Australia`s Biggest Morning Tea

Property Management
In this issue
› What is a property worth?
› Biggest morning tea
› Miss Wagga Quest 2015
What is a property worth?????
If you ask most homeowners this question, their response is often far market via Internet rental portal listing sites as well as the
greater than the market. If we were to ask you today this question,
properties we have available internally.
what would you say? How did you determine the value?
Managing and renting properties is not a guessing game. We want
Establishing a value for anything is about supply and demand and a
to find the best possible tenant in the quickest possible time.
comparison to what is available and the desire of someone to buy it.
If we were to value the rent under current market value, you could
Valuing a rental property is exactly the same. In determining the
be at a financial loss – or if we overvalue the weekly rent it could
worth of a rental property we conduct a CMA (Comparative Market
lead to reduced interest from tenants, an extended vacancy
Analysis). We will research what properties are available in the local
period and financial loss. Being known as the home for property
knowledge and research we want to get it right for you!!!!
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea- Thursday 28th May
Every row & column, and 3x3 box must contain the
numbers 1-9. Goodluck!!!
For the month of May our office will be baking every day and selling our goodies
to staff and who ever walks through our doors in need of a baked treat!
We will be however having a formal morning tea on Thursday 28th May @ 10am in
our offices for those that would like to attend and lend their support or alternatively
you may simply just like to make a donation by following the below link.
Call us today for friendly advice. We can
provide value added information to save you
money. Request to be added to our
database and be the first to know about
newly our listed properties.
(02) 69233 555
Miss Wagga Wagga Quest 2016
We are excited to announce that our very own Adele Harmer is an entrant for the Miss Waga Wagga Quest
2016. Adele joined the quest as she felt it would be a “rewarding experience to be able to give back to the
community and grow personally, as she believes it is an opportunity for women to foray their talent and
feel empowered”.
2015 marks the 68th year of the Miss Wagga Wagga Quest. It has a long and proud tradition and yet
continues to make its presence felt within the community.
Our office has previously had staff members take part in Wagga Wagga Takes Two helping raising funds for much needed local charities so
we are thrilled to be getting behind Adele. The entrants of the Miss Wagga Wagga Quest have raised close to 2 million dollars, all of which has
been distributed to local charities and community organisations in Wagga Wagga.
The Miss Wagga Wagga quest has been running since 1948 and is perhaps the oldest and longest serving quest of its type in Australia. While
the winners of other quests held during festival times in many centers usually rein for the duration of the festival, Miss Wagga Wagga and
Community Princess hold their titles for a year. This allows to the contestants to work collectively for chartiies and community organisation of
their choice throughout this time.
However, the Miss Wagga Wagga Quest Entrants are judged not on how much money they raise, but on how they perform throughout the
Quest. Judges look for a wide variety of skills and attributes, including how well the Entrants work together as a team, as well as their
presentation, commitment and communication, while the Quest endeavours to help each individual realise their full potential.
To get behind Adele keep an eye on our social media pages for updates on her progress and scheduled fundraising activies.
Pictured from left: Amelia Morton, Megan Short,
Chloe Antone, Jessica Watson, Adele Harmer and
Melissa Mckinnon
Mother’s Day
Don’t forget Mothers Day that is just
around the corner on Sunday 10th May.
We will be running a promotion for a
chance to win a Myers Voucher to the
value of $100. Follow us on our social
media sites for more information.
Photo courteousy of jpp photography
Wagga Wagga Gold Cup - 2015
This Friday sees the annual Wagga Wagga Gold Cup Carnival, which is the pinnacle of racing in
the Riverina region. The 2 day carnival (pictured right) attracts thousands of racegoers and is
believed to be the second oldest thoroughbred race in Australia. Offering $140,000 in prize
money and attracting the very best stayers from country New South Wales and Victoria as well
as quality city horses. Not to be forgotten is the hotly contested Fashions on the Field
competition for those fashion savy racegoers.
IMPORTANT: This is not advice. Clients should not act solely on the basis of the material contained in this newsletter. Items herein are general comments only and do not
constitute or convey advice per se. Every effort is made to ensure the contents are accurate at the time of publication. Clients should seek their own independent professional
advice before making any decision or taking action. We take no responsibility for any subsequent action that may arise from the use of this newsletter.
(02) 69233 555