Wednesday Weekly Newsletter Visit to view it online 15th April 2015 Dear Parents, Hope you all had a fantastic Easter break and are looking forward to a busy Summer Term! Please continue to read the Wednesday Weekly, also accessible on the school website, to keep informed of what is going on in school. Your child will be bringing home a curriculum letter today so please make sure you look in your child’s bag. SUPER PUPILS CELEBRATION ASSEMBLY ON FRIDAY 27TH MARCH 2015 Reception - Lottie Year 1 - Harrison Year 2 - Paige Year 3 - Laura Year 4 - Toby Year 5 - Whole Class Year 6 - Sophie PARENT GOVERNOR ELECTION A vacancy has arisen for a parent governor on the school’s governing body. This position is an important role and offers the chance for a parent to become involved in key decisions being made in school. If you are interested in this position then please contact Mr Caunce by Friday 24th April 2015. If more than one person is interested then an election will follow. ONE WAY SYSTEM Following the huge difference made by the trial instigated by the School Council before Easter the school governors have decided that the one way system is to continue with immediate effect. A letter has been sent out in your child’s bag today. EASTER BONNET AND BOOK CHARACTER EGG CHALLENGE Thank you to everyone for your amazing efforts in creating some wonderful Easter bonnets and book character eggs. All the winners received an Easter egg. ROTA KIDS BAD HAIR DAY – FRIDAY 17TH APRIL The Rota Kids have organised a Bad Hair Day on Friday 17th April to help raise funds for the Rota Kids charities which includes Guide Dogs for the Blind. Each child can donate a £1.00 to allow them to wear their hair as crazy as possible, wigs are included too. This will be judged by the Rota Kids and a prize given to the child with the wildest hair do! Please pass all donations to the class teacher. ROTA KIDS SPIRAL OF MONEY CHALLENGE – FRIDAY 1ST MAY On Friday 1st May the Rota Kids have organised a Spiral of Money Challenge. Your child can bring in any loose change to add to the spiral during break time and lunch time to raise money for the Rota Kids charities. SCHOOL DINNER GRAB BAGS Grab Bags containing a sandwich, fruit, biscuit/cake, bottle of water will be available to order from Pat w/c Monday 20th April, as an alternative to a hot school dinner, for all pupils having school dinners. Pupils must order a grab bag at the kitchen window prior to the start of the school day (8.20 – 8.35 am); no late orders will be accepted. The grab bag will be available for pick up at the kitchen hatch at lunchtime. SWIMMING – YEAR 1 Just a reminder that all pupils in Year 1 need to bring their swimming kits in tomorrow for their swimming lesson. HOUSE POINT WINNERS - YELLOW TEAM All pupils in the yellow team may attend school in their own clothes on Friday 17th April. Y6 BOREATTON PARK Just a reminder that the final payment of £40 is now overdue! Please ensure that this is paid by Friday 17th April. Cash or cheques payable to LCC are accepted PTFA EASTER GAMES NIGHT The Easter Games Night raised a fantastic amount of £400. We would like to thank everyone for your support. PTFA MEETING – WEDNESDAY 22ND APRIL The next PTFA meeting will be held in school next Wednesday 22nd April at 6.00 p.m. in the Staff Room. If you are able to contribute in any way then you are more than welcome to join us. BIG TIDY UP – SATURDAY 9TH MAY As part of developing outdoor learning, we are organising a Big Tidy Up on Saturday 9th May in the woodland that runs along the left hand side of the school field, to make it accessible by children. If you and your child are able to help clear the area then please return the slip at the bottom of the letter sent out in your child’s bag today. PTFA DISCO – FRIDAY 15TH MAY Our next PTFA disco is taking place on Friday 15th May. Further details will follow. TRAINEE TEACHER IN YEAR 1 Our school works in conjunction with teacher training organisations in order to support and develop trainee teachers. I am sure that you will join me in welcoming Mr Jonathan Latimer who will be undertaking a final teacher training placement in the summer term, based primarily in Year 1. KS2 LUNCHTIME CHESS CLUB A KS2 Chess club will commence on Wednesday 29th April until Wednesday 20th May (4 weeks), taking place at lunch time from 12.30 – 1.30 p.m. for pupils in Year 3 – 6. There are a limited number of places available, so a first come