Portsmouth Anglers Club Inc. THE ANGLER Volume 246 April 2015 April Speaker PAC’s guest speaker for the April 20th meeting will be Virginia Marine Officer Steve York. Steve will speak on new laws and regulations. The meeting will be at the Simonsdale Civic Center, 5006 Vick Street, Portsmouth and will begin at 7pm. Boater’s Safety Requirements July 1, 2015: All PWC operators, regardless of age, and motorboat operators 50 years of age or younger must have completed the required safety education prior to operating a vessel. No person under the age of 14 may operate a PWC. For more information go to http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/boating/education/requirement/ PAC Membership Dues PAC membership dues were due on January 1st. Remember, to be eligible for club awards you must have an up-to-date membership before you go fishing. See page 2 for more information. Up Coming Events April 20, 7pm………………………………. PAC Meeting Simonsdale Civic Center May 5, 7pm………………………………... PAC Board Meeting, Simonsdale Civic Center May 9………………………………………. Hunt for Hardheads Tournament June 27…………………………………….. PSWSFA Flounder Bowl In This Issue of The Angler Fishing Report………………………………. Page 3 PAC Memorial Scholarship………………… Page 6 VIMS Tagging Program…………………….. Page 7-8 Hunt for Hardheads…………………………. Page 10 Membership Renewal Form………………… Page 11 1 The Angler A Publication of the Portsmouth Anglers Club, Inc. Christopher M. Heilman Vice President, Financial Advisor PAC Member SunTrust Investment Services, Inc. 757.436.4147 [email protected] Editor Rob Jordan 757-488-9305 E-Mail address [email protected] Circulation Tom Scott 757-966-7569 For 7 years, Chris Heilman has been helping clients make the most of their financial situation. That experience, paired with the broad range of products and solutions offered by SunTrust Private Wealth Management, will help him develop and implement a personalized wealth management strategy for each of his clients. Because his goal, just like ours, is to help you shine. We encourage all members to submit articles and pictures for publication in the PAC Newsletter. Send your pictures and articles, your favorite recipes, or anything that may be newsworthy and informative to [email protected]. 2014 Club Officers President: Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Denny Dobbins Charlie Cutchin Denise Harrell Dot Oberlander 477-9156 483-1643 488-9039 484-6564 Investment and Insurance Products: Are not FDIC or any other Government Agency Insured*May Lose Value SunTrust Private Wealth Management is a marketing name used by SunTrust Banks, Inc. and the following affiliates: Banking and trust products and services, including investment advisory products and services, are provided by SunTrust Bank. Securities, insurance (including annuities) and other investment products and services are offered by SunTrust Investment Services, Inc., and SEC registered investment adviser and broker-dealer, member FINRA, SIPC, and a licensed insurance agency. C SunTrust Banks, Inc. SunTrust and How Can We Help You Shine Today? Are federally registered service marks of SunTrust Banks, Inc. DGD162901-13 Please visit the PAC website……….. www.portsmouthanglersclub.net 2015 PAC Membership 2015 PAC Membership dues were due on January 1st. Remember, to participate in club tournaments and be eligible for club awards, your dues must be paid before you go fishing. Family memberships are only $30 and single memberships are $20. The cost of a family membership includes all household members under 18. PAC Membership also includes The Angler, our monthly newsletter, and the free fish fry dinners held twice a year. Please either mail your dues to the PAC post office box or bring them to the April meeting. Also, include your email address so The Angler can be emailed to you. Emailing the newsletter saves PAC money, you will receive your newsletter several days sooner. See page 11 for membership form. 2 FISHING REPORT April, 2015 By: Dr. Julie Ball Spring has finally sprung along the Mid-Atlantic coast, and water temperatures are starting to climb. Although most fishing trends are behind schedule, anglers are hopeful fishing developments pick up momentum. Tautog are still providing the most action as anglers await the arrival of other species. With the more temperate weather conditions recently, fiddler crabs are now available, so more folks are trying their luck in Bay waters. Although not on fire, several catches of tog averaging around 3-pounds are keeping anglers busy over the tubes at the CBBT and along the Concrete Ships this week. Expect this fishery to heat up quickly as the water temperatures move to into the fifties. Some tautog are hitting on deeper water structures, where anglers are finding scattered larger fish pushing up to around18-pounds lately. You can keep three tog per person over 16-inches, but remember these popular wreck dwellers become off limits on the 1st of May. Nice seabass will compete for your bait on these same structures, but you must still throw them back right now. Anglers are anxiously awaiting the big Spring flounder run, which is a few weeks behind the curve. Historically, this bite kicks off in the inlets along the Eastern Shore, but as for now, folks are still watching closely for the first flatfish to bite. Some puppy drum are hitting inside the lower Bay inlets. Rudee, Lynnhaven and Little Creek Inlets are the best