ST. PADRE PIO PARISH Vigil Saturday, May 23rd 5:00pm/OLP Richard Cresci By Betty Cresci Rito, Mary & David Quaresina Sunday, May 31st 7:30am/OLP Fr. Carmen By Theresa Franceschini Sunday, May 24th 7:30am/OLP Ernie Bencie By Gregg & Roni Giancola Antoinette Gallina By Theresa Franceschini & Ernie Robert R. Franks By Albert & Martha Graiff Jeffrey Noto By Mom & Dad Pentecost Sunday People of the Parish Fr. Stephen LaRosa, O.S.A. By Dolores LaRosa Deacon Philip Quinn By Rita Quinn Dominick Miglio Louis “Louie” Dalponte By Pearl Bylone Joseph Lamanteer By Frank & Madeline Oertle The Most Holy Trinity People of the Parish John, Irene & Anna Siliquini By Mary Chammings Joyce Curley By Donald & Helen Fiocchi Lewis Lolli Fr. Peter By Brian & Maria Bertonazzi Fr. Peter 9:00am/OLP 10:30am/OLP Gregory Giuliami By Bill & Joan Martini James Bertonazzi By Carmen & Cesarina Croce Eleanor Murphy By Chris & Terri Burrows Fr. Cherubin F. Kerr, O.S.A. Fr. Patrick By Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Capizola Rocco, Alice & Dr. Ronald Magolda By Lucille Magolda Msgr. Clarke By Larry & Marie Ferrari Doris Boyce By Joseph Mish, Sr. & Joseph, Jr. Leonard Dolson By Ignatius & Margaret Bik & Family James Bertonazzi By Joe & Susan Tolotti 9:00am/OLP Marge Galbiati Fr. Patrick By Lee Tolotti & Family 10:30am/OLP Louis “Louie” Dalponte Fr. Peter By Stella Galzerano & Family Monday, May 25th St. Gregory VII/Memorial Day 9:00am/OLP Cemetery All Those Buried in our cemetery and those who lost their life in the military Fr. Peter NO EVENING MASS Tuesday, May 26th St. Philip Neri 8:45am/Chapel Donata Testa e Fr. Peter By Mr. & Mrs. Bob Buono Wednesday, May 27th St. Augustine of Canterbury 8:45am/StM Joseph Pegolotti Fr. Peter By Angelo & Frances Capizola Thursday, May 28TH St. Germanus 8:45am/Chapel Anthony Pillai Gerald Fr. Peter By Delores Flaim & Family Friday, May 29th St. William of Toulouse 8:45am/StM Father Cherubin F. Kerr, O.S.A. Fr. Peter By Eugene & Dorothy Caporale Saturday, May 30th St. Joan of Arc/Vigil 5:00pm/OLP Ernie Bencie Fr. Carmen By Josephine, Anthony & Danielle Tramontana Augustine Cerrone May 30th & 31st Readers: 5:00 PM OLP 7:30 AM OLP 9:00 AM OLP 10:30 AM OLP E.M: 5:00 PM OLP M. Benedetto, L. LaTorre S. Bertonazzi, Sr., M. Jaworski J. Hofstetter, S. Fiocchi J. Hofstetter, R. Yansick M. Harkins, F. Oertle, K. Melini, S. Bencie, C. Ericksen 7:30 AM OLP M. Grotti, T. Wagoner, J. Bertonazzi 9:00 AM OLP A. Thomas, L. Tiemann, F. Richmond, J. Richmond, E. Farrow 10:30 AM OLP J. Ciancaglini, L. Gallina, 3 Volunteers Altar Servers: 5:00 PM OLP 7:30 AM OLP 9:00 AM OLP 10:30 AM OLP N. Bosco, M. Camardo, I. Consalo, A. Francesconi L. & I. Jaep D., D. & L. Merighi, C. Thomas R. Cleveland, D. Farinaccio, 2 Volunteers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mass on Monday, May 25th, will be celebrated at 9:00 am in OLP Cemetery. There will be no evening Mass. ********************************************************************* By Michael Tedesco Mary Kiely By Phil & Mary Polizzi George William Dixon By Ruberti & Ortiz Families 1 VINELAND, NJ Our Sick Kaitlan Flanegan, Helen Gager, Linda Walck, Tilly Scaglia, Matthew Gagliardi, Mickey Conover, Joyce Forrest, Jackie Gross, Diane Ingenito, Otello Nezzi, Adela Campisi, Mary Cavagnaro, Pat & Carol Murray, Charles, Sherry, Charles Jr., & Mike Cestaro, Dianne Bellmore, Donald Kinkade, David Giglio, Ed Bergamo, Jim McMahan, Frank & Frances Buono, Rita Milano, Ed Sutter, Walter & Margaret Cherniak, Tina Klmenko, Mary Bedford, Sandra Ferrignio, Bob McCormick, Carol Piersimoni, Frank Santangelo, Benny Andreoli, Joan Marino Ross, William Ryan, Deanna Vinciguerra, Jennifer Riccardi, Leo Coslop, Debby Bishop, Tom Dillion, Kelly Hill, Geraldine Monestero, Weston Selby, Jan Pustizzi, Lisa Cochran, Nick Conenna, Kathy Milano, Laura Liss, Tara Hollander, Jennifer Trallo, Linda Nocito, Lori Lam, Nanette Alonzo, Jessica Flaim Salerno, Victoria Milano, Krista Milano, Jackie Cirillo, Taylor Hyndman, Mary D’Ottavio, Irene DeCesero, Jack Favoretto, Fred Dizenzo, Jason Thomas Myers, Kaycee Ryan Knuth, Irma Capizola, Sr., Philip Manfredi, Brandy Johnson, Brian Breck, Susan Farley, Becky Dondero, Deanna Murphy, Bud Catalano, George