7TH BALKAN CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL SCIENCE BALNIMALCON 2015 AGENDA Start End Wednesday, 03/06/2015 18:00 19:30 Welcome Reception and Early Registration (Hotel Terme, Ilidža-Sarajevo) 19:30 21:00 Welcome cocktail Thursday, 04/06/2015 6:30 8:45 9:00 9:30 Breakfast (Hotel Terme, Ilidža-Sarajevo) Opening Ceremony 1. Prof. dr Ihsan Soysal, Chairman of the network initiative of Animal Production scientists to stimulate the progress of research and collaboration in the Balkan countries 2. Prof.dr Muhamed Brka, Chaırman of Balkan animal conference (BALNIMALCON-2015) 3. Prof. dr Muharem Avdispahić, Rector,University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 4. Prof.dr Osman SİMSEK, Rector, Namik Kemal University,Tekirdağ, Republic of Turkey 5. Prof. dr Zlatan Sarić, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences University ofSarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 6. Prof. dr Ahmet İstanbulluoğlu, Dean of Agriculture Faculty, Namik Kemal University,Tekirdağ, Republic of Turkey 7. Prof. dr Senaid Memić, Mayor of Ilidža Municipality (Room 1) 9:30 Plenary Section – Invited Paper (20 min per presentation) 10:30 Chairs: Prof. dr Ihsan Soysal, Prof.dr Muhamed Brka 9:30 9:50 1 1 9:50 10:10 1 10:30 1 1 1 1 Slavov, R. , Stankov, I. , Georgieva, S. , Mihaylova, G. , Panayotov, M. , Radev, V. : Opportunities for development of Bulgarian livestock breeding within the context of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation „Horizon 2020“ 1 Faculty of Agriculture at Trakia University, town of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria 1 10:10 1,2 Popovski, Z.T. , Dimitrievska, B.R. : Application of biochemical and molecular tools in animal science: Case studies for marker assisted selection, evolutionary studies, identification of animal products and gene expression. 1 Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University "Ss Cyril and Methodius" - Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 2 Joint Reserach Center of EU - Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements - Geel, Belgium 1 1 2 3 4 Đedović, R. , Bogdanović, V. , Stanojević, D. , Brka, M. , Stojić, P. , Jakovljević, G. : Heritability of dairy traits in the first three lactations of black and white dairy cows. 1 2 Institute for zootechniques, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute for zootechniques, University of 3 Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Institute PKB Agrieconomic, Belgrade- Padinska Skela, 4 Livestock Veterinary Center, Velika Plana 1|P a g e 7TH BALKAN CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL SCIENCE BALNIMALCON 2015 AGENDA (Room 1) 10:30 11:00 Coffee Break Animal Management and Health - Native Animal Genetic Resources and Rural Development Chairs: Prof. dr Zafer Ulutas, Assistant Prof. Admir Dokso 1. 2. 3. 11:00 12:30 4. 5. 6. 7. 12:30 Kul., E., Erdem, H.: Relationship between milk insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentration and body condition score with reproductive performance and milk yield in Jersey cows Coskun, F., Sahin, A., Kul, E., Ugurlutepe, E.: Comparison of different models for milk fat and protein content curves in goats Petek, M., Cavusoglu, E., Topal, E., Abdourhamane, I. M.: A novel approach in broiler housing and management: Slat floor housing and on-farm hatching Sariozkan, S., Kara, K., Kocaoğlu Güçlü, B.: Applicability of non-feed removal molting programs instead of conventional feed withdrawal method in brown layer hens Coskun, I., Tat, M., Filik, G., Altop, A., Şahin, A., Erener, G., Şamli, H.E.: The effects of initial chick weight and dietary symbiotic supplementation on growth performance, gastro intestinal tract development, ileal histomorphology and caecal pathogen microorganism in broiler chickens Şirin, E., Ulutaş, Z., Aksoy, Y., Önenç, A., Ensoy, U., Uğurlu, M., Kuran, M.: Determination of muscle fiber types of native sheep breeds in Turkey Yilmaz, O., Coskun, F., Ertugrul, M.: A short review: Large carnivore damage pressure on livestock in European countries (Room 1) Lunch (Hotel Terme, Ilidža-Sarajevo) 14:00 Genetics, Breeding and Biometry Chairs: Prof. dr Mehmet Mendes, Prof.dr Snežana Trivunović 1. 