19 October 2014 S. Luke 8.00am HOLY COMMUNION

19 October 2014
S. Luke
No cellphones or
cameras please
Presiding Priest:
Revd Canon Rosalie Hoddinott
Revd Canon David Morrell
Hilary King
Maralin Dunn
Presiding Priest:
Liturgical Assistant:
Director of Music:
Cathedral Asst Organist:
Revd Canon Rosalie Hoddinott
Revd Canon David Morrell
Taidhg Fraser
Chris Oldham
The Cathedral Choir
Brian Law
Nick Sutcliffe
Director of Music:
Cathedral Asst Organist:
Nicky Lee
Peter Williams
The Cathedral Choir
Brian Law
Nick Sutcliffe
www.transitionalcathedral.co.nz or www.christchurchcathedral.co.nz
Welcome to the Transitional Cathedral today. We are glad you have chosen to
worship with us today. If you’re a long way from home, we hope you are enjoying your
time in Christchurch. The flowers today are donated by Nicky Lee, in memory of Graeme, her husband and
faithful Cathedral Regular, who died ten years ago this week.
You may notice that the floor has not been polished! Due to an equipment breakdown,
the job could not be completed. The work will now be done next month.
Acting Dean Nick is now away, completing his sabbatical. We will welcome him back
in a month. Ven Ross Allen will be Acting Dean in his absence. Any pastoral care
issues should be taken to Canon Rosalie Hoddinott.
The Friends of the Cathedral have their AGM this Tuesday evening at the Cathedral
Grammar School. Members will have received notification.
The Association of Anglican Women have their annual Festival Communion Service
this Wednesday in the Cathedral at 7.30pm.
The Choir will be giving a recital
at St Mary’s Church Halswell
(329 Halswell Rd) on Wednesday
19 November at 6pm, with
wine and cheese to follow. All
welcome. Tickets $20, available
from Parish Office 329 Halswell
Road, or [email protected] 03
322 6095 or at the door.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
Please remember in your prayers
today the parish of PAPANUI
(Vicar, Andy Carley); CBMNZ
(formerly Christian Blind Mission
International); The University of
Canterbury and its Council and
the Tertiary Chaplaincy Board.
Confirmation classes will be
held early next year. If anyone is
interested in joining or would like
further information please see
Acting Dean Nick. Confirmation
is open to all who are baptised
and is a taking on of the promises
made by godparents at baptism. It is an adult commitment, usually
for those 16 and older.
12.05pm: Holy Communion with prayers for healing
5.30pm Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir
12.05pm: Holy Communion in the Celtic tradition
5.30pm Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir
7.30pm The AAW Festival Communion Service
12.05pm: Holy Communion in te Reo
No service of Choral Evensong today
12.05pm: Holy Communion
4.30pm Choral Evensong sung by the choristers of the Cathedral Choir
Sunday 26 OCTOber 2014 - PENTECOST 20
8.00am Holy Communion
Presiding Priest & Preacher: Ven Ross Allen
10.00am Choral Eucharist
Presiding Priest: Ven Ross Allen
Preacher: Mr Simon Leese, Headmaster of Christ’s College
Music: The Cathedral Choir
5.00pm Choral Evensong
Officiant: Jill Kerr, Precentor Music: The Cathedral Choir
8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Choral Eucharist
5.00pm Choral Evensong
Holy Communion at 12.05pm
Monday (NZPB), Tuesday (NZPB, with prayers for healing),
Wednesday (Celtic tradition), Thursday (in te reo Maori) Friday (NZPB)
Choral Evensong at 5.30pm (during school terms)
Tuesday & Wednesday (with the full Choir); Thursday (with the gentlemen of the Choir)
Friday at 4.30pm (with the Cathedral choristers)
According to information given us by Paul in his letters, Luke was a Gentile, a
physician, a dear friend of Paul (Colossians 4:14), and at one point apparently Paul’s
only companion in prison (2 Timothy 4:10,11). The New Testament tells us no more
about Luke directly, but since the time of the Muratorian Canon (c.180) tradition has
recognised Luke as the author of the anonymous third Gospel and the Acts of the
Apostles. Since parts of Acts (16:10-18; 20:5-15; 27:27-28:16) purport to be narrated by
an unidentified travelling companion of Paul, this tradition may come from an intelligent
deduction from the references to Luke in the epistles combined with the account in Acts.
The general location of these “we” passages may also suggest that Luke came from
Macedonia, but another tradition associates him with Antioch in Syria. The narrated
sections are stylistically homogeneous with the rest of Acts, tending to confirm that the
author was himself the companion of Paul. But questions arise when the theological
standpoint of Luke-Acts is compared with that of the Pauline letters. The author seems to
know nothing of some of the key elements in Pauline theology. The cross is understood
as part of the whole exemplary career of Jesus, rather than as the means of salvation
from the power of sin. The struggle over the Law, which preoccupied Paul in his letters,
is completely absent from his speeches in Acts.
The two-volume narrative of Luke-Acts takes as its major emphasis the story of the
transition of the gospel from the home of the Jewish religion, Jerusalem, to Rome, the
heart of the imperial world. It is a gospel for all: for the poor, for foreigners, for women,
for all who might have thought their disadvantage denied them salvation. Jesus is the
first Christian, his example followed by the heroes of the early church. His example and
theirs are recorded for us to follow in our world.
What happened to Luke after the death of Paul in Rome is not known, though
according to one tradition he wrote his Gospel and Acts in Greece and died at the age
of 84 in Boeotia in Greece.
From “All the Saints”
Requests for Prayer If you have prayer requests for people or situations known to you,
please contact Rev Rosalie Hoddinott ph. 332 2516 or [email protected] Prayer requests are
written down and placed on the altar during the Tuesday midday Healing Service and included in
the prayer time. Names and situations are not spoken aloud.
I would like to know more about the Cathedral’s worshipping community.
I would like to receive the monthly Cathedral newsletter, “Extra” by post
(if you would like to receive it by email please go to www.christchurchcathedral.co.nz)
Please drop this slip into the offertory bag or give to the Verger
PO Box 855 Christchurch New Zealand | Tel +64 3 3660046
[email protected] | www.christchurchcathedral.co.nz