Week Ending 20th March

Thursday 19th March contd.
Week Ending 20th March 2015
4.00 p.m.—4.45 p.m. Tennis, F2 and F3
NO Revision Club, F5 and F6
Monday 16th March
NO Homework Club, F3—F6
NO F3 Swimming
KS2 Production Dress Rehearsal, all day
NO Coding Club, F3 and F4
12.30 p.m. Jewellery Club, F1 and F2
4.30 p.m. Horseriding Club, F1—F6
12.30 p.m. WFA Football, F1 and F2
7.00 p.m. Performance of ‘The Pied Piper’
1.10 p.m. Senior Choir
Friday 20th March
3.30 p.m.—4.00 p.m. Ballet, KG and Rec
8.15 a.m. Solar Eclipse, Headmaster’s Lawn
3.45 p.m.—4.30 p.m. WFA Junior Football
12.30 p.m. Tennis, Reception
4.00 p.m. Homework Club, F3—F6
1.15 p.m. Netball Club, F3 and F4
4.00 p.m.—4.30 p.m. Ballet, F1 and F2
3.45 p.m.—4.30 p.m. Multi-sports, Rec—F2
4.30 p.m.—5.30 p.m. WFA Senior Football
4.00 p.m.—4.30 p.m. Homework Club, F3—F6
Tuesday 17th March
4.30 p.m.—5.30 p.m. Basketball Club, F4—F6
8.30 a.m. Uniform Shop Open
7.30 PTA Quiz Night
9.30 a.m. Tumbletots, Nursery
12.30 p.m. Tumbletots, Reception
The following children received their gold merit badge
this week for reaching 100 credits:
1.00 p.m. IAPS U9 Rugby Tournament
1.10 p.m. French Drama Club, F3 and F4
1.45 p.m. Tumbletots, KG
3.45 p.m.—4.30 p.m. Sale Sharks Rugby, F1—F6
4.00 p.m.—4.30 p.m. Gymbobs, F1 and F2
NO Sign Language Club
NO Homework Club, F3—F6
Oscar Wood
Ivan Marr
Chloe Anders
Nathal Fontaine
Toby Window
Eoin Wood
Keyrol Figueroa
Bella Renton
Joshua Wilson
Isobel Howarth
James McGing
Vivian Tran
Malachi Al-Radhi
Harry Mascall
NO Street Jazz, F3—F6
7.00 p.m. Performance of ‘The Pied Piper’
Wednesday 18th March
9.00 a.m. F2 Swimming
10.15 a.m. Chess Club, F2 and F3
1.00 p.m. Junior Choir
1.10 p.m. Coding Club, F5 and F6
2.00 p.m. Performance of ‘The Pied Piper’
3.45 p.m.—4.30 p.m. Lego Club, F1 and F2
3.45 p.m. Baking Club, F3 (B)
3.45 p.m.—4.30 p.m. Art Club, F1
4.00 p.m. Homework Club, F3—F6
4.30 p.m. Baking Club, F4—F6 (B)
Thursday 19th March
12.30 p.m. Tennis, F1
1.10 p.m. WFA Football, F3—F6
Email: [email protected]
The following children received a
golden leaf this week:
Form 6
Ellis Budd
Form 5
Laiba Farhaan
Form 4
Alfie Ormrod
Form 3
Jasmine Budd
Form 2
Adam Ayub
Form 1C
George Mason
Form 1L
Jessica Bent
Reception F
Maddie McGowan
Reception S
India Harding
Kindergarten D
Annabel Harris
Kindergarten R
Maya Morana
Chloe Davies and Tristan
Nursery: 01625 526628
Whizz Kids: 01625 548337
Well, child, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So child, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
A mother (97 years old) in China, feeding and taking
care of her paralysed son (60 years old) everyday for
more than 19 years. A reminder of the amazing spirit
of human compassion and more importantly,
motherly love.
Langston Hughes (1922)
Mother’s sacrifice each and every day to ensure that we have all we need; never a question, never a
true doubt. A Mother’s love is unquenchable for her children. No matter how hard the places she has to
go, her footsteps never falter. We must strive to do of our very best in respect and out of love for her
and the sacrifices she makes for us.
Thanks Mum.
Mr. Goulbourn
This year’s production will take place on:
Tuesday 17th March 2015 at 7.00pm
Wednesday 18th March 2015 at 2.00pm
Thursday 19th March 2015 at 7.00pm
Please note that the following clubs are cancelled
next week due to the school production:
Tuesday 17th March—Sign
Language Club,
Homework Club and Street Jazz
Thursday 19th March—Revision
Homework Club and Coding Club
Please follow us on twitter @pownallhallsch to keep
up to date with all the goings on around school.