Cardona, David Irrgang, Todd Weaver, Andrea Cheli, Lee Tolotti, John Cheli, Anthony Riggio, Carmella ColonHouck, Lina Pustizzi, Keith & Dorothy Smaniotto, Page Parker, Jacob Ruga, Dr. Richard Golden, Ms. Zappia. To have a loved one listed on the prayer list in the bulletin, a request form will have to be completed or email us at [email protected]. The name will remain on the prayer list for eight weeks unless you remove the name before that time. Person for Sick List_________________________________________ Person submitting name_____________________________________ Phone# ___________________________Date_________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 05/28 – Altar Rosary Meeting & Ice Cream Social, Villa Rossello, 7:00 PM 05/28 – Knights of Columbus Meeting, Rosary Hall, 7:00 PM 05/31 – Senior Club Bus Trip to Caesars, $17pp; $30 slot play, Depart 1:00 PM 06/17 – Senior Club Bus Trip to Harrah’s Philadelphia, Chester, PA Depart 11:00 AM; 5 hour stay, $17pp; $30 slot Play. 06/21 – Altar Rosary Bake Sale after all Masses 06/28 – Fr. Peter’s Farewell Mass & Reception, 10:30 AM Mass/Rosary Hall 07/06 – Blood Drive, Rosary Hall, 3:00 to 8:00 PM 07/15 – Senior Club Bus Trip to Crab feast at Phillips Restaurant & Horseshoe Casino, Baltimore 08/04 – Phillies/Dodgers Baseball Bus Trip, Depart 4:45 PM 08/07 – Life Line Screening, Rosary Hall, 9:00 AM 08/26 – Senior Club Bus Trip – “Nashville at the Shore” at Doolan’s Shore Club of Spring Lake; depart 8:15 AM, Rosary Hall (Show & Lunch) 09/11 – “Joseph” at Sight & Sound Theatre, Lancaster, PA, Depart 8:30 AM 09/20 – St. Padre Pio Parish Festival, 11:00 AM 10/13 & 14 - Senior Club Bus Trip – Lobster Sea feast, All You Can Eat Lobster Buffet at the Inn at Hunt’s Landing, Pocono’s; Sands Casino 10/16 – Grandparents’ Chinese Auction, St. Mary School, 6:00 PM 12/07 – Senior Club Bus Trip to Mt. Airy Casino in the Poconos. $60 pp includes Deluxe Buffet, $20 slot play and show featuring the Platters. Depart OLP at 9:00 AM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stewards Contribute Giftedness: - “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” - 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-6 By giving each of His Stewards different gifts, God made sure that the Church would have the right combination of time, talent and treasure that was needed to do His work. However, if one of us does not utilize our gifts, God’s plan goes unfulfilled. Some important work is left undone. SANCTUARY LAMP In Memory of Geoffrey Warren By Leo & Doris Duquette This candle burns perpetually as a reminder that Jesus is present in the tabernacle. 05/17 – Collection: $8,605.00 Candles: $164.00 Ascension Thursday: $1,421.00 Catholic Communications: $288.00 Our Lady of Pompeii Church The flowers in the Sanctuary are in memory of Albert, David & Richard Siciliano from their loving family. (Flowers may be placed in memory of loved ones by calling Johanne Bylone at 691-3669 or Judy Fries at 825-0594). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ House of Charity We are slowly approaching our goal of $102,300.00. To date $88,111.00 has been collected from 224 donors. We have 1,285 families in the parish. It would mean so much to Fr. Peter if we can achieve our goal before he leaves. Please make a pledge or donation if you have not already done so. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Child Chapel Monday through Friday - 9:15am – 3:00pm Solemn Eucharistic Adoration – Tuesdays – 9:15am – 3:00pm Closing prayers at 3:00pm. Please come to adore the Lord. Father’s Day Remembrance If you would like your father, living or deceased, remembered at the Masses on Father’s Day, please complete the special envelope you received in your monthly mailing and return it to the parish office no later than Monday, June 8th. Please print clearly. THERE WILL BE NO RECITATION OF THE ROSARY AT ST. MARY’S CHURCH ON MONDAY, MAY 25TH. 2 PENTECOST SUNDAY Children’s Liturgy of the Word 24 HOUR ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Sunday at the 9:00 AM Mass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Knights of Columbus Council will be holding a 24 hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Child Chapel. Adoration will begin on Saturday, May 23rd at 3:00pm and end the following day on Sunday, May 24th at 3:00pm, Pentecost Sunday. