THE BOW LINE PORT CLINTON POWER SQUADRON A UNIT OF UNITED STATES POWER SQUADRONS ® SAIL AND POWER BOATING VOLUME LV Number 5 May 2015 Commander's Report Cdr Joyce Jagucki, P I heard the April meeting and dinner at Ciao Belia was wonderful. Thanks to Pam Yarletts who planned the meal and to Vicky Kletecka for leading the meeting in my absence. I wasn’t in Port Clinton for the meeting as I was in N.C being a grandma to my son’s two boys, Ryan who is 4 and Cole who is 7. My son Ted and his wife Lindsey own three businesses in the Outer Banks: Giant Slice Pizza and two OBX Popcorn Shoppes onr in Duck and one in Corolla. Their summer help, mostly college students, don’t arrive until mid-May. So I had the great pleasure of taking care of the boys and they could work their businesses. The weather was wonderful and my son Ted purchased his first boat this past winter, so we spent some time cruising the Albemarle Sound. What enjoyment it was for Tom and I. Ted was 9 month old when he first started boating. It’s really heartwarming to see your offspring beginning an activity that gave you such pleasure, now all three sons have boats –and we don’t! Tom did a vessel check on Ted’s boat. He passed. The spring months are here and the weather should be turning nice. Let’s hope that we have many guests in our area to help our economy as well as to be of service to area boaters. Encourage any new boaters to attend the ABC course May 2 and 9 at Firelands Presbyterian Church. Also talk to boaters you know about the courses our squadron offers. I’m confident our SEO Chuck Kletecka would share information to anyone who wants to take a course. Jim Sommers from the Toledo Squadron contacted me to be on a Toledo radio program on May 16 from 9-11 am. It will be broadcast over 1470 AM. I will be talking about our squadron and this area. There will be other guests on the program that morning as well. Give a listen if convenient. Continued on next page n. Commanders message cont. Remember to contact Tom Jagucki, Chuck Kletecka, Dale Crawford, Rob Crawford, or Dennis Ladd for a vessel safety check for your boat. Offer this service to a friend who boats. During these last couple of weeks, we have been made aware of changes in the lives of four of our members. We take this opportunity to thank Wayne and Sally Walter for their service to our squadron. Wayne served as an AO and for several years he has served as our Web Master. He has kept us informed of events, meetings, and special activities. Sally served as secretary to the squadron. Wayne and Sally have decided to pursue other activities and will not be renewing their membership after May 1. Thank you Wayne and Sally for your commitment to PCPS. The other passage from our squadron is Jerry and Gwen Smetzer. These folks have sold their home and are headed to the Charlotte, NC area. Their daughter is moving with her family to this area and Jerry and Gwen want to live closer to her family to watch their granddaughter and grandson grow up. They will be leaving the area in May. Jerry has served as commander of Port Clinton, has served the district as treasurer, and took over the task of treasurer for our squadron. He also served printing any type of literature and our newsletter each month. Gwen has served our squadron as commander for two consecutive years. Both of these people have put their heart and soul into this Port Clinton Squadron. Thank you both for the countless hours you devoted to this squadron. This will be the last Bowline until we reach out to all of you in September. So following is a schedule of what is to come until the next Bowline. May 6: Executive committee meeting, PCYC 7:30 May 13: PCPS Meeting, PCYC 6:00. June 3: Executive committee meeting, PCYC 7:30 July 3: Executive committee meeting, PCYC 7:30 July 4: Steak Fry with Sandusky Squadron, Huron Boat Basin July 31-Aug, 2: Summer Council at Sandusky Yacht Club Aug. 5: Executive committee meeting, 7:30 PCYC. Sept. 2: Executive committee meeting, 7:30, PCYC Sept. 9: PCPS meeting PCYC 6:00 Oct. 4: D/29 Commanders Celebration on THE GOODTIME out of Sandusky, Ohio Please remember to invite someone to our meetings. Reach out to those we have not seen at a meeting lately and ask them to come to an event. Our squadron will only be a strong, vibrant organization with all of us working together. If you haven’t paid your dues to National, please so that soon. At last count most of us had NOT paid our dues. We need you. Have a great summer, stay healthy, and we hope to see you real soon. Sincerely, Joyce Jagucki, P Administrative Officers’ Report D/1st/Lt Pam Yarletts, AP The May meeting will