PSIM Tuto orial Auto Code Genera G ation fo or F2803x Ta arget Jaanuary 20155 Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target PSIM’s SimCoder S Module, M comb bined with th he F2803x H Hardware Taarget, can generate readyy-torun code from a PSIM M control scchematic for hardware baased on TI F F2803x series fixed-poinnt DSP. This tuto orial describees, step by sttep, how to generate g codde in PSIM, ccompile andd upload the code in CodeC ComposerStu udio, and run n it on F2803 3x DSP harddware. To illustrrate the proccess, we use the circuit “D DC_DC Bucck 1_ch.psim msch” as an eexample. Thhis example is located in n the sub-fold der “Examples\SimCodeer\F2803x T Target\TI 1-C Ch DC-DC w with SCI” in the t PSIM dirrectory. To keep the t original example uncchanged, wee will copy thhe folder to “C:\ F280355 DC-DC”, aand use this folder f as the working follder in this tu utorial. 1. PSIM M Setup forr Code Geneeration In PSIM,, load the example schem matic file “D DC_DC Buckk 1_ch.psimssch” as show wn below. -2- Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target mple generaates the code for the TI 2-Channel DC C/DC Buck Converter K Kit DCDC2KIT)) with a Piccolo F28035 controlCAR RD. Only onee channel is implementeed in mple. One caan simulate th his circuit by y selecting S Simulate >> > Run Simullation. d-point code generation, a circuit mu ust contain ellements from m the F2803x Hardware brary. The liibrary is locaated at Elem ments >> Sim mCoder >> F F2803x Tarrget. A list oof the s shown belo ow. mulation Co ontrol Param meters he code is geenerated, Sim mCoder paraameters mustt be properlyy set in Simuulation Contrrol Double click on the Simu ulation Contrrol block (thhe clock imagge). Click onn the SimCooder set the param meters as sho own below. -3- Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target The settin ngs are: Hardware H Ta arget: Set to F2803x and d RamDebugg. RamDebugg is selected in this exam mple for debugg ging. CPU C Version n: Select F28 8035 (80pin). Check C Fixed--Point Rangee: Check thiss box to checck the fixed--point range for overflow w. Default D Data Type: Selecct IQ24 for th his example.. Please no ote that checcking the fixeed-point range for overfl flow requiress additional ccomputationnal effort. It is recommen nded that on ne performs this t check affter the circuuit is close too be finalizedd. Currently y, PSIM can generate pro oject files fo or CCS v3.3 only. If onee uses a versiion newer thhan v3.3, onee can use “Im mport Legacy y v3.3 Projeect” functionn. 1.2 Deefining F280 03x Target Elements E In this cirrcuit, severaal F2803x Taarget library elements arre used. All tthese elemennts must be properly configured according a to o the specificc target hardw dware settinggs. F2803x Hardware H Configuration C n: This element defines tthe I/O portss of the F28003x hardwarre. One musst unlock thiss element to change the designation d of the I/O poort, and musst lock it afterward ds. In this ex xample: o A0 is desiignated as an n A/D input channel for voltage meaasurement; o GPIO2 is designated as a PWM outtput; o GPIO28 and a GPIO29 are designaated for SCI communicattion; and o GPIO39 is i used as a digital d outpu ut. DSP Clock: Specify the t DSP clocck parameteers for this prroject as folllows: o DSP Clocck Source: Internal oscillator 1 o External Clock C (MHzz): 10 o DSP Speeed (MHz): 60 SCI Conffiguration: Specify S the I//O pins, the speed, and pparity checkk of the SCI pport. The output buffer sizze is determiined by the desired d waveeform resoluution and avaailable mem mory space. T The SCI communication provides p a convenient c way w to utilizee PSIM’s DS SP Oscilloscope functionn. The DSP P Oscilloscop pe is used to control the buck converrter’s outputt voltage andd monitor thee values in nside the DSP P. The SCI input i allows the referencce value to bbe changed bby the DSP Oscillosccope in real time, t and SC CI outputs arre used to dissplay signalss it the DSP Oscilloscoppe in real time. A/D Converter (16 ch hannel): Speecify the mod de and gain of ADC chaannels. For thhis example,, Channel A0 is in DC C mode with a gain of 2.0 0 PWM Mo odule (singlee phase): Speecify the PW WM module source, the ooutput modee, switching frequency y, and many y other settin ngs of a singlle-phase PW WM module. For further ddetailed informatiion, please refer r to the SimCoder S Usser Manual. 