2. 14:00 15:30 3. 4. 5. 6. 15:30 16:00 Erduran, H., Dağ, B.: Milk yield of different genotype goats Çobanoğlu, Ö., Gürcan, E.K., Çankaya, S., Kul, E., Abaci, S.H., Ülker, M.: The effect of DGAT1 on milk production traits in Turkish Holstein and Jersey cattle breeds Işık, R., Bilgen, G., Ipçak, H.H., Alçiçek, A.: Molecular genetic application in animal nutrition: Nutrigenomics Karabacak, A., Boztepe, S.: Comparison of fattening performance of fat tailed and thin tailed sheep breeds Das, H., Paksoy, Z.: Quantitative trait loci of reproductive trait in cattle Şan, A., Mirtagioğlu, H., Mendeş, M.: Why so many correlation coefficients? (Room 1) Coffee Break 2|P a g e 7TH BALKAN CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL SCIENCE BALNIMALCON 2015 AGENDA Livestock Farming Systems and Marketing Chairs: Prof. dr Vladan Bogdanović, Assistant Prof. Ervin Zečević 1. 2. 16:00 17:30 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 17:30 19:00 4. 5. 6. 7. 20:30 24:00 Koluman, N., Göncü, S., Gültekin, U., Mevliyaoğulları, E.: Animal husbandry at Cukurova Delta biosphere reserve area in The Mediterranean coast of Turkey Pirinççi E., Göncü, S., Bostan Budak, D., Mevliyaoğulları E.: The structure of dairy cattle farms of Pozantı county, problems and alternative approach Daskiran, I., Koluman, N., Ayhan, V., Konyalı, A., Savaş, T.: Small ruminant breeding strategy and infrastructure of sheep and goat breeder association of Turkey Kingueleoua, K.K.C., Canyurt, M.A.: Proposals for development strategies of livestock sector in Central African Republic Ocak, S., Ogun, S.: Alternative livestock production networks: Is it a paradigm for rural development Talebi, M.A., Vatankhah, M.: Genetic analysis of growth curve parameters in Lori-Bakhtiari sheep Ostojić, G., Stankovski, S., Trivunović, S., Kučević, D., Zhang, X.: Implementation of Internet of things for animal identification (Room 1) Reproduction, Physiology, Anatomy Chairs: Prof. dr Sezen Arat, Prof. dr Halil Omanović Sen, U., Kuran, M.: Effect of incubation temperature during maturation and antioxidants in embryo culture on developmental competence of bovine oocytes Bozkurt, Y.: Cryopreservation of sperm in aquatic species Sarıözkan, S., Bucak, M. N., Tuncer, P. B., Tasdemir, U., Kinet, H., Ulutaş, P. A.: Effects of different extenders and centrifugation/washing on postthaw microscopic-oxidative stress parameters and fertilizing ability of Angora buck sperm Kırıkçı, K., Çam, A. M.: Role of the melatonin hormone on reproductive control in small ruminants Abdulkareem, T.A., Al-Rawi, H. M., Abdul-Rahaman, Y. T., Eidan, S. M.: Early pregnancy detection of Iraqi female camel (Camelus dromedarius) using different methods Eidan, S. M., Abdulkareem, T.A., Sultan O.A.A.: Effect of adding manganese to Tris extender on some post-cryopreservation semen characteristics of Holstein bulls Paksoy, Z., Das, H.: Gene expressions and conceptus signals for maternal recognition of pregnancy in cattle (Room 1) Cheese Party Tasting of cheese, wine and other local products of Bosnia and Herzegovina Friday, 05/06/2015 3|P a g e 7TH BALKAN CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL SCIENCE BALNIMALCON 2015 AGENDA Animal Nutrition Chairs: Prof.dr Zehra Saricicek, Assistant Prof. Emir Džomba 1. 