be held at the Port Clinton Yacht Club on 13 May 2015, Social hour will be from 1800 (6:00PM) to 1900 (7:00PM) with dinner catered by Chefsbest at 1900. Reservations need to be sent to Pam by 11 May. Dinner will include salad and dressing, hot sliced beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, buttered broccoli, and assorted pies. Cost is $12.00 per person. Contact Pam at [email protected] or call 419-360-3334. Education Officer’s Report P/C Chuck Kletecka, JN We have been promoting our ABS class for about a month now and I am pleased to report we have had to order more course manuals as our pre-registration has resulted in at least 12-15 students. This will be a larger crowd than we are used to so I am asking for volunteers to help with set-up and with each day’s wrap up. If you wish to help out on either Saturday please contact Jack Combs (419) 734-6263.Here is the info for our next Public Boating Class: Boating Class - Get your Ohio Boater’s Education Card The Port Clinton Power Squadron has it’s “America’s Boating Course” scheduled for Saturdays May 2nd & 9th The cost is $45 and includes morning donuts, coffee, soft drinks and a pizza lunch each day. Materials include the outstanding United States Power Squadron ABC3 Book and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Boating Regulation Booklet. Additional family members may share materials for a $15 cost per person. Attendees successfully completing the course will receive an Ohio State Boater’s Certificate and 6 month membership in the United States Power Squadron. The class runs from 8:00 AM to about 3:00 PM and will be held at the Firelands Presbyterian Church. To register for the class, call Squadron Education Officer Chuck Kletecka at 419-797-9717 or email him at [email protected]. Please let your boating friends and family know about the course and have them contact me to register. Our website has all the information on the Courses Page. Jack Combs and Jerry Smetzer are helping me with the ABC3 class program. We are currently putting our instructor list together for these classes. Thanks Jack & Jerry! Continued on next page Executive Officer’s Report Lt./C Vicky Kletecka Chuck and I just returned from our Florida Vacation!! The beaches were fabulous and the weather was perfect. Upon arriving home we found a duck laying eggs in our front yard. She's up to 9 eggs!! Needless to say our dog Tia is not impressed! Lake Erie is finally thawed. Boats are out fishing almost daily!! Just remember that the lake is very COLD! Make sure you are taking safety precautions!!! Call your Vessel Safety Examiner today for a Vessel Safety Check. The examiners are ready to help you make sure your boat is safe!! Please give Tom Jagucki a call or any one of our Safety Examiners below. Stickers have been distributed! If you would like to become a Vessel Safety Examiner you can contact Tom. The results to date of our Vessel Safety Checks are 35 VSC’s, all done by Port Clinton member P/D/C Dennis Ladd, SN in sunny Florida! I am still looking for ideas for a Fund Raiser for the Squadron. You can email me at [email protected] with any ideas you might have BIG or small I am open to ideas. We have several Hand Held GPS units (gently used) to raffle off at our Monthly Meetings. There will be at least one per dinner meeting. Check out our Administrative Officer's Report for Dinner Reservations. The next dinner meeting will be held May 13th!! ! DISTRICT 29 SUMMER RENDEZVOUS The District 29 Summer Rendezvous and Council Meeting location has been changed from Middle Bass Island to the Sandusky Yacht Club. The date is the same, 31 July to 02 August 2015. More informayion to follow in the Dock 29. MAY MEETING DO NOT MISS THIS Family Style Dinner May 13th PORT CLINTON YACHT CLUB Port Clinton, Oh. CALANDER REMINDERS 06 MAY EXECUTIVE MEETING PCYC 7:30pm 13 MAY REGULAR MEETING PCYC 6PM SOCIAL HOUR————— 7PM DINNER 03 JUNE EXECUTIVE MEETING 7:30 PCYC 01 JULY EXECUTIVE MEETING 7:30 PCYC 04 JULY STEAK FRY HURON BOAT BASIN 31 JULY-02 AUGUST SUMMER COUNCIL SYC 05 AUGUST EXECUTIVE MEETING 7:30 PCYC 02 SEPT. EXECUTIVE MEETING 7:30 PCYC Port Clinton Power Squadron General Meeting Minutes 8 April 2015 Ciao Bella In the absence of Commander Joyce Jagucki, P, Lt/C Vicky Kletecka called the meeting to order. A quorum was present. P/C Charles Kletecka, IN led us in the Pledge of allegiance. P/Lt/C Karen Stein then led us in prayer. We then recessed for dinner. The Commander resumed the meeting. The Commander asks if the minutes of the previous meeting had been distributed; the Secretary indicated that they had. There were no corrections to