilitation investigations and strengthening activities Demolition and pile extraction from the northern end of Webb Dock East Berth 4 and Webb Dock East Berth 5 extension Continuation of earthworks and piling of Webb Dock East Berth 5 extension Continuation of earthworks, piling and concreting in Webb Dock West for the construction of the new wharf Construction of the temporary pad at Webb Dock West and Webb Dock Head for piling activities Earthworks and piling for the northern retaining structure at Webb Dock Head. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 7 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 2.3 PoMC Works PoMC engaged consultants to undertake the following works within the audit period: 2.4 Senversa undertook additional sampling for the Environmental Site Assessment for a portion of the Off‐Dock Area for VICT. GHD undertook additional sampling (soil) and groundwater sampling for the Environmental Site Assessment for the Patrick AutoCare Pre‐ Delivery Inspection Site. GHD undertook additional sampling for the Environmental Site Assessment for the Prixcar Pre‐Delivery Inspection Site. JBS&G undertook sampling for the Environmental Site Assessment for the telecommunications facility. BlueSphere undertook additional sampling for the Environmental Site Assessment for the Empty Container Park for VICT. BlueSphere undertook additional sampling for the Environmental Site Assessment for the new Automotive Terminal for MIRRAT. Operator Works 2.4.1 International Container Terminal and Empty Container Park (VICT) During the reporting period, VICT and its builder BMD, continued construction activities in the Terminal Area and Gate Control Area including ground improvement and drainage works. Ground improvement and site preparation works also commenced in the Empty Container Park. 2.4.2 Automotive Terminal (MIRRAT) During the reporting period, MIRRAT and its builder, Leighton Contractors, continued construction activities in the Automotive Terminal area including the importation of sub‐grade materials and ground improvement works. 2.4.3 Pre-Delivery Inspection Facility (Patrick AutoCare) During the reporting period, Patrick AutoCare and its builder, Georgiou, continued construction activities in the Pre‐Delivery Inspection area including the importation of sub‐grade materials, placement of the concrete pad, installation of drainage and continued construction and fit‐out of the building facilities. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 8 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 2.4.4 Pre-Delivery Inspection Facility (Prixcar) During the reporting period, Prixcar and its builder, Donnan, commenced construction activities in the Pre‐Delivery Inspection area including the installation of drainage, ground improvement works and importation of sub‐ grade materials. 3 Environmental Management Plan Activity Update 3.1 Communications and Consultation Summary Communications for the Project were managed in accordance with the Environmental Management Plan. During this reporting period, Project communications included: Stakeholder Engagement – A high level of engagement took place around the construction activities and trade continuity. PoMC and its contractors continue to hold meetings with a number of associations and organisations, peak bodies and industries representing community, transport users, cyclists and residents to inform stakeholders. Newspaper and radio advertising – During this reporting quarter, the project ran a number of advertising campaigns as follows: o One week January campaign in the Hobsons Bay Leader newspaper to promote an information session with the new international container terminal operator, Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) o Two week February campaign in the Herald Sun and Port Phillip Leader helped to communicate the weekend closures of Todd Road on 6‐9 and 20‐23 February as well as an ongoing detour of northbound Todd Road traffic onto the port’s new road. o Two week March campaign in the Herald Sun and Port Phillip Leader to communicate a series of Todd Road closures on the weekends of 13‐16, 20‐23 and 27‐30 March 2015. The advertisements also advised of the conversion of the Todd Road roundabouts at Cook Street and the southern West Gate Freeway ramp into signalised intersections. No radio campaigns were undertaken however the Todd Road closure works were picked up by a number of radio stations during their daily traffic reports. Publications – The Project’s weekly works advisory notices continue to be published on the Project’s website providing a look ahead of construction activities. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 9 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 Media Releases (Advisory Notices) – No media releases were issued this quarter. A total of 13 weekly works advisory notices were distributed to local stakeholders in the Garden City area and emailed to local stakeholder representatives. In addition to the weekly notices, a number of notices about internal traffic arrangements and changed local conditions were also emailed to relevant stakeholders. Project eNews – Alongside the weekly works notices, three eNews were issued to the Project’s various stakeholder listings (approx. 