09:00 10:30 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10:30 Kop-Bozbay, C., Ocak, N.: Posthatch growth and skeletal muscle development in response to branched chain amino acids supplementation of low-protein diet for turkey poults subjected to early or delayed feeding Živoder, D., Pavičić, J., Tudor, P., Dražić, M.: The path of honey-from the apiary to the final consumer Başer, E.: The influence of lighting photoperiods with triticale diets on broiler performance and abdominal fat deposition Hanoglu, H., Biricik, H., Talug, A. M., Gezen, S. S., Dikmen, S.: Effects of carvacrol and/or thymol on performance, blood and rumen parameters in Merino lambs Al-Hamdani, H., Al- Hamdani, A.: The possibility of planting Lupin albus at Iraq for its nutritional importance (human, animal, and livestock) Bozkurt Kiraz, A., Kutlu, H. R.: Determination of organic acids in barley silage of recombinant inoculant contributıon (Room 1) 11:00 Coffee Break Animal Nutrition Chairs: Assistant Prof. Senada Čengić-Džomba, Assoc. Prof.dr Irfan Daskiran 1. 2. 3. 11:00 12:30 4. 5. 6. 7. 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 Yaman, S., Ünay, E., Karakaş, V.: Selenium status of wool of Akkaraman sheep in grazing season related to pasture selenium content in some districts of Ankara Province Baylan, M., Canogullari, S., Copur, G., Ayasan, T.: Effects of dietary selenium source, storage time and temperature on the quality of quail eggs Konca, Y., Sarıözkan, S., Kocaoğlu Güçlü, B., Kara, K., Büyükkılıç Beyzi, S., Kaliber, M.: Effects of dietary supplementation of dried distillers grain with soluble (DDGS) and yucca (Yucca schidigera) on carcass and meat quality of broilers in finishing period Çolak, A., Cufadar, Y.: The effect of rations containing different levels of expanded corn on performance in broilers Ağyar, O., Özkaya, A., Sucak, M. G., Yilmaz. E.: Determination and comparison of element levels in the milk samples of cow, goat and sheep naturally fed in Turkey Ozturk, E., Konanç, K., Cifci, A., Sahin, H. A.: does increase immunoglobulins in broiler breeding when added propolis to the diet? Karami, M.: Interaction between fattening periods and energy on carcass fat deposit of Iranian native lambs (Room 1) Closing Ceremonies Lunch (Hotel Terme, Ilidža-Sarajevo) 4|P a g e 7TH BALKAN CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL SCIENCE BALNIMALCON 2015 AGENDA 14:00 19:00 Excursion city tour 19:00 20:30 Free Evening 20:30 03:00 Gala Dinner Saturday, 06/06/2015 Departure Transport from Hotel to the airport 5|P a g e 7TH BALKAN CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL SCIENCE BALNIMALCON 2015 AGENDA POSTERS SECTION: 1. Animal Management and Health (P1-P18) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Awlad M.M.E.M., Görgülü, M.: The effects of different feeding system on milk production and milk composition in dairy cows Önder, D., Mevliyaoğullari, E., Göncü, S., Koluman, N.: Evaporative coolıng systems usage in subtropic climate conditions of Mediterranean region Göncü, S., Görgülü, M., Mevliyaoğulları, E.: The Lactation Performances and Some Reproductive Traits of Heifers Raised in Different Growth performances Villa-Mancera, A., Reynoso-Palomar, A., Utrera-Quintana, F., Hernández-Guzmán, K., Cruz-García, M., Olivares-Pérez, J., Carreón-Luna, L. : Assessment of Fasciola hepatica miracidium motility by computer assisted sperm analyzer Balieva, G., Otuzbirov, R.: Animal welfare management in extensive breeding of goats – legislative and economic view Murat, H., Aral, Y., Çevrimli, M. B., Gökdai, A.: Determination of characteristics and