PSIM P M Tuttoria al Auto Code C Gener G ration ffor F28 833x T Targett Jaanuary 20155 -1- Pow wersim Inc. Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett PSIM’s SimCoder S Module, M comb bined with F2833x F Harddware Targett, can generaate ready-to--run code for hardware baased on TI F2833x seriess floating-pooint DSP. This tuto orial describees, in step by y step, how to t generate ccode in PSIM M, compile aand upload thhe code in Code Composer C Studio (CCS)), and run it on o the DSP. To illustrrate the proccess, we use the circuit “T TI 1-ch DC//DC buck.pssimsch’ as ann example. T This example is located in n the sub-fold der “examplles\SimCodeer\F2833x Taarget\TI 1-C Ch DC-DC” in the PSIM dirrectory. To keep the t original example uncchanged, wee will copy thhe whole follder to “c:\ T TI 1-Ch DC--DC”, and use this t folder ass the working g folder in th his tutorial. 1. PSIM M Setup for fo Code Generation G n In PSIM,, load the sch hematic file “TI_DC_DC C_Buck_1_cch.psimsch”” as shown below. pared to other PSIM circu uits not for code c generattion, this circcuit containss elements frrom the As comp F2833x Hardware H Taarget library. In this circu uit, there aree two F2833x Hardware Target libraary elements: a 16-chann nel A/D conv verter and a 1-phase PW WM Generatoor, as shown below on thhe left. 33x Hardwarre Target lib brary can be accessed byy going to Ellements >> SimCoder > >> The F283 F2833x Target. T A list of the librrary is shown n below on tthe right. -6- Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett F2833x Tarrget library lisst: F283 335 Hardwaree elements used in the circuit Like any other circuiits, this circu uit can be sim mulated by sselecting Sim mulate >> R Run Simulattion. 1.1 Simulation Control C Parameters Before peerforming th he code geneeration, first define the pproject configguration for Code Compposer Studio. Double D click on the Simu ulation Contrrol block (thhe clock imaage). The Haardware Tarrget should bee set to F283 33x. Click on o the drop-d down menu tto choose onne of the fouur project setttings. In this case,, we will cho oose RAM Debug, D as sho own below. ug setting, it is easy to deebug the pro gram and thhere is no neeed to write thhe With the RAM Debu program to the flash memory. -7- Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett 1.2 Generating G Code C To generrate code, sellect Simulatte >> Generrate Code. T The generateed code will be displayedd in a separate window, as shown below w. PSIM no ot only generrates the cod de, but also generates g all the necessarry project filles for four configuraations: RAM M Debug, RA AM Release, Flash Releaase, and Flassh RAM Rellease. The prroject file and all a dependen nt files are sto ored in a sub b-folder calleed “c:\TI 1-C Ch DC-DC\ TI_DC_D DC_Buck_1_ch (C codee)”. 2. CCS S Setup The PSIM M generated project is fo or CCS v3.3,, the Code C Composer Stuudio from T TI should be vversion 3.3 or hig gher. If you are using CC CS v3.3, the project can be opened ddirectly; If using CCS 4 or higher, you y need to use u CCS’s Im mport Legacyy v3.3 Projeect function. We use CC CS v5.5 to shhow the way to lo oad and debu ug the prograam in this do ocument for the examplee. 2.1 Im mport Projeect into CCS Launch CCS C v5.5, iff this is the fiirst time you u load the prooject, you neeed to transffer CCS v3.33 project to CCS v5.5 v project by b go to Pro oject >> Imp port Legacyy CCSv3.3 P Project. Thee following ddialog pops up. click on "Brrowse..." buttton to choosse " C:\TI 1--Ch DC-DC\\TI_DC_DC C_Buck_1_chh (C code)\TI_ _DC_DC_B Buck_1_ch.pjjt" then click k "Next" buttton. -8- Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett When thee following dialog d displaayed, click "Finish" " buttton to start pproject transffer. If there iss no transferr problem, th he transformed project w will be autom matically loadded. The CC CS will appear ass follows: -9- Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett Note thatt the project configuratio on is set to RAM R Debug . With this ssetting, all prrogram and ddata will be lo oaded to the RAM memo ory. 2.2 Compiling C Code C To comp pile the projeect, right mou use click on the project nname ("TI_D DC_DC_Buck_1_ch") inn the pane of Project P Explo orer, then cliick on "Build Project" inn the poppedd up menu. O Or click on thhe project name in the pane p of Projeect Explorer to select it aas the currennt project (thhe project nam me changes to t bold) then n select Projject >> Builld to build thhe project orr Project >> Rebuild Alll to rebuild th he whole pro oject). After the compilin ng is compleete, CCS willl display thee following: - 10 - Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett The warn ning message can be ignored. This warning w messsage is displlayed when pprogram is nnot saved in the flash meemory. 