600 stakeholders) relating to the weekend closures of Todd Road, ongoing detours and conversion of the Todd Road roundabouts to signalised intersections. Online activities and forums – Regular website updates including the addition of the Project’s Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 7, the Project’s Independent External Environmental Management Plan Audit Annual Report 2014, works advisory notices and updates to Webb Dock Live ‐ the Project’s online 7 day forward schedule of works continue. The transport forum topic received two comments in relation to the conversion of the Todd Road roundabouts to traffic lights. Engagement activities – The Project and its contractors undertook extensive engagement activities to inform local residents of road closures and works impacts. VICT hosted a meet and greet information session in Williamstown on 21 January. Public Enquiries – The Project responded to 26 email enquiries to [email protected] and 69 calls on the Project’s 1800 451 056 toll free number. The call volumes were mainly related to the road works and other construction impacts as well as general business enquiries. All enquiries were responded to in accordance with the Project’s enquiries and complaints procedure. Note, these enquires are in addition to the substantial number of other stakeholder contacts with individuals and groups. Public Complaints – The Project received two complaints during this reporting period relating to the Environmental Management Plan requirements (related to dust). The complaints were acknowledged, investigated and managed in accordance with the requirements of the Project’s Environmental Management Plan (refer to Section 3.6). Project Liaison Group (PLG) – The first PLG meeting for 2015 was held on 4 March. VICT’s CEO attended the session where VICT provided information about their works. The maritime works contractor also provided an update of its piling program. All PLG meeting summary notes are available on the Project’s website. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 10 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 3.2 Presentations/Briefings – A number of presentations and briefings were held with Port tenants, local councils, clubs and local rotary groups, residents, traders, media, industry groups, and peak bodies. Notice to Mariners and Shipping Protocols – Two Notices to Mariners were issued during this reporting period relating to cathodic protection rehabilitation works at Webb Dock East and the temporary installation of port entry lights (PEL) to replace Webb Dock clearing lights. Audits Thirteen internal Environmental Management Plan audits were conducted by PoMC during the reporting period focusing on the Contractor and Operators implementation of the Project Delivery Standards. A number of Improvement Opportunities and Recommended Actions were identified however from the information reviewed there was no evidence of non‐conformance with the EMP. In March 2015, two external independent interim audits were undertaken during the reporting period: One external independent audit, conducted over four days, focusing on PoMC’s implementation of the EMP and all relevant Project Delivery Standards with the exception of PDS 14: o One external independent audit, conducted over two days, focusing on PoMC’s implementation of Project Delivery Standard 14 of the EMP: o 3.3 The external audit included BMD, McConnell Dowell, Patrick AutoCare, Prixcar, MIRRAT and VICT’s construction activities. The audit did not find any evidence of non‐conformance with the EMP. The external auditor noted the non‐conformance against PDS 12 as previously identified and notified by PoMC. The external auditor identified a number of recommended actions and improvement opportunities relating to documentation and records maintenance. The external audit included BMD, McConnell Dowell, Prixcar, MIRRAT and VICT’s construction activities. The audit did not find any evidence of non‐conformance with the EMP PDS 14. The external auditor identified a number of improvement opportunities and recommended actions relating to the implementation of Project Delivery Standard 14 of the EMP. Inductions and Training Comprehensive training on the requirements of Project approval conditions including the Environmental Management Plan is provided to personnel Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 11 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 working on the Project. This is communicated via Project inductions and task specific training, and will continue to be provided to new personnel as required. During the reporting period 541 Project inductions were completed. In addition, nine contractors completed the Cultural Heritage Management Plan training and Environmental Management Plan training. 3.4 Reporting and Notifications to Government Agencies Reporting and notification requirements to government agencies are identified in Table 2 and Table 4 of the Environmental Management Plan, ‘EMP approval requirements’ and ‘Notification and Reporting Requirements’, respectively. The following reports and notifications were made during the reporting period: One notification relating to the provision of the Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 7 to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Environment Protection Authority (Victoria) and the Commonwealth Department of the Environment. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Environment Protection Authority acknowledged the provision of the Quarterly Project Report No. 7. This notification was procedural and did not indicate or relate to any non‐ conformance with the Environmental Management Plan provisions. Four notifications relating to the identification of potential heritage items were made to Heritage Victoria and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. The items encountered included a floating pile, an anchor, an unidentified dredging obstruction and a bottle. Management of the items was undertaken in accordance with the PCP Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and included consultation with the Project Archaeologist and Heritage Victoria. These notifications were procedural and did not indicate or relate to any non‐conformance with the Environmental Management Plan provisions. Six notifications relating to pollution events to the marine environment to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Environment Protection Authority (Victoria) and the Commonwealth Department of the Environment. All spills were reported to Agencies immediately. The spills ranged in volume from 100 millilitres to 25 litres. All spills were investigated and preventative actions identified. A Management Review was undertaken to identify additional preventative actions to be implemented. These notifications were procedural and did not indicate or relate to any non‐conformance with the Environmental Management Plan provisions. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 12 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 One notification to relevant agencies relating to a non‐conformance with the Environmental Management Plan provisions, Project Delivery Standard 12 Stormwater and Groundwater Management. The notification related to an environmental incident involving Prixcar’s reuse of groundwater prior to an assessment being undertaken. Refer section 3.5 below for more information. One notification relating to the completion of the Annual Independent External Environmental Audit of Implementation of the EMP. The audit report covered the auditing period 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014. The audit report was provided in March 2015 to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Environment Protection Authority and the Commonwealth Department of the Environment. The report is published on the Project’s website. This notification was procedural and did not indicate or relate to any non‐ conformance with the Environmental Management Plan provisions. 3.5 Environmental Incidents A culture of reporting all incidents and near misses, no matter how minor, is supported by PoMC. Multiple minor incidents occurred during the reporting period relating to small oil spills to land. Six incidents relating to small oil/lubricant spills to marine waters also occurred during the reporting period (refer Section 3.4). The following environmental incident occurred during the reporting period: A non‐conformance with the PCP Environmental Management Plan Project Delivery Standard 12 Stormwater and Groundwater Management occurred. PDS 12 requires the development, implementation and maintenance of a groundwater management plan to appropriately contain and manage discharges. Groundwater was encountered on 25 February 2015 while Prixcar was drilling pier boreholes within its site. Prixcar’s groundwater management plan requires a groundwater assessment to be undertaken prior to the reuse or disposal of groundwater. Approximately 100 litres of groundwater was pumped from a borehole to a nearby stockpile and subsequently to the ground surface without assessment. This was not in accordance with Prixcar’s groundwater management plan. The discharge of groundwater ceased immediately when it was observed to be non‐conforming with the PCP EMP requirements. An investigation was undertaken and preventative measures associated with change management and training put in place. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 13 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 The environmental incident which occurred during the previous reporting period relating to the collection of a bin containing contaminated material has now been closed. All preventative actions have been implemented including the procurement of a specified waste bin for contaminated materials; formalisation of written communication protocols; and approval of only authorised trucks entering site. The incident is now closed. 3.6 Environmental Monitoring The Environmental Management Plan includes two environmental monitoring programs (airborne noise and dust). Dust was monitored via visual assessment and real time dust monitoring (collected at two dust monitoring locations). Dust monitoring results informed site‐dust management activities in accordance with the contractors’ Dust Management Plans. Where dust emissions were confirmed to be attributable to the Project activities, appropriate management actions were taken to reduce dust levels to an acceptable level as reasonably practical. During the reporting period, two dust complaints were received. A dust complaint was received on 23 January 2015 related to VICT’s placement of lime in the Gate Control Area for ground improvement works. During this time the wind was blowing from a southerly direction towards Williamstown Road, causing some of the placed lime to leave site. The complaint was investigated and managed in accordance with the Project’s EMP during the reporting period. A dust complaint was received on 5 February 2015 related to BMD’s (Roads and Services) activities near the southern roundabout on Todd Road. A tipper and excavator were observed to be generating dust which was observed to leave site across Todd Road. The complaint was investigated and managed in accordance with the Project’s EMP during the reporting period. Noise monitoring will be activated in response to complaints, where applicable. No noise complaints were received during the reporting period. 4 Buffer Management Plan Activity Update 4.1 Buffer Management Plan Development and Approval PoMC developed a Buffer Management Plan to fulfil the Port Capacity Project Coastal Management Act 1999 (Vic) Consent and Port Capacity Project Incorporated Document Port Capacity Project, Webb Dock Precinct, October 2012, requirements. The Buffer Management Plan has been approved by DELWP (then DEPI) and the Minister for Planning. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 14 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 Development of the Buffer Management Plan involved public consultation including specific community workshops, specialist local government forums as well as presentations to local government, key government agencies and interested community members. The Project Liaison Group, comprising representatives from community, council, peak bodies and industry representatives, and active on‐line communication channels have provided feedback in the formulation of the Buffer Management Plan. 4.2 Buffer Planning, Design and Construction Activities The buffer areas documented in the Buffer Management Plan continue to undergo a detailed design process to give effect to the outcomes sought in the endorsed Buffer Management Plan. A summary of the construction status of each Interface Area and features of the detailed design process are provided in Appendix B. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 15 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 5 Appendix A Relevant Environmental Management Plan Project Delivery Standards Container Terminal Victorian International 2. Construction airborne noise (except dredging) 3. Construction airborne noise monitoring (complaints) 4. Dust management 5. Dust monitoring 6. Waste management 7. Energy and greenhouse gases 8. Equipment Maintenance 9. Fuel, oils, chemical and hazardous goods 10. Emergency response preparedness 11. Heritage 12. Stormwater and groundwater management 13. Decommissioned landfill site NA NA NA NA 14. Contaminated material 15. Marine pests NA NA NA NA NA 16. Vessel bunkering NA NA NA NA NA 17. Marine‐based pile driving NA NA NA NA NA (VICT) (MIRRAT) PDI #1 (Prixcar) Hours of operation AutoCare) Maritime 1. Project Delivery Standards PDI #2 (Patrick Roads and Services Automotive Terminal Quarterly Project Report 8 (1 Jan. – 31 Mar. 2015) Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 16 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 Container Terminal Victorian International NA NA NA NA 19. Cetacean sightings and log NA NA NA NA NA 20. Heritage (marine‐based) – identification of potential relics NA NA NA NA NA 21. Dredging NA NA NA NA NA 22. Construction airborne noise (dredging) NA NA NA NA NA 23. Sediment sampling and analysis program NA NA NA NA NA NA 24. Dredging of material identified in EMP Table 9 NA NA NA NA NA 25. Monitoring removal of fill material unsuitable for unconfined ocean disposal NA NA NA NA NA NA 26. Placement of dredged material at the PoM DMG NA NA NA NA NA 27. Dredged material placement NA NA NA NA NA 28. Capping of contaminated sediments at the PoM DMG 29. PoM DMG – maintenance and inspection (post‐construction) Inspections of the bund will be undertaken as part of existing PoMC operational commitments. 30. APA/WAG pipeline NA NA NA NA NA NA 31. Temporary pad at Webb Dock West and Webb Dock Head NA NA NA NA NA 32. Stormwater drain at Webb Dock Head NA NA NA NA NA (VICT) (MIRRAT) NA PDI #1 (Prixcar) Cetaceans – vessel manoeuvring AutoCare) Maritime 18. Project Delivery Standards PDI #2 (Patrick Roads and Services Automotive Terminal Quarterly Project Report 8 (1 Jan. – 31 Mar. 2015) PDS not applicable (removed in Revision 3) NA – Not Applicable Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 17 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 6 Appendix B: Buffer Management Plan Status Detailed Design features of the Buffer Management Plan (during this reporting period) Complete Commenced Interface area^ Not yet commenced Construction status Inclusion of driveway north of Kooringa Way to access proposed switch cubical Introduction of new swale drains to the east and west of Webb Dock Drive – resulting in local modifications to the batter profiles and grass mix Additional trees added to verges Howe Parade service corridor landscaping amended from a mixture of groundcover mix, small shrub mix and future grass mix to seeded turf to meet APA/WAG requirements Removal of trees throughout Todd Road road reserve Westgate Park Introduction of swale drain in the landscape buffer at the intersection of Webb Dock Drive and Kooringa Way, resulting in local modifications to the batter profiles and planting Revised landscaping extents underneath West Gate Freeway to accommodate revised layout of VicRoads pier protection barriers Increase in width and capacity of the swale drain adjacent to Kooringa Way, resulting in local modifications to the batter profiles and grass mix Changes to width and alignment of planting beds and changes to the location of trees at the corners of Webb Dock Drive and Kooringa Way Change to width and alignment of planting beds along Kooringa Way. Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 18 of 19 Port Capacity Project Environmental Management Plan Quarterly Project Report No. 8 Detailed Design features of the Buffer Management Plan (during this reporting period) Complete Commenced Interface area^ Not yet commenced Construction status Realignment of noise wall across Howe Parade and north of Howe Parade to maintain the minimum Todd Road (north) clearance from existing services within Howe Parade as required by service authorities. Supported by noise modelling. Modified alignment approved by DELWP. Removal of fig trees along Williamstown Road between Todd Road and Webb Dock Drive. Todd Road (south) Maritime Cove Webb Trail Webb Point Lookout Yarra Riverbank and Williamstown ^Areas relate to the seven Interface Areas reflected within the BMP Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 19 of 19
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