management models of animal attendants at dairy farms in the central Anatolian region of Turkey Çevrimli, M. B., Arikan, M. S., Polat, M., Akin, A. C., Murat, H.: Current situation of dairy cattle breeding sector in Thrace region of Turkey Demir, N., Güler, H. C., Kurbal, Ö. F., Babacanoğlu, E.: Effects of feed withdrawal stress on blood biochemistry and meat quality of Japanese quails fed supplemental dietary humic acid Karaca, S., Kor, A.: Effect of feeding system on meat quality and fatty acid profile of lambs slaughtered at the same age or live weight Yenilmez, F., Uruk, E., Serbester, U., Çelik, L.: Effects of wholesaler and consumer conditions on egg quality parameters in different seasons Turkyilmaz, D., Esenbuga, N.: Determining the characteristics of reproduction and growth performance of Morkaraman and Romanov x Morkaraman crossbreed Yenilmez, F., Uruk, E.: General situation of laying hen production in Turkey Içen, H., Arserim, N. B., Işik, N., Özkan, C., Kaya, A.: Prevalence of four enteropathogens with immunochromatographic rapid test in the feces of diarrheic calves in east and southeast of Turkey Erdem, H., Akbağ, H. I., Demircan, A., Konyalı, C., Savaş, T.: Effect of Dermanyssus gallinae on carcass composition and carcass nutrient content from whole body analysis in Japanese quails Coşkun B., Savaş, T.: Determination of Coxiella burnetii seroprevalence in relation with tick infest among sheep in Bursa Şahin, A., Ulutaş, Z., Yildirim, A., Kul, E., Uğurlutepe, E.: The effect of calving season on some milk yield traits and physicochemical properties of Anatolian buffaloes Karami, M.: Effects of nutritional and environmental on meat quality Pintić Pukec, N., Stručić, D., Solić, D., Blažek, D.: Analysis of official samples of fresh raw milk in the Central laboratory for milk quality control in Croatia SECTION: 2. Genetics, Breeding and Biometry 1. 2. 3. Yilmaz, O., Cemal, İ., Karaca, O., Ata, N.: Genetic characterization and diversity of Kıvırcık sheep breed raised in three different locations Demir, E. Ö., Delialioğlu, R. A., Kocabaş, Z., Başpinar, E.: Type-I error rate and test power under normal and various symmetric distribution in comparison of independent groups Soysal, M. İ., Gürcan, E. K., Aksel, M.: The comparison of lactation curve with different models in Anatolian water buffalo 6|P a g e 7TH BALKAN CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL SCIENCE BALNIMALCON 2015 AGENDA 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Kaymakçı, M., Ataç, F.E., Gevrekçi, Y.: Studies on Turkey new sheep types Ser, G., Okut, H., Yılmaz, M.C.: Using generalized linear mixed modeling in repeated measures in animal data and SAS’s GLIMMIX applications Yilmaz, M.C., Ser, G., Okut, H.: Comparison of predictive ability performance of Bayesian regularization, LevenbergMarguardt and scaled conjugant gradient learning algorithms in artificial neural networks Gunduz, Z., Yilmaz, O., Cemal, İ., Biçer, O.: Comparison of DNA marker technologies and SNPs applications in animal breeding programs Ata, N., Cemal, İ., Yilmaz, O.: Using of mitochondrial DNA in animal genetics Kiraz, S., Koncagul, S.: Polymorphism of the ABCG2 gene in the Southern Anatolian sheep population Bozkurt, Y.: Domestication in aquaculture Tran, N. Q., Kocak, M., Mendeş, M.: Comparison of some tests for testing interaction effect in time-course microarray experiments Ağyar, O., Üçkardeş, F., Küçükönder, H., Şahin, M.: A study on the live weight increase on the young Anatolian water buffoloes according to the months with the profile analysis method Ağyar, O., Şahin, M., Dal, B.: Modeling of individual lactation curve of Anatolia water buffalo Talebi, M.A., Dehghani, A.: Estimation