locations to try your luck, with grubs and Gulp baits giving the best action right now. Speckled trout are still a wash, although die hard speck anglers continue to try for them each week. Reports indicate croaker are now biting in lower Bay rivers on shrimp and peelers. This action will move into Bay waters soon, where pier anglers anxiously await their arrival. The debut of Taylor blues within Rudee inlet is thrilling surf casters throwing from the rocks, and a few blues and schoolie stripers are also coming from the lower Bay piers this week. Blueline tilefish are available off the coast in water over 50-fathoms, along with a variety of grouper. Deeper water offers black bellied rosefish and a few barrelfish lately. Although dog fish are still a nuisance, warmer water temperatures will help push them out soon. The offshore tuna action out of North Carolina is still good, with boats scoring with bluefin, yellowfin, and blackfin tuna, along with a few wahoo. Some Virginia boats are getting in on the bluefin action, with two giants over 500-pounds making it back to local docks this past week. A massive 606pounder caught by Chase Robinson off the ‘Ate Up’ out of Rudee Inlet may land a place in the Virginia record books if it is approved as the new State record. For more information, go to www.drjball.com. BARTLEY F. TUTHILL., IV, LTD. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 464 DINWIDDIE STREET Portsmouth, VA 23704 (757) 393-6544 E-MAIL FAX (757) 393-1916 [email protected] Bart Tuthill, P.A.C. Member 3 Pictures of Recent Catches Each month I will try to publish pictures from PAC members of recent catches. Please email pictures to [email protected], with a brief description of who, where, what and when, and I will try to include it in the next issue of The Angler. The pictures will also be posted on our new website gallery. NO PICTURES WERE RECEIVED FOR THIS MONTH’S NEWSLETTER. Humor A woman goes into a shop to buy a rod and reel as a gift. She doesn't know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter where there’s a shop assistant wearing dark sunglasses. “Excuse me sir” she says “can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?” The assistant replies “Ma’am, I’m blind but if you drop it on the counter I can tell you everything you need to know about it from the sound it makes.” She didn’t believe him, but dropped it on the counter anyway. He said, “that’s a 6’ graphite rod with a Zebco 202 reel and 10lb test line….It’s a good all around rod and reel and it’s only $30.” The lady said, “It’s amazing that you can tell all that just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I think it’s what I’m looking for so I’ll take it. He walks behind the counter to the register, and in the meantime the woman breaks wind big-time. At first she is embarrassed but then realizes that there is no way he could tell it was her...being blind he wouldn’t know that she was the only person around. The assistant rings up the sale and says, “That will be $42.50.” She says, “But didn’t you say it was $30.00?” “Yes ma’am, the rod and reel is $30.00, but the duck call is $10.00, and the catfish stink bait is $2.50.” 4 Trophy Striper Season Opens May 1 Virginia Marine Resources Commission 2015 Recreational Fishing Regulations For Striped Bass in Virginia’s Marine Waters Coastal Season. . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 1 - March 31, 2015 and May 16 - December 31, 2015 Possession Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 per person Minimum Size Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 inches Chesapeake Bay Area Season (Spring) . . . . . . May 16 - June 15, 2015 Possession Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 per person Minimum Size Limit . . . . . . . . ……………………………20 inches Maximum Size Limit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 inches Virginia Trophy-Size Season Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries . . . . . . . . . . . May 1 - June 15, 2015 Coastal Waters (Territorial Sea). . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1 - May 15, 2015 Possession Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 per person Minimum Size Limit* . . . . . . . . . . ……………………….36 inches For the most up to date regulations please visit……... http://www.mrc.virginia.gov/regulations/swrecfishingrules.shtm www.priorityauto.com 5 AD SPACE PRICES Business Card size is $110 1/3 page ad is $135 1/2 page ad is $150 Full page ad is $200 PAC membership is in addition to ads and will run January thru December. Please support out advertisers! Email: [email protected] www.baypropeller.com Max Allen Ask for PAC member Mr. Robert Salas HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:00-5:00 SAT. 8:00-12:00 Portsmouth Anglers Club Memorial Scholarship Portsmouth Anglers Club is looking for a smart, young angler to be the recipient of the Portsmouth Anglers Club Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship, worth up to $1,000, will be given to a graduating senior who is heading off to a recognized college, university, or trade school. All five of the following requirements must be met by the participant: 1. Recipient shall be under the age of 25 years old 2. Recipient must be an Anglers Club Member of a Tidewater Virginia Club or dependent of a current member in good standing and the recipient or the member upon whom he or she is the dependent, must have