Sunday 31 May Trinity Sunday 0800 Holy Communion (BCP said) 1030 Eucharist in the Nave (Cathedral Consort) Preacher: The Revd Canon Peter Leonard Readings: Romans 8.12-17; John 3.1-17 1230 Holy Baptism (Kaitlyn) 1445 Organ & Piano Recital in aid of Iraqi Christians in Need 1800 Choral Evensong (Cathedral Consort) Preacher: The Revd Dawn Banting Readings: Ezekiel 1.4-10, 22-28a; Revelation 4 Hymns: 146, 358ii, 343 Psalm: 104.1-10 Taizé-style Night Prayer led by Canon Michael 2000 Weekdays 0745 1800 Wednesday 1200 1400 1800 Thursday 1800 Friday 1200 Saturday 1700 Services This Week Morning Liturgy Choral Evensong Monday, Tuesday and Friday Holy Communion with Prayer and Anointing Cathedral Baby and Toddler Group Holy Communion Choral Eucharist for Corpus Christi (Cantate) Quire Holy Communion Choral Evensong (RSCM Voices) Sunday 7 June 1st Sunday after Trinity 0800 1030 Holy Communion (BCP said) D-Day and Normandy Fellowship Service in the Quire (Cathedral Choir) Preacher: The Revd Simon Springett Readings: Jonah 1.1-4,7-17; John 21.1-9 1800 Eucharist in the Quire (Cathedral Choir) Preacher: The Revd Canon Peter Leonard Readings: 2 Corinthians 4.13 - 5.1; Mark 3.20-end Encountering God through transformative worship, challenging discipleship, generous hospitality & prayerful engagement. PLEASE PRAY FOR All those preparing and sitting major exams at this time All those in need including: Jenny, Kelvin, Jeanette, Harold, Stephen, Justin, Jackie, Henry, Simon and Roland and those who have died including Roger Calder (priest), Christopher Brewer, Fay Devonport and John Jones (Cathedral funeral 1pm Friday 12 June) RIP TODAY Canon Michael is at Exton and the Revd Dawn Banting is with the Army Training Regiment at Winchester this morning. Welcome to the family and friends of Kaitlyn Hatherley being baptised this afternoon. Organ and Piano Recital 2.45pm Carl Bahoshy performs works by Beethoven, Boëllmann, Chopin, Rachmaninoff and Schubert. Free. Retiring collection in aid of Iraqi Christians in Need. Supporting refugee families in Northern Iraq. Guidebook The new Cathedral Guidebook was launched last Sunday and has received lots of good reviews. Copies are available from the Shop price £4.50. NEWS Cathedral Jazz evening raised a marvellous £2722.71 for the EC Roberts Centre and the Cathedral – many thanks to everyone who supported the event and congratulations to all those who worked so hard to organise it, their labours richly rewarded by such an excellent result. Alan Lihou Warmest congratulations to Alan of the Cathedral Innovation Centre who has been awarded a Civic Award by the Lord Mayor in recognition of outstanding voluntary service to the City. Alan has raised £200,000 for the Rowan’s Hospice and is seen in weather foul and fair collecting for this charity which cared for his parents. He is a regular helper for ‘Messy Church’ and its founder even says in her book about the initiative that ‘every Messy Church needs an Alan’ to look after all the practical actions. Alan has helped the Cathedral Innovation Centre launch 35 firms creating innumerable jobs and hope through his sustained generosity. NOTICES Readers, Intercessors and Chalice Assistants: Rotas for July to October have now been sent by email, or are in envelopes on the Welcome Desk. Please contact [email protected] or 023 9242 1448 if you have not received yours. Canon Michael Canon Michael’s final service in the Cathedral as Residentiary Canon will be Sunday 5 July at 10.30am. Donations towards a leaving present can be sent to the Cathedral Offices in clearly marked envelopes please. Chapter The agenda for Tuesday’s meeting of Chapter is on the noticeboard and website. Christian Aid Coffee Morning and Lunch in the Lounge at Homeheights, Clarence Parade, Southsea on Monday 22nd June from 10.30am-2.00pm. Coffee, tea, ploughman's lunch, raffle. Enquiries, offers of help to Sue Ward and Margaret Townson, phone 02392 877239, email [email protected]. The total so far from Christian Aid Week at the Cathedral is £1961.22 including a one day collection at Tesco, Creswell Street and donations at GraveTalk. Garage/Storage Needed Portsmouth and Hampshire Art Society need space in Old Portsmouth/Southsea to store their art display stands, equipment etc from mid-August or early September. Payment of rent by either cheque or Standing Order. Please contact Helen and Jim Wright (until 15 June) 01562 777398 or Gill Jarrett (from 15 June) 023 9287 6196. The Society’s annual Summer Exhibition takes place in the Cathedral from 1 August. EVENTS Pilgrim Course Module 3 We will be offering the third module of the Pilgrim course looking at ‘The Commandments’ on Tuesday afternoons between 2pm and 3.30pm starting on Tuesday 2 June in the Bishop Kenneth Room. Everyone is welcome to attend these relaxed, informative sessions. Please collect a postcard from the Cathedral, see the website or contact Canon Peter for more information. Home Group meets on Wednesday 3 June 7.30pm at the home of Clare Jones 9 Taswell Road Southsea. Please see Clare or Canon Peter for more details. Lunchtime Live Thursday 4 June at 1.10pm. Jason Stanbridge-Howard (counter-tenor.) Tickets £3, (concs £2.50.) Refreshments from 12.30pm. Craft and Chat Group 2.45pm Thursday 4 June in the Bishop Kenneth Room. All welcome. An Acceptable Prophet Six sessions looking at Old Testament Prophets and what they might have to say to us today in light of the recent General Election. Starting on Thursday 4 June 7pm – 8.30pm in the Bishop Kenneth Room. Everyone is welcome to attend these relaxed, informative sessions. Please collect a postcard from the Cathedral, see the website or contact Canon Peter for more information. The Woman at the Well - an afternoon of quiet reflection led by Canon Bruce Carpenter (2.15 – 4.30 pm) Wednesday 10 June in an Emsworth home & garden. Suggested donation £6. Transport from the Cathedral can be arranged. Places limited. To book a place, and to arrange or offer transport, please contact the Cathedral Shop. Portsmouth Festivities 19-28 June. Details of concerts and events including Southern Counter Tenors 9pm Tuesday 23 June and The David Rees-Williams Jazz Trio 9pm Wednesday 24 June are in the brochures in the Welcome area or Tickets from the Kings Theatre 023 9282 8282. DIOCESAN NEWS Pompey Chimes The June edition is available on the diocesan website or for collection in the Welcome Area. Archdeaconry Consultations. This year’s consultations start this month. All are welcome to attend these discussions on ministry and mission planning for Portsdown - Thursday 4 June, 6.30pm to 9pm at The Church of the Resurrection, Farlington. Spirituality Day Saturday 13 June 10am-3.30pm. The Food of Love – nurturing our souls in the quest for stillness – Sue Hyland. Details on the leaflets. £8.50. To book contact [email protected]. Assistant PA and Administrative Secretary in the Mission, Discipleship and Ministry team at the Diocese. The successful candidate will have proven administrative experience and good organisation and communication skills, both written and oral. Salary: £11,329 per annum for a 21 hour week. Application packs can be downloaded from the Diocesan website in the lay staff vacancies section. Completed applications to be received by 10am 8 June 2015. Interviews to take place on 16 June 2015. Portsmouth Cathedral, High Street, Old Portsmouth, PO1 2HH 023 9282 3300 [email protected] To donate text CATH23 with amount to 70070
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