first served basis will apply. Please complete the permission slip below if your child is interested and return it to Mrs Vost by Wednesday 22nd April SCHOOL DINNERS School dinners cost £2.30 per day or £11.50 per week. If you wish to pay for the next half term (Monday 13 April – Friday 22 May), the amount is £66.70 per child, 29 lunches in total. Cheques should be made payable to LCC School dinners should be paid for in advance either weekly or termly. Dinner bags are placed in your child’s bag every Thursday stating the amount that you owe, with payment on Friday. Please can all outstanding payments for last term be paid by Friday 17th April. READING TARGET The target read for the Summer Term is 35 by Monday 13th July. Thank you for your continued support in helping your child reach these challenging targets! CROSS COUNTRY RUN AND FUN RUN – ASTLEY PARK Well done to all the pupils that took part in the cross country run held at Astley Park before Easter. They all ran their very best! EXTRA - CURRICULAR ACHIEVEMENTS Congratulations to the following pupils on their achievements outside of school:Adam in Reception – Football Academy Award Daniel in Year 1 – Football Academy Award Jameson in Reception – Football Academy Award Harry in Reception – Football Academy Award Jake in Year 2 – Semi-finalist in Tennis Competition Jameson in Reception – Waterskills 1 Swimming Award Daisy in Year 1 – 5 Metres Swimming Award Aimee in Year 3 – Kumon Maths Level A Year 5 & 6 Orienteering Competition Well done to Abigail W, Isobel S, Abigail H, Erin, Lucy, Isobel C, Allana, Lily and Mia in Year 6 and Millie, Amber, Niamh in Year 5 for taking part. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves. WALKING BUS Now that summer is near and the weather is improving why not consider the Walking Bus. A member of staff will arrive at Spar at approximately 8.25 a.m. and leave promptly at 8.30 a.m. for school, with no stopping en route to pick up additional children. Please see Mr Caunce for more information. LAST WEEK’S HOUSE POINT WINNERS – GREEN HOUSE – WELL DONE! TOKENS/VOUCHERS We are now collecting Sainsbury’s Active Vouchers in addition to Batteries and Clothing, Bedding etc. for the clothes bank at the rear of the school. Your support is really appreciated! PRIMROSE HILL OUT OF SCHOOL CLUB If you have any queries regarding Out of School Club please contact the school office on 01257 276688 or Miss Collison on 07548 944202. Yours sincerely G. Caunce – Headteacher. KS2 LUNCHTIME CHESS CLUB NAME OF CHILD ______________________________________ CLASS ____ I give permission for my child to join the chess lunchtime club. SIGNED __________________________________ Parent/Guardian DIARY DATES Please note that we have made every effort to ensure that these dates are correct. However some dates may have to be changed at short notice due to availability of visitors or clashes with other events. Please therefore check the dates on a regular basis. Friday 17th April Rota Kids Bad Hair Day th Monday 20 April Parents’ Evening Wednesday 22nd April Class and Team Photographs PTFA Meeting – 6.00 p.m. st Friday 1 May Rota Kids Spiral of Money th Monday 4 May May Day – School closed th Wednesday 6 May Year 1 Hoghton Tower Trip th Thursday 7 May Year 4 Kadampa Buddhist Temple Trip Local and General Election in the DEN (School open as normal) Saturday 9th May Woodland Outdoor Big Tidy Up th Monday 11 – Thursday 14th May SATS week Friday 15th May PTFA Disco th Monday 18 – Friday 22 nd May Monday 18th May Walk to School Week Sports Day th Tuesday 19 May Boreatton Park Parents’ Meeting – Year 6 Classroom – 5.00 p.m. New Starter Induction Meeting – 6.00 p.m. Friday 22nd May School closes for half term Monday 8th June School reopens Friday 19th – Monday 22nd June Year 6 Boreatton Park residential Wednesday 24th June Year 1/2 Quad Kids Athletics – 1.00 - 3.00 p.m. Year 3/4 Quad Kids Athletics – 4.00 - 6.00 p.m. Friday 26th June Choir Blackpool Trip th Saturday 27 June PTFA Football Tournament and BBQ Friday 3rd July Art Weaving Day th th Monday 6 – Friday 10 July Year 1 - 6 Sports Club Tuesday 14th July Year 6 School Production - Afternoon th Wednesday 15 July Year 6 School Production – 6.30 p.m. Monday 20th July Staff v Pupil Sports Match Wednesday 22 nd July Thursday 23rd July Year 6 Leavers Assembly – 1.30 p.m. School closes – end of academic year Year 6 School Trip
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