1.3 Deefining Fixed d-Point Positions In the F2 2803x Targett code, Texaas Instrumentts' IQmath liibrary is useed for fixed-ppoint calculaation. As shown n in the figu ure below, eaach of the no on-hardware--related elem ments can bee set as Defauult, Integer, or o fixed poin nt with the IQ Q number frrom 1 to 30. -4- Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target xample, the Default D fixed d-point posittion is selectted for the ddigital filter bblock _D2, which means that the t output off this block w will use the ffixed-point pposition of IQ20 ed in Defaultt Fixed-Point Position in n Simulationn Control. point calculaation, the sellection of thee fixed-poinnt position is an importannt issue. If thhe int range is too t low, the variable valu ue may overrflow. But iff the fixed-pooint range iss too calculation resolution will w suffer. To T address thhis problem, PSIM provides the funcction oint range fro om simulatio on results, annd give indiccation if a paarticular outtput the fixed-po o overflow or o already ov verflow, or is too conserrvative in thee fixed-pointt position settting. xample, afterr the simulattion, if the bo ox Check Fiixed-Point R Range under Simulation >> SimCod der is checkeed, the follow wing dialog w window will appear. og window shows s that, for f example, the output oof the digitall filter FILTE ER_D2 is seet to d the requireed setting is IQ30, which h is more thaan sufficientt in the data rrange. -5- Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target Howeverr, as an exam mple, if the default d fixed--position is sset to IQ29, it will not bee sufficient aas some of the t variabless will overflo ow and others are close to overflow.. The fixed-ppoint range check ressults are shown below: The resullts show thatt the Summeer and A/D converter c out utputs will ovverflow, andd the digital ffilter and limitter outputs arre close to overflow. PSIM's range check function f pro ovides a conv venient way to handle fixxed-point poositions. 1.4 Geenerating Co ode To generrate code, sellect Simulatte >> Generrate Code. T The generateed code will be displayedd in a separate window, as shown below w. ubfolder insiide the foldeer containingg the PSIM ccircuit file annd is named the PSIM wiill create a su same as the t PSIM cirrcuit but with h (C code) added a at the end. For thiss example prroject, this subfolderr is C:\F2803 35 DC_DC\D DC_DC Bucck 1_ch (C ccode). In additio on to the C code c file, PSIM also gen nerates projecct files, link command fi files, as well as all other files necessaary for four different d pro oject buildingg configurattions: RAM Debug, RAM M Release, Flash Release, and Flash h RAM Releease. All theese files are sstored in the newly creatted subfolderr C:\F28035 DC_DC\DC C_DC Buck 1_ch (C codde). -6- Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target 2. CCS S Setup The PSIM M generated project is fo or CCS v3.3,, the Code C Composer Stuudio from T TI should be version 3.3 3 or higherr. If you are using u CCS v3.3, v the projject can be oopened direcctly. For CCS S4 or higherr, you must use u the Impo ort Legacy v3 3.3 Project ffunction in C CCS. Below CCS v5.5 iss used to sh how the way y to load and d debug the program. p 2.1 Im mport Projecct into CCS Launch CCS C v5.5. Iff this is the first fi time you u load the prooject, go to P Project >> IImport Leggacy CCSv3.3 3 Project. Th he dialog is shown below w on the leftt. Click on B Browse... to cchoose "C:\F280 035 DC-DC\\ TI_DC_DC C_Buck_1_ch (C code)\T TI_DC_DC__Buck_1_chh.pjt", then cllick on Next. The dialog will be show wn as below on the right . Click on Finish to starrt importing. If there iss no problem m in importin ng, the conveerted projectt will be autoomatically looaded. Projeect Explorer of the CCS will appear as shown beelow. -7- Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target Note thatt the project configuratio on is set to RAM R Debug . With this ssetting, all prrogram and ddata will be lo oaded to the RAM memo ory. To comp pile the projeect, right mou use click on the project nname "TI_D DC_DC_Bucck_1_ch" in tthe panel of the t Project Explorer, E theen click on "Build Projecct" in the poppped up mennu. Or click on the project name in th he panel of Project P Expllorer to selecct it as the cuurrent projecct (the projecct name chaanges to bold d). Select Prroject >> Bu uild to buildd the project or Project > >> Rebuild A All to rebuild d the whole project. p Afteer the compiiling is compplete, CCS w will display tthe followingg: The warn ning message can be ignored. This warning w messsage is displlayed when pprogram is nnot saved in the flash meemory. -8- Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target 2.2 CC CS Project Configuratio C on Select Prroject >> Prroperties. Seet the properrties of the pproject “DC__DC_Buck 11_ch” as shoown below. The settin ngs are: o Configura ation: Ram mDebug (Actiive) o Device Fa amily: C200 00 o Device Va ariant: TMS S320F28035 o Connectio on: Select th he correct con nnection froom the list, acccording to tthe JTAG connectio on you have. o In the Advvanced settin ngs, use the browser to ffind the file F F28035_RA AM_Lnk.cmdd in the folderr C:\F28035 DC_DC\DC C_DC Buck 1_ch (C codde). o Click on Apply, A and then t OK. Select Ru un >> Debu ug. The hardw ware target will w be connnected, and thhe CCS willl display the Debuggeer window ass shown in th he figure bellow. The codde is ready too run in targgeted DSP hardwaree. Select Ru un >> Resume to resum me the code execution. e Thhe LED dispplay of the E EVM would display th he dc-dc con nverter outpu ut voltage at 3.3V (+/- 0 .05V). Section 4 of this tutorial will illustrate how to o use DSP O Oscilloscope to monitor tthe DSP inteernal variabless and to conttrol the converter voltagee. -9- Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target 2.3 