of genetic parameters for somatic cell scores of Holsteins in Iran Sonmez, Z., Ozdemir, M.: Polymorphism of prolactin (PRL) gene in the East Anatolian red raised as genetic resource in Turkey Günaşti, N.E., Topal, M.: Examination of multivariate multiple linear regression analysis Aslan, Ö., Arslan, K., Keleş, İ., Akyüz, B., Ulusan, M., İlgar, E. G., Akçay, A.: The relationship between von Willebrand factor gene and von Willebrand factor antigen levels in dogs SECTION: 3. Livestock Farming Systems and Marketing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Boz, M.A., Sarica, M., Yamak, U.S.: Effect of barn and free-range production systems on some growth traits of geese Çakmakçi, C., Jørgensen, K. F.,Kristensen, T., Kargo, M., Vestergaard, M.: Comparison of growth performance and carcass quality of crossbred and purebred beef calves reared under organic conditions Çakmakçi, C., Karaca, S.: The effect of pre-slaughter stress on beef quality: incidence of DFD Kingueleoua K., K. C., Canyurt, M. A., Kengeueleoua, A. K.: Impact of recent socio-political conflicts over the prices of agricultural products in Central African Republic Kurc, H. C., Kocaman, I.: Evaluation of site selection criteria in livestock farm with Analytic Hierarchy Process Babacanoğlu, E.: Effects of breeder age on egg characteristics, incubation length and chick development SECTION: 4. Reproduction, Physiology, Anatomy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sandeva, R., Sandeva, G., Tsoneva, V., Nancheva-Koleva, K., Mihaylova, S.: Changes in body weight, body fat, lipid profile and proinflammatory markers in rats after administration of sucrose and aspartame Antunović, Z., Novoselec, J., Domaćinović, M., Đidara, M., Klir,Ž.: Haematological parameters in Alpine goats during pregnancy Ataç, F. E., Kaymakçi, M., Arsoy, D., Üstener, H.: Some reproductive traits in Turkey domestic sheep breeds Karaca, S., Yılmaz, A.: Sexual behaviors and testosterone levels of Saanen X Hair goat crossbred bucks Arat,S., Eren, A., Tuna, M., Bircan, R.: The viability and cell-cycle synchronization of sheep adult fresh and frozen muscle and fibroblast cells; effects of confluency, roscovitine and serum starvation SECTION: 5. Technologies of Animal Husbandry 7|P a g e 7TH BALKAN CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL SCIENCE BALNIMALCON 2015 AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Zapryanova, D., Ivanov, V., Çağiltay, F., Ekim, O., Dospatliev, L.: Proximate and mineral profile of snail meat (Helix lucorum) from Trakia Valley in Bulgaria Atanasoff, A., Nikolov, G., Bozakova, N., Cagiltay, F., Secer, F. S., Ekim, O.: Effect of the stocking density on the hydrochemical parameters and growth of Angel fish (Pterophyllum skalare) Šoškić, T., Štrbac, Lj., Janković, D., Trivunović, S., Plavšić, M., Šaran, M.: Factors affecting days open in Holstein dairy cattle in conventional and organic husbandry Önenç, A., Gönülol, E, Şimşek, Ş.: The future of robotic dairy farming in Turkey Tan, F.: The design and manufacture of variable capacity type vacuum packaging machine silage Onal, A. R., Tuna, Y. T., Yarar, E., Ozder, M.: Evaluation of bovine teat condition and cleanliness scoring systems Onal, A. R., Tuna, Y. T., Koycu, E., Ozder, M.: Compost bedded pack dairy barns Tuna, Y. T., Onal, A. R., Yaman, S., Özder, M.: The effects of different breeding systems on morphological traits of Anatolian water buffalo SECTION: 6. Native Animal Genetic Resources and Rural Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sandev, N., Sandeva, G., Deliradeva, R., Gidikova, P., Platikanova, M.: A year-long study on the disinfection of drinking water supplied to rural areas in Stara Zagora