been with the club for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years 3. Recipient and sponsor (the member of which they are a dependent) must have participated in Anglers Club activities 4. Recipient must have angling achievements for which they have been recognized 5. Recipient must be academically proficient. Deadline for application submission is July 1, 2015. For more information and a scholarship application, visit www.portsmouthanglersclub.net Mail all applications to the Portsmouth Anglers Club Memorial Scholarship Committee, c/o Portsmouth Angler’s Club, P. O. Box 7842, Portsmouth, VA 23707. Portsmouth City Park Boat Ramp Many of you know first hand of the deteriorating condition of the Portsmouth City Park Boat Ramp. PAC has been informed by Councilman William Moody that a request for quotes has gone out and should be received any day. Updates will be provided as we receive new information. In the meantime, please use caution when launching or retrieving, especially at low tide. Large holes have developed on the outboard launch and retrieve piers. 6 VIMS cooperative program celebrates 20 years of tagging Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program’s annual workshop trains volunteers (April 9, 2015) Local recreational anglers gathered at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in Gloucester Point last week for an annual workshop to kick-off the 20th year of the Virginia Game Fish Tagging Program. A cooperative effort between the Marine Advisory Services Program at VIMS and the Saltwater Tournament Program at the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, the VGFTP was created in 1995 with the overall goal of training and maintaining an experienced group of recreational anglers who volunteer their time and effort to tag and release their fish catch. During the annual workshop, VIMS Marine Recreation Specialist Susanna Musick—who has served as the Principal Investigator for the VGFTP since 2010—welcomed the anglers to VIMS and discussed some of the overall goals and objectives of the program. “Our goal,” says Musick, “is to train volunteers to tag and release marine finfish, target recreational finfish that aren’t tagged by other programs, promote proper techniques and benefits of catch and release fishing, and provide data on the movement and habitat use of recreational finfish in Virginia waters.” Musick explained that the VGFTP requires its volunteers to only tag 10 species—cobia, spadefish, red drum, sheepshead, summer flounder, black sea bass, grey triggerfish, black drum, speckled trout, and tautog. “We tag these particular fish because they are recreationally important and there aren’t any other programs specifically dedicated to them,” she says. During the workshop, anglers were taught proper fish handling and tagging techniques, procedures for accurate and efficient reporting of tag events, and the goals and philosophy of the VGFTP. “Most anglers don’t know what happens to the fish they release,” says Musick. “By putting numbered tags in the fish, they learn about where their fish travel and how much they grow when they are recaptured and reported.” The workshop also provided the opportunity for the anglers to practice inserting tags in fish and to clarify any questions they had about proper tagging techniques. The workshop is a requirement for all new volunteers. “The workshops helps us reinforce proper fish handling, and allows the anglers to become familiar with the tagging process while under supervision,” says Musick. “It really provides an excellent learning situation through which anglers immediately gain confidence in their skills.” During the hands-on portion of the workshop, three different stations were set up for participants to learn from instructors who Musick described as “experienced, long-standing members of the tagging program.” At one station, instructors Ken Neill and George Wojcik showed taggers how to apply a stainless steel dart tag used on larger species like big red drum, black drum, and cobia. At another station, instructor Carl Stover gave new taggers some tips on how to access their tagging data and subsequent recaptures online. New taggers also practiced measuring fish according to VMRC guidelines for recording total length. See VIMS continued on page 8. 7 VIMS continued from page 7. At the third station, instructors Ed Shepard and Sheldon Arey guided new taggers in trying out TB tags and gun applicator tools on fish. TB tags are used on all VGFTP targeted species and are a modified version of the plastic price tags you find in clothing. Annual participation in the VGFTP is limited to 200 anglers who are requested to renew their registration each year. Since 1995, more than 650 recreational anglers have participated in the program, making the VGFTP one of the most successful volunteer tagging programs in the U.S. Primarily funded with revenues from Virginia’s saltwater recreational fishing license, the VGFTP is also supported by the Marine Advisory Services program at VIMS. Twenty Years of Tagging: By the Numbers · 250,000: More than 250,000 fishes have been reported since the program’s inception. · 28,000 fishes have been recaptured. · 2,826 days at large: The longest amount of time a VGFTP tagged fish spent “at large”—or the length of time between tagging and recapture—was a tautog that was originally tagged on April 4, 2004 and was recaptured on January 