CC CS Target Configuratio C on Before lo oading a prog gram to the target, t we neeed to createe a target connfiguration ffor the targett board. In n this examplle, a TI’s TM MS320F2803 35 controlCA ARD is usedd. Select Vieew >> Targeet Configurrations. A dialog d windo ow will appear as followss in CCS. Rightt mouse click k on User Defined D in th he Target Coonfiguration dialog, then select New Targ get Configurration in thee pop-up men nu. A dialogg will appearr as below. - 10 - Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target Change the t file namee as you wish h (here it is called c "F28003x", and thee file extension will be "ccxml")), then click on o Finish. A dialog nam med "F2803xx.ccxml" willl appear as bbelow. - 11 - Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target In the "C Connection" combo c box, choose the emulator e youu will use (fo for example, "Spectrum Digital C2000 C XDS5 510LC Emullator"), then check "TMS S320F280355" in the list box of "Boaard of Device". Click on Sa ave to save th he configuraation. Back to the t "Target Configuratio C ons" dialog, right r click onn the "F28033x.ccxml" coonfigurationn, and move thee cursor to "L Link File to Project" in the t pop-up m menu. All proojects will bbe displayed in the sub-m menu. Selectt the project "TI_DC_DC C_Buck_1_cch" as shownn below. Now, cheeck if "F280 03x.ccxml" iss added to th he project in the Project Explorer, ass shown beloow. 3. Targ get Hardwa are Setup Insert TI TMS320F28035 contro olCARD into o the 2-Channnel DC/DC Buck Conveerter Kit (TMDSD DCDC2KIT)), as shown below. b - 12 - Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target Connect the J1 conneector of the board b to the JTAG emullator, and theen connect thhe JTAG emulatorr to the comp puter’s USB port. After connecting c tthe power to the board, tturn on Switcches SW1 and d SW2 on thee board. Set SW3 to the Ch2 position to display voltage. 4. Run nning Code in i DSP Target 4.1 Load Code to DSP Targeet In CCS, click c on "TI_ _DC_DC_B Buck_1_ch" project p to seet it as the cuurrent projecct (the currennt project name will app pear in bold)). Then selecct Run >> D Debug to connnect the com mputer to thee DSP. If the connectio on is successsful, the prog gram will bee upload to thhe target, annd the F280335 DSP willl automatically reset and d run to the start s place off the main fuunction as shhown below. - 13 - Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target 4.2 h Release Veersion) Load Code to DSP (Flash There aree 4 configuraations in a generated pro oject, they arre RamRelease: R Load program to RAM areea and run inn RAM RamDebug: R Load program to RAM areea and run inn RAM FlashRelease and Load program to DSP’s flaash memory and run in fflash FlashRamRellease: Load program to flash mem mory but coppy program into RAM aand ran n in RAM - 14 - Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target To use a different con nfiguration, right click on o the projecct name in Prroject Exploorer. Move thhe nfigurations" in the pop-u up menu andd select a connfiguration oof your choicce. cursor to "Build Con mpiled againn, then the coode can be After chaanging configuration, thee project neeeds to be com uploaded d to the DSP with the sam me method as a described in Section 44.1. 4.3 Ru un Code in DSP D Target To run th he code in the DSP, wee can use thee toolbar in the "Debugg" toolbar ass shown beloow to resume, stop, s step intto, step overr and step retturn to run thhe program. 5. Mon nitoring Wa aveforms wiith DSP Osccilloscope At the en nd of Section ns 4.3, the co ode is runnin ng in the targgeted DSP too generate a converter ouutput of 3.3V (+/-0.05V). ( Now, N one maay use PSIM M’s DSP Osccilloscope feeature to monnitor the variabless inside the DSP D and to control c the co onverter outtput voltage. Connect the SCI portt of the hardw ware target to t the compuuter. - 15 - Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target PSIM. Selectt Utilities >> > DSP Oscillloscope. Thhis will launcch the DSP O Oscilloscopee as elow. orrect serial port numberr, baud rate, and parity ccheck. They must be idenntical to thesse in Configuratio on block in th he PSIM circcuit. e Connect bu utton at the leeft bottom of the scope ppanel. All naames of SCI output and input s will be listeed on the left ft side of the panel, as shhown below. variables av vailable for monitoring m arre Vfdbk annd Ref_out. S Select the vaariables to on the scope screen. - 16 - Powersim Inc. www Au uto Code Geneeration for F2 803x Target To chang ge the DC-D DC converter output voltaage, modify the value Vrref to 2 and click the Up pdate button. The T LED disp play of the converter c boaard will channge to the neew value. Thhe figure bellow shows the waveforms with the neew value of Vref. V 6. Cod de Composerr Studio Reeferences For furth her informatiion about thee Texas Instrrument’s Coode Composeer Studio, please refer too the documen nts in the link ks below. CCSv5 C Getting g Started GuideCCSv5 Getting Started Guide htttp:// Started_Guide - 17 - Powersim Inc. www
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