Municipality, Bulgaria Han, Y., Tez, Ş., İpek, P., Vural, M.E., Karataş, A., Keskin, B., Bakır,G.: Some yield features of Anatolian water buffaloes grown people's hand in Diyarbakir province Tez, Ş., Han, Y., İpek, P., Vural,M.E.: Some yield features of Zom sheep grown people's hand in Diyarbakir province Erol, H., Unal, N.: Milk yield and some udder traits at reared In situ - In vivo condition in Karakul sheep Göktepe, F., Cilveli, G., Soysal, İ., Gök, B., Vural, M.E.: Textile potential of down fibers of indigenous goats in Turkey Akça, N., Koncagül, S.,Vural, M. E., Karataş, A., Bingöl, M.: Morphological characteristics of Zom sheep Sezgin, E., Yüksel, S., Kopuzlu, S., Keskin, M., Karaçuhalilar, A., Ünal, M., Esenbuğa, N., Bilgin, Ö.C.: Determınation of wool traits and wool lanolin content in Morkaraman and Hemşin sheep grown extensively Brka, M., Dokso, A., Zecevic, E., Rustempasic, A.: Exterior characteristics indigenous Busha cattle breed in Bosnia and Herzegovina SECTION: 7. Animal Nutrition 1. Güney, M., Bingöl, N. T., Aksu, T.: Classification of forage quality: Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) and Relative Feed Value (RFV) 2. Özelçam, H., Özüretmen, S., İpçak, H. H., Dereboylu, A.: The effect of clove oil supplementation to wheat straw on cell wall components 3. Erdoğan, S., Karadaş, F., Yılmaz, A., Karaca, S.: The effects of feeding by different level of organic selenium on progeny during late gestation of Norduz ewes 4. Erener, G., Coskun, I., Akkan, A.: The effects of in ovo injection lysine and methionine to fertile broiler eggs on hatchability, growth performance, gastro intestinal tract development, gut microbiota and ileal histomorphology 5. İpçak, H. H., Alçiçek, A.: The effects of bioactive secondary plant metabolites supplementation to broiler chickens diets on some blood parameters 6. Soycan-Önenç, S., Turan, A.: Usage of cumin in animal nutrition 7. Sariçiçek, B. Z.: The effect of zink oxide supplementation in rations on fattening performance of weaning lambs 8. Sariçiçek, B. Z., Yildirim, B., Boğa, M.: The effects on fattening performance of using in lambs rations of different boron sources 8|P a g e 7TH BALKAN CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL SCIENCE BALNIMALCON 2015 AGENDA 9. Canatan, T., Kan, M., Akbulut, K., Halici, İ., Doğan, Ş., Tekik, H., Dağ, B.: Some fattening and slaughter characteristics of Dağliç, Hasak x Dağliç (F₁), and Hasmer x Dağliç (F₁) 10. Özdüven, M. L., Tepeli, C., Okuyucu, B.: The effects of lactic acid bacterial inoculants on the fermentation, aerobic stability and in vitro organic matter digestibility of sunflower silages 11. Basmacioğlu-Malayoğlu, H., Ipcak, H.H., Ajalli, S., Taghiloofar,A.H.: Nutrient and metabolic energy content of different originated milk thistle grown under Izmir conditions 12. Čengić-Džomba, S., Muratović, S., Džomba, E., Hadžić,Dž.: Effect of different dietary supplemented oils on growth characteristics of broiler chickens 13. Özcan, M.A.: New alternative protein source in poultry nutrition: Insects 14. Yavuz, E., Todorov, N., Ganchev, G., Nedelkov, K.: The effect of feeding different milk programs on dairy calf growth, health and development 15. Yavuz, E., Todorov, N., Ganchev, G., Nedelkov, K.: Effect of physical form of starter feed on intake, growth rate, behavior, and health status of female dairy calves 16. Yildiz, E., Todorov, N., Nedelkov, K.: Comparison of different protein sources in ration for dairy cows 17. Yildiz, E., Todorov, N., Nedelkov, K.: Comparison of rations for dairy cows with soybean meal or with rapeseed meal in which the main source of protein is sunflower meal 9|P a g e
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