the previous minutes. The Commander then asks if the Treasurers report had been distributed, the Treasurer indicated that a copy of the treasurer’s report was available to anyone who wanted it. There were no questions. The report will be placed on file for the audit. Report of officers: Executive Officer, Lt/C Vicky Kletecka, The conversation continued about possible fundraisers for this year. There was some suggestions that we could possibly try to have some type of auction for the large number of hand held GPS Units that the Squadron now owns. It was thought that they could be sold for $50 to $75 each it done properly. This will be given further consideration at future meetings. P/D/Lt/C Tom Jagucki, SN made the comment that the Squadron was still leading the District in VSC’s, in fact we are the only Squadron with any listed. SEO Report, P/C Chuck Kletecka, JN indicated he and 1st Lt Jack Combs were continuing to work on the planned ABC3 class for the first two weekends in May, this class will be held at the First Presbyterian Church on Rt. 163. They indicated that they have contacted a number of members who indicated they we willing to help with this class. Chuck indicated that he already had 9 individuals who wanted to take the course. He indicated that he would placed ad in this weeks local paper with hope getting additional students for the class. Continued next page 09 April meeting minutes cont. A/O Report, P/C Pam Yarletts, AP, stated that next month our General Meeting would be held at the PCYC on 13 May 2015. The dinner will be handled by Chef’s Catering the cost per person is $12.00 per person; reservations must be by 9 May. 2015. No speaker at this time. Secretary’s report, P/D/Lt/C Jerry Smetzer, JN indicated that the District had increased its dues by $3.00 per year, which will take effect June 2015. Treasurer’s Report, No report Committee Reports Thee were none. Commander’s report The Fall Conference 2015 will be in Ada at Ohio Northern University, the Ft Wayne Squadron is hosting it. The Fall Conference in 2016 will again be in Ada. Either Port Clinton or Toledo will host the Spring Conference in 2017. The host Squadron will pick the location. Old Business None New Business The District will again be having a booth at Cedar Point this fall; they are beginning to look for members who are willing to help work at the Show. Anything for the good of the order? There was nothing . There being no other new business, the meeting was adjourned. EDITORS CORNER This May 2015 issue of the Port Clinton Power Squadron Bowline makes my third issue as editor. Things are getting easier for me but I am still not comfortable with MS Publisher and some errors are still creeping into my publishing efforts. I certainly appreciate the efforts of everyone who has helped especially the bridge members who have submitted reports by the due dates. I would like to address an issue that we have let slip so far this year. Our Bowline Boosters have been continued as they were last year but we have not collected fees from our generous boosters. This issue is the last until the September issue and we are continuing the posting as it has been. Beginning with the September issue we will update and publish those member names who have contributed the fee of $10.00 to our treasurer, Past Commander, Lt/C Sandy Pick, AP. Thanks to all 2012 BRIDGE & EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Commander Cdr Joyce Jagucki, P 419-797*4228 joycejagucki@gmail,com Educational Officer P/C Chuck Kletecka, JN 419-797-9717 [email protected] Executive Officer Lt./C Vicky Kletecka 419-797-9717 [email protected] Administrative Officer Lt/C Pam Yarletts, AP 419-360*3334 [email protected] Ass’t Sqd. Education Officer; 1st/Lt Jack Combs, SN 419-734-6263 [email protected] Secretary D/Lt/C Jerry Smetzer, JN 419-797*3143 [email protected] Webmaster Lt/C Wayne A. Walter, P 419-797-0186 Treasurer P/C Sandra Pick, AP 419-798-9841 [email protected] OUR SQUADRON WEB-SITE : BOW LINE BOOSTERS Member name *Combs, Jack Boat name Quintessence Corogin, Tom TLC Crawford, Dale & Jane Splendor Dauterman, William & Alice Dawn Fox, Greg & Carol Vixen Hull, John & Karen Hullabaloo *Kletecka, Chuck & Vicky Victoria’s Secret *Nesser, Mary Kathryn & Jim Recny, Martin Reddy, Richard& Iris Resetar, Jack & Barbara HMS Harmony Smetzer, Jerry and Gwen Thompson, Tommy & Jean Dorothy J *Walter, Wayne & Sally Sojourner Woodard, Jim & Carol Woodark PORT CLINTON POWER SQUADRON A unit of United States Power Squadrons Sail & Power Boating P.O. Box 773 Port Clinton, OH 43452– 0773
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