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, not even if your whole world seems upset. If you find that you have wandered away from the shelter of God, lead your heart back to Him quietly and simply.” - St. Francis DeSales ALL ARE INVITED TO SPEND TIME IN PRAYER WITH JESUS DURING THIS 24 HOUR ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. A SIGN-UP SHEET IS POSTED IN THE BACK OF CHURCH. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Singing God’s Praises” Rehearsals: Children’s Choir: Tuesday, 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Grades 2 to 8. Adult Choir: Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Children’s Choir Liturgy: Sunday, June 7th - 9:00 AM Friday, June 12th – 5:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is still time to register for 2015/2016. We have made some exciting changes to meet the needs of our school community. 1. We are now accepting students who will be 2 1/2 by Oct. 1, 2015 into our Pre-K 3 Program. 2. Pull-Ups are now allowed in Pre-K3. Our Pre-K teachers will work in conjunction with parents to have the children Pull-Up free by December. On June 14th Saint Padre Pio Players and Mrs. Pearl Giordano will be honoring all Veterans, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters and First Responders at the 10:30 Mass. We will begin rehearsing within the next week. We are inviting anyone who would like to join us in word and song to contact Gracie Hoffner (856)213-6748 or e-mail [email protected]. It is our way to give back to those men and women who give to us on a daily basis. “There is no better exercise of the heart than bending down and lifting people up." Rehearsal schedule is as follows: Thursday May 28th 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Sunday May 31st 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Sunday June 7th 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Thursday June 11 6:30 pm to 8:00pm 3. St. Mary School has opened a second fourth grade classroom for the 2015/2016 school year! You still have time to register. Please call Mrs. Carol Kirchman at 856-692-8537 x 324 for a tour. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SUMMER ACCELERATED PROGRAM Religious Education classes will be offered this summer for children currently in grades K to 7. Classes begin June 29th and end July 10th, 8:30am to 12:30pm. No class on July 3rd. For more information or an application, please contact Sister Judith at 691-7526. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY Mass ~ Meeting & Ice Cream Social The Altar Rosary Society will meet on Thursday, May 28th at the Villa Rossello. Mass will be celebrated at 7:00pm followed by a short meeting and ice cream social. All members are urged to attend. Monday, July 6th 3:00 to 8:00 pm in Rosary Hall All blood types are needed, particularly A & AB. Type O donors are especially needed as they are the universal donor. If you are a Type O or any negative blood type, please consider doing a double red cell donation. The Automated Red Cell Collection Process is available. Please speak to the technician and see if you qualify: 1-800-733-2767. Appointments are preferred. You may sign up at Enter sponsor Keyword: pppnj. Our goal is 45 pints. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please support the businesses that advertise on the back of our parish bulletin. 3 MAY 24, 2015 VILLA ROSSELLO RAFFLE The Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy are holding their annual 20-Week Raffle. Tickets are $20 each with a chance to win every Sunday for 20 weeks starting June 7th. The final grand prizes will be drawn on October 18th at a Pasta Dinner. (Free Pasta Dinner for Ticket Holders) For tickets and more information, call 856-697-2983 or email [email protected]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember in your Daily prayers USAF: Stf. Sgt. Michael Rhodes; Sr.; Col. Jennifer Hammerstedt; Gen. Michael A. Fantini, Sr., Captain Elizabeth Golden Air Force National Guard: Stf. Sgt. Joseph R. Tolotti Army: Wes Jarrell; Lt. Col. Stephen P. Dondero; Sgt. Thomas