2.3 C on Set Target Configuratio oading a prog gram to the target, t we neeed to createe a target connfiguration ffor the targett board Before lo (Assume that a TI’s TMS320F28 T 8335 controlCARD is ussed). Select V View -> Tarrget Configurrations, a paane of Targeet Configurattions displayys as followss in CCS. Right mo ouse click on n "User Defiined" in the Target T Confi figuration paane then select "New Tarrtget Configurration" in thee popped up menu. A diaalog displayss as below. - 11 - Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett Change the t file namee as you wan nt (here is "F F2833x", thee file extensioon will be "cccxml"), then click "Finish" button. A neew pane nam med "F2833x x.ccxml" dispplays in CCS S as below. nection" com mbo box, cho oose the emu ulator you wiill use (for eexample, "Sppectrum Digiital In "Conn C2000 XDS510LC X Emulator"), E then t check "TMS320F288335" in thee list box of ""Board of Device". Click "Saave" button to t save the configuration c n. Back to the t "Target Configuratio C ons" pane, rig ght mouse cllick on "F28833x.ccxml" configuratioon, move mo ouse to "Link k File to Proj oject" in the popped p up m menu, all proojects will bee displayed iin the sub-menu u. Select "TII_DC_DC_B Buck_1_ch" project, thenn check if "F F2833x.ccxm ml" is added to the project in n the "Projecct Explorer" pane. See beelow. 3. Targ get Hardw ware Setup p Insert TI’s TMS320F F28335 contrrolCARD in nto TI’s 2-Chhannel DC/D DC Buck Coonverter Kit DCDC2KIT)), as shown below. b (TMDSD - 12 - Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett Connect the J1 conneector of the board b to the JTAG emullator, and theen connect thhe JTAG em mulator to the com mputer’s US SB port. Afteer connecting g the power to the boardd, turn on Sw witches SW11 and SW2 on the t board. Switch SW3 is i for display ying either C Ch1 or Ch2 ooutput. Set S SW3 to the C Ch2 position. 4. Run nning Codee in DSP Target T 4.1 Load L Code to DSP Targ get In CCS, click c on "TI_ _DC_DC_B Buck_1_ch" project p to seet it as the cuurrent projecct (the currennt project name display ys bold), then n select Run n >> Debug tto connect thhe computerr to the DSP. If the connectio on is successsful, the prog gram will bee upload to thhe target, thee F28335 DS SP will automatically reset an nd run to thee start place of main funnction as show wn below. - 13 - Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett 4.2 Uploading U Code C to DSP (Flash Releease Version n) There aree 4 configuraation optionss in the geneerated projecct: RamReleaase, RamDebbug, FlashR Release and Flash hRamReleasse. RamReleease and Ram mDebug uplooad program m to DSP RA AM area; Insttead, FlashRellease and FlaashRamRelease upload program p to D DSP flash memory but F FlashRamRellease will automatically co opy the progrram to RAM M and all codde will be runn in RAM. T To use a diffferent configuraation, right mouse m click on the project name in thhe Project E Explorer panee, move mouuse to "Build Configuration ns" in the pop pped up men nu and selecct a configuraation you waant as below w. mpiled again,, then the codde can be upploaded After chaanging configuration, thee project neeed to be com to the DS SP with the same s method d described at a 5. Upload ding Code too DSP (RAM M Debug Veersion). 4.3 Run R Code in n DSP Targeet To run th he code in th he DSP, we can c use the to oolbar in "D Debug" pane as shown rigght to resum me, stop, step into,, step over an nd step returrn to run the program. 5. Monitoring Waveform W s with PSIIM’s DSP Oscilloscope At the en nd of Section ns Error! Reeference sou urce not fou und., the codde is runningg in the targeeted DSP to generate g a co onverter outp put of 3.3V (+/-0.05V). ( N Now, one maay use PSIM M’s DSP - 14 - Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett Oscillosccope feature to monitor the t variabless inside the D DSP and to ccontrol the cconverter outtput voltage. Connect the SCI portt of the hardw ware target to t the compuuter. Launch PSIM. P Selectt Utilities >> > DSP Oscillloscope. Thhis will launcch the DSP O Oscilloscopee as shown beelow. Set the co orrect serial port numberr, baud rate, and parity ccheck. They must be idenntical to thesse in the SCI Conffiguration bllock in the PSIM P circuit. Click thee Connect bu utton at the leeft bottom of the scope ppanel. All naames of SCI output and input variabless will be listeed on the left ft side of the panel, as shhown below. - 15 - Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett The two variables av vailable for monitoring m arre Vfdbk annd Ref_out. S Select the vaariables to diisplay on the scope screen. To chang ge the DC-D DC converter output voltaage, modify the value Vrref to 2 and click the Up pdate button. The T LED disp play of the converter c boaard will channge to the neew value. Thhe figure bellow shows the waveforms with the neew value of Vref. V 6. Cod de Composer Studio o Referencces For furth her informatiion about thee Texas Instrrument’s Coode Composeer Studio, please refer too the documen nts in the link ks below. - 16 - Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim Auto A Code Gen neration for F F2833x Targett CCSv5 C Getting g Started GuideCCSv5 Getting Started Guide htttp:// Started_Guide - 17 - Powe ersim Inc. www.powersim
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