DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 24 October 2014

Telephone: (01785) 712488 Fax: 01785 711341
E-mail: [email protected] Website
Friday 24th October 2014
Friday 24th October 2014
Monday 3rd November 2014
Tuesday 11th November, 2014
Friday 21st November, 2014
Wednesday 17th December, 2014
Friday 19th December, 2014
Friday 6th March 2015
11th and 12th March 2015
Thursday 2nd April, 2015
16th and 17th April 2015
Friday 22nd May, 2015
Monday 1st June, 2015
Friday 12th June, 2015
Wednesday 8th July, 2015
Wednesday 15th July 2015
Friday 17th July, 2015
Break up for half term holiday
Inset day
Years 3 and 4 pupil’s parents invited 2.15 pm
Year 2 Class assembly parents invited 2.15 pm
St. Leonard’s Christmas concert 2 pm and 6 pm
Christmas Service St. Leonard’s Church 9.30am
Year 1 Class assembly parents invited 2.15 pm
Parents Evening
Easter Service St. Leonard’s Church 9.30am
Inset days
Reception Class assembly parents invited 2.15 pm
Inset day
Sports Afternoon from 1.15 pm
Reports Parents Evening
St. Leonard’s summer production 2pm and 6 pm
Leavers Service St. Leonard’s Church 9.30 am
Children finish today for the half term break. We look forward to welcoming them back
into school on Tuesday 4th November, as Monday 3rd is an Inset Day.
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY - 9th November 2014
Please support the British Legion Poppy Appeal. Poppies and a limited supply of
wristbands are now on sale in school in the school lobby. Thank you
The Staffordshire Newsletter visited this week to take a photograph of our Reception
class. This will appear in their newspaper on 6th November 2014.
The annual general meeting took place this week. Our thanks go to Nicky Shore who
has now stepped down as Chairperson. Nicky has contributed a great deal during her
time as Chair and has thrown herself into fundraising for the school for which we are
very grateful. The new committee is as follows:
Jan Gormley (Jude & Keir)
Eve Marsh (Cooper)
Julie Barber (Sophia)
Thank you to Julie Barber for agreeing to carry on the role of Treasurer and to Jan
Gormley and Eve Marsh for volunteering to step back into their roles. We are confident
they will all do a wonderful job of continuing the work of the PTFA. Any help and
support from other parents would be very much appreciated. Dates for forthcoming
events will follow in the near future.
We have a case of head lice in the school. We would appreciate it if you could please
check your child’s hair carefully over the weekend and treat appropriately to avoid any
further cases. Thank you.
We are in need of bottle tops to complete our collage. We now just need GOLD tops to
add the finishing touches so please bring any that you may have into school. These can
be handed in to the school office.
Some keys have been handed in, found on our staff car park.
belong to you please ask at the school office.
If you think they may
Following on from our Harvest donations to Food Bank we have decided that as a school
and church together we would like to make regular contributions to this worthy cause.
After the half term break there will be a box in the reception for donations of food
items e.g. tinned vegetables, fruit juice, jam, cereals, pasta sauces etc. There will be
a list of suitable foods with the box. These will then be delivered on a regular basis to
Food Bank by Revd. Kareen.
We urge parents to get involved and make regular
contributions. Thank you.
w/c 4th November
MONDAY - All Years
FOOTBALL - 6 Sessions with Mr. Oldham, Inspired Coaching
Commencing 10
November, 2014 every Monday until the end of term.
Cost £15.00
TUESDAY - All Years
MULTI-SKILLS – 7 Sessions with Mr. Oldham, Inspired Coaching
Commencing 4
Cost £17.50
November, 2014 every Tuesday until the end of term
WEDNESDAY – From Year 1
ART – 6 sessions due to Christmas Concert 17th Dec
commencing 5th November, 2014 every Wednesday until the end of term
Cost £15.00
FOOTBALL – 7 sessions with Mr Oldham, Inspired Coaching
Commencing 5th November, 2014 every Wednesday until end of term
Cost £17.50
THURSDAY – From Year 1
ICT AND SMART TECHNOLOGY – 7 sessions with Miss Rogers
Commencing 6
Cost £17.50
November, 2014 every Thursday until the end of term
BOARD GAMES (incorporating Maths & other skills) – For Years 3 and 4
BOARD GAMES – 7 sessions with Mrs. Plant
Cost £17.50
Commencing 6 November, 2014 every Thursday until the end of term
Children can bring in their own board games from home e.g Ludo, Scrabble etc.
TENNIS – 6 sessions with Mr. Waters
Commencing 7
November, 2014 every Friday, last session 12 December
Cost £15.00