Riggio; John Caccia; Stf. Sgt. Special Forces/Medic Rusty Waymack; SFC Timothy M. Dobson; SFC Jason Heney; Stf. Sgt. Richard Rivera; SPC Michael Ruga; Sgt. James Conklin; Private Anthony Bertonazzi. Navy: Chief Dennis Lloyd; Ryan S. Valerio Marines: Captain Christopher Kuhlen Caldwell; PFC Elton King WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Plants need fertilizer to grow healthy and strong and so too does your marriage. Without some nurturing and care it will remain weak and unfulfilling. Spread a little fertilizer on your relationship. Make a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend and watch your love for each other grow. The next weekend dates are May 29-31 and July 31-Aug 2, 2015. Call 609-742-4035 for information or email [email protected]. Visit our website: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mailing addresses for some of our men and women in the service are posted in the back of church with their pictures. Please send them a note or care package throughout the year even if you do not know them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knights of Columbus ~ Council #6621 The Knights are still collecting old eyeglasses for the needy. If you have any eyeglasses that you are no longer using, please drop them in the K of C box in the back of church . Your support of New Eyes for the Needy program helps to improve the vision of poor children and adults in the US and around the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANGELS WANTED Msgr. Bottino can use your help distributing Holy Communion to the Catholic patients at Inspira Hospital, Vineland. This would require approximately two hours monthly, weekly or as a substitute (at a time convenient to you). If you are interested in this very rewarding calling, please contact Msgr. Bottino (856-230-5322) or Val (856-692-4241). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Caesars Casino Bus Trip Sunday, May 31st. Cost is $17.00 per person; receive back $30 slot play. Bus departs at 1:00 pm from OLP parking lot. Depart at 8:00 pm for return home. Twelve seats remain. For reservations or more information, call Rosemary Nestor at 856226-3451. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Happy Birthday Padre Pio Candlelight Procession Wednesday, June 3rd Padre Pio Shrine ~ 6:30 PM Everyone is invited to honor St. Padre Pio at the Padre Pio Shrine located on Rt. 40 in Landisville. Festivities include the recitation of the rosary, candlelight procession and stories of healing. The Knights of Columbus will be present. There will also be music and light refreshments. The Relic will be there for you to honor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enjoy the Fall Foliage & an All You Can Eat Lobster Fest Buffet October 13th & 14th - Best Western Inn at Hunt’s Landing in the Poconos. The cost is $210pp (double occupancy) and includes the All You Can Eat Lobster Fest Buffet which features a full menu of seafood, hot and cold, and many other entrée selections, Prime Rib carving station, Captain’s Viennese Table, Sundae Bar, 2 hour open bar and 3 hours of dancing. Hotel has an indoor heated pool and sauna, fitness and activities center. Hot breakfast at hotel. A $25 Sands Casino package is also included. Bus departs Tuesday, October 13th at 10:00 am from Rosary Hall, 4680 Dante Avenue. Depart on Wednesday at 10:00 am for Sands Casino in Bethlehem, PA for a four hour stay. For a flyer with detailed information or for reservations, call Rosemary Nestor at 856-226-3451. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Banns of Marriage 2nd – Dana Profero & Matthew Montana The parish office will be closed on Monday, May 25th. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rest in Peace – Raffealla “Raffie” Capizola Have a safe Memorial Day weekend! 4 END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN CHURCH NAME: St. Padre Pio Parish CHURCH CITY: Vineland, NJ ROUTING CODE: R RUN NUMBER: 1 FILENAME: 04-0914.26b PHONE NUMBER: 856-691-7526 FAX NUMBER: 856-692-2686 EDITOR/ CONTACT: Janice CURRENT FORMAT:EBSWTD – TEXAS DOUBLE Note to Press: This document printed at: 5/20/15 7:49 PM
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