To book tickets please go to our new
school website
www.pownallhallschool.co.uk and click on
the News page. Once you are on this
page, there is a picture of a ticket that will
link to a website called TicketSource. You
will then be able to choose the seats you
want, book them online, add a donation
for the School Theatre Fund and print an
We look forward to seeing you!
The following children celebrate their
birthday next week:
Maegan Day, Ralph Kiff and
Lexie Lapenna
Wilmslow Half Marathon
I am running the Wilmslow Half Marathon on
March 22nd and raising money for The Christie, a
cause close to Pownall Hall hearts in recent
Please visit www.justgiving.com/BeccaBarlow to
donate. Thank you very much indeed.
Rebecca Barlow
Lucas and Gisele Hill who both represent Trafford at
swimming, have been selected to represent the North
West in the Micro League at the end of March. Also,
Gisele and Lucas are representing Trafford Metro in
the Peaks and Plains League. Good luck to both of
them! Mrs. Johnstone
On 5th March my sister and I took part in a Trafford
time trials gala. We had to perform every stroke
quickly and we both did really well, achieving great
times! Trafford offered us both a place on the team
to take part in galas with them which we are really
looking forward to.
Lucas Hill
Well done Lucas and Gisele!
Morgan Daly-Pattison recently completed a swimming
badge testing event with the Cubs and Scouts
(Morgan being in the Cubs).
There were three levels in the swimming ranging from
1 to 5, 5 being the most challenging with numerous
exhausting a testing tasks even for the most
accomplished swimmers.
All of the Cubs chose levels from 1-3 apart from
Morgan who chose level 5 as he wanted to see if he
could complete it.
He did complete it and managed to do the 1000
metres in less than the allocated time at the end of
the test, his only fellow swimmers being Scouts who
were much older. Well done Morgan!
Our hearty congratulations to all of the House teams who presented so professionally at Sheldon's HQ on
Tuesday of this week as a part of the Pownall's Business Enterprise Project for F5 and 6. Each House pitched
their product to a panel of experts from Sheldon's Bakery and did so quite superbly. Every participant
contributed fully to their House presentation and were congratulated by the Dragons.
The entrepreneurs have developed products, logos, strap lines, deals and also websites to get their product to
market. They have completed their market research, have the facts and statistics to guide the market demand
and will be ready to take orders and sell their product very soon-look out for it and please support them in their
endeavour to raise as much money as possible for 'The Christie'.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sheldon's wholeheartedly for their support for our Enterprise
Project, their time on the day to show their wonderful business to us and for the wonderful product they
produced for us at lunch-thank you!
Mr. Goulbourn
Here is a selection of photographs displaying a wide range of activities completed during recent Art and
Design and Design and Technology lessons.
Mrs. HenningHenning-Lee
Form 6 have been
making ceramic signs
to go in the new EYFS
outdoor area
Form 5 have been
making clay heads
Form 3 have been
evaluating their
vehicles and identifying
what went well and
how well they used
tools and equipment
such as hacksaws, axle
holders and glue guns!!
Form 4 enjoyed
designing and making
their own fabric for a
needle case
IAPS U9 Tag Rugby Tournament
Tuesday 17th March 2015
Start: 1.00 p.m.
Venue: The Ryleys
Return: 4.30 p.m.
Team: Tyler Akka, Francis Bennett,
Louis Bony, Leo Collins, Keyrol
Figueroa, Nathal Fontaine, Daniel
Mejia, Alfie Ormrod, Jake Pickston
and Antony Renton.
Reception F choosing to make necklaces with
animals...super counting and sequencing!
There is NO swimming for year 3
on Monday 16th March due to
More Bots!
Fantastic stories from Reception. Choosing to
write as their activity. Wonderful!
The Nursery would like to say a big ‘THANK
YOU’ to Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong for the
donation of some fantastic dressing up
outfits. The children are thoroughly enjoying
Miss Earl
What fabulous traditional tales I read this
week! Maren, Bella and William all got gold
stars for their wonderful work! Well done!
Mr. Goulbourn
Thank you to everyone who kindly
donated to Comic Relief for our
non-uniform day today. We managed
to raise £169.30
Email: [email protected] Nursery: 01625 526628
Whizz Kids: 01625 548337