5, 2012. · 337 miles in 53 days is the longest documented northward migration for a VGFTP tagged fish. This flounder was originally tagged at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel on November 18, 2007 and was recaptured off of Rhode Island on January 10, 2008. · 18,371: This is the highest-ever annual tagging effort for a single species in the VGFTP. In 2012, more than 18,000 red drum were tagged, making it the top-tagged species for the VGFTP that year. · 74,539 summer flounder tagged in 20 years: This is the overall total for the top-tagged species in the VGFTP. To learn more about the VGFTP and to find out how to become a tagger, visit www.vims.edu/ vgftp. Anglers who catch a fish with a VGFTP tag can report their recaptures online here https:// www.vasaltwaterjournal.com/report_tagged_fish.php. PSWSFA Flounder Bowl The Peninsula Salt Water Sport Fisherman’s Association is hosting Virginia’s premier flounder fishing tournament, the “Flounder Bowl,” on Saturday, June 27, 2015. Anglers will be competing for a guaranteed $5000 first place prize made possible by the support of local business / sponsors. The tournament will be held out of Dare Marina, Yorktown, VA. (www.daremarina.com). Boats will be allowed to fish from any port, but the fish must be brought to Dare Marina (by car or boat) for weigh in. Tournament participants will be provided with free entertainment, food and beverages at the Captains’s Meeting (June 26, 2015) and after Weigh In. Online registrations are available at www.flounderbowl.com. 8 E-TEC [email protected] www.ptrailerusa.com Ask for PAC Member Ron Pierce USCG Vessel Examination Even if you pay careful attention to safety, dangerous mechanical problems can crop up on the best-maintained boat. That’s why the U.S Coast Guard recommends that all recreational boaters (including personal watercraft users) take advantage of the free Vessel Safety Check (VSC) program every year. VSCs are offered by experienced members of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the United States Power Squadrons, two of the nation’s premier volunteer boating safety organizations. A VSC is your best way of learning about problems that might put you in violation of state or federal laws or, worse, create danger for you or your passengers on the water. Mike D Livesay, Agent and PAC Member 4355 Portsmouth Blvd. Portsmouth, VA 23701 Bus: 757-673-0150 www.mikeinsuresva.com Sarah Bremer, United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 53 and PAC member, will be glad to provide you with a courtesy inspection. Call Sarah on 397-3659, and she will set up an appointment to come to you and provide a free USCG Vessel Safety Check. 9 GBFA / PAC / VBAC / NAC “HUNT FOR THE HARDHEADS” A croaker, bluefish, and flounder fishing challenge between the Great Bridge Fisherman’s Association, Portsmouth Anglers Club, Virginia Beach Anglers Club and Norfolk Anglers Club Tentative Date: Saturday, May 9, 2015 Location: Portsmouth City Park Lines In: 7:00 AM Measure In: Starts at 12:30 ends at 1:30 PM Entry Fee: $30.00 / Boat (3 angler teams)…..Additional Anglers $10.00 Includes: Fishing, Picnic and Wish A Fish Donation! Picnic only $5.00 WINNING CLUB HAS THEIR NAME ENGRAVED ON THE COVETED HUNT FOR HARDHEADS TROPHY (AND BRAGGING RIGHTS!) RULES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Clubs are limited to five boats per club. Team Captains must be club members. Teams must register and pay in advance through their own club’s tournament director. Boats may depart from any VA port. The eastern boundary will be 500 yards east of the HRBT. Fish will be measured by length only, if the exact length tie is encountered a girth measurement will decide. 6. Points Structure...The longest legal fish of each species will earn 5 points, the 2nd longest legal fish earns 4 points, 3rd longest legal fish earns 3 points, 4th longest legal fish earns 2 points, and the 5th longest fish earns 1 point. 7. The Club with the Most Points Wins! All Proceeds go to the Wish a Fish Foundation For additional information contact; Larry Ward, 944-0956 PAC Member TOMMY MILTEER President & PAC Member e-mail: [email protected] 10 www.SturtevantFuneralHome.com Welcome New Members PAC would like to extend a warm welcome to our new members having joined our club in March 2015…. Herb Ruark John Taylor Fred Bilskis Jerry Harcum Daniel Salvitti Dunn, NC Raleigh, NC Chesapeake, VA Suffolk, VA Newport News, VA PAC Application For Membership or Renewal Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City _________________________State _________Zip Code________________ Phone _______________________E-Mail Address__________________________ Signature ___________________________ Dues: $30 for family membership Boat Name (optional)_________________________ $20 for an individual membership Mail to PAC, P.O. Box 7842, Portsmouth, VA 23707 11 First Class Mail www.gregsbaitshack.com Freshwater & Saltwater Tackle & Accessories Live Bait - Fresh Bait - Frozen Bait Official Weigh Station Price Match Guarantee Rod Repairs Live Eels Fresh Menhaden Gudgens Shinners Bloodworms Peeler Crabs Night Crawlers Super Reds Mullet Filet Fiddler Crabs Clams Finger Mullet Shrimp Squid Ballyhoo Chicken Necks PAC Members - Show Membership Card to Receive Discount 2560 Airline Blvd. Portsmouth, VA - Email [email protected] - Call 757-465-9020 12
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